Okay, guys here's the next chapter for this story and like I said this whole thing is divided up into acts and usually each act has three chapters.

Also, the small time fights will be getting little attention, it's primarily the boss fights that get the most attention in this story along with the cutscenes.

So I do hope that you all are enjoying this story.

Oh that's right. For those who like Testament of New Sister Devil and Star vs The Forces of Evil, my good old pall BloodyDemon666 has made one. So get ahead and check it out when you have the time :)

Act 1 Chapter 1

The Witch and Her Nemesis

As of right now Ivan was in the living room of the house with Metallia and Arlecchino present. It was rather strange per say, it had a "Harry Potter" feeling to it, from what he could describe it. It a swirl stair case going up to the side of the wall littered in books, infact there were books scattered everywhere with a bookshelf right near an old looking gramphone next to a large purple chair with gold outlines.

And then there was a coffee table covered in a pink tarp with edges covered in more books including a love seat with two creepy ass looking dolls on it.

Earlier Arlecchino had woken him up really early, and before Metallia could wake up the robotic butler had made him breakfast so that way he would get a good start to the day before he would have to the quest. And as of the moment she was siting on the purple chair that defiantly seemed to be her seat.

Ivan cleared his throat. " So? What will I be doing for this "test"? "

" Heheheh... Just a little roughhousing. " Metallia replied bearing the same toothy smile from the other day. " Hundred Knight, your task is to go to the nearby forest and destroy that annoying "Pillar" There. "

" A Pillar? " Ivan tilted his head to the right. " Is that like some kind of stone? "

" Allow me to intercede. " Arlecchino spoke up beginning to answer his question. " "Pillars" are types of organic pillars that exist all across the world. I have no idea who named it, but the "Pillar of Temperance" is this particular ones offical name. "

" So all I need to do is to destroy this pillar? That's my test? "

" Correct " Arlecchino confirmed Ivan's answer.

" Doesn't sound to hard does it? " Metallia asked. " I mean you are the legendary Hundred Knight. If you fail at this, you're as useless to me. As a piece of rotted old furniture. "

" If you fail at this, I apologize but you will be tossed into the dumbster. Yes... "

Ivan sweat dropped at the robot's "words of confidence". " Okay, noted. But how do I know when I see it? "

" Well, it stands out. You'll see it. " Metallia replied. " Anyway, I don't feel like explaining anything else. Go for it Arlecchino " The witch motioned her hands to the front door.

" As you command, Master Lia. " The robot bowed.

" Metallia. " The witch corrected the robot as she watched it and Ivan leave the house. (Hmph. Past this test and meet my expectations Hundred Knight... ) The witch said to herself rather curious to see how her new familiar will fair against her long time foe.


The outside comes into view with Ivan facing Arlecchino right next to a wooden bridge that lead to another area, that seemed to be the way to the forest.

" Arlecchino? Can I ask you something? " Ivan asked.

" Ask away Sir Hundred Knight. " The robot butler replied.

" Why does Metallia want this "Pillar" to be destroyed? "

" Allow me to explain further. " He began. " Master Lia was born in this swamp, and since she is the swamp witch, she loves the swamp more than anything. And also because she is lazy-er, loves her swamp so much, she does not set foot on swampless land. Do to this, she's not very knowledgeable about it. So I will provide my, personal map. " Arlecchino passed it Ivan.

" Thank you. "

" It is merely a local map, but the Pillar is listed on their. I believe it may prove helpful. " Ivan then examined the map.

" At least, I got good idea of where it could be now. This'll help. "

" Also, take these... " Arlecchino then gave two weapons to Ivan, a hammer and a spear. " Just in case. Now, to recap find the "Pillar"-called the "Pillar of Temperance"-in the forest and destroy it. Take this path... " The robot instructed. It will lead you into Wude's Way. The "Pillar" Will there. "

Ivan nodded. " Wish me luck " Ivan said and went across the bridge and began to make his way into the forest.


