Hi...so much homework. I feel guilty about not updating my other stories but this one is very interesting to me :3 Shoutouts! Oh and I must apologize for not answering some shoutouts on the previous chapter. My computer was glitching. So I will do it here!
LittleManY2K: Nico is making a brief appearance. He might be mentioned in this chapter but he will not appear any more. And thank you; I will! XD I bet their reaction will be priceless to him popping out of the shadows.
Huntress Kalypso: Thank you. And I get the Greek from Google Translate. I cannot speak a word of Greek XD. I do speak Spanish though.
stormwingsky: Thank you :)
fantasylover4evr: XD You'll see how Frank reacts. Oh and I am contemplating to have some of the truth come out :3
A random person: (Chapter 2) Sorry for not answering you last shoutout...and if you read it you have found out what happened to Annabeth. (Chapter 4) I cannot tell you what is wrong with Wells :) That will ruin the entire plot of the show. I will explain why they caught Annabeth in this chapter. Arrow has made an appearance in the actual Flash Series. They are part of the same universe in the show.
HayWireEagle: (Chapter 1)Yeah good point...but I don't recall Barry catching anybody in any of the episodes. Unless he was to catch them I don't think anyone would be hurt. Plus if he held someone tight enough that would block the G-force. Plus it is based off the show (which is based off of the comic) so I do have to stretch things. (Chapter 4) My other readers seem to understand the plot. I will explain the motive behind the kidnapping; be patient.
thatmarvelgreek: I'm glad you love it :D Reviews like yours make my day!
Aggiestyle: I will :D
Son of Poseidon: -shrugs- I literally just make them up in my head. I will update soon on Daughter of Storm and Waves...don't worry :) And thank you ^^ I try
sweetchick621: Thank you :D Your review made my day because when I read it...life was horrible XD
So yeah...this might be the last chapter...it might not. Not sure -shrugs- . Yes I am kind of evil...I am not telling you. I don't know if I should do a sequel...if you think I should then what about? Anyways enjoy it! R&R NICELY! NO FLAMES OR I WILL BLOCK YOU! But constructive criticism is appreciated as long as it is told nicely.
Disclaimer: I don't own any characters; just the plot.
Barry opened his eyes and found Cisco watching him. Cisco grinned, "The Streak lives..."
"How...did I end up here? I don't remember running back here" Barry groaned sitting up in the hospital bed.
The last thing he recalled from blacking out from blood loss was some boy reaching out as if to help him.
"We don't know dude...we were arguing about how to get you back here and the next thing we know Percy was yelling for us to come in the hallway. We found you lying on the ground in pool of blood. Catlin managed to stabilize you. Your wound is completely healed by the way," Cisco said.
"What day is it?' Barry asked rubbing his forehead.
"It is the next day...you know the day after you left. So you weren't in a coma that long,' Cisco smirked.
That was a relief...
"What about the kids?" Barry asked getting out of the hospital bed.
"Joe took them to his home. He told me they slept the entire night...well except Percy disappeared for a few hours and returned later," Cisco shrugged, "Joe just had about a panic attack when he discovered Percy missing."
What was with this kid?
"You stupid fool. Why didn't you listen?" Catlin scolded joining them.
Her rage however left quickly and she gave Barry a quick bone crushing hug.
"I trust Percy but...he has to many secrets for my liking," Barry said wheezing from the ferocity of her hug.
Before he could say anything else someone spoke.
"So does Wells..." came a voice.
Barry turned and spotted Percy leaning on the door frame. Oops...
"Glad to see you are alive..." Percy smiled grimly.
He said nothing against what he had overheard.
"How did you get me back here?" Barry asked.
Percy's smile faded and he avoided Barry's gaze. He fiddled with the zipper on his jacket nervously.
"I...didn't do it,' he muttered.
"Then who did?" Catlin demanded, "What person randomly made Barry appear here?"
Barry wondered if the boy he saw before he blacked out had anything to do with it.
"Well...I didn't do all of it," Percy offered lamely, "I...um...contacted my cousin and he did me a favor."
"Does he have a dark leather jacket and a silver skull ring?" Barry asked recalling exactly what the boy was wearing.
"Yep...and um...remember how I said about things lurking in the shadows?" Percy asked nervously.
Honesty...how could Barry forget that? It was an unusual statement.
"Well..." Percy swallowed hard," My cousin can transport himself anywhere within a hundred or so mile radius...through...through...shadows. He managed to 'shadow travel' himself into the hallway with you. However he left before...your...ah...friends arrived. He is not a very social person."
Okay...that power sounded pretty cool.
"That is sick!" Cisco whopped, "I would like to do that!"
"Its not fun if you hate the dark...I have...ah...done it a few times and it is quite fun...for me. Unless you like pitch black darkness, freezing air, and creepy voices then you wouldn't like it," Percy sighed.
"Not fun then..." Cisco pouted.
Oliver walked in and immediately glared at Barry, "You went back on your training."
"Please don't remind me..." Barry groaned.
"But it is good to see you are alive," Oliver smiled.
Did he have to say that as an afterthought? So comforting... Jason then came in with a large pizza box.
"First off... good to see you awake. Second off...this was not my idea. Third off...Dr. Snow...said you needed to eat and Cisco suggested pizza," Jason said setting the box down when he noticed Barry's questioning look.
Barry ate several pieces and would have eaten more if it weren't for Percy. That kid could seriously eat; he downed five pieces in ten seconds which was basically half the pizza.
"How can you eat that much? With Barry he has an excuse," Catlin asked raising an eyebrow.
Barry wondered if Percy had a bottomless pit of a stomach. At least he had high metabolism so he basically burned all the fat from the food he ate off when he ran.
"Hey...I didn't eat for like four days," Percy grumbled, "I'm starving."
He reached for another piece but Cisco snatched it up and ate it quickly.
"I wanted a piece before he took it!" Cisco defended himself when Catlin shook her head at him.
Percy just shook his head at the two of them and pushed the box away. Oliver grabbed a piece before Barry could. Barry glared at him.
"I should have bought two boxes..." Jason sighed, "I forgot how much you could eat Perc."
"Oh please...remember the time I ate two hamburgers, a whole mini pizza, a shake and a bag of chips?" Percy snorted, "If that isn't a lot of food then I don't know what it is."
That was a lot of food... How could he eat that much and burn it off?
"I remember...and you fell asleep at the dinner table to," Jason smirked.
"Don't remind me...you have had your fair share of food to so don't act all snobbish," Percy teased.
"How so?" Jason asked haughtily.
He quickly snatched the second to last pizza piece. Barry had a bad feeling that he would have to battle Cisco for the last piece.
"Remember Ester's peach preserves and those homemade brownies?" Percy smirked.
