A/N: Hello and welcome to my first Danganronpa fanfiction!

This is actually a series I've been wanting to start for quite a while, and at one point I had a story written out, but I felt it wasn't up to par with what I could actually write. It took me around a year to finally rewrite it and came up with this new one. It's basically a rehash of Trigger Happy Havoc, but with new characters. I did replace some characters I didn't really like, well..I liked one of them but for the sake of the story, I had to replace a few others. There will be some new plot points and some people will not die, I already have the characters that will make it to the endgame, which are personal favorites of mine.

So far, this story will have Seventeen students, well...eighteen including our lovable Mistress of Despair. I will try to create all new executions for the people who didn't have one, and I will try to come up with original motives, but I might just use the ones established in the game and anime just for convinience, though the results will be different.

I hope you all are up for this new story, as it has been long in the making. The Prologue had to be rewritten four times before I finally settled for the finished product, it's quite long, but I hope it will hold the tides until I am able to write more. So please, stay tuned.

Without further ado, I welcome you to Danganronpa: The School Life of Mutual Killing!

I would also like to give credit to the owner of the cover photo I have chosen. I own nothing and am using it only because it fit my story perfectly. Please go support their official works, whoever it is is a very talented artist and they deserve the credit.

Update: As of 6/26/17 Act 1 of The School Life of Mutual Killing has been updated, and edited...for the Prologue I have added an extended introduction for Leon and Celeste. I have also done some minor edits, so let me know what you all think...


The School Life of Mutual Killing

Chapter 1


Hope's Peak Academy stood proudly in the center of the city. The calm aura it radiated was one of hope and prosperity. Its student body were promised nothing but enlightenment once the started traversing the hallways. Each and every student that stepped through those doors would certainly be granted a life filled with hope and prosperity. It was an institution filled with the best of the best, something that would startle a lot of people, maybe even frighten them a bit.

That was the dilemma of one student, who was standing in front of the academy, dressed in his uniform.

He was fifteen years of age, and had short lilac hair, that reached to the nape of his neck. He kept it straight and smooth, not really liking the spikiness of the hairstyle he had when he was younger. He was wearing a pressed white shirt, which was tucked into his black slacks. The shirt itself wasn't anything fancy, having only a breast pocket, which held a ball point pen. He was wearing a pressed blue tie, which had Hope's Peak Academy's crest on it, near the bottom of the tie. The collar was folded down, and he wore a glittering pin, which was silver in color and displayed his status among the 79th class. The pin itself was round, and had the crest of Hope's Peak Academy centered on it. Under it was a small chain, holding a little number 79 on it, below it, was a smaller little plaque with the word class on it.

Instead of formal shoes, he was wearing a pair of black leather boots, that reached to his calves. He didn't like wearing formal shoes often. He also wore his violet archery glove on his left hand, which he had deemed his lucky glove, do to how many competitions he had won with it. Slung across his back was a violet quiver, filled arrows, the fletchlings of which were orange in color. They were only practice arrows, so he had to leave the orange fletchlings on. He had a black suitcase in his hand, containing his clothes. Sitting next to him was a black case, which held his hunting bow.

His name was Yunosuke Nagahama, and he held the title of Ultimate Archer. He had been scouted by Hope's Peak Academy after he won his sixth national tournament. He had won the record for most consecutive bulls-eyes, and had also gotten a trophy for destroying targets with an arrow at a thousand feet out, a feat which is very difficult for some. The academy knew he had talent, and had personally scouted him for the Main Course.

However, even if he was the Ultimate Archer, he wasn't the Ultimate in all academic feats. He still had trouble with subjects like Mathematics and World History, but he wasn't going to let that ruin his time at the academy. He was ready to take on the hardships that came with being an Ultimate Student.

He took a deep breath, looking up at the academy. The symbol of hope, one of the most prestigious schools in the entire world, and he had been lucky to attend it. The classes were tough, and the exams tougher, even the exams for his field were tough, but he had been able to pass a decent amount of them.

"Well...here I am. Even though I was here last week, I can't help but still feel intimidated when I see you." he said, as if the building would respond to him.