After a long walk that lasted for about two hours Ivan had finally arrived at Wude's Way. While during the long treck he discovered something about his belly pouch, it was used to store items in another dimension which was really cool, especially for storing his weapons.

The forest surrounding him was quite nice and relaxing since there was rarely anything beautiful back at his home. Sure there were a bunch of parks, but nothing could really beat what this area had to offer.

He also thought about the first two beings he met in this strange new world. First there was Arlecchino, not very open about his emotions.

And then there was Metallia, she was very confidant in her abilities as Witch, and had a very strong presence. Never in his life has he ever met someone so stoic in his life or in this case second life.

The teen himself was currently looking through the area, for any sign of this "Pillar of Temperance". But so far no luck.

" Well, this sucks... " Ivan commented drinking some fresh water from the stream. " *satisfied sigh* She said I'd know it when seen it. "

He then paused. " Wait a minute...How the hell am I supposed to tell if it's nearby or something?! " He yelled out in frustration voice being heard throughout the forest as he sighed. But all the sudden he heard a ringing sound in his head.

" The hell was that? " He asked himself.

" I hope you're not slacking off. " Metallia said. " Remember, you'll be unable to move once the Contract Torch is snuffed out. "

" No I'm not just taking a break Metallia. " He replied and then realized it. " Wait, Metallia? Where are you? " Ivan called out looking around the area but saw no sign of the Swamp Witch.

" Hehehe, don't bother looking for me. I'm using the torch to speak directly into your mind. " She explained. " My unrivaled clairvoyance let's me monitor your every action. "

That creeped the shit out of Ivan as he then asked. " By every action, you mean by "every" action? "

" No! I'm not an idiot! " Metallia replied back making Ivan laugh a little. " Huh? Hey...in the grass all around you...those are magic beasts. Don't let those weak chumps bite you. " The witch commanded as multiple weird looking plant like creatures jumped at Ivan in all directions and before they could do anything Ivan already drew his sword and slayed them all in one fell swoop.

The teen was surprised by the reflex's he had and looked at the sword. ' How the hell did I do that? It's almost like as if my body is used to it, but my normal self ain't. " He noted sheathing his weapon before he noticed something in front of him.

It reminded him that of a kishin egg from Soul Eater only this had a light purple flame with swirling mass going around it. " What is that? "

" Oh! That's "Anima"! " Metallia spoke up through his mind answering what it's name was but not what it is.

" And again, what is it supposed to be? " Ivan asked as he walked up to it.

" The hell? You don't know what that is? "

" Uh, no. Why do you think I asked what it is. " Ivan retorted.

" Hmph. Fine I'll tell you. "Anima" is basically the abstract manifestation of a living creatures so-called soul. No matter how big and threatening the beast, all souls become a small crystal like that. Anima is quite delicate, and having it appear in that particular form is pretty rare. "

" Ah, so it's just highly collectible material. That makes since I guess. " Ivan said shrugging his shoulders.

" Rejoice! You may have a hidden knack for hunting down Anima. It's among one of my favorite foods. Find a lot and bring them to me. If you do, then you can cross something off your bucket list... "

" Hmm. Just...grab it then. " Ivan then got a hold of the soul and once he did it entered in his stomach pouch.

" So? You get all that? Then hurry up and get back to work. Find the Pillar. "

" Alright. But, wait a second. Bucket list? What bucket list? "

" I'll tell you later. " Metallia replied before cutting herself off for now at least. Ivan then sighed as he continued making his way threw the forest and along the way he found a chest containing some kind of weird stone. He didn't know what it was for but he would probably figure it out later.

After killing off a few more plant like monsters he continued down his path and began to hear some kind of weird strange humming noise.

" Huh? " He was highly confused at what was going on until he heard another ringing sound coming from his head meaning Metallia was talking through his mind.

