A/N: Hello people of the Fanfiction! Today I bring you a crossover never before seen on this site. It's a cross between Star vs the forces of evil and Devil May Cry. Okay now here's the thing, Star vs has demons in it right? So how a crossover between these two has not happened yet, is a mystery to me really. Anyway, this story will be AU and use elements from DMC4. To clarify, Marco will have some of Nero's cockiness while still retaining his regular personality, minus the "safe kid" tendencies.
Marco will have Nero's outfit, as well as the Devil Bringer and his sword Red Queen. Not too sure if I want to give him Blue Rose as well, I'll need to think about it. This story will also be rated T for mainly for some minor language, just a heads up if your reading this and your parents enter the room. ;)
This will be the prologue, in which we see how Marco got the Devil Bringer as we all know how Nero got it.
So without further delay, Let's Rock Babies!
Disclaimer: SVTFOE and DMC belong to their respective companies and creators. I have no ownership whatsoever.
Prologue: The Dark Knight's Legend Reborn
(Isolation Point)
In the dark bleak woods of Isolation Point at around 8:57, four people were preparing to perform a ritual.
"I can't believe I let you talk us into this, again Janna." A boy around the age 12 said in a slightly annoyed tone.
He was a Latino American with tan skin, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a mole on his right cheek. He was wearing a red sweater, dark gray skinny jeans, and olive and white sneakers.
"Oh relax, will you Marco." The girl named Janna said.
She had dark-blue hair, tied into pigtails and brown eyes. She wore a yellow T-shirt, blue shorts, brown boots and an olive green beanie hat. She was drawing a five pointed-star pentagram on the ground with a stick, while two other boys, one who had caucasian skin with freckles on his face, orange hair, olive green eyes and was slightly over-weight and another who had tan skin, curly brown hair and wore large circular black-rimmed glasses, wearing a blue and white striped shirt, brown shorts and olive sandals, were placing rocks with strange runic symbols out further from the circle.
"You don't hear Ferguson and Alfonzo complaining about this, do you?" she said as she finished drawing the pentagram, then looked in a book to double check her work.
"We were complaining! But you just weren't listening to us!" "Yeah!" Ferguson and Alfonzo said.
"Oh, well whatever, we're almost ready to start this thing." Janna said as she placed several ceremonial candles around the pentagram.
"Okay Janna, what exactly are you having us do this time?" Marco asked. "Last time you dragged us into doing this nothing happened."
"Marco's right," "Yeah, what makes you think anything will be different this time?" Ferguson and Alfonzo said agreeing with what Marco said.
Janna looked them in the eyes with a Cheshire grin on her face.
"Because you guys, I just got my hands on something to ensure that tonight's ritual goes off without a hitch." Janna says as she digs into her pocket and takes something out of it. Marco, Ferguson and Alfonzo look and see Janna holding an ornate amulet with a large red gem in the middle of it.
"Since when are you into jewelry Janna?" Alfonzo asked as Janna rolled her eyes in exasperation.
"We're using this to help with the ritual, lame brain." Janna said. "You can't be serious?" Marco said in a deadpan tone. "Dead serious, the guy who sold me this said it used to belong to a demon swordsman who gave it to women who was a priestess or something." Janna explained.
"Okay, so why does it look it's been split in half? What, you couldn't afford the whole thing so the guy broke it in half and only charged you half." Ferguson said jokingly and received blank looks from the other three.
"Oh come on, that was comedy gold guys,"
"Yeah. Anyway, the guys said he found it like this when I asked him." Janna said. "You sure the guys didn't just sell you some fake necklace." Marco asked her. "That's what I thought until I had a jeweler check it and confirm that this thing is a 100% real." "Alright, but how do you know the guy you bought that off of didn't make up that story he told you?" Marco questioned further. "No clue, but he seemed creepy enough, so I went for it." "Seriously Janna!" Marco shouted while Janna just grinned.
"Let's just do this so we can get out of here already." "Yeah, this place is starting to give me the creeps." Ferguson and Alfonzo said.