The school building stood five stories tall, and had all sorts of facilities, including a large chemistry lab, a physics lab, and even a green house. It also held an Olympic sized swimming pool, which the Ultimate Swimmers and Ultimate Lifeguards really enjoyed. When he had been scouted to attend the academy, he had been able to explore quite a bit of the campus, but he honestly didn't remember where anything was located. He had been to entranced by the Ultimate Students, who all looked at him with judging eyes.

"Alright then, enough dicking around. It's time to face the music and get ready for my first semester. Just watch Hope's Peak, I will become one of the best alumni to ever walk down your halls." he announced, and with that, he grabbed his things and took his first steps back into the school grounds.

As he walked though, he started to feel nauseous. He didn't know why, but he just felt like throwing up in the nearest trash can. He looked at the doors to the foyer, trying to hurry his steps toward them, but that's when everything started becoming a swirling mess. A second later, everything went black.

A groan escaped his lips, as his eyes finally opened. He didn't know how long it had been, but when he woke up, he realized that he was sleeping at a school desk. As his vision cleared, he looked around, seeing several other desks around him. Looking ahead, he saw a chalkboard, with a few words written on it.

"Don't be late for Orientation! Remember, your brand new Semester at Hope's Peak Academy starts at 8:00 sharp!"

"Orientation? That's right...I came to Hope's Peak for orientation today." he suddenly said.

He rubbed his eyes, shaking the sleep out of his system. He had to wonder why it was that he had been so tired. He didn't even remember making it to this classroom. He stood up, glancing at the windows, expecting to see the bright sun streaming through them, instead he saw nothing but large metal plates, being held together by equally large screws. His eyes widened as he walked toward them. He rose a shaky hand to it, rasping his knuckles on the cold metal.

"What the...is this real iron plating?" he muttered to himself.

He noticed the three other windows in the room were in the same state. A sense of dread filled his now racing mind. He looked around, spotting a very high tech looking surveillance camera. It looked inactive, but somehow he could tell someone was looking at him. The classroom was empty, save for himself. He picked up the overturned chair, setting it back in place, and walked to the front of the room, glancing at the teachers desk.

"Nothing, no papers. No files detailing the curriculum...something's not right." he muttered to himself. He glanced at the board, seeing the message up close. On impulse, he looked at the clock, eyes widening.

"Shit, it's already 8:05. I'm gonna get hounded so bad." he said, heading toward the doors.

He slid them open, slowly making his way out into the other wise quiet hall. He took notice that the room he had been in was classroom 1-C. He knew he was part of the incoming 79th class but, he didn't remember anything about the students that were supposed to be in said class. Now that he put more thought into it, he didn't remember much of himself.

He swallowed hard, coming to a brisk stop next to the Nurses Office. A bead of sweat started slowly falling down the side of his face. He closed his eyes in thought, trying to figure out something.

His name was Yunosuke Nagahama. He was Sixteen years old, a Freshman in Hope Peak's Academy's 79th class. He was chosen as the Ultimate Architect. His parents were...

That's where it drew a blank. He didn't remember anything about his mother or this father. Nothing at all. It was startling to think about, the fact that the two most important people in his world were suddenly gone, it made him sick to his stomach. He closed his eyes again, trying to think.

"Come on, there has to be something else...I...remember my sister...but what was her name? Was she older? Or younger? And who's the little girl with the bubblegum pink hair?"

He realized he asked those questions aloud when he heard his voice echo through the empty hall. His voice, while slightly deep with age, was also filled with fear and worry. His body shook a bit, and he took a shaky breath. Aside from his family, he didn't remember anything else. Not his Junior High School, nor the Competitions he knew he won, nor his Archery Club members. He didn't remember faces, voices, names...nothing. The only thing he was definitely sure of was that he had a sister.

"My sister, she was...older right? What was her name?" he muttered, placing a finger on his chin. He closed his eyes again, willing the memory into the forefront of his mind, but nothing would surface. He clenched his hands, feeling lost.

"I can't believe this." he said angrily, wanting to punch the nearby post. He heard a chuckle behind him, and instantly turned around. His eyes landed on a young man, around the same age as him.

He was wearing an army green hoodie, which was zipped all the way up. It had a few red designs on them. He wore a black blazer over it, with golden buttons. There was a crescent moon on his lapel, and Yuno briefly wondered if it was a decorative pin. He was wearing a pair of black pants, with a black belt around his waist. He also donned a pair of worn out red sneakers. He had spiky brown hair, with a ridiculous ahoge sticking out from it. He had a curious face himself, which was also etched in worry.

