A Casual Conversation
The waiting room for the doctor's office was occupied by two inconspicuous characters.
One was a scrawny-looking blonde man with hunched shoulders in a plain white T-shirt. The other was a slim woman with black dreadlocks in a white buttoned-up sleeveless dress.
The man stared at the ceiling, a pinched expression stuck on his face. The woman occupied herself with a cook book. After a long, awkward silence, the woman spoke up:
"So. Hematologist."
"Uhuh." The man replied, bored.
"Sort of." There was a small shrug. "Oral blood loss. Internal bleeding and all."
The blond glanced at her curiously. "You?"
"Same, actually."
Another long, awkward pause. The woman broke it once again, still not looking up from her book.
"What do you do for a living?"
"...I'm a teacher." There was only the slightest hesitation in the reply.
She hummed, nodding. "Admirable occupation."
"Thanks. What's yours?"
The woman finally looked at him. She smiled. "Oh, I'm just a simple housewife."
The man quirked his eyebrow curiously. "Really?"
She returned the expression, a challenging glint in her eyes.
"Is there something wrong with that?"
"Not at all." He sounded sincere. "I just doubt that you're as 'simple' as you make it sound."
Her smile widened the slightest bit.
"If you say so." Her eyes once again became glued to the book. "I could say the same about you."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I doubt you are a simple teacher, either."
The man looked at her with mild surprise. "Oh? Why's that?"
"Call it woman's intuition."
The man looked back at the ceiling. "Of course."
Another moment of silence.
"Good book?"
"The best." She flipped the page. "These recipes are my husband's favorites."
"That's some dedication right there." He nodded. "I bet you're a talented cook."
"Thank you," she said with an honest smile. "You could say cooking is a life-long passion of mine."
"Admirable occupation." He parroted back at her.
"Indeed." She reached out her palm. "Izumi Curtis. Nice to meet you."
"Toshinori Yagi. Nice to meet you too."
They shook hands.
(Meanwhile, all evil in the universe felt a shiver of dread pass through them... sensing a terrifying alliance was born that very moment.)
Author's Note:
Sorry for it being so short, I sort of came up with it on a whim. It's just that after watching "My Hero Academia" for the first time... I had to do it. I just had to.
Because, be honest with me - wouldn't it be absolutely awesome if those two teamed up? Seriously. They're just so cool.
I'm not planning on writing any more for these two... but I might in the future, depending on people's requests. So far this show's really good and I wouldn't mind writing some MHA's characters.
Thank you very much for reading! Please, follow and favorite if you liked it and leave comments if you can. Keep being awesome, and most importantly - read on and enjoy! :)