Hey guys you up for some more dark watch rising? Well hope ya are because here's the next chapter.
I do also notice one thing, it seems that this thing gets a lot of attention and yet I couldn't help but wonder why it does? What do you all think? Could it be that possibly no one else has ever tried something like this? Or is it because the fanfiction for it is slowly ding out? So many questions with very little few answers.
But could you all blame me? We all discover things by being curious and making our journeys to find out the answers don't we?
Okay enough talk, let's get this part started!
Plus question? Who'd win in a fight either Joker or Syura? Considering that there both insane.
( I don't own the anime nor manga akame ga kill just only my oc's with my own imperial arms )
Chapter 13
Kill The Truth Part 2
Right now Esdeath and Rubious had reunited while that was happening down below something was running at incredibly fast speeds. Prety soon it was revealed that it was the cloaked figure rubious was chasing earlier.
( Heh, that man sure was fast, but not good enough. What's even more surprising is that they practically wiped out all of Stylish's creations ) the cloaked figure said to himself before jumping up into the air
( Hello Imperial Capital, so good to be back! ) " (evil chuckle) "
Back to where we left off.
" (sniff) Heheh, I know your scent anywhere, good to see you rubious " esdeath said now hugging the black and orange haired male much to his embarresment. " So tell me why you didn't come back I've missed you so much. "
" Now my turn. What are doing here exactly? " the young male inquired.
" Silly, I'm here to capture the danger beasts attacking the capital. Eh, witch leads me to the question why your here? "
" I will tell you, but...could you let go? "
" I will not " the blue haired female replied.
" What's with the protection? "
" I'm not letting you go, if I do you would only get away. "
" (loud groan ) " after that he got himself out of her grip.
" Okay, first I didn't run off, if what wave told you before is true then you should know I got knocked the side of a cliff by a danger beast. "
" That is true. But why did you not come back? "
" I only got a little injury, so I waited for it to get better and then I over heard that there's been sighting of danger beasts that looked like humans. So I decided to investigate where they originated from, while killing a few along the way. "
Esdeath smiled.
" A man after my own heart. What did you find out? "
" Not very much, only small clues leading to the nearby mines up in these mountains. While I was investigating some strange markings someone ambushed me and after that tried to chase him down, but unfortunately he got away. "
" Well at least you've kept yourself busy... " esdeath said now feeling his arms and shoulders. "...and judging by the amount of muscle you've build up I wager your abilitys have expen exponentially grown. "
She then petted him for some reason " You've obviously been working hard and with so much room to improve. "
( Hmm? Why she even still like this? ) rubious thought to himslef she hugged him again putting his face up against her cleavage.
" The danger beasts are almost all gone, they have really been a nuisance. But honestly thanks to them were together again! Love is a strange thing " the blue haired female said before her senses spiked up and got frusterated.
" How can there be so many interruptions on a deserted mountain?! " she asked herself before looking over to a series of rocks. " You there! The coward trying to hide, show yourself! If you refuse to comply you will get no mercy from me! " the general said now drawing her raipier and pointing in the direction of who ever was hiding.
An evil chuckle was heard " well shit.. " a voice said before someone soon stepped out and continued talking. " I thought you wouldn't notice me. Not to shabby. Now I can understand why everyone is so bloody terrified of you. Anyway now that the two of us have now exchanged pleasantries, its probably a good time for me to stop playing with my little toys. "
" Its you! Esdeath he's one that I encountered in the mines! " rubious said speaking up now recognizing the cloaked figure from before.
" Are you sure? " rubious nodded.
" Without a doubt, he know's something about the danger beasts roaming the area. "
" I see, then I'll be more then welcome to torture it out of you personally " esdeath said before the cloaked figured raised his head.
" Sorry madam, but not my cup of tea. But if your in need of a little excitement, I'm willing to let you play with my toy's as well " the figure said before some sort of strange round object came out of his sleeve.