"Are you alright?" he asked, stopping next to the startled teen. He gave a weary nod, focusing on the shorter teen beside him.

"That's good. I heard you muttering to yourself and wanted to make sure you were alright. You just woke up in an empty classroom right?" he asked.

"Um yeah. Did that also happen to you?" he asked curiously.

"Yeah,I don't know why I woke up there. The only thing I remember was coming to school this morning." the young man said, voice laced with worry.

"Same here. Oh man, we're really late." Yuno said, turning heel and heading to the Gymnasium. The brown haired teen followed suit.

"Hey, my name is Makoto Naegi."

"Yunosuke Nagahama, nice to meet you Makoto." the purple haired teen replied.

They finally reached the gym, stopping in front of the wooden doors. They heard several voices behind them, some laced with worry and others with anger. The two boys shared a look before Yuno gasped the door handles. He pulled them down, pushing the doors open. They were blinded by the lights for a few seconds, before clearing up.

"Hey, two more of them." a voice said.

"It's about damn time you showed up, enjoy the nap?" a sharper voice cried out.

Yuno tried to find the source of the voice, before his vision was filled with white. It was in fact a white uniform, belonging to a black haired young man. He stood a few inches taller than Yuno and Makoto, and had sharp looking eyebrows, as well as glowing red eyes. His shirt was firmly pressed, and held several buttons and medals on them. He wore matching white pants, along with black leather boots. His face seemed to be filled with annoyance.

"You two, do you know what time it is?"

"Um, eight am?" Makoto replied.

"Wrong! It is actually 8:12 am. You two are twelve minutes late, what do you have to say for yourselves?" he snapped. This was Kiyotaka Ishimaru, the Ultimate Moral Compass.

"Hey, give us a break. We just woke up in a couple of classrooms with no idea where the fuck we were. What do you want us to do?" Yuno shouted, quite angry with the young man before him.

"That is no reason to be late. I'll have to tell the principle about your tardiness. Also remember, foul language is not welcome in a school environment." he said, walking off. Yuno grit his teeth, glancing at the bleachers in anger.

"Wake up in an empty classroom, can't remember shit and now I get written up? Fucking perfect." he muttered, walking off with a rather pissed off look on his face. Makoto watched him go, rather worried.

"So, with you two that makes Seventeen, what an odd number for a welcoming ceremony." came the reply of a black haired young woman. She was wearing a Gothic Lolita dress, and had her hair styled in long black twin drills. She had bright red eyes, and was wearing golden bell earrings. She also had a silver claw on one of her fingers. This was Celestia Ludenburg, the Ultimate Gambler.

"That is weird. You two are freshmen right? Just like the rest of us?" an orange hair boy asked.

He was wearing a long white jacket, along with a zombie tee shirt underneath. He was wearing a pair of black jeans with a studded belt. He finished his lock with a pair of black sneakers. This was the Ultimate Baseball Star, Leon Kuwata.

"Of course I am. Aren't all of you freshman too?" Makoto asked curiously.

"Stop shouting, you are damaging the esteemed ears of Byakuya Togami."

Makoto glared at the next young man, who stood at an even Six feet. He had short blond hair, and was wearing a thin pair of glasses. He was wearing a sharply pressed black suit, with a white undershirt. He wore matching black slacks and polished leather shoes. This was Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Affluent Progeny.

"Jeez, stop acting all high and mighty. You are in the same situation as us, so like...embrace it. Okay?" a new voice added.

This one game from a beautiful slender young woman, who had long bleached blonde hair, held up into ponytails with a rabbit hair tie and a red and white bow. She wore a light purple button down shirt, with a red tank top underneath. She wore a short skirt and matching platform boots. She also wore a tie around her neck, though it hung loosely and not fully secured onto her neck. This was the Ultimate Fashionista, Junko Enoshima.

"Arguing is not welcome in a school environment." Kiyotaka shouted, pointing at the two bickering teens. Byakuya scoffed and walked away, muttering things under his breath.

As Makoto looked around, he couldn't help but wonder if these students before them were the fabled Ultimates that Hope's Peak Academy revered so much. He spotted a few other familiar faces, from the forum he had read the night before.