" Hey! Did you hear that? It might be... I know this feeling... There's gotta be a Pillar nearby! Head toward the noise. I bet a Pillar's around there. Keep looking. "

Doing as instructed Ivan continued on and as he did the sound kept getting louder and louder meaning he was getting closer. So without hesitation Ivan dashed forward with the sound getting more louder until he soon stumbled upon some kind of strange looking flower bulb surrounded by a few glowing strands of plants.

" That's what I'm looking for? A flower? " Ivan asked before getting a buzz from Metallia.

" Yes! That's it! That's the Pillar! "

" Are you sure about that? " Ivan asked. " I mean, it is rather small. "

" It's the not one you're looking for, this one is called the Pillar of Fools... It's small, but its still a pillar. So, Hundred Knight? Think you can smash it? "

" What? "

" Let's see what you got. Do what you want I'll just watch. " Metallia replied as Ivan then pulled out a large hammer from his stomach pouch and began to hit the flower like there was no tomorrow and as he did it the pillar slowly leaked out green goo. And soon enough, it then sprouted open. Once the pillar opened up it became a glowing green flower that spilled out large amounts of green glowing goo on the ground with spores floating in the air like the muck in Metallia's swamp with the plants growing quite a bit around it.

" I-It broke! Hey, Arlecchino! The Pillar actually broke! " Metallia said in a excited tone. " Well, more like it bloomed, but who cares!? " She said before laughing. " Ahahahahaha! Lookit, lookit! A swamp! A small swamp formed! "

" However, I must remind you that this is not the Pillar of Temperance. It is a miniature Pillar. " The robot butler said.

" What's your problem?! We were never to break, er, bloom a Pillar before! " The Swamp Witch retorted. " We need to celebrate this amazing feat first! Plus, even a swamp that small should be enough to transport Hundred Knight and repelish it's power. "

" Hey! " Ivan countered feeling offended. " I'm not an it! I am a he! "

" Don't care. This'll make exploring more efficient. One small step towards strangling this world in swamp mud! " She declared. " Finding the Pillar of Temperance and making it bloom or whatever is just a matter of time! "

" Okay, that's good and all. But by any chance there wouldn't be other miniature ones would there? " Ivan asked.

" Yeah, you should be able to find another one in the area. Just listen for it. " Metallia replied.

" Actually, I'm gonna head back. Is that okay with you? "

" Fine. Just don't forget your test! " The Swamp Witch said as he was then teleported back to the swamp.

The next day.

Once Ivan got a little rest he used the pillar he found in the forest to teleport himself back into the area where he left off.

He continued fighting off the various creatures of the forest, such as the usual plant like creatures and large snails that shoot out electrical beams at you. And managed to make a second miniature Pillar bloom and currently found the a another one.

" And that makes number three... " Ivan said now making the third pillar he found in Wude's way bloom and continued to make his way through the area. That is until he stumbled upon a certain robot standing right in the middle of the forest followed by Metallia ringing in his mind.

" Huh? Arlecchino? What're you doing there? " Metallia asked.

" This area is part of my field work. It is akin for a garden for me. " The butler replied.

" You jerk... You would do field work without telling your master? I'm annoyed you tried so hard. " The swamp witch said.

" I am eternally grateful to hear such kind words, master. " Arrlechino replied making Ivan a bit confused at his response.

' What? Why is he- Ohhhh. So, he's one of "those" characters. Okay. ' Ivan said to himself since he's seen numerous anime characters in the past with personalities such as his.

" There was nothing kind about what I just said. "

" Moving on... " Ivan said as he cleared his throat. " Arlecchino? If I go into the deepest part of the forest, will I find the pillar? "

" Oh, most certainly Sir Hundred Knight. The Pillar of Temperance can be found by going on straight ahead. "

" Thank you " Ivan said as he then proceeded forward.

