Ever since the sports festival Mina Ashido had been wanting to try and say thanks to Bakugo for letting her be on his team in the cavalry battle. Without him she wouldn't have gone as far as she did in the finals but the explosion king was hard to approach and talk to, even for someone like her. She wanted her thanks to be genuine and she didn't want to get yelled at by the boy. She wondered how Kirishima had managed to get on his good side enough for him to not threaten to murder him everyday.

As it stood right now they had all been back from their internships for a few days already. Mina's was uneventful but Bakugo had interned under Best Jeanist so surly he had some stories to tell right? Maybe that could be the ice breaker she needed to get around to telling him thanks. She tilted her head to the side and began looking at the blonde boy at the other side of the room. Homeroom hadn't started yet and he was simply at his desk looking annoyed and angry already.

The pink girl leaned over some to an adjacent desk near her and tapped her red haired friend Kirishima on the shoulders, " Yo!"

Kirishima turned around and flashed a spiky toothed smile at the girl, " What's up Ashido?"

" You and Bakugo have gotten pretty close right? Would you say you're friends with him?"

Kirishima shrugged at first but seemed to think it over, " I think its safe to say we are yeah. I know how to read him and he's started calling me by name sometimes now ever since the festival."

Mina smiled a bit hearing this before she asked her next question, " Awesome! Okay so, what would be the best way to get on his good side without him trying to kill me? I wanna thank him for helping me get so far in the festival but at the same time I'm kinda scared of the guy you know?"

Kirishima chuckled lightly before nodding his head, " Yeah I gotcha. Saying thanks to Bakugo isn't easy, trust me. I'd say you could just buy him a coffee or something but he'd reject it and say you don't owe him anything and that he doesn't owe you anything..." Kirishima leaned back in his chair as he placed a hand under his chin in thought, " But if you got on better terms with him it'd be easier and he might just accept a simple thank you."

Mina sighed before leaning in closer to the hardening quirked boy, " Aaaaaaaand how do I do that?"

" Well...that's tough to say. Really all I had to do was push the right buttons. If its really important to you I can ask him if he wants to hang out this weekend, and then maybe you can just so happen to end up being at the same place we hang out at if you catch my drift?"

The horned girl seemed to like the idea as she smiled brighter and shook her head up and down, " That could work! We could totally spend the whole day at the mall and I can get him something while we're there!"

Kirishima motioned with his hands for the girl to slow down, " Whoa remember what I said about you getting him something? He wouldn't accept it Ashido."

Mina seemed to deflate some as she was reminded of that, " Dang it you're right...oh!" She seemed to beam up some with an idea, " Maybe I can just lead us to his favorite store? What all is he into that we could do at the mall?"

" Does the mall have one of those extreme sports stores with the fake rock climbing wall?"

Mina shook her head excitedly, " Uh huh! It sure does! is that something he's into?"

Kirishima gave the girl a big thumbs up with a friendly grin, " it's like his favorite thing to do for fun apparently! If you take us there it would def score you some Bakugo Brownie points!"

Mina smiled before speaking again, " Alright! So you make the plans with him and I'll ambush you guys there sound good? And be sure to act surprised when you see me okay? OH! And don't tell him about the rock climbing! I think it'll go over smoother if I'm the one to tell him about it. "

" Don't worry you can count on me Ashido. I'll make sure he's there and I'll do what I can to make it go smoothly."

After confirming their plan Mina turned her gaze back on the blonde boy on the other side of the room and waved cheerfully at him hoping he saw her. Bakugo only moved his eyes to the corner so he could see her and then focused his gaze back onto his desk as he didn't care someone was waving at him.

Saturday had come faster than expected and after enough persuasion Kirishima had convinced Bakugo to join him for a day at the mall. It seemed impossible at first but as soon as Kirishima told his friend about this store that exclusively sold different kinds of sauce, including an insane degree of hot sauces, he seemed interested and agreed to go to pick up some new hot sauces for his meals.