Yuno on the other hand decided to take a seat at one of the bleachers, to focused on his missing memories to care about the other students. After giving up on finding anything about himself at that moment, he decided to look around the room. Aside from a few misplaced sport's balls, he noticed another high tech looking camera. He noticed a monitor on the other side of the stage. The podium on stage held the academy's crest, in bright bold black. He found it rather intimidating now. Was this truly the academy he had admired for so long? Now that he thought about it, he forgot the reason why he wanted to be part of Hope's Peak Academy. He sighed, pursing his lips.

"Aw, why so down?"

Yuno looked up, meeting eyes with a brunette. Her bright blue eyes were filled with excitement and enthusiasm. Her long brown hair was tied in an upward ponytail, held up by several white hair clips. She was wearing a red varsity jacket, with a white tank top underneath. She wore a pair of blue running shorts, along with matching white socks and blue sneakers. He noticed she had a band aid on her knee. This was the Ultimate Swimmer, Aoi Asahina.

Realizing she had asked him a question, he quickly shook his head, offering her a small smile.

"I'm not down perse. It's just...this is all really weird...this academy isn't known for pulling tricks like this." he said, glancing at all of the shudders. They seemed welded down to the ground for some reason.

"Tell me about it, me and Sakura have tried everything we could to open them, but we can't do anything. We wanted to see the running track." she said.

"Sakura?" he asked curiously.

"That would be me." a stern voice said.

Yuno looked behind him, seeing a tall muscular woman behind him. She had long white hair, reaching down to her waist. She was wearing a button down shirt, though the sleeves had been ripped clean off. She wore a pleated blue skirt, along with white socks and tennis shoes. He recognized her as Sakura Oogami, the Ultimate Wrestler. He gulped a bit, seeing the scars on her arms and face. She let out a chuckle, crossing her arms.

"Worry not, I will not hurt you. Though I wouldn't mind having a spar." she said.

"No thanks...I don't want a broken back." he said, making Asahina laugh.

"Say, what's your name? I've already met everyone else, everyone but you that is."

"Oh right...my name is Yunosuke Nagahama, Ultimate Archer." he said. Asahina nodded, taking his hand. She ended up spelling his name on his palm three times, making him look at her weird.

"What was that about?" he asked curiously.

"Oh, I do that so I can remember peoples names. If you write their name three times on their palm, you'll definitely remember it." she said cheerfully.

"Hmm...that's an interesting outlook. Well, you can call me Yuno if you wish...it's better than saying my full name." he said.

"Cool, you can call me Hina for short, I'm pretty sure you already know this but I'm the Ultimate Swimmer." she said.

"I'm familiar with you. I remember hearing about one student being scouted by the Olympics for their expert swimming skills. It seems you aren't the only one, I received a letter from them as well, wanting me to participate in the Archery competition." he said.

"Seriously?" she asked.

"Yeah...it's pretty cool I guess." he said, looking at the floor.

"It's also one of the very few things about myself I was able to fully remember...but you don't need to know that."

"I believe we have some very pressing matters concerning this Entrance Ceremony, especially the fact that there are only seventeen of us. Class 76 and 77 should be here to welcome us correct?" Sakura said, earning a nod from Yuno.

"That's what I'm saying. I'm not sure if they are ever going to show up though. Whatever the case, it's best if we familiarize ourselves with our fellow classmates no? It may answer some questions we may be asking ourselves." he said.

"That's not a bad idea. Let's go Sakura, we'll catch you later Yuno." Hina said, walking off toward a small group of people. Being again once more, Yuno decided to follow his own advice, approaching the first person he saw was next to the bleachers.

This young man was several inches taller than him, and very muscular, though he was wearing a long black studded jacket. He wore a white muscle shirt underneath it. He was wearing a pair of worn jeans, with slip on shoes. His brown hair was styled into a pompadour. He glared at Yuno once he was close enough to him.

"What the fuck do you want?" he asked.

"Uh...I just came to introduce myself. Yunosuke Nagahama, Ultimate Archer."

"S-sorry. This whole situation has me on edge. Names Mondo Oowada, Ultimate Biker." he said, shaking the teen's hand.

"So, did you find anything worth noting?" he asked. The man shook his head, giving his pompadour a slight shake as well.

"Not really...woke up in some storage room with nothing but the clothes on my back. It's weird because I remember coming to school early this morning, even though I wanted to ditch for the arcade." he said.