"Fine, let's just get this over with so we can go home." Marco said letting out a deep breath as he, Alfonzo and Ferguson stood to the side while Janna placed the amulet in the middle of the pentagram. She then stepped out of it and took out a book from her backpack.
"Okay, now for this to work, I'll need you guys to repeat what I say from this book." Janna said.
"Fine." All three of them say as Janna open the book and begins reading.
"Okay, now repeat after me, My honored brethren,"
"My honored brethren,"
"We come together,"
"We come together,"
"To unite as one,"
"To unite as one"
"Against those that are damned,"
"Against those that are damned,"
"We show no mercy,"
"We show no mercy,"
"For we have none."
"For we have none."
The wind soon started blowing as the pentagram began to glow with a blue light.
"Hey, it's working." Janna said as she and the others noticed the blue light coming from the pentagram. "Let's keep going."
"Uh, I don't think we should Janna, maybe we should stop." Marco said.
"Yeah, Marco's right. Something happened this time, so maybe we could stop now and do this some other night?" "Yeah, that sound like a good idea," Ferguson and Alfonzo said with a little panic in their voice.
"Okay. Sure." Janna said. The three boys sighed in relief before Janna said, "That is unless you guys are fine with being cursed for the rest of your lives stopping halfway that is?"
"Wait, what!?" Ferguson said, Looking at Janna. "Yeah, this is a serious thing here. If you guys want to stop now and have the rest of your lives be filled with misfortune, I'm not going to stop you."
"Janna, how do we know you're not just saying this to get us to keep doing this?" Marco said skeptically looking at his Filipino friend before a small spark of blue lightning arced from the pentagram, causing him and his other friends to jump back in surprise while Janna smiled knowingly before looking back at the book.
"You boys ready to continue now?" she asked with all three nodding their heads quickly as she picked up where they left off.
"Now then," Janna said. "Repeat after me, Our enemy shall fall,"
"Our enemy shall fall,"
"As we apprise,"
"As we apprise,"
"To claim our fate,"
"To claim our fate,"
"Now and forever,"
"Now and forever,"
"We'll be together,"
"We'll be together,"
The pentagram soon started to glow brighter, as did the rocks with the runic symbols as they continued the incantation.
"In love and in hate."
"In love and in hate."
As they said the final line of the incantation, the wind suddenly started whipping around them, before settling down. The four preteens looked at the still glowing pentagram and rocks in confusion.
"Is… is that it?" Ferguson asked. "That… wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." Alfonzo said.
"What a gyp, I thought for sure that it would work this time." Janna said, disappointed at the result.
"Maybe the jeweler you brought this amulet to was wrong about it." Marco said. "No way, I've known that guy since I was 7 Marco, and he's never been wrong about jewelry before." Janna said. "How do you know a jeweler at… never mind, I don't want to know." Marco said, as he blew out the candles around the pentagram.
"Can we go home now?" Ferguson asked having had enough of tonight's events.
"Yeah, yeah. You and Alfonzo grab the rocks. Marco you get the amulet while I get my candles." Janna said.
"Are you sure we should touch them while their glowing like this?" Alfonzo said nervously. Only for Janna to shrug her shoulders uncertainly, causing Marco to sigh in mild annoyance as he stepped into the pentagram and bent down to pick up the amulet.
"Alfonzo, Ferguson, don't touch anything. Just wait until-"
As Marco was picking up the amulet, a black, clawed hand suddenly comes out of the center of the pentagram and grabs Marco's arm in a tight vice grip. Marco and the others stared in shock at the appendage that now held onto Marco's arm.
"Uh Janna?" Marco asked in slight panic. "What is this?" "Um, I think it's a hand Marco." "I know that, I want to know what this hand is!" "Well I can't tell you what it is, not until the rest of it decides to come out." Janna said.
To Janna's surprise and that of the others, another black clawed hand sprang up from the pentagram. Soon after it did, a humanoid figure begins to emerge from the pentagram. As it starts to stand up, it lifts Marco up by his arm.