Bakugo was dressed simply in a black tank top with a white skull logo and grey cargo shorts while Kirishima wore a Crimson Riot tee shirt and blue jeans. They were just casually walking around the giant mall right now as they headed for the sauce store that Bakugo was determined to see. Kirishima sent a text to his pink friend to meet them there as he and Bakugo got on some escalators headed for the next level of the mall.

" Kirishima." Bakugo spoke up abruptly as they got off the moving stairs, " How much farther is this place?" He asked in an irritated tone.

" Not too much farther man. Should only be another five minutes."

Bakugo didn't seem pleased to hear that but he didn't seem displeased about it either. He just made his usual resting bitch face and kept moving forward with his hands crammed in his pockets. " They have free samples right?"

" Huh? Oh, yeah! Yeah they sure do! Yo can try as many as you want too! It's pretty awesome."

Meanwhile Mina Ashido, dressed in a black tank top that read Acid on it and short denim jeans, was already ahead of the two and in the sauce shop already. It was smaller than most of the other stores but was a very popular venue nonetheless. Right now she was over in the section full of novelty sauces. Soda flavored and candy flavored sauces lined up a few shelves by themselves and Mina was trying as many free samples as she could and getting mixed results from the flavors.

The lemon lime flavored sauce made her gag, and the artificial chocolate tasting BBQ sauce was fine on its own but she was really unsure how she'd like it on meat though. The root beer flavored sauce though really got the girl, she ended up grabbing a bottle of it on the spot after trying it out while she waited on the boys. She'd buy it after Bakugo and Kirishima would be set to leave the store.

And speak of the devils she over heard Bakugo's " angelic " voice call out for all to hear in the store that he had arrived. " FINALLY! WHY THE FUCK IS THIS PLACE SO FAR AWAY FROM THE ENTRANCE!?"

Mina quickly turned around with a tooth filled smile as she saw the two enter the store as Bakugo went straight for the hot sauce section near the front. She rushed over waving as she got their attention, " Bakugo! Kirishima! What are you two doing here?" She said as she pretended to be surprised to see the two of them here.

Bakugo let out a groan as he began test tasting the various flavors of hot sauce. Kirishima did his best to act surprised but it came off as rather corny and rehearsed sounding, " Woah! Ashido what are you doing here? I didn't expect to see you here! Crazy!"

Bakugo tried to ignore the girl as he enjoyed himself tasting the hottest sauces they had to offer. He went straight for the ones that said warning and had one after the other as Ashido and Kirishima spoke behind him. As he got himself another sample Mina quickly got closer to the blonde before asking in a friendly manner, " Wow you're really going for that? It says it's the hottest stuff they have to offer in America!"

Bakugo groaned, " Well it better fucking be. With a name like Satan's fiery ass crack I expect the best." he said before shoving the tiny sample spoon in his mouth and seeming unfazed for the most part.

Mina wanting to get more on the boy's good side grabbed a sample for herself and Kirishima, " Come on Kirishima let's try it! It can't be that hot if Bakugo isn't even reacting to it!"

Bakugo then turned around and shot the pair a glare, " Are you an idiot? Not everyone is blessed with a resistance to this kind of shit like me."

Kirishima shrugged as he accepted Mina's offer to try it, " Aw come on Bakugo! Are you saying you doubt us?" The red head and pink head then stuck the samples in their mouths before swallowing. They didn't seem to feel anything at first.

Mina giggled lightly, " See? I can't even tell it was there at all! Hehe-..." Her eyes then opened wide as her face began changing shades and sweat started to drip off of her skin. Kirishima began taking deep breathes before quickly opening the drink he had on him and chugging it like a man dying of thirst. Mina started panting like a dog outside on a hot summer say as she looked around for something to fix the heat in her mouth as tears welled up in her eyes. Bakugo just rolled his eyes at the two and went back to trying more samples.