"Ahuh, anything else? It may be beneficial to us in some way."

"I already told you, that's the only thing I remember. Now beat it, I want to be alone." he said. Yuno rose his hands in defense, walking away from the pissed off biker.

Having another run in with Kiyotaka, he found out the teen had woken up in the west hallway near a place called Despair Hotel. It was rather weird, considering the classroom Yuno himself had woken up in was next to that place, but he didn't bother checking it out. He also had a one sided conversation with Byakuya Togami, finding out this was something that the academy didn't normally do, and was betting top dollar that this was a publicity stunt of some sort.

Moving on from him, he decided to approach a pair of boys, who were lost in conversation. The first was wearing a plaid red shirt, and was wearing a yellow hardhat. He had a pencil tucked behind his ear, just below his short black hair. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans, which had a few specks of white paint. He finished his looks with a pair of yellow and tan work boots. In his hands was a notebook, which had a few pieces of blue paper sticking out of it.

The boy next to him was a few inches taller than him, and was wearing a poofy white hat. He had short brown hair, sticking out of his hat. He was wearing a pressed white shirt, with a black suit vest, and a matching blue tie, which had Hope's Peak Academy's crest on it. He was wearing a pair of black slacks and matching non slip shoes, around his waist was a red apron, folded in half and tied around the waist. He stopped before the two of them, listening in on a bit of their conversation.

"I'm telling you man, without knowing the spot where the shutter operating system is, there is no way of opening them. Besides the area around them have been reinforced with thick concrete and the shutters themselves seem welded down to the ground." he said.

"And the windows?" the other boy asked.

"Thick iron plating, with reinforced metal screws, the length of which I am not certain. The walls around them have also been reinforced with thicker concrete bars, let's face it, whoever did this doesn't want us getting out of here." the hardhat wearing teen said. Finally taking notice of him, they turned around to greet him.

"Oh hey, it's Sleeping Beauty." the hat wearing teen said.

"So you were the one who called me and Makoto that?" Yuno asked curiously.

"Yeah, what of it?" the teen said, rather defensively.

"Hey man, I mean you no harm. I heard you talking about the shutters and the metal plating on the windows, figure out who did it?" he asked.

"Pfft, as if! The ones who did it didn't waste any funding however, and that's what makes this worrying. I don't know what materials went into making them, but they can be exploited. After all, I have designed buildings in the past, and I can assure you, every building no matter how well its built, has an access to the outside." he said firmly.

"Hopefully they have a kitchen though. I'm dying for a Mountain Dew, hopefully they have some. Oh oh, and I can make some cupcakes as well. You like cupcakes right?" the teen asked.

"Duh, who doesn't like cupcakes?" Yuno replied.

"Good, good great! Anyway, names Nicholas McFay, I'm a Canadian Exchange student. Where I come from, I'm known as the Ultimate Baker." he said proudly.

"Hope's Peak Academy has an exchange program?" he asked confused.

"Duh, Hope's Peak Academy has other branches in different parts of the world. I myself am an exchange student from Morning Hope High School, located in Adelbourough Nebraska. Names Bryce Kotenok by the way, Ultimate Architect." he said, shaking the teen's hand.

"Hope's Peak having different branches huh? Didn't know anything about that." Yuno muttered quietly.

"Yup, I'm from Hope Hills Academy in Vancouver Canada. Before you say it, no I don't have a Canadian accent. I lived with my dad in New Hampshire for seven years so I never developed it." Nick said, earning a chuckle from Yuno.

"I wasn't gonna ask about that at all. Since you are exchange students, that means you are from Class 79 right? If so then welcome, I'm part of that class as well." he said, showing them the commemorative pin, which was attached to the collar of his shirt.

"You got a pin? That's bogus...I didn't get anything like that. You, I demand you hand it over!" Bryce said, reaching for the pin.

"Hey back off! I got this for my enrollment, it's special to me and I am not letting anyone take it." he snapped, clearly angry.

"Heh, whatever. I don't want a stupid pin like that anyway, it's a complete eyesore." Bryce said, walking off in a huff. Nick sighed.

"Sorry about him, he's usually not like that. We rode on the same plane here and got to know each other a bit, it seems he's only ever credited for building important buildings, never for his actual merits in sports or academics. You'll have to excuse him." he said, and with that he walked off, possibly to talk to a few other students.

