Ashlyn Ketchum: The Birth Of A Legend

Capturing one of each Pokemon species in the world is a laudable goal, of course, but Ashlyn Ketchum believed in quality over quantity. Now add a dash of practicality, a touch of common sense, and a hint of maturity, and you have the beginnings of a Pokemon legend. fem!Ash



A short girl of only twelve years old, hummed happily to herself as she checked through her backpack for all of her supplies. She had packed four additional outfits, a basic tent and sleeping bag, a tarp, lightweight blankets, a fishing lure, matchsticks, a flashlight and assorted batteries, hygiene supplies, a laptop, a clothesline, a navigation guide, cooking supplies, water purification tablets, sunblock, a first-aid kit, and no small quantity of clean underwear. After some thought, she also added a sketchbook, colored pencils, a digital camera, and a short well-thumbed book of fairytales.

At the end, it was amazing that it could all even fit inside the green, waterproof backpack, but Ashlyn was more than satisfied with the results.

"Are you done packing, sweetheart?" Delia Ketchum asked, as she walked into the room. She was a pretty woman with dark auburn hair and hazel eyes. Ashlyn had inherited her facial structure and build, though her colouring had apparently come from her deceased father.

"I think so, Mom," Ashlyn affirmed, leaping up from her crouch to give her mom a tight hug. "Just a little longer, and I'll be off to get my starter Pokemon!"

"Do you know which Pokemon you want?" Delia said, returning her daughter's hug.

"They all have their good points, but I think I want to get the Charmander," Ashlyn replied seriously, "I know that the first gym I'll pass will be full of rock types, but I love the idea of one day flying on my own Charizard."

"Well, no matter which Pokemon you choose, I know that you'll become a great trainer, Ashlyn," her mother replied. The dark-haired girl raised her eyebrows. Her mother rarely used her full name, so she knew that whatever Delia said now would be serious.

Delia led her daughter to the bed, and after they both sat down, placed her hands firmly on her daughter's shoulders.

"You remind me more and more of your father every day," Delia murmured, eyes glistening slightly as she looked into Ash's face, "He would be so proud of you right now."

Ash's eyes widened. Her father was a topic that her mother always avoided.

"There's something I want to give you for your journey," Delia continued, standing up and walking over towards the door. She picked up a red and white cap placed just outside the door, and placed it in Ash's hands. The girl looked it over curiously; it was clean and slightly worn.

"This cap belonged to your father," Delia explained, smiling wistfully down at the piece of clothing, "It's actually how we first met. Your father had a Pidgeot that he was teaching Gust to, and one of the attacks blew his cap straight off of his head. He chased it down a grassy hill by the side of the road, and nearly ran me over when it landed on my poor Marill's head."

"This belonged to… Dad?" Ash whispered, fingers running over the resewn brim.

"He wore it everywhere he went."

A wide smile crossed her face. "And you want me to have it Mom?"

Delia nodded. "I know he's not here to see you off on your journey… but I thought you would have liked to take one of your father's keepsakes along with you. So that you can always know that he's watching out for you from Arceus' kingdom."

With a bright grin on her face, Ash jumped up from the bed and carefully placed the hat over her messy, short dark hair. She rushed over to the mirror, and looking back at her was a slightly wet-eyed young girl in a red and white short-sleeved jacket, black pants, red sneakers, and a red and white cap.

"I love it, Mom, thank you!" Ash exclaimed, giving her mother one more hug. Then she lifted up her backpack, and swung it on her shoulders.

"Now, I'm off to become a great Pokemon trainer!" Ash shouted, pumping one fist in the air and striking a victory pose. And I'll make you and Dad proud too, Ash added mentally.

"That's great sweetheart," Delia said, as she sweat dropped. Her little girl really did take after Ashton at the oddest of times. "Did you pack enough clean underwear?"

Ash's victory pose broke as she toppled to the ground. "Mom!" Ash complained, with a bright red face, "You ruined my totally cool declaration! And, of course, I packed enough clean underwear!"

"Just checking, dear," Delia giggled, "We wouldn't another Pokemon Summer camp incident, would we? This time, there might not be any kind Serena's around to lend you some."

Ash huffed, her cheeks still red from embarrassment. Her mother never let her forget that incident.

Then her eyes caught sight of her watch, and she hurriedly stood up again. "Agh, I'm going to be late! Bye Mom! Love you!"

Delia Ketchum laughed a little as her energetic daughter rushed outside, and started jogging down the road to Professor Oak's laboratory. She then picked up the phone to call her friends and neighbors, to inform them that Ash was about to set off on her journey.

'I wish you were here, Ashton… you would have been so proud of our daughter."



"Well if it isn't Pallet's tiny little Ashlet," Gary Oak teased as a short, dark-haired girl paused in front of his grandfather's lab. "How did you even pass for twelve when you registered for your license?"

"Shut… up… Oak," Ash gasped out, still winded from her run. She took a few deep breaths to calm her racing heart, and then offered her childhood friend/rival a glare. "I'm not short!"

Her height was a bit of a sore spot for her, since the registration officer actually did have trouble believing that she was twelve years old. She had needed to provide a copy of her birth certificate, grr.

Gary nodded agreeably. "The polite term is height-challenged then?"

Ash scowled, and poked her nose up in the air. She wasn't going to let the likes of Gary Oak ruin her day. She was about to get her starter Pokemon!

"Ah, don't be mad, Ash," Gary chuckled, taking out a Pokeball and waving it in front of her face. "Don't you want to see which Pokemon I chose?"