" Behold my imperial arms! Shambala! " the object then glowed bright purple and before long a circle surrounded both rubious and esdeath with the yin and yang symbol shown underneath them both and before long a pillar of light shot into the sky along with the circle.
" Phew " the figure said now removing his hood to reveal a dark skinned male with white hair and an x shaped scar across his face. " Now then, I wonder what kind of game we should play next? "
Location unknown
" Esdeath, am I going crazy? " rubious asked " No, you are not " the blue haired female replied because only a few seconds ago they were on a deserted mountain range because now they were on a tropical island near the ocean.
" Okay then. Please hit me " rubious said making the blue haired female look towards him with a blush.
" Rubious, I didn't know you were into that. We really are perfect for each other, isn't it wonderful? " .
" Wait what are you talking-oh! Hold no, no not that! I just want to find out if that guy trapped us both in some kind of illusion that's all! "
She was a bit taken back by what he said as he continued " so, if you were to hurt me then we would be able to snap out if it. "
" I see, as you wish, " rubious then closed his eyes. :) Big mistake, because she landed her lips on his defiantly proving this wasn't fake.
" It's not an illusion.. " esdeath said now recomposing herself while rubious smacked himself out of it.
" Our surroundings are to real, the cool breeze and the waves, the warm sunshine, everything around us is true. "
" Indeed it is, but the question is what did that man use? He said it was an imperial arm's to teleport us from the looks of it. "
" That is true, the empire has 48 legendary weapons known as "Imperial Arms", rumor has it that a secret art of a lost nation was used to create one that could manipulate space itself. Of all the imperial arms I can only think of a hand full with the power to control space, who was that man? " esdeath wondered.
" He did say it's name, " rubious spoke up " only before he teleported us he said the name "Shambala" so that give's off a lead to start into who the wielder is. "
" You are absolutely right. Let's take a look around " esdeath said before she planted her hand into the sand and just like that a massive pillar of ice shoot straight into the sky giving both of them a clear view of the island itself.
" There's nothing but ocean " rubious noted.
" But isn't this a gourdgeous view? " esdeath inquired.
She slammed her fist into her palm " its starting to kind of feel like were on a date isn't it my darling. "
" Not really, but I'd rather have dinner first" rubious replied considering what was going on and how they got her.
" You never know what you can deal with imperial arms. In my line of work you must be able to adapt immediately "
" I know " rubious replied.
" Now where were we? " esdeath began before she hugged him just like a high school girl would with her crush saying that it was a date and asked if he wanted to cuddle.
" Not for the moment " rubious replied before all of the sudden they heard a loud rumbling noise and turned to the shoreline to see a large danger beast that resembled when stylish made his last effort to kill both Night Raid and Dark Watch.
" Well's he's a big fellow " esdeath commented and before long it spotted the pillar and then charged.
" Incoming! " rubious said before esdeath got in front of him.
" I won't let him ruin our time together! " the general said and before long put her hands together and created multiple large icicles in the air.
" You are interrupting, you deserved to be impailed. Wiessschnapel! " after that she then directed them right towards the massive danger beast that hit multiple parts of its body making tumble backwards.
( She is very strong, ) rubious noted to himself as the stylish copy got back up.
" Your still standing, this is getting interesting " esdeath said before rubious noticed something.
" Go for the head, that's his weak spot " hearing that made her chuckle and planted her hand on the pillar.
" I was thinking the same thing, we must be soul mates. Grauhorn! " after that a massive spike made out of ice shot out of the pillar and darted straight to its head but the weak spot moved to the side narrowly avoiding it.
" Quite stubborn isn't he? " esdeath asked before rubious used the spike as slide to get him close to the stylish clone and then jumped and shot it right in the head of the weak spot killing it instantly and tumbled back.
" Well done, though I had originally planned on winning your heart with my own skills...you wound deepening my love for you. And here I was showing you my favorite moves and everything " esdeath said before something punched into the pillar.
" There's another one! " rubious cried out pointing it out only it didn't look like the other one.
