First off, I know this is not the update everyone is hoping for. But I have some very important information I want to share.
It has been a long time since I've updated this story. A part of me wishes I could go through everything that's happened as some kind of excuse as to why it's taken so long, but I really don't think that's important or prudent at this point in time. But let's just say there were a lot of things pulling me away from this story.
So what's happening now?
Basically, I'm doing what I'm calling a "revival" of this entire story, as well as cross-posting it to AO3. What that means is, I'm reading all 59 chapters, doing edits from top to bottom (Grammarly wasn't really a thing for me however long ago I started this), and re-posting them all one at a time. My goal is not to change the base story, but to read through it myself and re-do the outline I lost forever ago.
Once that is done, I will start posting new chapters again. While I don't know exactly how long it will take, I do have plans to edit at least three chapters a day (five if I can keep up with work while doing it). I personally need to re-read, catch the plot threads that I left hanging, and ensure I set myself up for success again in the long run. I will remove this author note once I start posting again, but to any new (or old) readers, I want you all to know that I'm still kicking, and I want to finish this story as much as I know many people want to read it.
I am sorry that it's taken this long. I know there are plenty of people who have joined the "waiting list" as I'm going to call it in recent months. But this is my promise that I have not forgotten this story. And after however many years of fighting to start it again, I will complete this behemoth, one chapter at a time.
Thank you for understanding, and I hope to see you all soon.