Judging by Jason's queasy expression he did remember.
"Ugh...that stuff tasted good going in. But when we hit turbulence...not fun," Jason grumbled.
"Ok...can you please stop the Franken food discussion?" Catlin asked disgusted.
That was not Franken food. Franken food was way more disgusting than brownies with peach preserves.
"We're done..." Percy sighed dusting the pizza crumbs off his fingers.
Joe walked in and sighed,
"Good to see you awake. And just to let you know...Iris is okay. I just checked in with her."
"Did you warn her?" Barry asked.
"No...you have to...as the Flash," Joe said.
"Later this evening...tell her to meet me at Jitters," Barry said.
"As Barry Allen or as the Flash," Joe teased.
"You know," Barry grumbled.
"I will tell her over lunch break," Joe promised.
Dr. Wells then came in. Barry saw Percy follow him warily with his eyes. That was it...he had to talk to the kid about this.
"Um Percy...can I speak to you outside for a moment? Alone," Barry asked.
Percy shrugged and left the room with Barry. Once outside Barry asked,
"I notice you don't trust Wells...why?"
"Look...I have had some run ins with...pretty slimy characters that masquerade themselves as good guys. I see that in him," Percy said.
Where did he meet those types of people? Barry looked around to make sure they were truly alone.
"I don't trust him either," Barry stated firmly.
He had to tell the kid this so he could be on guard with Wills in the future if he were to meet him. That meant he would have to tell the story of his mom's murder. Barry trusted Percy enough now to tell his story.
Percy looked at him shocked, "But he is your..."
"Mentor...I know," Barry sighed, "Look...when I was eleven...my mom was murdered. I saw her killer. It was a man wearing a yellow suit and he was moving at the same speed I can move. The next thing I knew...I was 20 blocks away from my home. I have no idea why...or how. Now my dad is in jail for a crime he did not commit. And...I found out that night...there was an older version of myself trying to save my mom."
"So...what does this have to do with Wells?" Percy asked suspiciously.
"He..." Barry choked up, "Is the man who killed my mother."
The look in Percy's face could only be described as shock and anger.
"If the guy was not a mortal he would pay for that," he muttered.
"Mortal?" Barry asked.
"Slip of the tongue..." Percy said quickly.
How was that a slip of the tongue? Barry didn't want to say anymore about his past.
"Can I trust you to..."
"Keep my mouth shut? Yes..." Percy said.
He fidgeted nervously for a moment.
"Is there something you want to tell me?" Barry asked noticing his awkwardness. .
Percy then looked Barry straight into the eye, "Yes...I did not tell you this...and I should have sooner in front of the others before Wells came in. Wells...pulled up Annabeth's file on the computer while you were...asleep healing from your injury. I...um...couldn't sleep at Joe's house so I decided to take a walk to clear my head. I walked into S.T.A.R Labs and saw him looking at her file. I...I...don't know...why he was doing it."
Barry didn't say anything but he had to agree...that was suspicious. But Percy's tone of voice made Barry think Percy was not completely stating what he wanted to say.
"Oh and by the way...I wont say anything about this to Annabeth. Dr. Wells...or imposter Dr. Wells as I would call him is her idol," Percy said.
Barry snorted recalling Catlin's disbelief until they found the real Dr. Wells' body. He had a feeling Percy's girlfriend would react the same way.
Percy took a deep breath before saying, "Let's go back in before they get suspicious."
Barry walked in the room and saw immediately something was wrong. Catlin was shaking nervously and Cisco sadly shook his head. Felicity was furiously typing something in to a computer while Oliver watched. Jason look pretty angry about something and Dr. Wells was rubbing his nose nervously. Poor Joe had tears in his eyes and he said,
"Heatwave sent another broadcast...this time he had Iris. He wants to met you with Oliver in the downtown area tonight. If you don't arrive," Joe broke off and met Percy's eyes, "He will kill them both."
Barry never expected Percy to do what he did next. Percy punched the nearest metal wall and left a fist imprint in it. He winced slightly and clutched his hand. But Percy managed to shake it off.
"Now I have to patch that," Cisco complained.
Percy shrank to the ground sobbing quietly prompting Jason to help him to his feet and speak to him quietly. Barry was angry to but he kept his temper in check. But what really surprised him was Percy's sudden anger. Percy seemed pretty calm about things. His anger showed that he and his girlfriend must have been closer than he thought.
"Snart went back on his promise," Barry growled.
"I did not!"
Barry looked up startled when Snart entered the room. Was he doing this to rub it in? And how did he get into S.T.A.R Labs so quickly? Barry and Percy were only outside only a few minutes ago. But that was besides the point...Snart was here.
"Don't move...if you so much as touch me I will freeze you," Snart threatened holding up the cold gun, "Let me explain."
Barry moved anyways and got a blast of ice.
"Ow..." he hissed as steam curled up from the ice that covered his side.
Catlin rushed to his side and the others started advancing toward Snart. Oliver reached for his bow which unfortunately was not there. He cursed and grabbed one of the miniature arrows that he had strapped on his shoe. Seriously how did he walk around in public without people noticing those things?
"Any of you move again..." Snart faltered, "And I will shot you. Please let me explain."
Barry managed to pull the ice off himself. He could feel the frost bite healing but it would be several minutes before he could feel his side again. Jason was not moving or making a sound; in fact he stood paralyzed with fear at the sight of Snart. He was shaking. What was his problem? Couldn't he use a gust of wind or something? A very unlikely person spoke up.
"You shoot him," Percy stood up and planted himself in front of Barry, "You are going to have to go through me first. No one hurts my friends."
"Kid...I know you can survive a hundred feet plus fall into water but you can't survive sub zero temperatures!" Cisco said.
Not unless he was immune to all states of water. Barry highly doubted this though.
"Move kid...Allen has to hear this," Snart said cocking the cold gun, "Now move before I shoot you!"
Percy gave him a cocky smirk, "You can't shot what you can't see."
What did he mean by that? Percy snatched his girlfriend's baseball cap off the table it was lying on and slapped it on his head. Instantly he vanished from sight.
"Oh...that's what he meant," Oliver muttered.
'Oh...my...God..." Felicity started.
"He's got to let me try that hat on," Cisco grinned.
Barry was unable say anything because he was shocked. The hat made him invisible? How? He quickly glanced at Jason. Jason's face had turned perfectly calm as if he had seen this before. However he still was pale from fright.
"Where are you?" Snart snapped.
"In front of you frost fingers," Percy's voice snickered.
Snart shot in that direction. There was a nasty silence. Barry seriously hoped Percy hadn't been hit.
"Missed me!" Percy's voice said some where to Snart's left.
Snart shot in that direction.