Mina then saw the bottle of water that the blonde boy had in one of his pockets. It wasn't even opened yet and full of cooling refreshment. She understood the risks of what she was about to do, but as she saw it she could either die from this hot sauce or die from Bakugo. She quickly lunged for the bottle in the boy's pocket and yanked it out in one swift move before undoing the top and drank it as fast as she possibly could to try and defeat the scorching heat in her throat.

Bakugo clenched his fist and glared at the pink girl. She had just stolen his water and was drinking it right in front of him. " What. In. The. Fuck?! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE FUCKING DOING RACCOON EYES?!" He screamed out and caught the attention of everyone inside the store as they feared what he might do next in his rage.

Mina didn't flinch and only only held up a finger telling him to wait a moment as she finished up the entire bottle of water before gasping for air as she handed it back to Bakugo. She gulped fearing for her safety as the boy yanked it out of her hands, " S-sorry Bakugo...It just felt like I was dying!"

Bakugo put the empty bottle in his pocket and shot the girl a death glare, " You better replace this idiot!" he growled out to her.

Mina nodded her head quickly in response, " I will! I intended to do that anyway! I'll even buy you any bottle of sauce here you want!"

Bakugo grunted in response hearing that, " Yeah you better. " he grabbed a bottle of hot sauce marked as even hotter than the Satan's fiery ass crack and shoved it in the pink girl's hands.

Kirishima let out a sigh as he threw away his now empty drink bottle, " So, Ashido...do ya want to hang with me and Bakugo since we're together already?" he asked again in an obviously rehearsed sounding tone.

Bakugo shot a look of distaste at his friend as he growled in annoyance at that idea. Mina just turned to their mutual friend and smirked as she replied with her own rehearsed answer, only sounding authentic with her words, " Sure! I was here alone anyway and I'd love to hang out with you guys!"

Bakugo scoffed, " You two can go ahead and dick around. As soon as you buy me the shit you owe me I'm outta here!" He told them in an annoyed voice.

Mina quickly turned to face the boy and clapped her hands together in a pleading fashion as she smiled at him, " Aw come on Bakugo! Don't you wanna have fun?" Bakugo just stood firmly and glared down at the pink girl. Mina then rose a finger up in excitement as she pointed east of them, " I know this place inside and out! I'm sure I can show you something you'd like! Do you like extreme sports? You seem like that kinda guy! They have this huge extreme sports store on this floor and it has all these different rock climbing set ups you can try out! It's a lotta fun!" She said in an energetic tone.

Bakugo's eyebrows rose in curiosity hearing about that, " Rock climbing sets? Like those fake cliffs with the plastic rocks?"

Mina shook her head up and down quickly before she started making weird hand and arm motions to indicate how tall the sets were in the store, " Yeah! They have three different kinds we can try out! The beginner's is about twenty feet tall I think! The regular kind is like thirty five feet tall and the advanced is nearly sixty feet tall! Isn't that awesome Bakugo? Come on are you saying that wouldn't be fun to climb all of them and see which of us can do it faster?"

Bakugo smirked at her reply, " Are you implying either of you could beat me in rock climbing?" He took another step forward and removed his hands from his pockets as he crossed his arms, " I'd leave the two of you in the dust!"

Mina just smiled looking up at him as she realized she had him, " I dunno Bakugo, I'm pretty fast after all! We can head there right after I pay for this if ya want!"

" Hurry up and buy it then Pinky!" Bakugo ordered, " Cuz you're taking us there right fucking after got it?!"

Mina giggled as she turned around to head for the register to buy her own bottle of sauce and Bakugo's hot sauce. Kirishima gave her a thumbs up that was out of Bakugo's view as their plan seemed to be working even with the mess up of Mina stealing the blonde's water.

After buying the two bottles of sauce Mina led the two boys to the extreme sports shop and over to the rock climbing sets. Bakugo smiled looking up at them and turned toward the horned girl, " Hey! Do we gotta pay to use em or what? I want to hurry up and climb these!"