As for esdeath she jumped off of the pillar.
" Leave it to me Rubious! I'll give him what he deserves! " the blue haired female said now snapping her fingers and made a giant ball of ice materialize and then used the momentum in the air to put her right in front of it.
" Hagelsprung! " she soon then slammed it right into the danger beast smashing it like it was nothing greatly surprising rubious.
( So this is her strength...I surely hope that I won't have to kill her.)
Moments after the fight
" If I had to make a guess those two must have been the last of the danger beasts " rubious said as he inspected his weapon and made sure it was still loaed while it appeared esdeath was holding a small notebook of somesort.
" So that's what he meant by new toys, this is where he was hiding those new danger beasts " esdeath exclaimed figuring out what syura said earlier.
" I say we should scout around the island and figure out what were gonna do next " rubious suggested
" Yes we should. But let's make sure we don't panic so it wont get worse. "
" Right, let's go " rubious said now getting up and strapped his weapon behind him while esdeath was doing something else with the notebook like making doodles of her with rubious and a single sketch of the black and orange haired male himself.
" Hmmm, not quite right... " she said before it show's what happens through the entire day such as them exploring the island, gathering fruit, checking out the marine life, chasing a boar for lunch and then finally it shows esdeath without her shirt showing off with rubious raising an eyebrow.
Then before long it's now night time and right now rubious sighed in relief.
" Geez, the day goes by fast it felt like just only a few seconds ago we arrived " esdeath then moved her hand onto his. " Yes, and it's been a lovely time " the blue haired female added and continued on. " Plus I've also managed to figure out where we are. "
" If so then where are we? "
" This island is several miles to the south east of the empire. "
" No kidding? "
" Which means.. you and I are the only two people on this island rubious " the blue haired female said now intertwining hands with the male.
" So? What would you like to do? Your charge choose your fate " the general said.
Then all of the sudden something lashed out of the sand and without any time to react it hit Esdeath in the back of her right leg making her grunt in pain before cutting off what appears to be the tail for the a giant scorpion and before long it was shot by rubious killing it instantly.
Then all of the sudden three other scorpions bursted out of the ground and just like that he killed them all with one swipe of his customized weapon,
After he killed the last scorpion the black and orange haired male quickly lifted to the blue haired female up carrying her bridal style and making her blush before he placed her against a tree.
" Where did it hit you? " rubious inquired.
" My right leg... " the general replied before rubious grabbed a knife from his boot and cutted come branch's down and quickly started a fire and placed the knife just a few feet away from it and headed over back to esdeath.
" Luckily for you this poison isn't imeidate so hold still, " after that he took her boot off and placed her leg on a rock and then inspected the puncture wound and took out the stinger throwing it aside before he began to suck out the poision greatly making esdeath blush greatly from the sensation.
Then after nearly two and a half minutes of sucking poison and spitting it out he was done.
" Alright, that's done. But if we're gonna seal up that wound so it won't get infected we'll need to use something a little "esssive" can you handle that? "
" I'll be fine rubious, I am a general after all " esdeath said reasurring him as grabbed the knife out of the fire, inspecting it and headed back over.
" I mean it, it's gonna hurt like hell " he then gave him hand " you want to? " seeing this as an oppertunity the blue haired female took his hand and before long she gritted her teeth in pain because the hot metal from the knife really did hurt and she tightened her grip.
After about five seconds rubious moved the knife away before putting it in the cold ground to cool down.
" Ice? " rubious asked with his hand out releasing her grip and seeing what he asked for she made a medium block of ice appear in his hand before putting it underneath her leg.
" There we go. That'll leave a scar on the leg but at least it won't get infected, just keep that under there for about five minutes and you can walk " rubious said before taking the knife out of the ground and dusted it off before putting back in the sheath of his boot.
" But I suggest we stay till you can walk. "
" Rubious... "
" hmm? "
" thank you.. " she said now looking right to him and caused him to lightly blush now getting a clear look of her face before he cleared his throat.
