Author's Notes: Comments and criticisms are welcome and appreciated. I will try to update this story with new chapters as regularly as possible. The ending has already been planned.
Writing for this fanfiction story based on Star vs the Forces of Evil was started during the May/June 2015 hiatus, between the broadcast of "Brittney's Party" (Ep 10) and "Mewberty" (Ep 11). I will attempt to account for any future conflict with official canon in revisions if possible.
Star vs the Forces of Evil is the intellectual property of Disney and Daron Nefcy. I own no part of it. I'll bring it back gassed up and try not to get any dings on it.
New Author's Note: January 22, 2017:
Well, it's finally complete.
This fic mostly takes into account the first season of the show, and I feel that it doesn't stray too far from season two. But as was the case with most fanfics written while the show is running, canon errors did creep in. Some harder to reconcile than others. There are definitely things I would have done differently had I known how the show plot would unfold.
For those of you reading this for the first time, I hope you will still enjoy it.
New Author's Note: May 25, 2017:
Yes, I just posted a new chapter. It is suggestive, but censored for content. Sue me.
The chapter is an expansion of a scene, really a paragraph in Chapter 22. It has no impact on the larger story. A more complete version of the chapter has been posted to archiveofourown dot org.
See Chapter 47 for details!
I know that the show's canon plot has, by now, decimated the plot basis for this fanfiction. But, if you only take into account Season 1, most of early Season 2, a little of late Season 2, and itty bitty bits here and there from Season 3, it's still fine… if you squint a little.
It's okay. *sniff* It had its time.
Starfall by GolfAlphaMike
Chapter 1: Hold
"He says that your family has been housing a girl as an exchange student. Is that true?"
"No. I mean, we used to house exchange students. There have been several, in fact. But right now? No. We haven't had an exchange student live with us for about four years."
"He described the exchange student as a girl about his age. Blonde. Very energetic personality. Unique style of dress. Does that sound like any of your previous wards?"
"No. The only other blonde girl was about six years ago. But other than her hair color, not how you describe. She was very conservative, really."
"Did they have a relationship?"
"A romantic relationship? They were only twelve."
"Still, did you see anything that would make you think that? Any signs of attraction? Unrequited feelings? Returned affections? Sometimes these things can bring up repressed feelings."
"I suppose that there may have been some feelings. A crush. But it never went beyond that."
"The reason I'm asking is because your son claims that he and the exchange student who was supposedly living with you the last few years were in a romantic relationship. Did he have any such feelings for someone more recently?"
"No. He used to have a crush on a girl at school, but that was a while ago."
"How long ago?"
"I guess over... three years?"
"Nothing since then?"
"I don't think so. He just seemed like he lost interest in chasing girls."
"Did she fit the description? Blonde, energetic, unique?"
"I'm not sure. Was Jackie a blonde, dear?"
"I'm not sure either. She had streaks of colors in her hair, though."
"Hmm. He claims the fictional girl and he have been in a relationship for the last two years. I'm just trying to find out if they are related."
"I don't think he's ever had a girlfriend. He even went to his senior prom alone."
"Is your son socially awkward?"
"I don't think so. He has friends. Do you think this has something to do with someone from school?"
"We don't know... These next questions are hard to ask, but we think they're important. Does your son use any drugs?"
"What?! No! He would never!"
"I know that might be upsetting to think about. But parents are often the last to know. Please think carefully."
"No. We're positive."
"Alcohol use?"
"There was a party a few days ago. There may have been alcohol there. He came home with a tattoo. He said he couldn't remember getting it."
"So he may have had a blackout? Is this a frequent occurrence?"
"No, it's never happened before. It was so unlike him."
"Well, some substances can cause hallucinations. We're running some lab work."
"Hallucinations like the girl? Is he still seeing her? Does he see her here?"
"No. He says she went home a few days ago. We looked up the name. The place doesn't exist. Like he made up the name too."
"You think he's making this up? Why would he do that?"
"Sorry. That was a poor choice of words. I meant that he hallucinated the name too. 'Mewni'."
"You don't think he's just lying then?"
"I don't. I honestly believe that he believes it."
"What makes you so certain?"
"We could just tell. The way he told us the story. He had an answer for everything. Complete details. Plus, we occasionally get people just making things up on purpose here. We're very good at spotting them. Your son is no liar."
"Do you think any part of his story is true?"
"I don't think so."
"What makes you certain of that?"
"This next part may worry you."
"Please tell us why."
"Though he's convinced of his story, there are parts that are simply not possible. He says the girl possesses magic powers. Actually, he says she was in possession of a magic wand. He says it has the power to perform incredible feats, materialize objects and animals, telekinesis, and act as an magical weapon. His description was very fanciful. Unicorns and rainbows and such. He even ascribes your dogs' creation to it."
"But we don't even have any pets!"
"He says that they disappeared shortly after she left."
"This sounds crazy!"
"We don't really like to use that word here."
"I'm sorry. But this is very disturbing."
"I understand... The reason he's here is because of an episode at your home, correct?"
"He was so angry. He accused us on being part of a prank. He claimed that pictures had been erased. He was holding a piece of paper. We thought it was some bad news. But when we looked, the paper was blank. It didn't make any sense."
"We think he may be suffering a form of delusional paranoia. He believes that evidence of the girl has been deliberately removed. He believes that everyone is part of a conspiracy, or had their memory altered."
"Oh my! That's why he was so angry."
"There's something else. In addition to the conspiracy belief, he also claims that monsters come occasionally to steal the wand. He says that he and the girl fight them off when they do."
"My goodness! Is that why he fought the orderlies?"
"Maybe. Does your son get in a lot of fights?"
"Street fights? No. But, he's a very accomplished martial artist. Many different forms."
"That actually explains a lot. He knows how to handle himself in a fight. It took a lot of people to restrain him. Also, people here have to have some self defense training."
"How many people? Three? Four?"
"Oh my! Are they alright?"
"I don't think he wanted to hurt anyone. But he seemed very confused and scared."
"What can we do to help him?"
"I would definitely recommend therapy. You should try to arrange treatment. Right now, we're going to keep him here a another few days for observation. We just want to make sure he's not a danger to himself or others."
"Is he under arrest?"
"We get that question a lot. But, no. This will be treated as a medical matter."
"Can we see him?"
"Of course. But please avoid talking about his delusion if possible. Try to reassure him that you love him, and that he'll be going home soon."
"How is she?"
"Inconsolable. She refuses to see anyone. She hasn't taken food in days."
"What can I do?"
"I do not know. But, you have been her best friend a long time. Just try to be there for her. She needs somebody. She must feel so alone."
"I wouldn't consider myself her best friend anymore. That's definitely him now. But she's still mine. I'll be there for her. Hopefully she'll want to talk to someone soon."
"Thank you."
"Have you tried opening a portal there from other dimensions?"
"Yes. So many people have tried so many methods from so many different dimensions. Dimensional travel to Earth is impossible."