Author has written 4 stories for Pokémon, X-Men: Evolution, Elfen Lied, and Mabinogi. 'Ello all. As you've noticed, the "Johto" section I had on here is gone. Why? I'm discontinuing it, simply because I don't feel as if I should waste hours writing and planning for it when no one actually reads it. The last couple of chapters were up for over a month, and I got at most six hits. So I'm discontinuing it, because it's way too old and no one reads it, let alone tells me what I should do to actually make it better or what they like or what they want to see more of. I am currently looking for a BETA!! PM me or e-mail me at aemoh.escuro@!! Other info: I am sixteen, a senior in high school, and I was in the IB Diploma Programme. I am currently not avaliable for dating (not that I'd date you anyways unless I've known you a few months). I currently play Mabinogi, which you can find at http:// and I use to play Shaiya, which you can find at http:///shaiya if I remember correctly. If not, just type in the AeiraGames portion. I play as Serebi, Kyogre, Hiidoran, and Kotasu on the Mari server for Mabinogi. My main character on Shaiya was DeadBodiesEve on the Lailah server. I love cats and feel mildly uncomfortable around dogs. I've had several fish, a frog, a hamster, a snail (which ate the frog), and four cats (one of which ran away D':). My favorite color is green, followed by blue, which is then tied three-ways with black, red, and brown. I also enjoy purple. :D I love Pokémon, The World Ends With You, Naruto, and many other things depending on my mood. I love wearing tails. :D I'm a mixture of childishness and seriousness, quiet and talkative, perky and calm. It depends on my mood, really. But usually there's a quiet sense of perverted-ness. :P Don't tell me to do something. Ask. It really pisses me off when people tell me to do something, espically if it's stupid. D: My fanfiction will generally have a mix of a somber tone or mood, with a lot of random cheerful-ness, and a dash of romance. I love to draw and am rather decent at it. Unfortunately, my sketchbook doesn't love me back and has been missing for a few months now. D: I love to cook, and feel quite proud when I learn a new recipe and sucessfully prepare it. :D I am taking my third year of French, a repeat year of Spanish (because that one semester of Spanish in the eighth grade did not help me when I got stuck will a Spanish-speaking party), and I am hoping to take German next year. My language goals are to learn French, Spanish, German, Russian, Korean, and Japanese. I cannot drive. I kill cows. I'm sorry, cows. D: I did take Social and Cultural Anthropology and I hope to take Psychology next year. :D The analysis of the mind is one of my favorite things to do, and I love being all philisophical and stuff about it. If I didn't hate the police so much, I'd probably do Crime Scene Analysis. Annnddddd last but not least, I am looking for good-reviewed colleges that teach majors in Graphic Design. :D Favorite Pairings: Hinata x Anyone (other than Naruto or Kiba)Tashigi x Smoker Robin x Smoker Hikari x Shinji Haruka x Shuu Kasumi x Satoshi MisaMisa x Raito MisaMisa x Rem Rem x Ryuuku Mayu x Bandou Terra x Slade Raven x Slade Raven x Red X Terra x Red X Raven x Negativeman Jinx x Mammoth Botan x Hiei Yukina x Hiei Erika x Largo Kimiko x Piro Miho x Junpei Rogue x Wolverine Rogue x Juggernaut (Why are there so little of these?! DX ) Rogue x Gambit Kitty x Sabertooth Kitty x Lance Kitty x Kurt Kikyou x InuYasha Sango x Miroku Kikyou x Naraku Kagura x Sesshomaru Zakuro x Pie Lettuce x Pie Joshua x Minamimoto Rhyme x Minamimot Iron Maiden x Beat Iron Maiden x Minamimoto Uzuki x Kariyu Shion x Satoshi Rena x Keiichi Takano x Takimura (...Is that his name? I need to watch that again...) And probably an assload of more. So...yeah. I watch a lot of common Animes. And I play TWEWY. :3 And a bunch of other things. o_o In any case... Rebirth OC Character Pictures: http:///albums/f32/SaturnSetoSilvertail/mabinogi_2009_11_30_005.jpg Kyogre http:///albums/f32/SaturnSetoSilvertail/mabinogi_2009_10_01_002.jpg Serebi (green) http:///albums/f32/SaturnSetoSilvertail/mabinogi_2009_11_30_004.jpg Hiidoran http:///albums/f32/SaturnSetoSilvertail/mabinogi_2009_12_09_001zoomed.jpg Kotasu (Martial Arts Uniform) and Kisari in Lava Cat http:///albums/f32/SaturnSetoSilvertail/snapshot-1.jpg Taneboo Updates: May 27th, 2010: Officially quitting on "Rebirth" and "Johto", although I am leaving them up. "Favors" is up for debate, seeing as I actually like that story. I just suck at writing it. Nov 30 2009: Rebirth prolouge posted, Thanksgiving break is officially over. Still debating over the posting of Johto's more Pokemon-focused sidestories. Need to work on expanding vocab and making my stories more descriptive. First chapter of Rebirth posted. Pictures of Mabinogi characters posted. |