Once it's fully out of the pentagram, Marco and the others see that it was a blue, humanoid creature. It had glowing green eye, a white crest that has a fin shape at the top of its head and it's neck was a membrane that curves inwards. It looked like it had on a trench coat, with four coat tails that had white imprints detailed on them. However, the thing that catches Marco's eyes the most, was the claw-like appendage that was attached to it's arm. He could see what looked like the hilt of a sword sticking out of it.
'What… that kind of looks like a-'
"Are you the one who summoned me?" the creature asked which instantly snapped Marco out of his thoughts, giving the creature his full attention.
"U-Uh… I-I u-um…" Marco stuttered out, too shocked and panicked to answer.
"Hey blue demon guy, over here." Janna called out, which caused the humanoid creature to turn its head to glance at her.
"Yeah, you see the summoning was kind of my idea. Marco and the two guys hiding behind the trees over there were helping me." Janna said as she pointed at a tree to her right as Ferguson and Alfonzo pocked their heads out from behind it. But when they saw the creature looking at them, they quickly pulled their heads back behind the tree.
"So just to clarify things, you're a real demon right?" Janna asked the creature. "And if I were?" it asked glancing back at the dark-blue haired girl. "Then it would mean that the amulet Marco is holding actually worked in calling you here. Which means I have the makings of a real dark sorceress." "You… seem quite interested in the workings of demons and dark magic for one so young." It said as it lowered Marco back onto his feet. "So is that a "yes" then?" "Hmph, perhaps. Now, you said used an amulet to call me here, correct?" "Yep, in fact Marco's holding it right now." Janna said.
The demon turned its head to look at the half Latino boy and saw he was indeed holding said amulet in his hand. Before it could even say anything, Marco already had his hand stretched out hold the item out to him.
"You would so readily hand it to me?" it asked. "Well, yeah. I can't really explain why, but I get the feeling that this belongs to you. Maybe that's why you were called here, because this is important to you?" Marco said hoping that the demon did think that he was calling it soft. The demon didn't say anything as it looked at Marco. It then took the amulet from the boy's hand and looked it over.
"This… indeed is something important." The demon said to himself before he suddenly sensed something. The pentagram then changed from blue to red as black electricity arcs from it.
"W-what happening!? Janna, What's going on!?" Marco asks in a panicked voice. "I don't know! That shouldn't be happening unless-"
"Unless something came along with me when I was summoned." The demon said as he grabbed Marco by his shirt and quickly jumped out of the pentagram and next to Janna. Suddenly several lizard-like creatures leaped out of the pentagram.
They had shields on their right forearms and helmets, both of which looked to be made of alabaster. They also had over-sized claws on their left hands and decorative frills around their heads which opened up as one of them let loose a deafening roar.
"What the heck are these things!?" Marco said in fright.
(Vergil's theme, DMC 4 Special Edition)
"Just some scum that followed me here, nothing more." The blue demon said as he walked towards the group of lizard demons. As he walked closer, the clawed appendage on his left arm began to lower itself. One of the demons then lunged at him with its claws, ready to rend him in half. But when claws were an inch away from connecting, he suddenly vanished, leaving the demon's attack to hit nothing but air.
"What the!" Janna said in surprise. "Uh, where'd he-" Before Marco could finish, he and Janna saw the humanoid demon quickly reappear behind the group of demons, re-sheathing what they could now see was a katana sword back into the appendage on his arm. And as soon as the sword was fully sheathed, the lizard demon was vertically bisected, causing both halves of the demon to fall to the sides.
"Whoa" Janna said awestruck. "Whoa is right, I didn't even see when he did that." Marco said just as shocked.
As the bisected demon evaporated into a puddle, the rest of the demons turned around to face the blue demon. Three of them charge and lunge at him from his sides and front, but when they get close, a ring of glowing, blue spectral swords appear around him, slicing up the three lizards as they rotate. He then swings his right arm out, which causes the swords to fire away, hitting a couple of the other demons while also killing the three that attacked. He then gets into a crouching stance as he places his hand on the hilt of this sword. The lizard demons soon started charging, but he dashed towards them as he drew his sword and swiftly moved through the horde of demons until he was on the other side.