" sure. "
" But I would like us to get to know each other better are you fine with that? " the general asked as he grabbed some more branches to keep the fire going along with a big peace of wood to keep it blazing for about nearly the rest of the night.
" Well...it wouldn't hurt.. "
" Wonderful. First off where did you learn to fight with a sword? "
" Since I grew up mostly in the western and southern borders I learned from a skilled hunter because I was looking for someone to train under. Anyway I trained under him. "
" Interesting. So did he also teach you survival skills as well? " esdeath inquired.
" Hmm. He also showed me how to make primitive weapons such as knives, bows and arrows along with trapping. "
" To accomplish something like that takes a lot of diligence, your very talented. But what about your weapon is it customized? "
" Yeah.. " rubious replied showing it off. " Its a hybrid, fully customized and given to me by teacher as proof that my training was complete. But I figure you can accomplish a few things right? "
" Only a few. For example I'll never have an appreciation for arts. The first time I heard Nyau play the flute, I couldn't understand what was so special. "
" If I also have to guess you didn't grow up in the capital did you? "
" That's correct I was born in the northern borders. "
" The northern borders? I've been around the area for training since my teacher taught me for me to constantly adapt to the environments around me. But anyways continue? "
" I don't suppose you've heard of the Partas Clan have you? "
" They were a skilled group of hunter's that specialized in killing danger beasts, I've heard of them. Why do you bring that up all of the sudden? "
After asking that question esdeath told rubious her entire story that she was infact the daughter of the chief and that her mother was eaten by a danger beast. The clan itself was always constantly threatened by the harsh weather conditions and the very danger beasts they hunted. The clan believed survival of the fittest that the strong survive and the weak. It was then that one day the clan was destroyed by another northern killing everyone off, all except for esdeath who was out hunting and after that she vowed to become stronger. Later on she joined the Empire's military and rapidly rose through the ranks and some point the prime minister himself letted her choose an imperial arms which soon brought the question.
" If that's true then where is it? If you don't mind? " rubious asked
" Oh? That my imperial arms, could you come over here? " he went over and got on one knee once he did she grabbed his hand and put one of his fingers on a mark right above her chest at the base of her throat.
" It's right here.."
" Hmm? "
" Several years ago the prime minister had allowed me to choose my own imperial arms and while doing so nothing caught my eye. All except for the ern that contained the blood of an s class danger beast that would allow the user to manipulate its ability to control ice. However the past warriors who tried to drink the Demons Extract lost there minds, all except for me. I drank all of its blood and that's how I gained my ability's. "
" So ever since then, you've had that monster's blood inside your body? "
" That's right, but don't worry I've tamed it long ago. "
" So I take that's why you enjoy torturing people? "
" oh, not I actually do enjoy it. "
( Hmmm, a personality like that, if your smart one can understand that there's no changing in a person like that. However, in truth the way how she was raised, and inflicted pain to living things at such a young age...that's why...she's lived that way her whole life. I really don't want to fight her, but if I must she will die. )
" But I'm also curious to know, what's that strange marking over your right eye? " esdeath said asking in curiosity now wanting to know about the black snake like marking that was above his right eye.
" It's a just a birth mark, that's all. But I'm gonna go get some rest now. "
Later on that night esdeath wakes up and was expecting rubious to be near him but surprisingly he wasn't.
She then got up and looked around the camp.
( Where did he go? ) the blue haired female asked before spotting him sitting on a rock with his legs crossed all by himself.
" I wonder what he's doing? " then all of the sudden she began to hear light humming. At first she thought someone else was nearby but soon she realized it was rubious. So she then decided to see what would happen next by staying where she was at.
" The sea watches us quietly, guiding us through our death and our birth. From humble town waters, to the waves at the end of the earth. The sea carries us carefully, through the dark and of night and the light of day, to the world that's just and peaceful, so that we never lose our way. All our pain and suffering, it swallows up in its warm embrace, so knowingly and gently washes them away. "
After that was done rubious stopped and continued to gaze at the star's as if the very souls of all his loved ones were right there watching him, guiding him through the dark with the light of their spirits.
