Future Alternative – The Amazing Deku

Disclaimer: The following is a fan-based work of fiction. Spider-Man and My Hero Academia are owned by Marvel, the late Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, Shonen Jump and Kohei Horikoshi. Please support the official release.

Kei: Oh god. Are we really doing this? After that fucking Slott-fic comment?

Julia: Yes.

Kei: Damn it. Welcome to the Ama... wait... Welcome to The Amazing Deku. After our last excursion writing a Spider-Deku fic, this time we're going to do it in a way different from other people. And to those rereading, we've rewritten this chapter too.

Midoriya Izuku Origins 1 - Evolution

It's seven am in the streets of Musutafu Japan. The rising dawn gives the morning a magnificent orange sheet of glean, keeping the concrete jungle out of the blue darkness. Here, the average man and woman flock the streets going to work, delivering newspapers – they still do that? - and getting ready moving for school.

Among these workers, a crime is in progress.

"Come on, let's go!" Two criminals wielding guns take off with a bag of yen, exiting a convenience store. A shadow passes overhead as they head for their van.

As soon as one guy takes out his keys a white substance ejects onto his hand. The sticky liquid hardens quickly, gluing his hand in place. "What the hell?"

"A hero?!" The other guy takes out his gun looking for whoever it was. He glances up when that same white stuff smacks on his face, taking the shape of a web. He grunts and thrashes about, the web on his nose cutting off oxygen.

"Of course this happens on my way to class..." A figure jumps up on top of their van. The thug turns around as his head is held in place, and rips off the webbing attached to his face. Once done, he then punches him hard in the face, a clean shot.

The man turns a bit before falling over, landing face forward into the ground, as the figure says, "Ooh, I hope that didn't break bones."

The new guy jumps up quickly, effectively dodging fire sent his way. He takes a look over and stares at the person responsible, spotting the criminal has flames extorting from his breath. His eyes linger on that more through his bright blue goggles.

"I'm gonna fry you, bug boy!" He exhausts more flames at him, the mystery man jumping away avoiding his attack. That same web substance shoots out onto the van behind the flame breath, and with a pull of his wrists, he shoots forward kneeing him into the van. Saliva stains his green costume.

"It's not that hard to tell I'm a spider." The man looks down at the people he's beaten up. He shoots more of the web fluid from his wrists, tying them together in a wrap.

With his job done he returns the bag of cash to the convenience store, giving one a single glance inside to count the money. After he hands it over he takes off into the daylight, jumping high enough to reach the top of street lights. He fires web fluid to stick to walls and swing through the air with the greatest of ease.

As he continues, a more solid visual of the spider male is shown; he is 5'6 feet tall dressed in a homemade superhero costume – he wears a green sweatshirt under a hoodie with a blue inside. He has a green face mask that covers all but his eyes, which are covered by blue goggles. He also has expandable tights of the same emerald shade with black shoes that have no support. He wears gloves he dyed green that prevents him from leaving fingerprints.

His swinging goes on until reaching a certain school, Jyaaku High. Landing on the side of the building he climbs along the side until he makes it to the roof. With a quick look around he removes his costume to dress in a high school uniform, revealing his face finally. He is a plain-looking yet adorable teenager with freckles. He has deep emerald eyes and black, curly hair with olive highlights.

The teenager keeps quiet as he enters from the top floor, making his way down. He removes tiny gauntlets attached to his wrists and stuffs them in his bag in a special compartment. Once he reaches class, everyone looks at him.

Uh oh. "Am I-"

"You're late, again," speaks the teacher as he writes his name down. "Take a seat Midoriya."

His classmates laugh as he heads to his assigned seat. He holds up his notebook hiding behind his face, which is so red he looks like a tomato. As the teacher talks, Midoriya begins writing down notes.

So you're probably wondering who I am. Well, my story's not for the faint of heart if I can say. My name is Izuku Midoriya, and I did what you just saw. I live in a society where 80 percent of humanity have abilities called Quirks. Since everyone has the potential to be dangerous a law was passed in Japan, and pretty much most of the world, where you are forbidden from using your Quirk in public; criminals who obsessively use their Quirks to commit crimes are called villains, and to combat them the government-sanctioned a profession where people are allowed to use their Quirks to save others and enforce the law; these people are heroes.

But you probably already knew that, and want to know why someone like me is being a vigilante. That's a harder and longer explanation actually because I'm part of the twenty percent who is an average human being, aka Quirkless. As far as everyone else in my class knows, that is still true. But that didn't deter me; I was determined to prove to everyone that I could be a hero, and you don't need powers to save people...

It all started over two weeks before the Entrance Exams to the greatest hero school in the country, UA High. I was on my way to-

"Midoriya! Are you paying attention?!"