"Too late," he says as he swiftly sheathes his sword which caused all the lizard demons to split in half horizontally or diagonally.
(Song end)
Marco and Janna looked on with widened eyes at what they just saw happen.
"That was… that was just-" Marco tried to say until Janna shouted. "That was awesome man!" she said as she ran over to where he was. "Janna wait!" Marco said as he ran after her.
However as they ran passed the pile of dead demon lizards, one that was surprisingly still alive, leapt out of the pile at Janna who was too stunned to move.
"Janna!" Marco yelled in panic, while Janna stood frozen as she saw the demon draw closer.
'No way, am I… am I really about to-" Janna thought until she felt suddenly shove her out of the way and onto the ground. As she was snapping out of her stupor, she heard what sounded like something biting into meat, followed by the sound of someone shouting in enormous pain. When she looked up, the color drained from her face which turned to absolute horror when she saw the lizard demon sinking its teeth into Marco's right arm.
"Marco!" Janna screamed in terror as she saw her friends desperately try free his arm as the demon bit harder into him as he screamed in unbelievable pain.
"GET OFF! GET OFF! GET OFF!" Marco shouted as he was frantically hitting the demon's head with his other fist as it sank it's teeth further into his arm, forcing another painful wail out of him as tears ran down his face. ' I… can't die here. I refuse to let this thing kill, not here, not like this!' he defiantly thought. 'I'd rather lose my arm than let this thing go after my friends!'
Just as Marco clenched his eyes closed preparing to try and tear his arm away from the demon's vice, he heard the sound of something being pierced directly next to him. Hesitating for a moment, he cracks his eyes open and sees his reflection in a sword that was lodged into the demon's neck, killing it.
Marco looks up to find the blue humanoid demon looking down at him as he removes his sword from the now dead lizard demon. He then bends down and forcibly pries the demon's jaws off Marco's arm quickly which caused the half Latino boy to his in pain.
"To risk losing an arm to a demon for a friend, it would seem humans have changed since I was here last. If only a little." He said as he tossed the dead demon's corps away.
"Marco!" "Marco, dude!" "You okay!?"
Marco turns his head to see Janna, Ferguson and Alfonzo running over to him with panicked looks.
"Dude! Are you okay?" Ferguson asked. "DOES HE LOOK FREAKING OKAY YOU IDOIT!? A DEMON ALMOST TORE HIS ARM OFF!" Janna yelled as tears ran down her face.
"Janna… calm down." Marco said through the pain he was in. "Ferguson's just worried, you don't… need to… yell." "HE ISN'T THE ONE WHO HAD A DEMON BITTING DOWN ON HIS SHOULDER! SO HE SHOULDN'T ASK STUPID QUESTIONS LIKE THAT!" she yelled. "Why'd you do that Marco!? Why'd you push me out of the way!? You could've just let that thing-"
"Attack you… and let it… tear your arm off? Yeah, not… a chance in hell." He said with a smirk on his pained face.
"Guys, let's just focus on getting Marco to a hospital. His arm's in really bad condition." Alfonzo said.
"F-fine. Ferguson, help me lift Marco up." Janna said as she and the over-weighted boy attempt to lift up their friend.
"Your attempts are admirable, but… it's already too late to stop it." The humanoid demon said which got the three teen's attention.
"Too late? What are you-"
"AAAARRRRGGHHH!" Janna's question was cut off when she, Ferguson and Alfonzo heard Marco shout in anguish as he held his injured arm.
"Marco!" "What's wrong?" Alfonzo and Ferguson asked in panic as they saw their friend tightly holding his arm, his breathing quick and erratic.
"My… my arm feels… it feels… it feels strange." He said in a strained voice. "It feels like… it's tearing itself apart. Argh!" "Marco! Just hold on!" Janna said desperately before looking back at the blue demon. "Tell me, what's happening to him!?" she yelled as the humanoid demon looked on as Marco writhed in pain.