As for esdeath she was surprised to hear that and after taking it in she smiled and headed back to the campsite and had a plan to make him reveal whatever secret he was hiding from her.
Back at the capital syura was walking through an allyway and before long he stopped.
" (evil chuckle) I know your there. "
" And see that your still taking everything as a game " a voice responded before all of the sudden Ruvick appeared right in front of him.
" Is it true? Esdeath is at the island where the last of Stylish's creations were harbored? "
" Yes. But if I had to guess there dead by now, even so you taught him well. "
" I might have, but in the end...he was one of my test subjects. He showed me that his obsession got him killed and further my research on the human mind. But I care not if he's dead. His body however has given me more then I'd bargained. "
" You don't say? By the way? Did you...send out that special toy that you've made just for her? " syura asked giving off his signature evil grin while ruvick was not amused.
" It will be there...and either result I will aquire more information. Tell then, just know...were all watching you. " After that the heavily scarred man vanished.
Time skip the next following night. ( didn't feel like doing the day time)
It had now been a whole day ever since they had arrived to rubious he kind of figured that she was hiding something just so they could stay on the island for a little bit longer. Now in truth he admitted it was a nice place to have a vacation but at the same time he didn't want to waste anymore time and get back to the capital and see what he can do with finding what ever the dark watch or night raid wanted and in return they would provide him information on the mask of shadows so he could expose honest for all of the crimes he committed and end the war.
But on the bright side though they both managed to find a hot spring.
Now it shows rubious now sinking into the hot and deeply sighing in relief.
( Wow... this is such a relief. Reminds me of the giant hot spring we have in the palace. Wait! Then again that fat ass has been enjoying it, if he did I'm gonna pissed. )
Then all of the sudden he heard light splash come up behind him but quickly shrugged it off before he realized that something was washing his back and he knew who it was.
" What...are you doing? " rubious said asking slowly because it was esdeath.
" I figured that I could wash your back " the nude blue haired female anwsered blushing greatly considering that what she thought about doing was actually happening while rubious gazed at the night sky.
" I have to admit...even though the darkness of the night is dangerous at times...but it still is beautiful. "
" It is. Rubious? I've had the feeling for a while now that your hiding something from me? "
" I don't know what your talking about... " the orange and black haired male said giving no visible response makin her chuckle and then literally pressed her chest against his back making him blush even greater.
" I won't be angry if you are..."
" Nope. no idea what your talking about. Your confusing me. "
" And I think you are... from what I've heard from Wave...you have something interesting and the fact that you have more to offer then the eye shows. "
" I'm telling you I don't. "
" Stop lying to me.. " the general said now hugging him even further and pressing her chest down on his back. "..I told you, I won't be angry. I won't even stop you from completing what ever you have planned. "
Then just as rubious was gonna reply all of the sudden something large crash landed onto the island making a large amount dust go into the air and making the entire place shake getting their attention.
" The hell?! " rubious asked now rushing out of the hot spring while he quickly put his pants back on not caring one bit if it got soaked or not the same going for esdeath who quickly put her clothes back on as well.
Once the dust cleared the creature was revealed to massive standing on all fours, it had a club like tail and was covered in heavy armor looking plates covering its back. The strange danger beast also had an upper torso that resembled human only the head was strange and pointed forward.
After it made itself know it roared with its head splitting into three separate jaws revealing rows of razor sharp teeth.
" What the hell is that thing?! " rubious asked again.
" I don't know, but it is ugly " esdeath said before she noticed rubious was blushing madly and handed her his shirt.
" What's the matter? "
" Your...uh shirt... " she then looked down and realized that her chest was now seen right through her white military uniform and then quickly putted rubious's shirt on.
" Thank you for that " the general said while rubious got his weapon all ready and took out something from his back pocket and loaded it up the front of the barrel.