"Y-Yes ma'am!" he replies, still red. You know what, I'm just gonna show you what happened. If I don't, I'll just be constantly interrupted by what happens in the present.


"It's not wrong to dream Midoriya, but you need to be realistic. You should not be a hero without power."

Those words remained in my heart for the longest. Ever since I was a child, I've always loved heroes. I wanted to be one and save others, just like him; the greatest, strongest, coolest hero in the world, All Might. But when I was told the truth about myself, my doctor… he said I wouldn't be able to develop a Quirk because I have two joints in my smallest toes. I will never become a hero, no matter what.

BUT! That wouldn't stop me. I did, however, fall into a major setback that almost ended my dreams, and me. One day I spoke to him atop a building, the hero All Might himself, and he told me those words, the words that would stain my confidence black.

I never saw him since, and I never was happy again. If there was any good from that, the punches stopped hurting and I stopped caring. I couldn't even move on, and school started to get meaningless.

But that's where the most amazing thing happened to me. It was the school trip to Astrocorp, during the final month of class at Aldera Middle School.

"Alright, everyone pair up," speaks my teacher as he stands in front of the multi-million dollar company. I say dollar because this is the Japanese base.

Back to the pairing, everyone quickly moves to pick their partner. And since a classmate is sick today, I'm the odd one out. Again.

I hear a sigh coming from the teacher. "Well, just try not to touch anything dangerous, Midoriya. I know you won't get in trouble."

Well, at least I can be depressed by myself.

After that, we enter Astrocorp. Inside are so many exhibits we get a grand look at. A woman with three horns in her black curled hair leads them through the exhibits, the first one being a medicinal facility. "What's this?"

"Astrocorp has a range of focuses, one of them being of a pharmaceutical variety. The CEO is pretty persistent in being the best in everything," she tells us. I get the feeling she seems annoyed with whoever it is, but it could just be my opinion.

What has my attention is the variety they have, one of which is creating medicine from animal cells. Doctor Kuroto Kage seems invested in telling us this, considering he's a lizard man who can probably already regenerate. Next, on the list are inventions created by interns at Astrocorp.

The third exhibit turns out being a bit odd. The lady brings us before glass cases with spiders inside. "Here we have something we've designed in our specialist department. Over five years we've bred and genetically altered the DNA of these spiders, giving life to a new species. We hope to have them protect crops from other livestock."

"How exactly are they genetically altered?" This is from one of my classmates, Hitomi.

"We combined the DNA of multiple spiders into several Parasteatoda tepidariorum and had them breed. They're still failures because the offsprings don't last as long as regular spiders. These thirteen are the only ones left."

"There's twelve." Huh. Kacchan is right; there are only twelve spiders left. Considering they're in separate cases each this seems strange. "I guess one of your little fuckers is MIA."

"Can't be. It's probably blending in with the environment." She checks inside that sole case, ignoring the other spiders minding their own business in their glasses. Looking at them, many of them are all the same color, black, brown, and that one green spider who is the odd man out.

The rest of the exhibit was fairly boring in comparison. By tomorrow we'll go back to class and have to write down what we learned in a five-sentence paragraph. I guess the spider exhibit was the most compelling to me. Maybe I can - wait is something crawling on my arm?

I look down and spot a bright green and blue spider resting on my uniform sleeve. It looks like one of those spiders from that genetically enhanced spider exhibit. I reach for it and allow the red-eyed arachnid to crawl onto my hand.

From what I saw the spiders are generally docile and cute. Plus according to the internet, they aren't venomous. I'll just hand it over tomorrow- "AH!" It bites me! That little eight-legged thing just sunk its fangs into my arm vein. Why?

I whip my arm throwing it off. It really hurts! I've been bitten by insects before and it never hurt that much. It feels like a dog or something bigger dug its teeth into me.

"I don't feel so good." It's getting hard to see now, and I think my palms are sweaty. Oh no, I'm going over.

Ugh. That was a horrible night. What happened? "Let's see… I came back from the tour at Astrocorp. After that, I came home, told mom about it, and then…" Now I remember… I took home a spider hitchhiker and got bit by it.

I look down at my hand and see no spider bite. Nothing that proves I was assaulted by that arachnid. Thinking about it, I don't see it anywhere. I guess it's gone. I guess there's nothing I can do now. I had better… huh. My shirt seems a little tighter. I take off my shirt, and for some reason, I'm surprisingly buff.

Okay, when and how? I've worked out before trying to get ready for the Entrance Exam, but I never got such immediate results. And now for some other reason, I look like an Olympic level athlete, if they still had them. I have biceps, triceps, six-pack abs, the whole works.

The alarm clock I have turns on. I'll just smack the off button. I do, and how did I just break it? I just smacked it, and the whole thing breaks apart. How strong am I? "Izuku, time for breakfast!"