'Is it possible… that this boy could be?' he thought until he felt something shaking his arm. He looked and saw Janna shaking his arm to get his attention.
"Don't ignore me! If you know what's happening to my friend, then tell me right the hell now!" she yelled as new tears threatened to fall from her eyes. The demon grabs Janna by her hands with his left arm and raises her to his eye level while she kicks and fails about.
"Put me down! Put me down and tell what the hell is happening to my friend!" She yelled. "I swear, if you don't-"
"Be silent child," he said in a cold emotionless tone that made Janna stop what she was going to say, but she still held her defiant tear stained face. "Now, what I can say is that the boy will not die."
"H-he won't?" Janna said in a soft, hesitant voice as Marco continued to writhe in pain behind her, with Alfonzo and Ferguson doing all they could do to try and help. "Then… then why is his arm hurting him? What's happening to him?"
"Tell me girl," he started to say as he set Janna back on the ground. "Do you know of the legend of Sparda?" "Sparda?" Janna asked confused. "It would seem you do not, disappointing." He said shaking his head slightly. "Look you, I don't want a history lesson. I want to know what's happening to Marco!" Janna said starting to get irritated with the demon's constant answer dodging. "Why don't you turn around? I believe you'll get your answer." "What the hell are you-"
"Uh, Janna?" Janna turns around and sees Alfonzo with a freighted and nervous look on his face.
"What is it? What wrong with-" Janna stopped mid-sentence when she looked passed Alfonzo and saw Ferguson kneeling in front of Marco, who had stopped moving. "A-Alfonzo, why isn't Marco moving? What happen-" "Janna calm down, Marco's okay. He just passed out is all." The glasses wearing boy assured her as he placed his hands on her shoulders. "S-so… he's okay then? Thank goodness." She said in relief.
"Yeah, Marco's okay. But… his arm," Alfonzo said which made Janna look at him. "What… what about his arm?" "Marco's arm… changed." "What do you mean "changed"?" Janna asked.
"Boy, move aside so she can see for herself what you mean." The demon said.
Alfonzo hurriedly stepped to the side so Janna could see. Once he did, Janna looked over and once again the color drained from her face at what she was seeing. She slowly walked over to the two boys, which caused her over-weighted friend to notice.
"Janna, I don't'-"
"Shut up, just… shut up." She said quietly as she dropped to her knees and looked down at what had happened to Marco's right arm.
It now had a skin-exposed appearance with the elbow end being more curved, the forearm having a segmented, clawed streak style to each side and many deep indigo-grey oval-shaped streaks marked on another side with many thin cartilage crossing in between them. It had a blue glowing streak, that went between the forearm's own streaks and underneath the entire palm and claws that it now had. The arm also has a reptilian look mixed with it.
With a shaky hand, Janna slowly stretched her hand out to touch the altered appendage. As her hand hovered over Marco's now clawed one, she gently placed her hand it. The moment she did, she felt tears roll down her cheeks once again as held his now deformed hand with both of hers while she softly cried as Alfonzo and Ferguson looked on.
All the while, the humanoid demon looked on at the scene in front of him with an un-readable expression. As he was about to walk away, he heard footsteps coming from behind before stopping not too far from him. Without turning around, he could guess who was standing there.
"What is it you now want, girl?" he asked as he glanced over his shoulder and saw Janna looking at him with tear stains on her face and red puffy eyes.
"What's… your name?" she asked. The demon didn't say anything as he looked at her. "Interesting, I hadn't guessed that's what you'd ask. I would have wagered you'd ask where I was going." "I could care less about where you got right now," Janna said as she whipped her face. "But, if you hadn't killed that lizard thing, Marco would have lost his arm completely. So I want to know your name… so I can thank you." She said looking away from him.
The demon took a moment, before sighing.