Ash hesitated, but then reluctantly turned her eyes to the ball. "Which one?" she asked, curiously.

"A squirtle," he boasted, "With him on my team, I'll become the best trainer ever!"

"Oh, yeah," Ash challenged, "You'll have to beat me first!"

"I look forward to it, Ashlet," Gary replied, before turning and waving to his adoring crowd. Ash suddenly sweat dropped as she realized that she had been unaware of the large crowd of fans and cheerleaders surrounding them until now. Well, that was embarrassing.

"My fans and I are going to drive straight to Pewter City for my first gym badge," Gary added, looking over at her, "Do you want a ride, Ashlet?"

"A ride…?" Ash murmured in confusion, before her eyes landed on a brand new red Corvette. "Your grandfather…"

"...has got to stop agreeing to my requests, when he's distracted by his research," Gary smirked. "I thought about asking for a helicopter, but that just blatant abuse right there."

Ash snorted. "And Daisy would have stopped you from taking it?"

"That too," Gary agreed, "So, do you want that ride?"

"No, thanks," Ash laughed, shaking her head, "I'd like to walk there instead."

"Suit yourself," the boy shrugged, before getting into the backseat of the car. Ash watched them drive off with a small smile. Gary could be a little- okay, more than a little- arrogant, but he loved Pokemon, and had his heart in the right place. She was proud to call him a rival.

When her friend/rival had left, Ash turned and walked right into the disappointing frown of one Professor Samuel Oak, widely acclaimed Pokemon researcher and her next-door neighbor..

"You're late, Ashlyn," Professor Oak said sternly, "Is there a reason for that?"

Ash looked very embarrassed, as she offered an apologetic bow. "I'm really sorry, Professor," she said, contritely, "I don't have a very good reason… I lost track of time."

"If you won't even keep track of such important events, how can I know if you're responsible enough to be a Pokemon trainer?" Professor Oak asked.

"I know that I didn't make the best first impression," Ash said, firmly, "But I am ready to be a trainer, Professor! I spent the last four years studying about how to be the best trainer possible. I know that I'm ready for this!"

"Hmm, very well then," Professor Oak allowed, offering the girl a smile, "I know that you've studied hard in the past few years. But I'm afraid that I still can't give you a Pokemon."

"What?" Ash exclaimed, panicked. "Have all of the starters been taken?"

Professor Oak nodded. "I'm sorry Ash, but the early bird catches the worm… or the Pokemon, in this case."

"Are there really no other Pokemon left, Professor?" Ash begged. "I can't wait another six months!"

"Well, I do have one Pokemon available," Professor Oak mused, "I just caught a little Pikachu this morning, when I saw him chewing on the power cables. But he hasn't been tamed yet-"

"I accept!" Ash interrupted, happily bouncing on her feet, "Can I meet Pikachu, Professor?"

Professor Oak's eyes glimmered with a strange sense of nostalgia as he regarded the girl. "I had a feeling that you were going to say that," he said, smiling.

He lifted up a Pokeball with a yellow thunderbolt edged on the top and released it. A small yellow mouse with a thunderbolt-shaped tail and two red circles on his cheeks appeared.

The Pikachu looked over at her warily, as Ash crouched down on her knees. She made no move to get closer, but offered her right hand to the electric-type Pokemon.

"Hello Pikachu," Ash said softly, with a warm smile on her face, "My name's Ash Ketchum, and I want to be the greatest Pokemon trainer in the world. I would like it if you would join me on that journey, but I want you to make that decision."

"Pika-pi?" the yellow mouse said, in clear surprise. His small black eyes darted to the Pokeball held in the Professor's hand with clear dislike, and then returned to her.

Ash had followed his gaze, and understood the meaning. "So you don't like your Pokeball, huh?" she asked, "Well, you don't have to travel in it, if you don't want to."

"Pika!" the Pikachu then squeaked, before jumping into her arms.

"Omph!" A grunt escaped the girl, as her new Pokemon's force caused her to topple backwards. She looked down at the Pikachu braced against her chest, looking up with innocent black eyes, and laughed gleefully.

"Awesome!" Ash chirped, hugging her first Pokemon, "I have a Pikachu!"

"That's very impressive, Ashlyn," Professor Oak complimented, helping her stand up. "Now I want to give you this: five standard Pokeballs, a badge case, and a Pokedex. The Pokedex is a digital encyclopedia that I've compiled of all of the known Pokemon in most of the regions. I think that it'll prove most useful along your journey."

"Wow, Professor, thank you!" Ash beamed, accepting his gifts, and flipping the Pokedex open. "I wonder what it says about Pikachu?"

She lifted it up to the electric mouse Pokemon in her arms, and an electronic voice started.

"Pikachu, the Electric Mouse Pokémon, and the evolved form of Pichu. It can generate electric attacks from the electric pouches located in both of its cheeks. Pikachu's tail is sometimes struck by lightning as it raises it to check its surroundings. This Pikachu is capable of Static, Thundershock, Quick Attack, and Lightning Rod."

"Lightning Rod is a rare skill in Pikachu," Ash noted, nuzzling her new Pokemon affectionately on the head, "I really lucked out with you, huh buddy?"

"Pika," her Pikachu agreed, smugly.

"Thank you for everything, Professor Oak," the young trainer said, "I promise to take good care of Pikachu."

"I will expect nothing less of you," Professor Oak replied, "Now I think there's a group of people outside, who would like to see you before you leave."

Ash peered outside the door, and looked both embarrassed and pleased. "Haha, it seems that Mom rounded up the cavalry," she said, rubbing her head, "Ready to meet the crowd, Pikachu?"