" Hundred Knight, hold up for a sec. " Metallia said witch he complied. " Yo, Arlecchino. Aren't you gonna go? "

The robot butler turned around to face Ivan. " Oh, me? Well, my molars have been aching and aching ever since I woke up this morning. " The robot explained. " It leads me to believe that today is not a lucky day. Thus, I feel I should stay behind for my own safety. Yes... "

" An idiot wandering around in the forest... Give me a break. What a disappointing butler... "

" I must disagree. My predictions are often correct. Sir Hundred Knight, you should be careful as well... " And with those last words said Arlecchino walked off.

" Okay, I'm pretty sure he's defiantly lying there, or is it just me? "

" Nope. Your not wrong. " Metallia replied. " Hmm... Hey, Hundred Knight. This is a test, but the danger's real. Don't be an idiot. "

" I know... " Ivan replied. " But I have to try at least. "


It now skips on ahead. After fighting off the various monsters from the forest and collecting more Anima, opening up a few chests Ivan stumbled upon a clearing.

" Hmm. This should be the area, that Arlecchino said where the Pillar could be. But, where is? " He asked himself as something large comes into view making him curse as he hid behind a rock.

The teen then peeked his head out and got a clear look at some kind of large, tall caterpillar like creature standing on two legs and had two long arms.

" What the heck is that thing supposed to be? " Ivan asked himself quietly as he then heard another ringing noise from his mind.

" Huh? A beastman? That's suspicious. " Metallia said.

" Any suggestions? " Ivan whispered. " Because that thing don't look so very friendly. "

" Don't be a wimp. Just go and talk to it! " Metallia whispered back.

" Really? I just go up and talk to it? "

" Yes! Now fucking do it! " Metallia said making Ivan sigh in defeat already having a bad feeling about this.

Ivan then got out of his hiding place and actually walked up the massive caterpillar.

" Hmmmmmmm? " It then turned around to face Ivan sounding to be a female. " Who are you? Oh-ho, I know... " It said now about to guess what Ivan was. " You're another weird one, yes? Perhaps a...magic being? "

" Yeah. I am. " Ivan replied blankly.

" Geh-hehe! What are you doing here? Well, that is a silly question. I bet you came here for the Pillar of Temperance's magic power. It happens quite often, really. "

' Okay, bad feeling's starting to rise...just keep you're cool. And find out what's going on. ' Ivan told himself despite resisting the urge to shake in fear like his body wanted to but he wouldn't allow it.

" Geh-hehehe! Let me show you a little bit of it's power. Come, come over here little one. " The caterpillar instructed with Ivan following to where she walked.

" Yes...right here. " She said confusing Ivan greatly. Ever since he had arrived in this new strange world his senses had changed, along with his own being. He was now able to fight, as if he's trained for years and now feels a surge going all over his body. From what he could guess it was no doubt him feeling magical power.

Not only that compared to some of the other places he's been to, he felt a strong magical force right infront of him. However there was just one problem.

" Right here? I don't nothing here. "

" Oh? You can't see it? " The caterpillar said. " That's right... Pillar's have wills, and only protectors may see them. "

" The hell? Protectors? That's a new one to me. " Metallia commented.

" Geh-hehe! Interesting, no? " The caterpillar asked snapping Ivan out of his thoughts. " This is what the Pillar does to protect itself. The Pillar chooses it's protector and exchanges strong magical powers for it's continued protection. Of course it can also render itself invisible to all but it's protector. "

" Hmmm, interesting. That caterpillar beastman is obviously protecting it. " Metallia said putting the pieces together showing that she was listening to everything the creature was saying. " I didn't think Pillars would have "wills," but I think it's clear how we can come to see the pillar... "

" As you can't see, I can not show you the Pillar, or offer any benefits since you are not the protector. " The caterpillar explained on further. " Oh and please watch your step. I would not like it if you stepped on my unborn children. " Ivan then noticed that the whole front area was littered in human bones and beast man cocoons on the ground. This meant others passed through here and didn't make it.

" Geh-hehe! How about it? Pretty impressive huh? Oops... I cannot waist anymore time talking. I must care for my children. " It said as it headed over to a nearby tree.