"Missed me!"
Snart shot again where Percy's voice came from.
"Missed me brain freeze," Percy said tauntingly.
Snart kept shooting in the direction Percy's voice was coming from several times. Percy kept cat calling; he had some pretty good insult names.
"Missed me again...dude seriously...you must be have blindness from your ice gun's fumes because your aiming kind of sucks..." Percy's voice snickered after Snart had shot off the gun at least five times.
Suddenly Snart's head snapped forward he fell forward face first. Percy appeared behind him holding the baseball cap in his left hand. In his right was his strange sword. Apparently he used the end of it to club Snart on the head.
"Ok...first of all...I forgot how hard it is to walk when you are invisible. Second off...two easy; I was literally breathing down his neck and he didn't even notice my presence. And third off...nevermind," Percy said.
Jason shook his head a few times and blinked.
"You ok man?" Percy asked.
"Huh? Um..yeah...I'm fine. Its just...seeing that type of gun brings back bad memories of being frozen into a throw rug," Jason shuttered,
Who did that to him?
"Oh I remember you telling me that...at least the frost brat is dead." Percy said with a shrug.
Frost brat? Who was that?
"You're lucky you weren't there...you were in the pits of Tartar..." Jason muttered.
"DO you have to remind me of the time I had to trek across a barren landscape with a river made of fire and acidic air?" Percy growled suddenly interrupting his friend, "I still have nightmares about it!"
"Sorry man..." Jason apologized.
Did Percy literally visited some place that sounded like the pit Tartarus? Wasn't it part of Greek mythology? Or was it a figure of speech? Snart groaned and struggled to get to his feet making Barry turn his attention to him. Barry slammed him into a wall at super-speed and snapped,
"Start talking. And no lies."
"Mike did...alright. First of all...I didn't tell my little sis or Mike your secret. But I did warn them not to go after any of your friends or anyone else. But Mike being stubborn as he is did it anyway," Snart said.
"Why did they take Annabeth? And please...don't lie. You don't want to make me angry," Percy's voice was low and threatening.
"What ya going to do squirt? Knock me out again?" Snart smirked.
"No...I could possibly make you choke on your own body fluids or have a water pipe explode in your face," Percy said with a shrug, "Your choice."
Judging by Snart's pale complexion it seemed he didn't want any of those options.
"Since when can you do that?" Barry asked.
Percy shrugged, "I only did it once on something threatening to kill me and Annabeth. I'm never doing it again. But I will if necessary."
Ok then...as if his powers could get any stranger.
"Will?" Oliver asked giving Percy an admiring look.
Of course he was interested.
"Mike...kidnapped this boy's girlfriend by accident. He meant to grab your friend Iris and was disusing it in that alley way. The kid overheard. When he found her he didn't want to take her but by then the kid knew to much so he couldn't let her go," Snart shrugged, "I've been asking him to let her go but...he wont. He wants a showdown with you. And if you don't show up with the Arrow...he will kill them."
Fortunately for Oliver, Snart didn't realize he was the Arrow.
"And you didn't tell him my identity?" Barry asked suspiciously, "Or any of your other rogues?"
"No..." Snart said.
Barry released him roughly. Snart slid to the ground.
"I have to get ready," Barry said.
He watched as Cisco quickly snatch Percy's sword out his hands.
"This is so cool! Where did you get it?" he asked examining the blade carefully.
"My sword fighting instructor gave that to me," Percy said, "May I please have it back?"
Cisco reluctantly handed the sword back to Percy who took it gratefully.
"Perc...If you go with Barry to face this guy down, do you think Annabeth will be al..." Jason started.
"Say what I think you are going to say and you'll see how you like having my sword against your neck," Percy snapped.
He pointed his sword toward Jason. Jason reached for his pocket as if he was going to pull something out from it. His strange coin perhaps?
"Both of you calm down," Felicity said standing up abruptly.
Percy glared at her for a moment but then his face fell and he hung his head in embarrassment.
"Sorry Jason..." he muttered.
"Its okay man," Jason said patting Percy's shoulder.
"I need some fresh air...preferably by the ocean," Percy said coldly.
He left rather quickly.
"Is he...alright?" Catlin asked worriedly.
"Yeah...he and Annabeth went through a huge struggle last year. It changed...both of them," Jason said thoughtfully.
"What exactly did they go through?" Barry asked.
Jason glanced out the door nervously and wouldn't answer.
"I...I...cant talk about it. You wouldn't believe me anyways..." Jason answered after several uncomfortable minutes.
"About what?" Dr. Wells asked.
"Its nothing..." Jason picked up the pizza box which was empty, "I will go dispose of this."
He left.
"Maybe we should find Percy," Felicity sighed, "He might do something stupid. Boys whose girlfriends are in trouble tend to do stupid things."
"I'll go with you...we don't need you getting kidnapped either," Barry smiled slightly.
Percy walked long the side walk that wrapped along the beach. Several waves washed up on the shore. Percy sat down in a bench and stared out toward the ocean. A slight breeze started up sending the salty spray of the ocean everywhere.
"Hi...dad," Percy sighed.
No sound except for the pounding waves.
"Listen...Annabeth was kidnapped and...well I have some friends helping. But they don't trust me...because of my secret about the gods existing and everything," Percy said, "I want to tell the truth but...I cant."
The waves continued to wash up on the shore. Percy continued to stare at the ocean.
"Thanks for nothing..." he grumbled.
A slight breeze blew Percy's hair back. It smelled of the sea. Percy smiled slightly knowing that his dad was letting him know he was listening.
Percy turned around and saw Barry and Felicity looking at him.
"Hi..." he glumly turning back to the sea.
"You okay?" Felicity asked sitting down on the bench next to him.
"Yeah..." Percy shrugged.
He glanced down at his hands and took a deep breath.
"The ocean...reminds you of your father...right?" Barry asked.
"Hmmm...oh yeah. It is...the closest connection I have to him," Percy said smiling slightly.
He didn't say anything.
"Riptide..." he suddenly said.
"What?" Barry asked.
What was he talking about?
"Anaklusmos," Percy said looking straight ahead, "I know you saw the word written on my sword. That is what it means...in Ancient Greek."
He wouldn't say anymore.
"Ancient Greek?" Felicity asked brushing her hair out of her face.
"Long story..." Percy sighed.
Barry nodded understanding that Percy wanted his privacy.
"Jason...mentioned something about..." Barry started.
"Let me guess...about that struggle I had to deal with Annabeth," Percy said calmly.
Or at least he said it calmly. The waves on the beach started getting rougher showing he was irritated.
"Um yeah..." Barry said eyeing the waves cautiously.
