Two Years Later (Again)

Hey, sorry we haven't seen you since we where twelve. Come to our graduation party and not kill us. Thanks. - The Pine Twins

"Mabel, don't you think that's kinda vague." Steven asked, looking at their senior photos next to Frisk.

Dipper closed the door to the attic, "I think two out of... How many?"

His sister rolled her eyes, finishing her brothers sentance, "Six people."

"Yeah, two out of six will understand." The boy sat down in front of the computer.

"Who are you guys talking about exactly?" Frisk questioned, propping herself up on her elbows.

As if on cue, both twins spoke simultaneously, "The Mystery Kids."

The friends stared at them, waiting for an answer on who these kids might be. And to why they hadn't seen them since they where twelve, Steven coughing loudly to signal their distress.

"Coraline, Wybie, Neil, Norman, Raz, and Lili... They where our semi-magic friends before you guys. And we just grew apart, we met you guys. That's just how it went sadly." Dipper avoided all eye contact.

Mabel interjected, "To be fair, it was on both sides. It's a mutal thing, all eight members just... Stopped contact."

"That's terrible, I'd never do that to you guys!" Steven cried, sitting up.

Frisk shook her head, "Semi-magic?"

Grinning Mabel ruffled through the pictures scattered on the ground, bringing up an old photo of the group that Norman's dad had taken, "Norman, the spiked haired guy, could communicate with ghosts, he saved his whole town and freed a little girls ghost." Neil is just his friend."

"Coraline went to a special world through a tiny door and got trapped, everything was just like her old house, except bright, and everyone had button eyes. Even the version of her neighbor friend, Wybie. She killed the ruler and fled." Dipper contuined on, pointing at the blue haired girl with her arm wrapped around a boy.

"Raz and Lili are special, Raz has telekinesis, and can turn invisible. They work for a place called Psychonauts." Mabel added.

Dipper budded in and pointed out the pair, "Lili, his girlfriend, has the same powers, and loads more. She can talk to plants."

"I talked to a plant." Frisk too sat up, "He tried to kill me."

"I made watermelon children of myself and multiplied them to an extreme ammount. Now they have an island dedicated to themselves." Steven smiled at the memory.

Mabel, tapping her fingers, shrugged, "Okay, so maybe Lili isn't the only one skilled with plants. We beat this one guy who was trying to steal everyone's brains to a pulp. Then, everyone left. I knew we should've stayed in contact."

"Will Lili destroy you with.. Plants because you haven't contacted them?" Steven picked up the photo and squinted at it.

Shaking his head, Dipper grabbed the grad party announcement, the picture of Mabel and him in their gowns made him smile, before looking up, "We didn't get an invite to Coraline's."

"But strangly, Wybie invited us. It was a couple days before we left to go see you guys at the shack two years ago. " Mabel snatched the photo from his hands.

Frisk stood up and grabbed one of the announcements and an envelope, "Enough of that, if they come, they come. Now, I need a pen, because Toriel and everyone on my side want an invite."

"The crystal gems too. Peridot misses the shack and Amethyst wants to chill with Soos again." Steven added.

Both twins sighed, taking the envelope from Frisk and another from Steven. Writing their names in the fronts, stamping them, and placing them ontop of a letter adressed to the members of The Mystery Kids.

Of course when Coraline got hers, she flipped and immediately laughed.

Her raincoat on and everything, she trudged through the mud, the black cat following reluctantly through the muck, his paws full in mere seconds before Coraline sighed and picked him up. Pressing the feline close to her body, just how he'd loved it.

She knew the procedure, stomping her boots off at the door before entering at free will. Finding her friend sitting on the couch with a framiler boy sitting with him.

"Hey Wybie, and Raz?" She smiled, taking off her coat and letting the cat away.

Raz looked at the blue haired girl," Hey Coraline, when did you get back from college? Lili wants to see you."

Furrowing her brows she flopped down next to Wybie, "I got back this morning, where is she?"

As if on cue, she emerged from the hall, dusting off her skirt before noticing her friend. Picking up her pace to sit on the floor next to Raz, her signature pigtales laying on Coralines lap.

"Wybie did you check your mailbox?" She asked Wybie.

He shook his head, "No."

She rolled her eyes, taking the graduation party announcement from her pocket to show everyone. Lili's pigtails slapping Raz in the face as she looked at it.

Raz started laughing about the same time as Lili, both turning back around, clutching their stomachs.