" Hmph. What's so impressive about that? Of course you'd get fat from eating that many humans." Metallia commented speaking through Ivan's mind. " Well, it seems we'll need to change the tests curriculum a bit... You get it Hundred Knight? If the Pillar loses it's protector. then it will be forced to reveal itself. "

Ivan sighed to himself as he then brought his sword and plunged it into ground making the caterpillar bestman turn around. " Wh-what? Are you trying to fight me? "

" Unfortunately yes. That's why I'm here. "

" Geh-hehe...! Gehehehehehehe! Perhaps I was to cordial, and now you are showing you're true colors. Geheheheheheh! " The caterpillar said laughing away as Ivan took the blade out of the ground and pointed it right towards her.

" No your wrong. I've seen stuff like this before. You're not as so innocent as you act. "

" Okay Hundred Knight! Kill this shit-for-brains and grind it to dust! " Metallia commanded as the caterpillar then rolled into a ball heading right towards him. The teen quickly dodged it and charged forward landing a few hits on the creature before it rolled up again only this time it seemed faster as he was barely able to dodge.

But using the few seconds he had he swung his sword once again and brought out the hammer he was given and bashed in the head. The caterpillar rolled up into a ball once again and hit Ivan making him roll to the side. It came back around for another but he quickly made the barrier appear blocking the attack and switched to a spear hitting it right in it's chest making it cry out in pain as he ran to the side.

It then rolled towards him again and made it's mark making Ivan crash into a nearby tree grunting in pain as he got back up. The caterpillar then glared at the teen before she rolled into another ball going right towards him. And for some reason Ivan held his position and pointed his sword forward. Then in a just a split second Ivan stepped to the side causing all of time around him to slow down including his opponent.

Ivan's armor then glowed for a brief second as he then brought his sword down hitting the catterpillars middle area.

Once the attack landed on his foe the massive caterpillar was cut clean in half making it scream in pain causing it's front to fall a mew meters away from Ivan while the rest of her body was sent to the side.

" M-My eyes...! My...My bodddddyyyyyyyy! " the creature screamed out in agony somehow still alive before Metallia spoke to him.

" Hmph. That'll do Hundred Knight. A pretty nice way to end the day. Huh? "

" What is it? "

" Hey. The Pillar is gonna show itself. " She said and all the sudden a massive bud appeared a lot bigger then the smaller ones he's found in the forest so far. " The Pillar of Temperance...! It's visible now, just as we planned! Alright Hundred Knight. Cano you make it bloom? "

" How am I supposed to make this bigger one bloom anyways? "

" If you can't, you've failed. You'll be ripped to shreds. If you wanna live make sure you... Peel the skin off this motherfucker! Do it now Hundred Knight!" The Swamp Witch demanded and as if on que Ivan made his way over to the pillar.

Once he was over there he suddenly felt a tremendous amount of power coming from his right arm before he pulled it back enlarging for a moment and punched forward. The front of him then started to crack like glass and in only a matter of seconds the Pillar bloomed releasing large amounts of green glowing goo spreading it all around the area even more then the smaller ones.

" I-it bloomed? Hah... Hahahaha! It bloomed! You released it! It's just as I thought! The Pillar was holding the power of the swamp inside of it! Of course, my intuition was right. " Hearing that made Ivan sweat drop for a second as she continued. " But wow, this is so much magic power... And the swamp mud is spreading far and wide...! Hehehe! Wonderful...! With this, the power of the swamp will grow exponentially! "

Then all the sudden Metallia herself appeared right before him. " Look! I can use my teleportation magic! I can see the outside world...! " She said happily and paused. " Well, more like the world I should be subjugating has spread further! "

" Gehhhh! " They both turned to the heavily wounded caterpillar. " The Swamp Witch...? The horrific child that people say lives the poisonous swamp...!?