"This is all I will say about it," Percy said pausing a moment, "She and I had to prevent something from happening in a horrible place. We nearly died while we were there. Two...friends of ours sacrificed themselves in order to make sure we escaped that place. Now everyday of my life I have to hold the regret that they died saving us and I could do nothing about it."
For a moment the only sound was the waves pounding on the shore.
"I'm sorry..." Felicity said softly
"Its okay..." Percy sighed.
He sat for a moment as if contemplating something.
"Want to see something cool?" he asked.
"Um...sure," Barry said startled by the sudden change of the subject.
Percy pulled his pen out from his pocket and flung it as far as he could into the bushes behind them.
"What did you do that for?" Felicity demanded.
Percy smiled grimly and held up five fingers as a countdown, "Five...four...three...two...one."
After he finished speaking Percy reached into his pocket and pulled out the pen.
"Nice magic trick..." Barry admitted.
Seriously...this kid was that good. Barry couldn't even figure out how he did it.
"Yeah...magic trick..." Percy muttered.
He shoved the pen back in his pocket.
"You promise you will bring her back?" Percy asked softly.
Barry nodded, "I promise."
"And I promise I will leave as soon as you do," Percy said.
But he muttered something under his breath that sounded like, "And I wish I could tell you the truth about me."
"What was that?' Barry asked.
"Oh nothing...listen...I want to be alone for a while. So please don't follow me," Percy sighed slipping off the bench.
He walked down the path leading into the city.
"You are right...the kid is strange," Felicity said looking at Barry.
"It seems like he is holding something back," Barry commented, "I wonder what."
Percy came back several hours later but he seemed to be all riled up about something. Evidently during his walk through town he started to think about how to get his girlfriend back.
"Let me come with you...I can help you," Percy begged.
"Kid...you heard Snart...if you come...they will kill both of them," Barry said.
Percy grumbled and sat down with his back to Barry. He figured that Percy would be giving him the cold shoulder for a while.
"How close is he to his girlfriend," Barry asked Jason trying to see how close Percy was to his girlfriend.
"As thick as thieves..." Jason answered, "I have the same relationship with my girlfriend to."
Percy shifted slightly but he didn't say anything.
"What's her name?"
"Um...Piper Mclean."
"Hang on...is she related to Tristan Mclean?" Cisco gasped.
"Yeah...and she is not stuck up about it," Jason sighed, "Which is one thing I admire in her."
Barry shook his head when Cisco begged, "Please give me an autograph from her dad! I love his movies."
Humoring his request Jason took the piece of paper Cisco handed to him and stuck it in his pocket.
Barry looked up at Oliver who had entered with his Arrow gear.
"Its time to go..."
Barry shook his head when he notice Jason jump in shock at Oliver's appearance. Joe had left several hours earlier in order to get the police force together to see if they could capture Mike and see if they could track Iris and Annabeth down from his information (if he gave it that is).
"I will bring her back...I promise," Barry said to Percy who merely grunted at his statement.
"Watch your back," was all Percy said before Barry left.
After the two had left Percy stood up. He paced back and forth anxiously causing the water pipes to spew little sprits of water everywhere.
"Calm down already...Barry will be true to his word. He'll get her back here safely," Catlin said resting her hand on Percy's shoulder.
He glanced at her but didn't say anything.
"I still don't like this..." Percy muttered.
"What do you mean?" Cisco said suspiciously.
What was he blabbing about?
"Isn't...Captain Metal Frisbee thrower like the Arrow's enemy?" Percy asked.
"Yeah...why do you ask?" Dr. Wells asked.
Percy shot him a dirty look before continuing, "I find it...weird that this flame guy asked for Oliver to come to."
Felicity shared a panicked look with Catlin.
"Hey...look...I...might not be the...smartest guy around but he had a green bow with him in that field. He's the Arrow...right?" Percy said seeing their panic.
Behind him Jason face palmed. Cisco struggled to keep back a smirk at Catlin's expression.
"You're lucky Oliver is not here right now...you would have an arrow in your back," Felicity commented dryly.
"Damn kid...you are good," Cisco whistled.
"I won't go to the police about this alright? I respect him as a friend and so does my buddy Frank," Percy said turning his back to them., "In other words, my mouth is going to be kept shut about this."
"Back to what you were mentioning..." Felicity said.
"Um yeah...I think it is another set up. If these two guys are as bad as you described them...imagine the damage they can do as a team," Percy said.
Catlin shared worried looks with the rest of her teammates.
"We have to warn them..." Cisco started.
"That is not a good idea...you know Mike said if he heard or saw any interfering then he would kill them," Catlin.
"And Oliver does not carry his phone with him when he is fighting," Felicity finished, "So pretty useless even if he had his phone because of what Catlin said."
"Fortunately...we have a friend on stand by," Percy smirked.
How many friends did this guy have?
"So let me get this straight...you are planning to go down town to help someone out who specifically said they didn't need any help?" Jason asked walking toward Percy.
"You are so stupid..." Jason muttered, "And I must be to...ever since I'm going with you."
"You two are so going to get it from Oliver later," Felicity mumbled.
"That is if we are here later,' Percy shouted as he and Jason left the room.
There was silence after that.
"He was joking...right?" Cisco asked sharing a look with Catlin.
"Not sure..." Felicity admitted.
Barry raced down to the down town area and arrived there several minutes before Oliver did. The police were already there and had set up a barricade. Mike stood in the middle of the deserted road with a smirk on his face. Barry wished he could wipe it off because it was so smug. Steam from the sewer blanketed Mike's feet with a thick cloud of fog.
"I see you finally decided to show up," Mike drawled casually holding up his heat gun.
"Let them go," Barry shouted.
Heatwave smirked and blasted a stream of flame right at Barry who dodged it effortlessly. Oliver appeared suddenly and he launched an arrow that imbedded itself in Mike's arm. He winced and yanked the arrow out. Blood started to soak his jacket but there was very little.
"I see you brought the Arrow...perfect," Mike grinned.
The steam surrounding Mike's feet evaporated. That was when Barry noticed Annabeth was bounded at Heatwaves' feet. She was furiously struggling and trying to scream something at Barry from behind the gag that covered her mouth. Barry heard Oliver draw back his bow. He hoped that Oliver would not hit the girl by mistake.
"You heard him...let her go before you find out how an arrow to the chest feels," Oliver said menacingly disguising his voice ,"You already got a taste of one to the arm.'
Barry then realized something...Iris wasn't there.
"Where's Iris?" he demanded.
Harkness then appeared out of the gloom dragging Iris alongside him. He took out a boomerang and held the blade of it under her neck. She let out a muffled scream and locked eyes with Barry.
"So here's the deal...if you two reveal your identities to the world...then they both go free," Harkness smirked, "If ya move...you die...they die."