Mina nodded to the boy and pointed to one of the employee's, " Yeah we just have to let one of the workers know we want to climb and they'll get us set up after we pay!"

Bakugo then immediately made his way for the nearest employee and shouted out, " Hey! You! We want to start climbing and now! How much?!"

The employee who looked barely any older than the three U.A. students flinched at Bakugo's barking, " Oh? Uh, a-alright dude no need to g-get so upset! Wh-which did you want to climb today?"

" All of em! We're climbing all of them!"

" Well, we can do the full set special then...it's one thousand yen to climb all three of them that way." Bakugo then reached into his pocket and took out his wallet before handing the money over to the meek man. Bakugo then turned his head back to the his two companions and yelled out, " GET OVER HERE AND FUCKING PAY FOR YOUR SETS YOU IDIOTS!"

Mina and Kirishima then quickly ran over, money in hand before handing it over to the scared worker. " A-alright...thanks you three for choosing Koyoshi extreme sports. If you would follow me and I-I'll get you all set up for the beginner's climb first."

Mina smiled after getting in her harness and helmet. She figured after her and Bakugo went through these she'd tell him thanks for putting her on his team in the cavalry battle and see what she could do for her him to show her thanks hoping this would put her on his good side. Bakugo seemed annoyed about having to be in a harness but it was either use the harness or he wouldn't be allowed to climb.

The three all stood at the base of the beginner's set first as they all did some standard stretching to get themselves ready. Mina then turned to the same worried worker who would be watching them and make sure nothing went wrong, he also had to watch over their bags of already bought goods and Mina's purse to make sure no one stole them. " Excuse me? Can you do a countdown for us? We were gonna race to the top and we'd appreciate if you could sound us off when to start!"

" O-oh, we actually c-condone racing-"

Bakugo then turned his head fast and shot the employee a death stare, " We said! We want you to count us down so we can fucking race to the top!" Mina winced at Bakugo yelling at the poor guy like that.

The worker gulped as he flinched in place, " A-A-alright...g-get ready then..." The three of them all got ready to grab onto their first rock each. " G-get set...go!"

Bakugo and Mina reacted much faster than their red haired friend and both took hold of their first rock at the same speed and began scaling the wall as they each tried to best the other. Kirishima was quite a few steps behind them as he had never done this before and wasn't used to where he needed to place his feet as he climbed, " Hey! Come on you two you're making me look bad!" He shouted as they left him behind and kept climbing.

Bakugo turned the side of his head and noticed how Mina was keeping even with him. If he were allowed to use his quirk here he could just propel himself a few steps ahead and clutch onto a rock in a nice adrenaline rush. Alas he would probably get banned and maybe even get a ticket if he were to create any explosions here and had to rely on his pure physical prowess to win. He let out a few grunts as he picked up his pace and stopped simply climbing rock to rock as he began jumping off the small rock he had his feet on to try and get to the higher rocks faster and reach the top first. He wasn't going to let someone who didn't even give Tokoyami a fight beat him at his favorite hobby.

Mina noticed at how Bakugo began jumping off of rock to rock to try and get an advantage over her. " oh no you don't Blasty! " She said as she began copying the boy to speed up her own process to catch up with him. She grunted and came close to slipping a few times but her reflexes were fast enough to prevent that from happening. The two still seemed to be about neck and neck and when they were each about one foot away from the top the two seemed to kick it into third gear to try and best the other.

They both leaped upward with all their might to try and grab onto the top first. Bakugo having the longer arms managed to grab on just barely as Mina missed by about an inch as her finger tips grazed the top and she had to catch onto the next nearest rock.

Bakugo climbed up and sat at the top looking down at her and Kirishima. Normally he'd gloat about this but his victory was really a close call, and that didn't sit too right with him. Mina reached the top and sat down next to him as she wiped her forehead. " Whew...dang Bakugo you really are fast at this huh? You're like a pro! But we still have two more so I think I stand a fair chance at beating you at one of em!"