"O-Okay mom!" I shout back, before running out the door. Unfortunately, when I opened it, I end up breaking the door down. For a similar reason, I'm gliding across the carpet at an amazing speed too. "What did that spider do to me?"

I come to the kitchen room table where breakfast is ready: grilled fish, white rice, natto even though I hate it, pickled cabbage which is good when she does it, and a fried egg. I guess fruit is tomorrow; she likes fruit breakfasts. Anyway, eating I notice something else different. I seem to be faster too, and I'm able to keep up with my new movement speed. By the time I'm finished she's still with a bowl of rice; I guess she was just staring at me.

I wonder what else has changed. "I'll be heading to school now!" I head back upstairs and gather my clothes for school. It's a little tight, but luckily I got a size larger so I can move with effort.

On my way to school, it turns out my running speed is even more amazing. Even in these school shoes, I can run as fast as the bus I'm racing for. I won't need to take the bus; I can run to Aldera, and that's what I did. I'm on time before the gate closes, and I'm not even tired. Well, I am a little, but not so much. Nothing can spoil this day.

"Well if it isn't Deku." Except for Kacchan.

This guy coming towards me dressed in the same uniform as myself is my childhood friend turned bully who bothers me all the time. He and I will be taking the Entrance Exams in February, something I've been fearing since I don't have a Quirk. But Katsuki Bakugo is nothing like me; he's confident, has a strong Quirk, has the attitude of a shounen protagonist, and despite being an asshole people look up to him for all those positive qualities. Even I admire him, despite him punching me all the time. Only so much.

Why does he constantly put me down anyway? He's the most ambition person in the school, and I'm the bottom of the rung. You'd think a Quirkless nobody like me would be below his ribbing.

"You're still going to UA right?"

"Y-Yeah?" Oh god, he's scary when he gets that smile. He looks about ready to kill someone, which doesn't help when he says 'die shit face.'

"I keep telling you to give it up! A Quirkless wonder like you can't do anything!"

"K-Kacchan, leave me alone! This is what I want!" I wonder if he could understand that from all my stuttering.

I think he did because he's glaring deep into my soul. "How many times must I put you in your place?" He throws a punch at me, which is extremely slow for some reason. I easily step aside and dodge it. "Eh? How did you-"

How did I do that? Uh oh, more punches. He's throwing more strikes at me, but none of them hit. It's like a slow-motion scene in action movies because I'm moving so fast he can't touch me. They aren't obvious punches either; for some reason, I'm getting a ringing in my head that warns me of what he's going to do to me.

Something in my head is screaming for me to block his hand, but why? Ow! I guess that answers that; he used his Quirk on me, making an explosion to increase the range and blasting my face. It hits me so hard I fall over onto my behind, but it doesn't hurt as much as they use to. "Cheeky fucktard." He walks away, leaving me down on the floor as he tests his wrist for something.

A part of me wonders why he gets away with the things he does. Maybe because he has a great Quirk people look the other way. Or maybe they're afraid of confronting him.

Strangely, that doesn't matter anymore. Whatever happened to me gave me the strength and speed to stand up to Kacchan. If I can dodge his moves, maybe I CAN be a hero!

End Flashback…

"Good job today Midoriya." Looking up as Izuku puts away his books, he spots the teacher walking by him. He pats his back with a smile, before walking out the door with the rest of the students.

The green-haired teenager turns red at the praise, one of the first times he's ever received any. Being ignored for being Quirkless tends to lower self-esteem like that, especially for him. He can thank Bakugo for that.

After gathering his supplies together, he heads into the science lab. "Fifteen minutes until everyone shows up. Better hurry up." He quickly grabs a beaker and places it over a blue flame, before gathering materials. He stuffs them into the glass and adds water, stirring until it thickens into a molasses-like white substance.

"Three minutes… done!" He turns off the flames and then funnels the goo inside a small trapezoid capsule no larger than a big toe. Once it's full he dumps it into another, until there's nothing left. He slips the capsules inside his bag and begins cleaning up.

"Hey, Midoriya!" Looking back he spots the science club coming in. The blue-haired president states, "I told you, no activities until we're all here. What do you do anyway?"

"Oh, I'm…" He begins darting his eyes back and forth thinking of a lie. "I was trying a new formula for a friend of mine. He said it's to make a glue that surpasses that gorilla strength."

"Well good luck with that. That stuff is strong as hell," says the short guy of the group.

Izuku takes out a notebook as they discuss stuff to accomplish. As much as he likes being here, he's honestly just using their supplies for his 'illegal' activities. Then again it's nice to be around others, considering there's no reason to spend all his time in an empty house.

Midoriya Izuku – Origin Part 1 Concluded