"Vergil," "Huh?" Janna said looking back up at him. "My name… is Vergil." "Vergil, well thank you… Vergil." Janna said. "Your thanks was not needed. Now, what else did you want? You clearly wanted to know something else, asides from my name." The demon known as Vergil said.
"Yeah, there is." Janna said. "You asked, if I knew the legend of Sparda, right? This Sparda guy, is… he also a demon?"
"… he is." Vergil said. "He is also… my father." "Your… father?" Janna said surprised. "But, what does your father's legend have to do with what happened to Marco?" she asked.
"If you truly wish to know, look for the knowledge on your own. If you want to able to help you friend." Vergil said. "I… will return to this place in two years." "Wha? Why?" Janna asked not expecting to hear that. "Mostly, out of curiosity, I wish to see where the boy will go from here." He said. "Now that he has that arm, it will no doubt attract attention from… less than savory people."
"You mean… more demons? Like the ones that followed you here?" Janna asked.
"Not just other demons. There are also those who know of my father's legend, who wish to obtain that power. If they learn that his son has returned to the human realm and see the arm that boy now has,"Vergil said as he soon saw the face of realization on Janna's face. But before she could say anything, the two other boys were calling to her.
"You guys just hold on," She said turning to them. "I still need to ask a few-" but when she turn back to continue speaking with Vergil, he was already gone. "What the!? Where'd you-" As she was about to ask, she heard his voice from the forest.
"Safeguard the boy until I return here, can you do that girl? Do you truly wish to help him?" he asked her. "Yes, yes I do. Even if I'm the only one, I'll stand by him, no matter what." "Hmph,"
When Janna didn't hear anything after that, she assumed that Vergil had left. As she made her way over to Ferguson and Alfonzo to help carry Marco home, she glanced back at the forest as the wind blew.
As he walked through the forest, Vergil looked up at the dark sky and saw three stars shining brightly.
"Even if you're the only one you say huh," he said to himself before he was enveloped in a bright flash that soon faded.
His new appearance gave him fair, yet pale skin, white, swept back hair and blue-colored eyes. He now wore a long, silver buttoned blue coat with three separated coattails. A white, serpentine pattern ran around the collar, with a snakes head hanging over the coat's left shoulder, and its tail slinking down the right, all the way to the bottom of the coat. A gold lining ran across the edges of the coat, and a silky, golden flower blossom pattern decorates the inner lining. Each cuff of the coat had five, gold buttoned straps with gold lining with similar straps on the shoulders but with silver buttons. Underneath the coat, he wore a navy blue ascot wrapped around his neck, which hangs over a black, sleeveless vest. He wore tan, finger-less gloves, a brown, snakeskin belt with a silver buckle, dark green pants with a scale pattern running across its surface, and tall, brown boots with two golden buckled straps at the top.
In his left hand was a katana that was kept in a black sheathe with several metallic ornaments on its far end. It also has a yellow cord used to tie the katana to the waist.
"Well girl, you may not be the only one destined to stand by the boy's side." Vergil said as he continued walking.
"It matters little though. Any who seek me or the boy out will know a devil's power, a power greater than they ever imagined. The power of a son of Sparda.
A/N: Well, I hope you guys liked the Prologue. For anyone who hasn't played DMC 4, the demons I used were the Assaults. Now you might have noticed that Janna was a bit out of Character as was Vergil... I think. Since this story is an AU type, some of the characters will act a bit differently, I don't think this will apply to Star since she dated Tom who is half-demon himself, but she won't treat Marco the same way she treated him in season one.
Now I said Marco will be getting Nero's outfit as well as his sword the Red Queen. While that still holds true, I'm thinking of having him get it maybe after the first chapter. let me know what you guys think. Now you guys are probably going to ask if Dante will show up in the story. I don't know yet. So put he pitch forks down. Right now Vergil will be Marco's teacher more or less, but he'll mainly just be observing Marco and the others from afar unless something major comes up. Janna will also be more actively involved with Star and Marco than in the show.
Okay, I think that's everything I need to clarify. I'll see you all later, Peace out! ;)