" This won't be easy. It's best to be careful " rubious said as esdeath nodded in agreement and drawed her rapier.
" Ready? " rubious asked.
" Yes " the general responded.
" Lets go! " after that was said they both dashed forward and headed in opposite directions with rubious hopping onto a tree ad fired a small black ball that exploded on impact getting the danger beast's attention.
" Alright, let's see what this thing can do " rubious said as he quickly reloaded and fired again before jumping off of the tree and headed to another position to where he could fire.
Now from esdeath's point of view she once again dashed straight towards the danger beast. " Grauhorn! " after that a giant horn of ice materialized out of thin air and soon pierced its chest making the collosal creature howl in pain.
After that she followed it up by making massive icicles materialize into the air itself all of them aimed right towards the danger beast.
" Wiessschnabel! " she then directed them right to her target, hitting the strange creature in multiple spots.
Just by this simple display of her work she gave off her signature grin that was soon replaced by a look of surprise because now all of the ice that pierced its body were now being absorbed into its body before it began to absorb the ice into its body and before long its three jaws began to gather energy and before long it fired a white beam and right towards esdeath who created a giant wall of ice that barely took the hit.
( Is that creature absorbing my ice? ) the blue general asked herself before it charged shattering the wall and absorbed the ice.
It then attempted to grab her but she quickly sliced three of its fingers off making it scream out in pain before it spun around and slammed its club like tail onto the ground creating a large crater onto the island.
She seized the opportunity and dashed up its tail before she then once again made a giant block of ice appear.
" Hagelsprung! " she then smashed it right against the creatures back and making it fall to the ground before it literally sucked the ice in like a vacuum before it began to charge up its breath attack. But before it could seize the chance rubious leaped into the air and fired an explosive in its mouth making it recoil and howl in pain.
While it was doing so she jumped off the creature and landed on the beach while rubious fired another explosive right in the head making it fall back.
" This isn't gonna work! It can absorb you ice and I only have a few shots left before I run out, we need to think of something fast! " rubious said quickly reloading his weapon while esdeath began to think.
" Do you think, that it can swim? " esdeath inquired with rubious getting what she said.
" That thing has heavy armor, so it most likely couldn't survive. But probably got here the same way we did. Let's fall back to give us some room, can you freeze a large part of this ocean? "
She nodded and before long she placed her hand onto the water and once she did her power worked its magic and froze a large chunk of the ocean itself.
At the same time however the colossal danger beast was getting back up.
" Move! " esdeath cried out as both of them dashed to the now frozen ocean front before the creature slowly began to follow.
After making a good distance away from the shoreline the danger beast contiued to persue them and before long it slammed its clubbed tail onto the ice making it crack going exactly as planned so far.
The two immediately dodged the move and then stabbed their weapons into the ice causing more cracks in the ice from where the danger beast was standing.
" come on you bastard...come on... " rubious muttered to himself and before long the danger beast began to absorb the ice under its feet making rubious chuckle.
Once that happened he fired an explosive right underneath its feet creating a huge dent in ice and do to the sheer size it soon collapsed followe by the danger beast falling into the ocean and to its weight, the creature sunk like a rock.
" *panting/trying to catch his breath* You okay?! " rubious called out with heading over to her and the blue haired female heading over to him.
" I'm fine. But that was actually a very good plan "
" Well, I figured what's heavy goes down- "
Then all of the sudden their ray's of sunshine had shattered because it had now burst through the ice and into the air and landed only this time it had changed. Unlike before it was about a quarter portion of its previous size but the only difference is was that the armor platting appeared to have disappeared.
However much to rubious's disbelief he figured it out.
" Son of a bitch! It shed its armor! " the black and orange haired male said and just before he could reload his weapon it used its tail to smash him agaisnt a nearby wall of ice.
" Rubious! " the blue haired female growled in anger and now gave off a pissed off look to the danger beast.
