Reviews for the second coming of black beard
TobitoUchiha1 chapter 1 . 7/18
I dont know what your deal is or why you made a second account to shit on Second Wind, but you seriously need to revise the first few chapters in terms of grammar.
SonicAcolyte chapter 89 . 7/13
Sorry it took so long to review this chapter, I was busy with vacation and everything. Remember to leave a space in between the word said and the quotation marks. Also some quotation marks are missing in some places, so you may need to work on that. Also, you spelled Rebecca wrong. It's spelled
Rebecca not Rebbca. When it says Eustass Kid, you need to add an apostrophe and an S, because it's a possessive and possessives need apostrophes and an S. For example, Dan's car. Not Dan Car, because that would sound like it is a car named Dan. See what I mean? Also Carmen is lowercase, remember to capitalize proper names. Also...geez you spelled print wrong, it's print, not prin. But seriously, did you type this on an enchilada, because that would explain why there are so many spelling and grammar errors. About the plot though. Enough with the %%%% lemons already! You just put them in and say go to AO3 because you are too lazy to actually put anything of substance in there. I finished the Naruto Syndicate and I am working on a new OC protagonist fanfic. I was thinking of taking your dark Uzumaki Empire story and putting a spin on it, but I am afraid Evil Naruto has been way overdone. I want to do something new and innovative, bring something new to the table, so I may make it not a Naruto crossover, but a Fullmetal Alchemist crossover, because I am thinking of going back to Fullmetal since I get less bad reviews on FMA fanfics since I know the lore well and I don't get reviews at all sometimes and I believe that's for a 30 dollar good reason. I have been getting bad reviews on my Naruto/Legend of Korra crossover because the fandom is more popular and since it is more popular on FFN, the chances of getting an angry review are greater. So I will just go back to my old fandom and leave it at that. That concludes my review for the day, I hope you take my advice on grammar and spelling, and here's a quick poll before we go. Should I put this new OC in a pure FMA fanfic, a FMA/Korra crossover, a FMA/DC Comics fanfic? Let me know in a reply to this review and I will get to you when I can. Ta-ta!
C al ran chapter 89 . 7/13
Bravo! This is amazing! I have never witnessed such an amazing story!

My eyes were truly open on this day to the wonderful world of literature and art! Please continue this for you are a GOD and not once has a better story ever been written!

I truly think you are the next picaso of story telling! You will awaken dreams within the youth of tomorrow with your bold phrases and ideas!

Once again, bravo!
TheRealSandal chapter 89 . 7/12
WoW! This is honestly one if the best written stories I have ever read! The characters and world are really brought to life. I'd say the writing is on oar with Stephen King, it may even be better!

Please continuebthis story, we must know how this masterful drama and adventure will end! I feel that not knowing is like letting a thousand suns explode into the endless night!

You are an artist sir!
SonicAcolyte chapter 88 . 6/13
This was a well done chapter, I love all the action and intense fighting! Well done! FYI, you should rewrite your DBZ fanfic, there are some grammar errors that need fixing, and I didn't grow up on DBZ, so I can't say much plot wise, so I have not much input on that. DBZ was popular in the 90s, when I was still in my baby crib. Also I didn't get into anime until 2003, when I discovered Yugioh, so I had no input on DBZ aside from word of mouth and the GokuFievel videos I saw in 2009. Other than that, I cannot really say much for plot. Also, One Piece is just on Netflix, but I am busy watching Avatar the Last Airbender, so I will watch One Piece after I am done watching Avatar. Only the first three seasons of OP are on Netflix, so I will watch them when I can so I will have more input on this story and other OP stories. I am currently busy working on a Naruto/Avatar crossover with Biginferno as a beta reader, so I am preoccupied at this point. Ok that's all for now, bye!
Guest chapter 87 . 4/29
I’m very lost...
SonicAcolyte chapter 86 . 3/24
Ok, I don’t know who most of these characters are since I haven’t watched enough One Piece, but this was very good! One Piece has a cartoony art style like Soul Eater, which I am familiar with. I plan to do a Soul Eater fanfic where Arachne returns, or perhaps Asura. But wonderful story overall. That concludes the review, bye!
PBG chapter 85 . 3/14
Heard you're pretty good.

This is pretty good.
MrRavens-narutofan chapter 84 . 2/19
Hi, why are you spamming Coeur Al'Arans stories? I though I had seen the last of your trolling grim.
61394 chapter 82 . 12/25/2019
Garp is being sensible
It’s official the apocalypse is upon us
61394 chapter 81 . 12/22/2019
You actually did the ant man and thanos thing that’s really brutal
nickarn22 chapter 1 . 11/30/2019
Terrible writing and by the looks of the reviews, not the slightest effort at fixing it.
Guest chapter 80 . 11/15/2019
So Perospero is going on a murderous rage like his Mama.
Speaking of where is Kaido and Big Mom
Guest chapter 79 . 11/9/2019
Wait a second a girl in Lougetown with poor vision, and bad memory.
Oh my god Vegapunks first clone was Tashigi!
Guest chapter 78 . 10/14/2019
Ha there’s a one beri difference! :) :)
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