"Don't even think about it!" Barry heard Joe call.
Harkness (after Joe stated this) flung another boomerang right at Oliver. Barry snatched it out of the air but it cut deeply into his hand. Damn it...he forgot they were attracted to magnetic energy.
"You okay?" Oliver asked without taking his eyes off the two villains.
Barry managed to let out a pain filled yelp, "Yes...ow."
He flung the boomerang on the ground and rubbed the palm of his hand as it started to heal.
"So what is it going to be?" Mike laughed, "Five seconds for you to answer."
Barry caught Oliver's eye. He saw uncertainty flicker in it. That was a first.
"Time's up," Harkness grinned.
He flung another boomerang. Barry wasn't going to be able to catch it before it hit Oliver unless he wanted to be minus one hand. Suddenly there was a whistling noise and arrow coming from the direction behind the villains shot the boomerang out of midair. The now harmless weapon clatter to the ground. The arrow impaled itself into the concert behind them. Barry heard Oliver suck in his breath; whoever had done it was incredibly good. Barry took a quick glance at the arrow; for some strange reason it was gold in color. Turning back to the foes Barry noticed uncertainty and even fear in their faces.
"Whose there?" Mike spat dragging Annabeth's head back and exposing her throat.
No answer. Barry caught a flicker of movement from a building to the right of Mike. But it was to dark to tell. Another arrow came whistling towards Mike; this one from the left side. This one caught him in the shoulder. He howled in pain dropping Annabeth's head. She lashed out kicking him in the shin making Mike fall on the ground. She managed to get to her feet and she tried to run toward Barry and Oliver. However Mike unfortunately recovered quickly and grabbed her before she could make it more than five feet. He held the heat gun to her head. Another arrow whistled towards him and it cut a grove in his hair. Mike patted the place where his hair was missing and winced slightly.
"Stand down!" someone bellowed.
Barry turned around and say Percy and Jason standing there; their swords drawn. Well...for some reason Jason was holding a gold spear; a javelin. He also looked like he was exhausted.
"Or what kid?" Harkness snarled.
"Or my friend will leave your friend here with more than a new haircut," Percy smirked.
Barry heard the sound of a bow being drawn back and glanced up. He spotted an archer hidden on the top of the building. All he could see in the shadow caused by a taller building was two hands which had a single arrow drawn taunt.
"Seriously Perc?" Jason groaned.
"Not my best entrance..." Percy admitted.
"What the heck are you doing here?" Oliver hissed.
Barry hoped he wasn't going to shot an arrow at the kid right here. Frankly he was actually glad Percy and his friends were here; now their opponents would be badly out numbered.
"Trying to even the odds..." Percy answered to him quietly.
He stood in front of Barry and Oliver and shouted, "I highly recommend you surrender...or my friend will shot you where you stand!"
An arrow implanted itself in the ground at Harkness' feet. Jason came up to Percy and hefted his javelin. The air started to spark with electricity.
"You want your girlfriend to die...boy!?' Mike snapped.
He held back Annabeth's head and fired up the heat gun.
"Should I blast him?" Jason asked.
Percy shook his head.
"Do you?" Mike shouted.
To Barry's surprise Percy just smiled. Why would he smile when his girl friend was about to be killed? Unless he had a plan...
"I thought you would say that," Percy paused a moment before shouting, "NOW FRANK!"
A ear splitting shriek echoed down the empty street. From behind the police barricade Barry heard Eddie say, "What on earth was that!?"
Something very large swopped down low over the heads of the villains. A giant eagle with a wingspan of at least forty feet snatched up both Iris and Annabeth and took off with them. It disappeared behind the police barricades with both women dangling from its talons.
"What are you going to do without a hostages huh?' Percy said smugly.
Barry couldn't help but see the priceless expressions on Mike and Harkness' faces. But how did the kid train a giant eagle?
"Oh...so you think we plan to give up just because you managed to get rid of our targets," Heatwave mocked.
"Nope..." Percy said coldly.
Mike smirked and held up his heat gun.
"We can still defeat you..." Harkness said bringing his hand back with a boomerang ready.
There was a sound of flapping wings. Barry and Oliver glanced up and saw that the eagle was back. Suddenly it disappered and a boy dropped down in front of Percy. He quickly unslung a bow from his back and nocked an arrow.
"Five against two...not a good combo. So stand down," the boy said.
This kid would have made an excellent line backer for a football team.
"Was...he an eagle?" Barry asked pointing shakily to the boy.
He could have sworn he saw the eagle turn into that boy.
"Who was an eagle?" came Cisco's voice on the microphone.
Barry ignored him.
"Meet Frank...he has a few talents," Percy grunted.
The ability to shift-shape and incredible archery skills are considered to be a few talents?
"Oh...um hi. I'm guessing right now is not a good time to ask for your autograph," Frank said to Oliver sheepishly.
Barry smirked when Oliver's cheeks turned beat red.
"See...some people admire you," he whispered, "Even the Arrow can sometimes be a jerk."
Oliver just nodded slowly.
"Jason? Check to see if Annabeth is okay...the other lady to," Percy said.
"Finally! Do you realize how tiring it was to fly us both over here? Then the venti attacked and sapped my strength!" Jason growled, "Where are they?"
Venti? What the heck was he talking about? Some espresso drink?
"I dropped Annabeth off in a nearby alley way behind us. The other lady is with the police," Frank said without taking his eyes off the men in front of him.
Jason nodded and jogged in the direction Frank told him.
"Both of you should leave..." Oliver said to the two boys.
"Why?" Percy demanded.
"Are you going to talk or you going to fight?" snapped Heatwave.
He tried blasting another stream of flame but Frank shot the arrow that expanded into a net. It pinned Heatwave to the ground much to his surprise. Barry smirked at Oliver's shocked reaction. Harkness' smug expression faltered slightly.
"Listen kid...you went through with your end of the bargain as did I..." Barry said turning to Percy.
"Plus I don't think your mom would like you coming home severely injured...such in several pieces," Oliver deadpanned.
"She has seen me in worse shape," Percy shrugged.
"Then do it for Annabeth," Barry said.
Percy turned toward him and took a deep breath.
"Ok...just...kick his butt for me alright?" he smirked.
Barry gave a quick smile and nodded.
"Come on Frank," Percy yanked on his friend's shoulder.
Frank frowned and lowered his bow. Percy and he jogged to where Jason was desperately trying to make Annabeth swallow something.
"She won't take the ambrosia," Jason grumbled.
He gently tapped her face but didn't get a response.
"Why is she knocked out?" Percy asked, "She was awake almost a minute ago."