"They look so old. I can't believe they're already graduating. I mean, Mabel doesn't have braces anymore." Wybie pointed, stopping the pyhcronaut pair to cease laughs.

Quietness captured the room before Raz spoke, "How long has it been?"

"Six years. Do you guys think ole Norm and Neil are gonna make an appearance?" Coraline asked, draping her legs over Wybies lap as he rolled his eyes.

Lili shrugged, "It wouldn't take much to get them here. Norman's got a car, and he got out of university a week ago. Neil is always up for a road trip, c'mon, let's go make fun of them."

"And beat them up for ignoring us." Coraline added.

For all Norman knew, the road trip was supposed to be easy without a GPS. Paper directions and road signs where key. But having Neil tell you one wrong road, and they found themselves stranded on a road surrounded by woods.

They tried to ask for directions to Gravity Falls, and most nobody knew what it was.

Norman tried a cemetery that sat vacant of any love, the graves all old and chipped from years of weather. The population high with the undead, willing and ready to help.

He'd found a man who used to live right outside, besides his many stories, he explained to keep going straight. No matter what, you'll reach the sign.

They did.

The sign almost seemed like a relief, the town just down a hill, the memories making Norman smile bright, while Neil cheered and chanted until they reached the center of town. Signs pointing to the shack on every street.

Mabel and Dipper had to sit close to the front of the shack, greeting everyone, hugging, hand shaking. The people never seeming to end. It was as if everyone from Gravity Falls had decided to attend.

"Hello children. Congratulations." Toriel greeted, hugging the twins as her friends followed behind.

Sans winked and pointed followed by his brother who bear hugged the two, "IM SO PROUD OF YOU GUYS. WHAT DO WE DO AT A GRADUATION PARTY?"

Mabel giggled, "You talk to people, eat food, and take a look at the wall of pictures. Have fun Papyrus."

He took off running, Undyne sighing before waving at the pair, Alphys following close behind.

"That took literally ages." Frisk sighed, watching everyone file in, her sun dress flowing in the wind like magic as she hugged both the twins at the same time, "You deserve this party. Congratulations you two!"

Joining Mabel and Dipper, Frisk pointed out the Crystal Gems, Lapis being the first to walk in, flashing everyone a smile as she walked by, Amethyst running by screaming something about food.

Pearl rolled her eyes, "Sorry about that. But, oh! You guys did it! I remember the little 13 year olds! Dipper, Mabel, I knew you could do it."

Slightly chuckling, Dipper reached out and hugged her, Mabel linec up next to hug.

"Good job." Garnet said.

Of course Steven was last, Peridot climbing off his back and squinting at the twins, "I don't know what the point of this party is. But congratulations clo- Mabel and Dipper Pines."

Before they could thank her, Steven grabbed Mabel, swinging her around in a squished hug, Dipper being the next victim.

Frisk scrunched her nose, putting a strand of hair behind her ear, "What was up with Peridot?"

Steven grimaced, "They're playing reruns of Camp Pining Hearts season three all day and she's upset that she's missing it."

"Peridot likes CPH?!" Mabel exclaimed, almost jumping in front of Steven, "I love that show! I have season three on dvd! She can totally borrow it."

"She'd love that!" Steven began.

A rusty station wagon stopped conversation, it's breaks louder than it's engine, almost outdoing the motorcycle, everyone laying eyes on those who emerged.

Taking off her helmet, the girl on the back of the bike grinned, evily, staring at the Pine Twins. Steven and Frisk shrinking back in silence.

"Well I'll be." She crossed her arms.

Two people emerged from the trees, Frisk pointing with her mouth open. The station wagons doors opening to reveal a spikey haired guy, a pudgy guy stumbling from the passenger side.

The driver of the motorcycle took off his helmet aswell, pointing directly at Frisk, "Woah, aren't you the girl who rescued all the monsters?"

Reluctantly she nodded, Dipper rolling his eyes as he moved his friend behind him, "C'mon guys let's get this over with okay, we have alot to catch up on."

"This is Frisk, and Steven Universe." Dipper gestured.

Silence stole the scene.

"Frisk, Steven, this is Coraline, Wybie, Neil, Norman, Raz, and Lili, the members of The Mystery Kids."

Steven could feel his stomach churn, the altercation becoming stale and dull. Some feeling in his belly sensing something bad about to happen. He couldn't help but to feel the glares.

Frisk smiled, "Hey, nice to meet you guy-" She was cut off by a loud sneeze from Neil, startling Steven.

A bubble flew around Steven, Frisk, and the Pines. Stevens arms flying out, his face full of horror as he looked at the others expressions. Mabel poking the bubble in amazement.

