This was almost entirely written to tie up loose ends. It's really short because of that (shortest chapter in this fic, really, because in the grand scheme of things, it's not really a chapter). I might rewrite it if I ever think I can do it better.
Because of its epilogue-y-ness, it's entirely possible to skip this chapter and not have missed out on anything of substance or influence in the story.
Connie bursts through the door the following Monday, excited to tell Steven about her talk with Jeff.
That's his name. Jeff.
And he understands, even if Connie did hurt him—in fact, he wants to learn some moves!
Steven giggles as Connie goes to get changed for sword practice.
A thought comes, touching on the sword poking out of Connie's bag.
But Steven breathes. And he can watch it go by.
Steven sits the gems down and tells them he needs to know more. That he's not a little kid anymore, that he can handle it.
That he might not be able to handle it if they don't and he finds out like he did before again.
They're solemn, and they shy around it at first… but they start to speak. And they tell him things that happened. Things from the war, things from their past, things with Rose.
When they stop, he knows they haven't told him everything yet, but it feels like the start of a newer, better way of doing things.
Amethyst gets his attention before the three gems warp off for a mission. "You okay, dude?"
They've been doing that—directly getting his attention and asking if he's okay—since he got home. At first, it was because they were genuinely concerned for his safety and wanted to make sure he knew they were leaving without him.
But now, especially now that they've talked, it feels like they're different, closer than they were before the bubble incident somehow.
He likes it. And he hopes they never stop.
He finally opens up to his dad about what happened in the bubble with Eyeball.
Greg is… well, his reaction makes sense. Another Homeworld gem trying to kill his son because she thought he was Rose.
But he calms down, like he did the first time something like this happened.
He listens to Steven's thoughts about what he had to do. And he tells Steven he understands. (He doesn't completely, because an element of this is distinctly gem, but he does get having to throw someone away because they're bad for you…)
They slice up a watermelon to snack on and chase each other around the car wash with hoses after this is all over, because some things never change.
He goes to another appointment with Dr. Maheswaran—his last one.
She asks how he's doing.
He's fine. And this time, he's not lying.
Two months after it all happens, he stands at the Sky Arena.
Most of him was completely healed a couple weeks back. Some of him—really minor stuff—is still getting up to speed, but that won't keep him out of the swing if he can help it!
But Pearl was a worrywart and made him hold back.
It took weeks to shake her down into letting him back on missions, back into training.
But now? It's time.
A soft wind blows across the arena as the hologram forms in front of them and taunts them with its robotic voice.
"Come at me, children!"
Connie and Steven stand before it, and in their own return of the taunt, they fuse.
Stevonnie falls to the ground and unsheathes their sword in anticipation of the fight ahead.
"Let's dance."
This feels really badly written, heh. But it was the best I could come up with to tie the threads up that I wanted to tie. So it's what's going to stay, unless I come up with something better.