"That would be my fault..." Frank said sheepishly, "I had to drop her gently because the alley way was to narrow for my wings"
"Its okay man. I have an idea but...she'll probably kill me for this," Percy grimaced.
He walked up to Annabeth and shook her gently. She still wouldn't respond.
"Hey Annabeth...uh...there is a spider on your head," Percy said.
Annabeth shrieked and punched out making contact with Jason's nose.
"Ow..." Jason cradled his nose which had twisted to the side, "I thik you broke it."
Frank struggled to keep from laughing when Annabeth shot Percy a death glare.
"PERSEUS JACKSON! I SWEAR I WILL..." Annabeth started before Percy kissed her gently.
"Miss me Wise girl?" he smiled.
She smiled back and nodded before smacking him in the face.
"Ow...what was that for?" Percy asked crossly rubbing his cheek.
"For letting me get kidnapped," Annabeth scowled.
Percy shook his head and turned towards the direction of the street when he heard a familiar voice shouting something. Then Dr. Boomerang started shouting something angrily. He was to far away to hear what was being said clearly, but it sounded like he was mad about whatever was going on.
"That's it...this guy is starting to irk me," Percy grumbled.
"Me to..." Jason muttered.
He twisted his nose in the right direction and let out a yelp of pain.
"Sorry Jason," Annabeth winced.
"Its okay..." Jason whimpered tenderly fingering his nose.
Frank glanced over at the cops and whispered, "We should go."
"In a minute...I have an idea on how to stop that guy from hurting anyone else," Percy said.
He let out a taxi cab whistle.
Barry made sure that the two kids where out of sight before turning his attention back to Dr. Boomerang . Heatwave was preoccupied in trying to get the giant net off him. Oliver shot a couple of arrows to pin down the corners of the net so he became immobilized.
"Was that your damn lacky?' Heatwave bellowed while trying to wiggle his way out from under the net.
"No..." Oliver smiled, "Just a friend."
Heatwave continued to struggle so Oliver shot a tranquilizer arrow at him knocking him out almost instantly.
"You're out numbered...Harkness," Barry said.
Harkness had the nerve to smirk.
"While...you were busy talking to that kid...I took the liberty of pressing a detonator to a bomb," he grinned "When it explodes...every building on this block with be ablaze. You have one minute."
He said this with relish; as if seeing a city ablaze was beautiful for him. What was with this man in fire? He defiantly was a pyromaniac just like Heatwave and really crazy. Barry turned to Oliver who simply said, "Go."
But before Barry could even prepare to run off, Harkness flung another boomerang right at Oliver. Barry managed to shove him out of the way in time and barley avoided being hit himself.
"I learned from...what you two did in Central City," Harkness smirked.
Great...that meant he knew how to prevent them from disabling the bomb.
"He is not lying...there is a bomb on a building on this street and it will explode in thirty seconds," came Cisco's voice from the headset.
"Go damn it! I can hold him off," Oliver snapped getting to his feet.
Barry hesitated for a second before racing off.
"Cisco! What building?" he called into the headset.
"Um...the one to your left...no I mean your right! Ugh...you know what I mean," Cisco moaned.
Barry came to a stop in front of the building Cisco told him. It was only a hundred feet away from Harkness. Behind him he heard Oliver shooting arrows and Harkness deflecting them with his boomerangs.
"This it?" he asked.
"Yeah...hurry you like have...ten seconds," Felicity said.
Barry heard the police starting to back the crowds that had gathered up.
"You're to late!" Harkness crowded suddenly.
Barry turned to face him. He had three arrow sprouting from his arm and one in his hand. Oliver went a little overkill...alright way overkill with the arrows.
"Bomb is going in three, two, one!"
Silence...no explosion. Harkness' face changed from smugness to surprise. Barry ran back over to Oliver.
"Did you disarm it?" Oliver asked turning to Barry.
"No..." Barry faltered.
Was the bomb a dud? Or had it been disarmed by someone?
"YEAH! WHOSE MR. MCSHIZZLE!? WHO DIED AND CAME BACK TO LIFE!?" someone suddenly shouted at the top of the building, "WHO DISARMED A BOMB?!"
Mr. Mchshizzle? Barry caught sight of a boy about Percy's age dancing around on top of the building. He was waving a screwdriver around and he was wearing a tool belt. Black oil covered his face as if the kid spent his free time climbing in the engines of cars.
"Who the hell are you?" Harkness shouted.
"I'm Leo Valdez...bad boy supreme!" the kid shouted back while grinning crazily, "And you sir suck at building bombs...I mean seriously...it took me like one minute to disarm it."
He held up a tangle of greasy wires that must have been part of the bomb at some point.
"Who is this character?" Oliver muttered.
"Percy's friend...but he said his friend died..." Barry cut himself off.
This didn't make any sense at all...how did this kid die and come back to life? He didn't look like one of those zombies on the Walking Dead TV show Cisco was obsessed with (and forced Catlin to watch with him much to her disgust).
"You are going to pay for this boy! You hear me!?" Harkness snapped.
"Meh...I prefer to stay alive...thank you very much. Dying ain't fun..." Leo smirked.
A sharp taxi cab whistle from a nearby alley way made everyone jump.
"What was that?" Barry asked.
Oliver shrugged.
"Hey metal brain...heads up!" Leo shouted.
Barry only caught sight of a large black shape descending quickly and wacking Harkness in the back of the head. He crumpled to the ground. Barry was unable to identify what the shape was because it had disappeared almost as soon as it appeared.
"Well at least he is out cold now...saved me a tranquilizer arrow" Oliver grumbled.
Barry glanced up at the kid again but he had disappeared.
"The question is...what knocked him out..." Barry muttered.
Oliver was just as confused as Barry and shrugged.
"I see you got Mike under control," Snart remarked walking up.
When did he get here? Or was he watching from afar the entire time?
"Ugh...now you decide to show up," Barry scowled.
"I hope our deal is still in order," Snart said smoothly while cocking the cold gun.
"Yes," Barry grumbled, "It is..."
Snart nodded to his sister who was standing next to him. Both of them lifted Heatwave on a waiting motorcycle and disappeared.
"Why did you let him go?' Oliver demanded turning to Barry.
"He knows my identity and well...if I catch him he promised to broadcast it to the world. If I don't go after him he will stay away from my friends and family as well as keeping my identity a secret," Barry sighed.
"Ah..." Oliver said understanding at once.
"I don't mean to be rude but what happened to the bomb? " Catlin asked through the microphone.
"Some kid disarmed it," Barry responded, "And I think it was Percy's friend...you know the one he told me about...the one who died?"
"He's alive?" Cisco asked.
"Apparently...he did mention he did not want to die...again..." Barry offered lamely, "Can I discuss this back at S.T.A.R Labs?"