Bakugo knew what she was saying was true, he only won because he happened to be taller than her and could reach a little bit farther. He gave her an uncertain look before smirking, " Or I'll just beat you again and again Ashido."

Mina then perked up and smiled, " Ashido? SO you DO remember my name Bakugo!"

" Shut up. Come on let's go ahead and get down so we can get to the next set already." As the two started climbing down Kirishima was still working his way up, passing the two as they went in opposite directions, " Please don't start the second set without me! That wouldn't be cool guys!"

Bakugo just shouted at the red head, " THEN HURRY THE FUCK UP AND FINISH ALREADY!"

By the time it had come time for the three of them to do the regular wall Bakugo was determined to make sure his victory over Ashido wasn't so close this time. He wanted to leave her in the dust and win without a doubt. After the same meek worker told them all to go Bakugo quickly jumped up as high as he could and began jumping rock to rock like a monkey jumping tree to tree.

After he reached the half way point he stopped to catch his breath. He turned his head to see where the other two were, Kirishima was was doing better than before but still considerably more behind him, and while Bakugo stopped to catch his breath Ashido passed him. He looked up as she kept climbing and jumping from rock to rock as she left him behind. He clutched onto the current rocks he held and began chasing after her, " NO YOU DON'T! I WON'T LET YOU BEAT ME PINKY!"

Mina smirked hearing him get so worked up about this friendly little competition. You could tell Bakugo cared when he saw you as a legitimate challenge and got mad when going against you. She tried to repress any giggles that tried to surface as she focused on getting to the top right now as Bakugo hounded after her to try and reclaim his position in first place. She overheard his grunts of anger as he zoomed in on her, breaking the gap between them as they were neck and neck again. The two gave each other a look as their eyes met briefly as they kept climbing, not looking where they had placed their hands as they both grabbed the same rock at the same time. Bakugo's hand cupped Mina's and she could feel how warm his hand was as it laid over hers.

They both stopped dead in their tracks as a lilac blush formed on Mina's cheeks and Bakugo just looked annoyed before he shouted, " LET GO! GRAB YOUR OWN ROCK! " He quickly pulled his hand off and kept rushing for the top, not letting that awkward little situation drag him down. Mina let out a sigh as she gathered her barrings and started after him. Before long she was closing in on him but the explosion user reached the top just as she was catching up.

Bakugo didn't bother waiting this time around and began heading back down immediately, stopping next to Mina as she neared the top. " For the advanced course you better not stop in place over something dumb like that again. Bring your A game or don't bother climbing again." He said to her before continuing his downward path.

Now had come time for the advanced set. The great sixty footer stood over them like a colossal being as they all got hooked up into the harnesses. Bakugo looked more determined about this one with it being the biggest. He wouldn't be able to just jump from rock to rock and win, he'd wear himself out too fast doing that now that he had done that twice already. Plus this one was too big to even attempt that.

Mina let out a few tired breathes as she glistened with sweat before looking to Bakugo and smiling, " So are you glad now that you ran into me?"

The explosion boy scoffed as the meek man finished getting him in his harness for this set, " You ended up making this trip to this shit hole worth it so I'd say so."

Mina let out some light giggles hearing this from the rude boy. The meek worker came over and began putting her into her harness. After he finished Mina noticed how it felt looser and not as sturdy as the other two she had but didn't think too much about it.

Kirishima stood next to the pink girl and whispered to her, " Hey, I think bakugo is actually starting to like hanging out with you. I don't see him this determined about stuff outside of school so way to go!"

Mina blushed lightly as she smiled ear to ear before replying, " I knew I'd be able to get on his good side! I just needed the right scenario you know?"

" HEY! What are you fucks whispering about over there?!" Bakugo shouted as he glared at the two.

