Author has written 1 story for Naruto. Hello, my name is John.Likes: Football, Home Teams(I live in San Diego), sleeping, video games Anime: Claymore, Naruto, Ruronin Kenshin, Prince of Tennis, Love Hina, and many more I can't think of as of the moment Fav Naruto Parings: NaruxHina, NejixTen, InoxChouji, ShikxTem I also like yuri pairings and Naru Harem(I don't like that you it but i do, whatever) Parings I don't like: NaruxSaku SasuxHina NejixHina GarxHina Kibaxhina(where do people come up with these parings for Hina?!?!?!?)yaoi is a no-no I am currently trying in write a Naruto fanfic with Ruronin kenshin mixed in. Also thinking about a NarutoxClaymore fanfic |