"Yes...you may. We would like to know what exactly happened," Dr. Wells said.
Barry ran over to the alley way to see if he could tell Percy it was time to go. But he found it deserted.
"Barry you ready to go? I think the cops are wanting to arrest me for..." Oliver broke off when he saw what Barry was looking at.
"He kept his promise..." Barry sighed.
"About what?" Oliver asked.
"He said he would leave as soon as I saved his girlfriend...and I did...in a way," Barry grumbled.
He had a feeling he would not be seeing Percy again or at least getting a thank you from the kid.
"Hey...you want to do me a favor and drop him," Oliver pointed at Harkness who was starting to stir, "Off in prison in Starling?"
"No problem at all," Barry smirked.
Captain Quince Lance was sitting in his office looking over a file of a recent criminal when he noticed a red streak flash in and out of the room leaving behind a rather angry Harkness handcuffed to the filing cabinet. Captain Quince spewed coffee he was so shocked. This was the second time he saw this phenomenon and he still had no explanation for it. Well...unless it was The Flash. But what was he doing in Starling?
Several days later Barry was in S.T.A.R Labs with Catlin and Cisco. Oliver had decided to stay a few days in order to prevent the police in Starling from tracking him anywhere. Captain Quince Lance still held Sara's murder against him.
"Hey guys...I wonder if we will ever see that kid again," Cisco said thoughtfully.
"Why do you ask?" Catlin asked annoyed.
"He was cool in how he was able to do all those things...control water and stuff," Cisco protested.
"It was weird...in the park he mentioned something about how he wished he could tell us the truth about him," Barry said.
Felicity nodded, "I was there to...he did say that."
"Well ever since he is gone the truth will never be known," Oliver said leaning against a table.
Then there was the sound of someone knocking on the wall. Everyone looked up. It was Percy holding a backpack.
"Percy?" Barry asked shocked.
He had decided to come back? For what reason?
"Yeah...sorry about running off like that. Annabeth was...not in good condition so I had to bring her...else where," Percy said grinning sheepishly.
"What happened to her?" Catlin asked.
"Slight concussion from Frank dropping her in the alley way. It was to wide for his wings so..." Percy trailed off, "It was nothing compared to her breaking her leg in Rome."
"Why did you come back?" Dr. Wells asked.
Percy glanced at him with a frown before he answered, "To say thank you."
Barry was shocked that the kid had actually come back all the way from New York City just to say that.
"Oh and to this is for Oliver," Percy reached around his back and pulled out a few arrows attached on the backpack.
He handed them to Oliver who looked at them suspiciously.
"Frank said you could use these. They are...um...hydra arrows. They form a grappling hook when shot so they lock onto almost anything," Percy smiled.
"You told him didn't you," Oliver growled at Barry.
"He didn't...I figured it out," Percy gave a faint smile, "Also...Frank wanted you to sign his bow."
He unslung the backpack and it instantly transformed into a large bow.
"How did it..." Barry faltered.
"No idea..." Percy admitted.
He didn't sound like he was lying this time. Percy handed the bow to Oliver.
"The kid...Frank...must have a strong arm to pull this back. I'm impressed,' Oliver said testing the string.
"I'll tell him you said that," Percy grinned.
While Oliver scribbled something on the bow, Percy handed a piece of paper to Cisco.
"From Jason...he got that autograph you wanted...along with a new collection of bruises from Piper," Percy smirked.
Cisco clutched at the paper as if it were solid gold.
"Jason's girlfriend beats him up?" Felicity grinned.
"Well...not exactly," Percy snorted, "She told him to beat himself up. I kind of wanted to help him out but it was to funny to watch."
"How? I really don't think anyone would want to do that to themselves," Catlin snorted.
"She...um...can talk anyone into doing almost anything. Like me...she was born with that power," Percy said with a shrug.
"Do you know that..." Barry started.
"Leo is alive?" Percy guessed, "Yep...put it this way...once Hazel and Piper were through with him I think he regretted coming back to life. Poor guy received a black eye and a sprained arm after Piper was done with him. Hazel just squeezed him to...death. Pun...not intended."
Barry had a bad feeling that Piper probably beat the boy up.
"How did he do that?" Cisco asked, "Is he a zombie?"
Seriously? He had to ask that?
"No...and to be honest I have no idea how Leo survived the explosion," Percy shrugged.
His voice sounded like he was lying but Barry ignored it.
"How was he able to disarm the bomb?" Cisco asked.
"Leo...like you is really good at building things," Percy shrugged, "He also has the ability to know how to build...or disarm in this case any machine he touches."
"I'm liking the sound of this kid," Cisco grinned, "I want to meet him."
"Maybe some day..." Percy smiled, "Word of advice...if he asks you where the main power source is...say no."
Percy took the bow back from Oliver (who was done signing it) and slung it over his shoulder. He looked out the door anxiously.
"I'm guessing you are leaving now," Barry said.
Percy shook his head and gave a slight smile, "I want to show you something."
He lead them out side S.T.A.R Labs. There was a large black horse standing there shaking its mane. It whinnied crossly at Percy as he approached it. Percy rolled his eyes.
"Hey...I told you not to pig out at the donut shop. Its your fault that you gained five pounds," Percy smirked.
Barry stopped dead in his tracks making Catlin slam into him.
"You can...understand him?" Cisco asked shocked.
"More or less," Percy sighed, "Another one of my powers."
"Oh that is sick!" Cisco grinned.
The horse nickered.
"What have I told you calling me Boss...Blackjack?!" Percy scowled.
"He calls you that?' Barry smirked.
"Really long story...lets just say I saved him from his abusive owner and he has been loyal to me since," Percy sighed, "And no...I did not name him after the poker game. He...uh...named himself."
"So why did you call out here just to see a horse?' Oliver scowled.
Blackjack whinnied angrily at Oliver and stomped a hoof.
"Do I even want to know the translation?' Barry asked raising an eyebrow.
"Um...no...you don't," Percy admitted before turning to his horse, "I'm washing your mouth out when we get home. You have been hanging out with Arion to much."
His horse did a really good impression of the eye roll. Percy glared at him and moved his lips soundlessly.
"Please don't tell me you can communicate telepathically with him," Cisco said jokingly.
"Yeah..." Percy sighed, "Which is a real drag sometimes."
Cisco's face was priceless.
"Whose Arion?" Catlin asked.
"Oh...just my friend Hazel's horse," Percy grimaced, "He has a mouth that would do a sailor proud. And he is fast...I mean really fast."
He didn't mention how fast this horse could go.
"So why did you really bring us out here?" Barry asked.
"To tell you the truth..." Percy stated.
He mounted his horse who shifted nervously. He nickered softly at Percy and shook his mane.