Kirishima just scratched the back of his neck after his friend's outburst, " Oh we're just...talking about...er-"

" Butts!" Mina then interjected with a deadpan face as she blurted out the first thing that came to mind. " We...were talking about butts. "

Bakugo glared at the two and narrowed his eyes, " Butts?"

Mina kept her deadpan look as she was stuck in this little fib now, " Y-yeah. I was just telling Kiri how nice I thought yours looked in those jeans you were wearing when you came back from Best Jeanist's..." A large blush formed at the girl's face after saying this but she was just talking without thinking. Kirishima face palmed hearing this come out of his friend's mouth and looked with some fear to see how Bakugo would react.

As he focused his gaze on Bakugo his mouth opened in shock as Bakugo's face seemed to be heating up in embarrassment. Bakugo seemed to have nothing to say and just turned to face the climbing wall. Mina quickly did the same and tried to avoid looking at the blonde as she felt rather embarrassed herself after blurting that out. The three waited for the easily flinched worker to tell them to go and as soon as he let out the words, " go." the three all took off once again for the final wall to climb.

Bakugo wasn't going to stop to catch his breath this time and he wasn't going to let Ashido either. He wanted to make sure he won one hundred percent legit this time. It may have just been rock climbing at the mall with two classmates but it was still a challenge for Bakugo and he wanted to prove that he would win fair and square when it came to this last giant set to climb. As long as he and Ashido kept moving and giving it their all it was fair, that way neither of them could take advantage of the other stopping to catch their breathe or from pausing just because their hands touched.

The explosive boy kept his determined face as he climbed up step by step. He'd save his little leaps for when he got closer to the top and it wouldn't drain him of as much stamina. He kept checking to see where the pink girl was and he wasn't surprised to see she was doing the same as him and keeping an even pace too like she had before.

" you better not slow down any Ashido! If you slow down I'll kill you!" Bakugo growled at her as the two kept climbing at a steady yet fast pace.

" Hah same to you Mister Explosion Murder!" She replied back with her usual upbeat confidence. She was happy to see she could get this competitive edge out of the boy that so few were actually able to fully draw out.

" That's KING Explosion Murder to you!" He yelled back as he picked up his speed to try and get ahead. Mina smirked at his attempt to beat her and she resorted to their original strategy they had used for the other two sets as she began jumping upward rock to rock to get ahead of the blonde.

It took her no time at all to clear the small gap between them that Bakugo had created and soon she was pulling ahead of him and was nearing the halfway point. She never even noticed how her harness was pulling so hard on her weak vest every time she jumped and created a recoil effect. As she passed the halfway point and smiled through her hard pants of air she got out another big jump and upon landing on the next set of rocks her harness snapped.

The resulting snap had enough force to cause her to slip off the small fake rocks and she screamed for dear life as she fell. She reached out with her arms and grabbed onto the first rocks she could and held on for dear life as tears escaped her eyes and she felt her heart beat echoing even in her mouth.

She stood there gripping for dear life as she was still over thirty feet in the air. Kirishima yelled out to her from below, " ASHIDO! ARE YOU OKAY?!"

Before she could say anything Bakugo had actually stopped in his tracks as he was just about a foot under her, " Hey! Why are you stopping?! You can have a near death experience after you beat this!"

Mina looked down at him with a surprised face, " That's easy for you to say! Your harness is still on!" Bakugo scoffed at her and with one hand began removing his harness.

After he had it off of him he smirked up at her before saying in a challenging tone, " There! I don't have mine anymore! You don't see me crying about it! Now are you going to finish this or not?! Cuz I'm not gonna move while you're sitting still like that! I'm winning this fairly you hear me?!"

Mina let out a deep breath before focusing her eyes upward as she tried to calm herself. She moved her right arm up and grabbed hold of the nearest rock and began climbing up even without her harness. She wasn't going to have Bakugo look down on her. Bakugo smiled devilishly ear to ear, " That's more fucking like it!" he shouted as he raced after her for the top.

