Chapter 1: Return Of Freddy Krueger!

(Opening A/N: Fellow greetings my demonic corpses, this is the master of chaos, the commander of the legion of corpses, BloodyDemon666 here to add another story to my collection, Halloween is almost Nigh, and I wanted to do A Nightmare On Elm Street crossover, and I also wanted to do a Halloween themed horror story, besides zombies and stuff, no if you want true horror, go with slasher flicks, one of my personal favorites along with a writing brother of mine, Chance Green G King, A Nightmare On Elm Street, with the razor gloved boogeyman Freddy Krueger and it's the original Freddy instead of the rebooted garbage. (No offense, you can't make a new Freddy without having the original) I was inspired from this as I read G King's Soul Eater Enter The Devil Stalker when he added Freddy in his story. So here's the lowdown, an Elm Street child has come to Japan in hopes to escape his awful nightmares, but it turns out, that Freddy is still in the mind of the mysterious American boy, and one by one, Freddy begins to kill the 3-E students one by one in their dreams, and he holds the secrets on how to defeat the man. This is my first A Nightmare On Elm Street story, so please be nice, and this story is rated M for blood and gore, horror violence, adult language, nudity, use of drugs and alcohol, and lemons. As for the disclaimer, I don't own Assassination Classroom for that is owned by Yusei Matsui and Shonen Jump, and A Nightmare On Elm Street is owned by Wes Craven and New Line Cinemas. *Imitating Freddy Krueger* Now it's for the nightmares to begin!)

1...2...Freddy's Coming for you, 3...4… Better Lock Your Door, 5...6...grab your crucifix, 7...8...Gonna stay up late, 9...10...never sleep again. The children sang and playing jump rope along with tossing a red ball back and forth dressed in white, there was a middle school aged girl with green hair standing in her night dress, trying to figure out what was going on.

Her name was Kaede Kayano, she was standing in front of the house of the notorious child killer known as Freddy Krueger, but in the doorway was a little girl riding a little red tricycle, Kaede walked over to the girl knowing that it was not safe to be here. She then walks into the house to see the girl and see if she can get her out of the house.

"Hey there, I don't know if you might know or not, but it's not safe here." Kaede said, and when she got closer to the girl, she began to pedal her tricycle deeper into the house and the door slammed shut right behind the green haired girl as she began to shudder in fear about what was going on.

"Freddy's home." The girl said, and Kaede picks up the small girl and tries to open the door but little did she know, the boogeyman known as Freddy Krueger was coming for Kaede, when she looked at the girl she picked up, it turned out, she was carrying a corpse of the dead girl, Kaede screamed in bloody fear as she tosses the skeleton onto the ground and coming down the stairs with a razor fingered glove on his right hand, and a burnt red and green sweater, burnt pants, dirty burnt boots, a melted face complexion, and a burnt brown fedora, and he scraped the razors against the stair rail as it made a metallic screech, Kaede's heart began to kick into overdrive, pumping really hard and really fast, she tried the door again, but when she opened it, it turned out that she was transported to the boiler room where Freddy killed his victims, Kaede tried to scream, but she couldn't muster the sound she was looking for.

"Oh how sweet, looks like I got a new girl to have some fun with." said Freddy as he began to stalk the girl, but little to Kaede's despair, she was inching closer to the boiler where he burned his victims after he kills them, the boiler turns on and Kaede began to scream at the top of her lungs.

"SOMEBODY PLEASE WAKE ME UP, PLEASE!" Kaede screamed, but then Freddy grabs Kaede and rams his glove into her abdomen as he tosses her into the boiler and burns her alive.

After she was burning alive, in real life, her parents were trying to wake her up, but she caught fire and her house along with her family were burned to the ground, by the time the firefighters came, there were no survivors. The next day, a new transfer student was on his way to his new school, he had dirty blonde hair, green eyes hiding behind a pair of silver thin framed glasses, and he was also Caucasian and dressed in a traditional Japanese school uniform, his name was Jason and he didn't get a wink of sleep last night due to the continuous nightmares he has been suffering from.

In front of Jason was a bluenette boy of the same age as he happened to be a fellow classmate of his.

"You must be the new kid people are talking about." The boy said, and Jason rubbed his sea green eyes as he yawned and nodded yes.

"I'm Jason, my family came here since my parents came to work for some conglomerate corporation here, and it's to help me try to overcome my nightmares as well." Jason said, just then a red headed boy came running up to the duo, it turned out that he had some bad news.

"Nagi, I got some bad news, it turned out that a fire sparked at Kaede's house and she along with her family had burned alive with the house." Karma said, and this just saddened the bluenette, he happened to like Kaede, since she was always attached to the hip.

(This seems to the M.O. of Freddy, what are you playing at Krueger?) Jason thought to himself, and the three began to walk to school.

[To Be Continued…]

(A/N: I know this might be a bit short, but I like to give you guys a small taste of what's going on, also, there will be a total of

13 victims in this story, 1 down, 12 to go, so if anyone has any ideas for any Nightmare, feel free to share, and I'll pick out

who's going to die. And as always, feel free to leave a review, faves and follows are optional, and until the next chapter, this is

the master of chaos, the commander of the legion of corpses, BloodyDemon666 signing off!)