Reviews for The Amazing Deku
MisterVoorhees chapter 51 . 7/18
Please continue, I absolutely love this story and I hope to see it updated soon!
SonicMax chapter 51 . 7/14
Fucking booo make the big bad Carnage? Laaaaaame. Should have just given it to toga she's the only one who's been murderously insane shigaraki is just pissy.
Gamelover41592 chapter 51 . 7/13
excellent work on this chapter and good SpongeBob reference
pedrofaria339 chapter 51 . 7/13
... Fuck ... That was Carnage, wasn't it? ... Godoy FUCKING damn it!
raw666 chapter 51 . 7/13
Keep up the excellent work.
uchihaNaruto247 chapter 51 . 7/13
Whoa I don’t know anything about it Carnage besides that he’s red and he Cosme from venom or something. I’m surprised he can regenerate his host from a pool of DMA. Anyways idk if I hit my head somewhere or was reading about something but didn’t momo have some type of red liquid thing go into her in the hospital? I must be trippin.
Shadow Joestar chapter 51 . 7/13
KO awesome chapter, Momo definitely look sexy in that Vemon suit and the battle against Overhaul is over even though Tomura escaped at least the heroes will be able to get some rest after that and go home.
NazgulBelserion chapter 40 . 7/13
So I read till here and it's ok I enjoyed it's probably not my favorite izuku he's so hmm what's the word too Heroic if that makes sense it's like he has this pathological need to be hero and everything is he's fault like how arrogant he is like oh there was a car crash in africa oh it's my fault cause I wasn't there that's how I see it , honestly buts ridiculous then again spider man was an arrogant dumb ass like that also who took blame for everything
NazgulBelserion chapter 1 . 7/10
I wanna read this but most Spiderman izuku stories turn into garbage when they start adding more and more spider users and ruin what makes mc special if izuku is only spider power user let me know if not well prob won't read
DCosmicSage38 chapter 21 . 7/6
Dude, what did you just do?
RandoFox chapter 31 . 7/5
Im saying it right now because im confident that im right, ochako is spider woman
RandoFox chapter 28 . 7/5
Melissa would be a nice edition to the harem
RandoFox chapter 27 . 7/5
Papa zuku
DCosmicSage38 chapter 14 . 7/5
Ultimate suit?
Increased overall attributes of izuku
DCosmicSage38 chapter 2 . 7/5
It feels like I'm in the into the spider-verse.
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