Standing up straight, Steven made the bubble pop, Mabel in mid poke, Frisk clapping at the show.

"What?" Lili spat.

Steven chuckled in nervousness, "Sorry, sorry, it's a habit."

Norman rubbed his arm, looking to this tall guy he noticed a sort of pink aura. Seeing that nobody else was saying anything, he was about to say something. Before whispers filled his ears, a warm womans voice, saying a bunch of random things that clouded his mind.

Isn't he just amazing.

Tell him I say hi?

Tell him I know everything?

Can you? His friends are just wonderful, I think you'll be great friends aswell.

Shaking his head Norman looked at everyone, realizing eyes where on him. He slowly shrunk back.

"Anyway, Dipper, Mabel, congrats." Raz walked to the twins and shook their hands.

Coraline rolled her eyes, "Yeah okay. Congratulations."

Wybie elbowed her side. To which she glared at him.

"Guys I missed you so much! We have sooo much to catch up on! Including, like, saving the world three times over!" Mabel exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"Who's Rose Quartz?" Norman rushed out.

Steven went wide eyed, feeling his head pound, watching as Frisk ran her fingers down her face.

He looked at Norman, "My mom."

Puffing out his cheeks, Norman closed his eyes, "She says that she's proud of you. Okay, also, hello."

Coraline cried out in frustration, "Ugh! What's the matter with everyone! C'mon! Can't we all be laughy, not having this stupid awkwardness!"

They all stared again, making the air seem thin to everyone. What did they really expect? Coraline's thoughts where giving her a headache. They hadn't seen each other in six years. And they expected everything to be normal. They even replaced them, with some other weird pudgy guy and a short monster saver.

For Christ's sake, the last time they'd seen each other, they almost had their brains taken out. She was stupid to think it wasn't going to be different.

"Well. We're graduated, I'm going to college to be a teacher, Dipper is going to be a investigator." Mabel paused and pointed to her two friends, "We had pen pals the sumner after we met you."

Frisk smiled, taking over, "I'm Frisk, and while I was talking with Dipper, I fell down a hole to the underworld. I found out there was monsters, and they where all nice. I could reset, save, mercy, and I still can."

Before reaching into her pocket for the knife, Dipper lurched forward and grabbed her hand, shaking his head.

"Anyways, I broke the barrier to the overworld, now, all monsters are free! And I'm their ambassador!" She ended it, looking over everybody.

"I'm Steven Quartz Universe. And I um-my mom was a Crystal Gem, she came to earth and saved it. She met my dad, and then they had me. But in order to do so, she had to give up her physical form. Then, I came out. And I can do things."

Lili rolled her eyes, "What kind of things?"

"Float, fuse with people or other gems, have a sheild come out of my belly button gem, uh. Oh, bubble things, and I guess I'm just an all around friendly guy. I was also Mabels pen pal and I stopped an experiment from tearing apart the world."

Dipper and Mabel peered at everyone for answers. Neil answering first, "Woah, you guys, are so freaking cool."

"I know right! One time, Steven fused with Dipper, Frisk and I, it was the weirdest most coolest thing I'd ever saw!" Mabel danced around.

Dipper grinned, "What about you guys, I know you're all graduated and such."

"We're working for pyhcronauts now. It's so much more than when we where younger." Raz replied.

"Yeah, they send us on missions, sometines we get to help the new little kids. It's like helping mini me's." Lili added.

Norman shrugged, "I'm going for something in the animation area."

"I'm a food tester for the best chef's in the area. Surprisingly it pays good." Neil laughed, nudging his spiked haired friend

Coraline had yet another evil grin on her face, "I'm going to be a journalist. Except, I go to University in Washington. It's so much fun."

"I went to autobody and graduated from college this year." Wybie immediately said after Coraline.

Something swept over the past adventurers. To where they all felt nostalgic, and full of so many memories. Sadness, happiness, and somewhat of guilt mixing around all of them.

Kicking the dirt their blue haired friend sighed, "So we're not kids anymore huh?"

"Kinda defeats the purpose of Mystery Kids huh." Norman grimaced.

Mabel sucked in her bottom lip, "Can't we all just be friends, no labels."

They all nodded.

Before a hand sized button rolled from the woods.

But. That's for another story.

The End.


AUTHORS NOTE: Ah yes, the final trilogy.

I got this idea from a review. Thank you all. This is thd end. FOR REAL!

Keep reading, you're all so lovely.