Kirishima still far below them wiped his eyes at their display, " Damn it! Why are you two being so manly right now?!"

Mina and Bakugo continued going at it with everything they had. The meek employee was yelling up at them how they would be banned for doing this without their harnesses but they didn't seem to care as they just focused on beating the other. As they climbed higher they kept exchanging looks as they tried to see who was ahead of the two. They were nearly neck and neck and both of them were tired. Sweat was coming off of both of them and they were both breathing harder and bigger the farther up they went.

It felt like an eternity to the pink girl before she neared the top. She wasn't looking to see where Bakugo was anymore, she just wanted to reach the top and get down from this monster of a rock climb. As she pulled herself up and collapsed at the top, she didn't even notice she had beaten Bakugo by two seconds as he came and sat down next to her at the top as he let out a big breath of air.

" I'll beat you next time." He said to her in a demanding tone.

Mina looked over the boy and seemed confused, " Huh? What?...Did I actually beat you?" She said between breathes.

Bakugo just scoffed at her reply, " Yeah you beat him. Fair and square. But like I said! I'll beat you next time!"

Mina just started laughing. " If it's bothering you so much that you barely lost sure let's do this next weekend!"

Bakugo grinned hearing this, " Sounds good to me, and we won't be using this place either! We'll use actual cliffs and climb actual fucking rocks!"

Mina sat up and smiled at the boy before giggling lightly, " Speaking of us hanging out Bakugo...I wanted to say thanks for you letting me on your team in the cavalry battle. I wouldn't have made it as far as I did if it wasn't for you."

Bakugo leaned back and shrugged as he averted his gaze, " You don't need to say thanks. That was a team effort. If it wasn't for your acid Kirishima would have been stuck by that glue guy's quirk and we wouldn't have been able to do that combo move we did with my explosions, elbow guy's tape and your acid trail. So drop the whole thanks thing."

Mina smiled as her teeth were showing, " I still want to do something for you though! You know, to show my appreciation?"

Bakugo let out a short groan before looking her in the eyes and saying in an agitated voice, " If you want to show your thanks so much then just promise to give the climb we do next weekend everything you've got? Got it?"

Mina kept her smile and gave the explosive boy a thumbs up, " Gotcha!"

Before they could keep talking the meek employee appeared near the edge of the top of the wall on one of those rising machines they use to position things on the very top shelves, "A-alright you t-two! get on here and get out of our store! You w-weren't supposed to c-climb without harnesses on and you both kept going without them!"

Bakugo flipped out his middle finger to the guy as he got into the elevating platform with Mina following behind him. " Bakugo he's just doing his job there's no need to be so harsh to him."

" Whatever."

After the two got Mina's purse and their bag of sauces back from the bottom they headed outside the store and were told they would never be welcome in that store or any of its chain stores ever again due to their actions of rock climbing with no harnesses. They sat around and waited for Kirishima as they made small talk.

" I'm still super upset about Midnight not letting me use Alien Queen! Like come on that's a solid name and it's a lot better than Pinky."

Bakugo seemed to agree as he nodded his head, " At least you have a fucking hero name. Dumb bitch didn't let me go with either of my picks!"

" I know! She didn't even tell you what would make your names more acceptable! Talk about shitty teaching."

" Yeah fuck her!" bakugo growled out as he angrily drank from the bottle of water Mina had replaced for him earlier. He then turned and saw how tired Mina seemed and how much she was sweating. He quickly wiped off the top of his bottle and handed it to her, " Here. Don't drink too much or I'll kill you got it?"

Mina blinked in surprise at this gesture of his but shook her head side to side saying no, " naah I couldn't! That's your replacement water dude! besides I have cash in my purse so I can just buy me a drink." She reached into her purse and dug through looking for her wallet before finally taking it out. As she opened it up her mouth practically hit the floor, " Wha-...WHAT THE HELL?! WHERE'S ALL OF MY CASH?!"