"First off...my dad...is actually alive," Percy sighed ignoring whatever his horse said.
"Why did you tell us he wasn't?" Oliver asked.
"I had to..." Percy admitted, "It involves my paranoid uncle who just so happens to be Jason's dad...King Thunderpants."
That name sounded like an insult. Thunder rumbled in the clear sky making everyone look up confused. Percy however muttered something like another insult under his breath.
"So...um...his dad is alive to? Annabeth's mom?" Catlin asked.
"Yes...look...I will visit here from time to time. But if you were to see or fight...anything...well I don't know...strange like that Hell Hound," Percy broke off before continuing, "You can contact me."
"How?" Cisco laughed, "You don't even own a phone."
Percy shrugged and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. Calmly he took out his ball point pen.
"You might want to stand back a bit," he warned.
"Why would we want to step back because you are un-" Cisco was cut off by Percy uncapping the pen.
The pen instantly expanded into Percy's sword and the blade ended inches from Cisco's face. Then Percy touched the end of his sword with the cap and it shrank back down into a pen; this time the writing end exposed.
"Whoa..." Cisco said awed.
Barry was beyond shocked. How was Percy able to store his sword in such a tiny pen? Catlin's eyes were popping out of her head and Dr. Wells eyed the blade suspiciously. Percy ignored all of them and wrote some numbers down on the paper (the ink for some reason was a glowing bronze color; the same as the blade of the sword). When he was done threw the piece of paper down at their feet.
"My mom's apartment number...I um...don't keep a phone because it does attract unwanted attention as well as technology does not work will with me," Percy said, "She can contact me."
He placed the cap back on the pen and stuck it in his pocket.
"Hell hound?' Cisco asked as if he suddenly remembered what Percy said before showing how he stored his sword.
Percy wouldn't say anything. Barry remembered him saying something similar on the bridge with the giant dog attack but didn't say that out loud.
"What do I tell her? I think any normal parent would be like 'who is this?'" Barry asked picking the paper off the ground.
"Tell her...you're a friend of mine," Percy said thoughtfully, "Oh and by the way...aside from me and Jason...no one knows who you really are."
Barry gave him a quick smile thanking him.
"What are you? I mean...how do you have these powers?' Felicity asked.
"I'm a mutant," Percy grinned showing he was joking.
Percy's horse Blackjack stomped a hoof and whinnied. He glanced everyone standing in front of them and bobbed his head nervously.
"Yeah...we should really get going," Percy admitted.
He gently patted Blackjack's side.
"Please don't tell me you actually rode your horse all the way from New York to here," Oliver grinned.
If so then how was the animal still standing? Blackjack whinnied angrily at Oliver again. Why was this horse getting insulted by being called a horse?
"No..." Percy smiled, "I didn't."
Before he turned Blackjack around Barry asked, "What are you...really? No joking."
Percy gave him a sly grin, "You know the Greek myths?"
"Pff...almost everyone knows those," Cisco snorted.
"Well..." Percy glanced at the sky nervously before continuing, "They are real. No joke."
Cisco stopped laughing.
"You're joking right?" Felicity asked.
"Nope..." Percy's grin grew bigger.
Okay...Percy was losing it big time.
"Okay...so what does this have to do with you?" Catlin asked raising an eyebrow.
"I'm a demi-god," Percy smile dropped to a half smile as if that were a bad thing.
Blackjack crossly stomped a hoof and huffed.
"Half god right?" Cisco asked.
He sounded like he was really interested. Percy nodded answering Cisco's question.
"So...okay...if the Greek myths are real...then who is your dad?" Barry asked with slight mockery.
"Oh that is easy...he's Poseidon," Percy smiled.
Before anyone could register what Percy said, Percy made Blackjack rear up. Blackjack let a shrill whinny and wheeled away from them. Percy made his horse galloped straight for the fence surrounding S.T.A.R Labs. Before they could smash into the fence two giant wings appeared out of the horse's back. They were so tightly folded that Barry and the others had not noticed them. Both horse and rider lifted into the air clearing the fence by several feet and sending several black feathers everywhere.
"Oh...my God...did his horse just sprout wings and fly?" Felicity asked mouth gaping open.
Barry was shocked beyond belief...what was a creature of legend doing here? How was it possibly real? The pegasus swopped back passing so low over their heads that everyone ducked instinctively. Barry glanced up to see Percy grin at them.
Percy shouted, "Believe me now?"
No one answered. Blackjack flew straight up into the air and soon was just a black dot in the sky. After a few minutes both horse and rider soon disappeared from sight.
"I think I figured out why Blackjack got insulted when you called him a horse," Cisco smirked at Oliver.
Oliver just nodded slowly; his mouth agape.
"I wonder why he wouldn't tell us this sooner..." Catlin sighed.
"He did mention his uncle had something to do with it..." Cisco remembered.
"So hang on...so Percy basically told us that the Greek gods are real? That means..." Felicity said.
"That he wasn't crazy after all," Barry sighed.
This was way to crazy. Barry could feel a head ache coming on.
"I think I figured out who his creepy uncle is..." Cisco grinned.
"And who may that be?" Oliver asked with slight mockery.
"Hades...and Jason's dad is Zeus," Cisco's grin grew bigger, "I knew that this kid was somewhat like Thor!"
"Correction...his uncle is like Thor," Felicity smiled.
"I was right! Ha! Comic books never lie!" Cisco whooped, "I told you guys so!"
"Great...now we are going to have to listen to him talk about this all day," Catlin groaned as they headed back for the door.
Barry glanced in the direction that Percy disappeared. He hoped that the kid would actually make it home safe and that he would keep his promise of knowing the Flash's identity. But he also wondered if he would have to contact Percy if Dr. Wells actually turned out to be the man that killed him mother. If so...then he had a fighting chance to get his dad out of prison.
DONE! I cannot believe how long it took me to write this stupid thing...and it is sooooooooooooooooooooo long!
So yeah...I'm sorry to say this story is complete. This was the final chapter. But here is some good news. If there is anyone out there that has an idea for a possible sequel please go ahead and tell me. Or if you have an account for this site you are more than welcome to write a sequel yourself based off this story and where it left off. PM me if you want to do this; I don't mind :)
Maybe I should explain some things. Barry and the others can see through the Mist. I thought this would work out ever since they have to deal with people with weird powers nearly 24/7.
And for those who want to know how fast Arion (Hazel's horse) can run...he can run just as fast as Barry.
Hmmm...let me see if there is anything else I should explain -quickly scans entire chapter-
Oh yeah...the cops never figured out who Percy, Jason, and Frank are. Just in case you're worried Percy will be part of another manhunt. XD
So anyway...R&R!