check out my etsy shop, TheVeryCheesyAuthor

Denki Kaminari had never been the dumbest kid, really. He got his quirk at three, and knew that if he touched anyone while his emotions went haywire- he would shock them. He repeated it to himself everyday until the phrase became engraved on the side of his head in the shape of a black lightening bolt in his shockingly yellow hair.

It wasn't easy though. He craved touch- he loved it, and it was unfair how the world could just take everything away from him with the exchange of a quirk.

He pretended not to notice when he hugged his mother and electrocuted her to death. Maybe he just didn't want to acknowledge the fact that he killed everyone in his family, and maybe his entire neighborhood. Or maybe the electricity was really frying his brain like the dead? doctor said.


He couldn't remember. Being face-down on the ground and being cold meant death right?

And maybe it was because everyone was so scared of him that he ran away as fast as his little legs could carry him. And maybe it was fate that he met Sensei in the middle of the night, arms out in a welcoming embrace. And maybe it was destiny that Sensei didn't get electrocuted on contact.

And maybe... And maybe...

And maybe the whole life he had been living was a lie. Because instead of living in a mansion with Sensei and thinking that everyone he knew was dead, he woke up one day to discover that he had been chained to a wall his entire life, with projections of death and gore running through his head.

But in the beginning he couldn't bring himself to feel anger. Instead, he felt duty and remorse, as if his life's purpose was to serve Sensei. Even after they trained his powers by beating his backside and leaving branded marks all over his malnourished body, he felt like as if he needed to do his duty.

For Sensei.

However, it all changed when he died the first time.

And then the second.

And then the third.

And then the fourth.

And then the tenth time, and he really didn't want to give a shit about being part of the Villains' and all their death threats, because seriously speaking; they hadn't even experienced death once, and here he was, a Death Veteran, being chained onto the wall and threatened by death.

He didn't really give a shit.

So when he discovered that he woke up again, having possibly died because of his stupidity or someone else dying, he spat at Tomura's aghast face.

"What the-" Tomura slapped his cheek hard and screeched, "How dare you, Slave! Do you want to die?"

"Kinky," Kaminari nodded approvingly, "I haven't heard you say that in like two months since I broke out last reset."

"Broke out? Have you finally gone stupid again?" Tomura cackled and landed all five fingers onto Kaminari's nude torso, "I'll torture you so much that you'll die-"

"Blah blah, whatever," Kaminari said.

Even though Tomura's power felt like his skin was burning off, he couldn't bring himself to care. After all, it was probably the millionth time that he experienced the same phrase and the same pain over and over again. It was like his body didn't even realize it.

"You son of a-!"

Kaminari whacked his knee to Tomura's face. The chain, as usual, had been easy to wiggle out. Maybe it was because they were ignorant fools and didn't even realize he lost ten pounds in a month.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Do you want to help me break out or do I really have to wiggle out myself again. Hey, could you just like help me break down the chains with your fingers or somethin'?"


Kaminari sneezed and yellow mustard came out of his nose. Tomura's cracked lips finally stopped smiling and Kaminari gave an inward cheer.

"So I'll just break out myself then, I guess. Can you at least tilt the oil lamp closer?"

Tomura could only gape at Denki in disbelief.

"Okay, no? Fine."

Doing the same stretch with his foot the millionth time in a row, Kaminari tipped the unlit oil lamp's contents onto his wrists. The still-warm oil made his thin wrists slip out like a slippery fish.

When Kaminari was finally freed, he rubbed his raw and bleeding ankles with a contented sigh. Wiping mustard off his nose, he walked over to Tomura and threw a fist to his nose.

The blue-haired man could only watch in shock as the boy, who he controlled like a puppy and tortured for the past nine years, threw another punch at his face and started to walk out by himself.


Kaminari stopped right before he headed out the door, "Oh, and be grateful that I haven't told my classmates about my past. So, you're welcome. At least you didn't get wasabi sealed shut in your eyes like two gallons of California Reaper Sauce down your raspy ass throat."

His yellow eyes stared into Tomura's own red ones and tried to ignore Tomura's broken nose.

"Maybe in the first world I let you use me like a doll and kill everyone I love, and maybe I was weak in the beginning. But one thing I know is that you're a piece of shit and I swear to god, I'm going to suggest that we tie you up like a piñata and beat you to death."

Five minutes after the yellow-haired boy left, Shigaraki Tomura let out a confused and defeated scream.

"Oh man," Kaminari looked at his thin and wobbly legs, "I probably looked like a baby deer walking out of there! So not cool, Denki. Should've waited a bit so I could have sashayed out of there instead. Whatever, time to find Jirou!"

Passerbys on the street could only frantically dial the mental hospital when they saw the thin, nude, and bleeding boy on the street talking to himself. A woman had even fainted upon looking at the brandings across the boy's veiny skin.

this was actually meant to be a kaminari denki traitor theory au, but i'm using it as a crack fiction so i didn't mean for this chapter to turn out so dark :/ oops