Author has written 7 stories for Mass Effect, One Piece, Legend of Zelda, Naruto, and Fairy Tail. My name is Kazama the shellbullet or just call me kaza-kun. I do not own any titles so please don't. I don't own my anime and created. (Wish I did). My favorite anime are:S-cry-ed,Ranma,Inuyasha,Full metal alchemist,Naruto,Gundam Seed,Yu Yu hakasho,bleach,salior moon,and code geass. My favorite pairings in anime is: Botan/Yusuke Kanami/Kazama Ichigo/orihime Lelouch/ C.C. or shirley Winry/Ed Kira/Lacus Kagome/Inuyasha Naruto/Sasame/tenten/Hinata/Temari/ Ayame/ Music for chapter 14 sons of war- Ayane's clothing in the omake I take no credit in making this at all- http:///art/Ayane-1-59036782 Kasumi clothing in the omake on the poster of the shop- http:///photos//images/gd/1134474225/kasumi-ninja-noir-new-doa4.jpg don't just ignore this, because in the Bible it says if you deny me, I will deny you in front of my Father in the gates of Heaven. A japeanese translator I found here the url for it http:///onldict/jap.html Naruto's gunblade refrence- http:///albums/c394/oav_cosplay/LIGHTNINGGUN.jpg This what Momiji looks like if you haven't seen her http:///wp-content/uploads/2009/07/momiji-ninja-gaiden-sigma-2-character-artwork.jpg I will put music when I assemable them all the one trhat will play for Zabuzas battle will be this Music for what it means to be shionbi I wanna be by stance punks Picture of May in her outfit without her clothes from series http:///art/Pokemon-Years-Later-May-105804217 Misty's outfit in the my story- http:///art/Pokemon-Years-Later-Misty-105804578 Please Review if you have the chance. I haven't updated a profile, but I'm working on revamping it. Give me some time! |