Bakugo looked over with a curious look, " What do you mean?"

The girl spread her wallet open and showed its empty insides to the blonde, " I mean I had over twenty thousand yen in here this morning and now I have zero! I should still have like fifteen thousand left at least! I don't even know where it could have gone!" The girl placed her hands over her head as she tried rattling her brain to think of where it could have gone.

As she was thinking Kirishima came out of the store with a disappointed face, " Man you guys got me banned too you know? Why'd you have to go and ruin that place for me too?" he paused looking at his pink friend before looking to bakugo, " Did I miss something?"

Bakugo stood up and cracked his knuckles before speaking in an angered pissed off voice, " Yeah. That beta male employee stole her money while we were all climbing is what happened." Without caring about the fact that he was banned he marched right back into the store as Ashido and Kirishima chased after him.

" W-wait bakugo!" Mina cried out, " We don't know if it was him or not! We can't just go accusing people of-"


Security started heading over and Mina and Kirishima seemed to fear for what would happen to their friend next. As security came closer Bakugo just ran past them and after the employee who tried running off. Bakugo caught up in no time and tackled him down, " I SAID GIVE HER BACK HER MONEY YOU RAT SHIT!"

As security came closer for the blonde Mina and Kirishima ran after the boy as well as the pink girl yelled, " Bakugo you don't know if-"

" O-okay! O-okay! I'll g-g-give it back I-i"m sorry!" Bakugo let go and the meek worker quickly took out his wallet and handed Bakugo the fifteen thousand yen. The security guard stopped in place as he tried to piece together what was going on, " I...I only make minimum wage! Y-you can't b-blame me f-for trying to m-mooch off a U.A. star c-could you?"

Bakugo took the money and looked toward the security guard, " You gonna kick me out or what? HUH?!" The guard just flinched and shook his head.

" Well...since our employee stole from you I'm not sure I can do anything to you now...so, I guess just leave?"

Bakugo scoffed and walked past the guard without a second thought as he went back to his two friends and handed Ashido her money, " Here. I fucking told you so."

Mina held the money in her hands and smiled brightly before forgetting what kind of person Bakugo was and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug, " Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!" She repeated over and over as she hugged him tight like a kid hugs their teddy bear.

Kirishima just looked away as he expected the worst but instead all he got was Bakugo in a death threatening voice saying, " GET. THE FUCK. OFF. ME NOW!"

Mina released her tight hug over the boy and blushed that same lilac she had earlier as she put her money away. " Right sorry about that." She then smiled at the blonde with her blush still visible as she said, " You know this sorta makes you like my hero for the day!"

Bakugo just rolled his eyes at her corniness but enjoyed hearing that as he tried to hide a smirk. The three left the store and decided they had all had enough of the mall for one day and that they'd all head their separate ways back home. Mina wouldn't let Bakugo leave before exchanging phone numbers though.

Mina laid in her bed that night like a log as she plopped down tired from the day she had even if it was shorter than she expected it would be, it was full of a lot more stress than she intended. She only meant to get on friendly terms with Bakugo today and show her thanks and instead they ended up having a serious competition with actual risks in it. And then when she thought she had lost several weeks worth of her allowance Bakugo had come to her rescue and gotten it all back.

He was tough and mean on the outside but Mina could tell there was a nicer and caring side to him deep down. After all he still wanted to be a hero. She let out a deep yawn and clutched her pillow tightly as she fell asleep soon after thinking about how things would go between her and the explosion boy.

When Bakugo got home he went straight to his room as well and laid on his bed as he stared up at the ceiling and a blush swept across his face. " Why would she just tell me she thought my ass looked nice?"

Author's notes
This ship doesn't get enough attention and is seriously lacking in terms of how much content there is of it so I decided to give it some representation. This will be an on going so I hope you all keep checking in and I appreciate all of you for taking time out of your day to read this.