" How dare you hurt him! I'm gonna make you pay! " the female general said now charging at the danger beast and began to quickly exchange a series of blows but it was mostly because of esdeath constantly having to block the creatures club like tail.
Meanwhile rubious groaned in pain as he barely managed to get up and reached for another explosive and realized he was out.
( This thing is to strong...hell its even giving esdeath a hard time. Plus to make it worse her ice is useless! Think of something! Think... ) as he began to think it struck him in realization.
" Die! " eadeath cried out dashing forward and stabbed her blade right into the danger beasts chest making it howl in pain before it knocked her away and followed it up with its tail.
She quickly created a wall but it just smashed right though it knocking her to a nearby block of ice and knocking her unconscious.
Seeing it had an oppertunity the creature then charged forward and then slammed its tail down.
But before the creature could land an attack rubious then dashed forward getting esdeath out of the way.
( I have no choice.. ) the black and orange haired male said to himself before he extended his arm back.
" Hiken! " he then threw his arm forward and once he died d a massive amount of fire shot forward that resembled that of a fist soon creating a massive explosion and sent the creature flying ten feet away from the shore line of the island.
Just about at the same time esdeath began to regain consciousness and soon realized the bright lights all around appeared to be small flames.
" Rubious? " the blue haired female general asked " stay here " he replied before fire shot from right underneath his boots and into the air amazing her greatly as small fire ball appeared on his index finger and slowly raised his left arm into the air.
Once he was in the air the danger beast began to speed up in the water and before long it lunged out of the water its three jaws wide open.
" A little closer... " it then got about ten feet away from him.
" Saraph! " he then fired the small fire ball right at the massive danger beast and as it began to close it the ball of fire expanded ten times its size that went straight into the massive monster's mouth and before long it dropped back into the ocean and began scream in pain because in only a matter of seconds the entire thing blew up.
The result alone could be seen high up in the sky literally made a mushroom cloud that caused a powerful gust of wind to be made.
Once it died down a large hole was revealed and just like that the ocean itself concealed it as if it never been there.
For esdeath she was just absolutely astounded by the sheer amount of power that rubious had been hiding all along that could as might as well be on equal terms with her power as well.
Once that was done rubious landed back on the island and began to walk away.
( That power...only the previous emperor wielded it and if rubious has it then that means he must be related to the current emperor himself! )
After regaining her composure she got up and rushed over to him.
" Rubious! Stop! " he paused and turned around.
" So this is what you were hiding all along? "
" Yes. "
" Does this mean your really Prince Sebastion? If you are then why? Why are you hiding it? " the blue haired female inquired entirely blown away that the very man she has a love for is the son of the previous ruler of the empire itself but might as well be more powerful then his father.
" I don't go by that name anymore...the name sebastion died the very night when I couldn't protect my little brother form the clutches of Honest. "
" But why hide yourself? Your brother would be thrilled to hear that your alive. "
" That's because the minister is using my brother as a puppet, now is not the right time " this greatly confused her as he continued.
" I never wanted this to happen. If my secret was to be exposed then my plan would not work. I only had to deceive you for only a small amount of time. I was going to reveal who I truly was, but before doing so I've needed to earn your trust first. "
" There wasn't no need for that, even now I still trust you because I know there were reasons behind your actions " the blue haired female reassured.
" But what ever you have planned I wouldn't stop you. But what are trying to do? "
" I need to gather all of the information I can in order to find the location for the mask of shadows. "
This kind of surprised her. " Why do you need it? "
" To show my brother who honest really is and to find out who assassinated my father. I have to reclaim my throne, but to do so I must find the mask. The quicker it is found I can save my brother, thus will this war end. "
" What are you talking about? " esdeath inquired as he began to explain further.