" The hell'd you say? " Metallia growled looking at the wounded monster making her nervous regretting her choice of words.

" U-Um okay. Well, let's just leave it at that for today... But I'll never ever forgive you for this! I'll get my revenge someday! " It declared. " Just you wait! Geh-heheheh! " It laughed and slowly began to crawl away.

Metallia however was not very impressed. " Hmph. Such nonsense from a weakling. Your words are nice, but you seem be mistaking about something. Your life ends right now! Burn and die in agony! " She cried out before casting her magic and engulfed the caterpillar monster in flames.

" Gwaaaaaaaaaaah! " It screamed out it's last breath before it eventually died with it's corpse beginning to burn along with some of the nearby dry brush catching on fire. Metallia smirked. " Heh. Go against the Swamp Witch Metallia and this is what happens. Take note of that on your way to Hades. " She then turned towards Ivan and smiled. " Anyway, good work Hundred Knight. You past the test. "

Ivan crossed his arms looking towards the Swamp Witch giving her a look meaning I don't buy it. " I'm saying that I approve of you, and that you're the same creature from the legend-the Hundred Knight. But, your real duty starts now, though. It won't be a happy rainbow road coated in the sweetest of honeys. The path I wish, to pave will be a cold and ghastly road of death painted with the blood of innocents. "

However as Ivan was gonna say something another voice interrupted him. " is that not from a passage you were reading from a book the other day? "Battles Without Honor or Witchery"? " They both quickly turned around to see Arlecchino walk up to them with the swamp witch being embarrassed.

" Sh-Shut your trap! I thought your teeth hurt! What'd you come here for?! " She asked and Ivan noticed that the caterpillar creature was still alive and was moving towards the pillar.

" Huh, talk about being a fighter. " Ivan commented getting Metallia's attention and saw what he was seeing to.

" That idiot is still moving. So stubborn... " She said and began to slowly walk up to it. " Man what an annoyance, I'll squash it like the bug it is! "

" Stop it! " another voice spoke up making her pause. " What are you doing!? Is this you're handy work!? " The voice asked before another woman appeared before them wearing a cloak.

" Tch! " Metallia scoffed upon seeing the person before her.

" Such cruelty... " she said and walked towards the caterpillar creature that turned towards her. " You...You're one of them...! " It growled. " Shhh... " She said gently petting it's head soothingly. " Quiet now. Please sleep in peace. " She said as the monster was coated in energy finally dying and looked towards Metallia.

" Lia... I never thought I see the day when you leave the swamp. And release this Pillar, no less. " She said with the Swamp Witch crossing her arms showing she wasn't intimidated .

" Hah! She finally appears... The root of all evil, the ugly Forest Witch Malia! " She said and identified her name. " How d'you like this? I've finally made it to the outside world! "

" It's been quite a while, Lia. I thought you had gone silent, but now you destroy a Pillar? Unbelievable. " Malia said making the Swamp Witch angry.

" My name ain't Lia! It's Metallia you stupid fucking bitch! " She snapped but quickly calmed down. " But, I'm in an amazing mood today. I'll forgive that slip-up. However, know that I'm one step away from tearing your fucking head and drowning it into my swamp. Hehehe. I'll look forward to the face you'll make when you die. "

" Such a vulgar tongue... Your personality has become quite twisted... " Malia commented.

" Oh yeah?! Like your any better. I never dreamed the day when you'd grade my damn vocabulary. " Metallia returned.

" You...ought to discard the idea of journeying beyond your swampy confines. " Malia suggested. " And the Pillars are not what you think they are. Give up and go back to your swamp. As long as I live, your dream to leave the swamp will never come true. "

Ivan was a bit curious know what the deal was with these to and just what she meant the Pillars weren't what they seemed, so he was rather curious to find out. " Hmph. I'll keep that in mind. If a swamp's nearby, there's no reason to hesitate just because of you. "

" If that's how you wish to do things... I would rather avoid us using force to solve a problem, but...if I must... " Malia then raised her right hand into the air making a surge of magic swirl around her. All the sudden a massive giant tree suddenly sprouted from the ground taking them by surprise all except for Metallia who stood her ground.

" The great intelligent Witch of the Forest. Malia. In accordance with the ancient contact, I shall listen to your wish. " The tree spoke.

" This is the great elder tree, aged 1,000 years as the holy philosopher of the forest... " She said introducing the large tree behind her. " Nobody shall pass this point unless granted entry by the great elder tree. Refrain from causing any more trouble and go back to your swamp, Lia. " Malia insisted.

" You who are tainted. You shall not set foot in the forest. " The elder tree said firmly.

" ... " Metallia was silent and only stared at the tree before her.

" Master Lia. It is dangerous here. Perhaps we should retreat for now. " Arlecchino said to his master. " The great elder tree is the ruler and sage of the entire forest. To fight in it's habitat is... "

" Suicide? " Ivan guessed finishing what he was gonna say. Metallia however instead gave off a grin showing off her pointed teeth.

" Heheh. Whatever. BURN! " She cried out and made a ring of magic appear around her followed by a few glowing orbs surrounding the elder tree.

" Wh-?! " He said and was only to be consumed in a powerful wave of fire.

" Lia!? " Malia exclaimed in surprise and teleported leaving.

" Gwaaaaaaaah! I-Insolent child...! " The elder tree screamed as it was then burned to a crisp.

" It would appear that the tree has been burnt alive. Theoretically. " Arlecchino commented at what just happened.

" Theoretically? That things dead... " Ivan said bluntly.

" Over 1'000 years of history burnt to a crisp so easily. What a shame. " The robot butler said his thoughts as Metallia looked over to Ivan.

" Hey, Hundred Knight! You remember the stench that foolish whore let off? "

" Geez, hold a grudge much? " Ivan inquired.

" That woman is the root of all evil. The devil, our worst enemy... Forest Witch Malia. Don't let her fancy language bullshit and fancy outfit fool you. Underneath, she's the worst kind of criminal. Ain't that right Arlecchino? "

" Why yes, the Forest Witch is a wonderful-er, horrible criminal. "

" The hell? Whose side are you on? " Metallia questioned crossing her arms.

" Yes, well, I am Master Lia's loyal and unquestioning butler. So... Yes... " He responded.

" Metallia! " She said once again correcting her name and sighed. " Ugh, forget it. Hey, Hundred Knight! " She returned her attention towards Ivan. " Now that you passed my test. Tomorrow I got another mission for you. "

" Why do I feel like I got a bad feeling all the sudden? " Ivan asked narrowing his eyes towards Metallia who leaned forward.

" You better start Rejoicing. This is good news. " She began. " If you accomplish this mission, I promise I'll let you go right before. I coat the world in swamp mud. I swear on my name, The Swamp Witch Metallia! Get the Apex of the Forest Witch Malia! "

It now shows Ivan back at the swamp enjoying a refreshing nice hot warm bath. He sighed in content. " This feels great... " He said and sunk into the water.

' But I defiantly know that she's lying. I've played to many fantasy games to recognize when a person lies when I see it. But, I need to find out why she holds such as grudge against the Forest Witch Malia. Could she have imprisoned her here for a good reason or something? What's her side of the story? ' He pondered over these different thoughts.

' What I might do tomorrow might kill me again, but truth be told I'm already dead. So what's the difference? She just sees me as a powerful pawn. Even if she was to kill me, she'd lose the only thing to help her get out of the swamp. Until, then I'll play her little game. '

To be continued.

Replying to reviewers so far.

Bobby Jenkins

Chapter 2Only time will tell. And no, there ain't really any special power ups or anything like that.


Chapter 1: I'm glad that liked it, and yes I did just what you asked. So I'll be doing it for a while now.

Chapter 2: Again happy to hear you enjoyed it and here's another thing you asked for. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.