" This whole entire war that both the empire and the revolution have been fighting, it is all a big game and we've been played. "
" That's nonsense, how do you know that's true? "
" Because I've been searching for over two whole years. What's more it appears that there's a third party, and there the one's that killed my father and nearly killed me as well. "
" How do you know that? "
" Let's just say, I ran into Night Raid, but there not working alone, the Dark Watch is with them as well. They even gave me information on something the true enemy is after, and what ever it is, they will reak havoc on the entire world. "
" How'd you escape? "
" Dr, Stylish raided the base and got killed in the end. I used that as my opportunity to escape. "
" That explains a lot...but do you know who's leading the dark watch? "
" No...but while the chance to escape presented itself I wasn't able to leave empty handed. "
" What did you find? "
" I will tell you more later, and I'll explain everything. "
" Your willing to risk your own life to reclaim your throne and to protect the people of empire? You should already know that I have no sympathy for the weak. "
" If that's so, then let me ask you something. If you had a child and it was weak what would you do? "
" Leave it to defend for itself as law's of survial apply. "
" If i was weak, what you do? "
" Train you to become stronger, and if not then i choose wrong. "
" If your own family was weak would leave them too? "
" Yes " rubious shook his head in amusement. " Your lying... "
" No I'm not " the general defended.
" Yes you are, your lying to yourself, after hearing your story I get it. That's how you were raised and you were taught to believe that. But be honest with yourself? Is all of that really what you want out of life? "
"...I don't know what to say...But what are you getting at rubious? "
" Were different from one another and yet we share one thing in common... " the black and orange haired male began.
" I never had the choice to choose my life and neither did you, we were both taught on what were supposed to do and just accept it. But yet, what do we gain out of it? Misery, being hurt, and never having the chance to live and be happy with our chances at normal lives being taken away from the start. "
He paused letting this sink in. " That sort of life should never be forced upon kids like that, but it's just the way how it is. I used to think myself everyday when my father trained me was just to see me suffer when in truth he wanted to prepare me for what ever life could throw my way. "
Rubious then gently gripped her hands " esdeath, I'm not asking to change for me, but for yourself, deep down in that ice heart, is something even stronger then you'll ever realize and it will only release if you choose to continue on this path. But if you disagree then that's your choice " after that he let go and turned around.
" For me there is no choice, lives are counting on me and I make things right. "
"...Rubious...If the war does end then we should simply start another war would be truly thrilling wouldn't it? "
He then gave her a serious look. " So...if I'm getting this straight you would start another war just to satisfy your bloodlust? I am sorry but if it comes to that then I will have to fight you and I don't want that. However there will be another war to fight, so hopefully it will satify you, but if not then I must kill you. "
She chuckled. " I really don't want to have to kill you either rubious, however I should hope the future will be wonderful for both of us. "
" I'm willing to wager this, either you will find something else that will make you stronger or you stick with your conviction and perish. But I need to know, general. No, Esdeath, will you help me take back my home? "
" I do not know...however you are not a liar. "
" If you do, then I will give you your answer on whenever I choose to be your lover or not. I'm willing to prove myself, however will be willing to do the same? "
After letting this all sink in the blue haired female general began to think for a moment and before long she gave off her signature grin.
" If your willing to wager that mucoh and willing to kill me with not only a new war in return but a challenge you offer that you think will make me stronger? Then yes. If it means I have to prove myself to you to receive your awnser then I will help you. "
Rubious nodded and soon they sealed the deal with a hand shake
" How do I know your not tricking me? " rubious inquired making esdeath chuckle. " Because...I'd never do that to you, that's why and I never will. "
To be continued
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Kill The Storm
Kill The Rival Harbinger Irys
Kill The Calm Times
Okay...so how'd you all liked this chapter? A bit cliche i know but hey I just felt like doing it.
Also I'm adding more members to the Jaegers and that way way there aren't just mainly guys. I figured why not?
now time to reply to my reviewers
New Age Dragon
Yeah I see where your going with that
Hmmm, I always like the whole idea and I'm glad that you enjoyed it now I must ask how'd you like this one here?
That's enough for right now everyone. Your all freakin awsome and that's all.
So until next time...
G King!