After that little scramble, Yuno decided to continue introducing himself to his classmates. He met the Ultimate Gambler, Celestia Ludenberg. She had been standing by herself, a firm look on her face. Although as soon as she saw Yuno, she adopted a smile, linking her fingers underneath her chin.

"It seems we haven't met yet, my name is Celestia Ludenberg."

"Hello, my name is Yunosuke Nagahama, you may call me Yuno." he said, shaking her hand.

"Well then Yuno, I would like it if you call me Celeste."

He looked the girl over, his eyes tracing her every feature. He noticed her skin color was a bit paler than everyone else, especially for someone who had a German name.

"Is something wrong? Do you find me alluring? I do have that effect in people." she said, a smile on her face.

"No...um...I don't want to sound like a dick or anything, but are you Japanese?"

"Why yes I am, is something wrong?" she asked, head tilted in curiosity.

"Well...you're name doesn't fit with your entire...everything. If it isn't any trouble, what's your real name?" he asked.

"Celestia Ludenberg is my real name." she replied. He rose a brow, remaining silent.

"So, that silver tongue really is real...I can't believe she lied to my face so calmly." he thought to himself.

"Well then, I suppose I'll have to beat you in a game if I want that name." he said, her eyes flashing a bit.

"That's a gamble I'm willing to take dear Yuno. Perhaps a good game of Mahjong will do, if you are capable of handling it." she said.

"Deal, we'll find a board and play it later."

"Excellent, I do hope we become friends while attending the academy. Don't disappoint me!"

He met the Ultimate Programmer after that, the small girl, who was wearing a long sleeve green sweater, along with a white undershirt, and an army green skirt, greeted him with a smile. Even in their current situation, she was very scared, but wanted to be strong and confident enough to pass through high school without incident. They talked about a few things that involved complex coding, but Yuno was so lost that he begged her to stop. She giggled, saying Programming wasn't for everyone and took a lot of math and technical no how to achieve. He left her to her own devices wanting to meet with the others he had yet to talk to.

He wasn't expecting to see someone as famous as Junko Enoshima within Hope's Peak Academy. He had heard rumors of her being part of the alumni, but actually seeing up close was startling. For one, being in the presence of someone like a famous Fashionista, was a dream to some. She looked up from her mirror, a bored look on her face.

"Hello there. I'm Yunosuke Nagahama, the Ultimate Archer. It's an honor to meet you Miss Enoshima." he said, giving a polite bow.

"Like, there's no need to bow to me. I'm not that important." she said, closing her pocket mirror and shoving it in her blouse. He tried not to look there but found himself staring all the same.

"Sorry, It's just a polite thing to do." he said.

"I came here to be away from it all, so please don't treat me like a goddess. I'm just a high school girl now. OMG, we have got to do something about that shirt and pants combo. It is so totally lame. We need to get you into some skinny jeans, ASAP." she said, looking him over quite closely. He chuckled, looking at his choice of attire.

"I never really thought about my clothes, I think they suit me." he said.

"Egh, lame. I'm thinking...torn plaid shirt, violet skinny jeans, and black buckle boots. Maybe a studded belt and some finger-less gloves, that would totally suit you better than this, average Joe attire." she said. Yuno blushed a bit, since the Fashionista was closely looking at every single detail of his attire. He looked at her face a couple of times, seeing a few freckles he hadn't noticed before. And now that he was actually looking at her, he noticed her eye color was slightly off.

"I...didn't know you had freckles." he said. She looked into his eyes, backing away from him. She narrowed her eyes a bit.

"I usually cover them in make up and junk, and most of the pictures out there are like...photoshopped, so they hide my imperfections. There's a lot of other things that the fashion industry does to their models you know." she said, crossing her arms.

"That's...right I suppose." he said, lost in thought.

"Hmm, I like you Yuno...you can hang out with me later if you wish. Maybe I can dress you for success. You know, better clothes may actually get you laid." she said with a wink. Yuno blushed a bit, looking away from her.

"Hehe, I honestly doubt that will happen in high school. But sure, I'd love to get to know you better."

"Good, and call me Junko, not Miss Enoshima, it makes me sound old." she said.

After their parting, Yuno decided to talk to Leon Kuwata, the Ultimate Baseball Star. The orange haired boy was standing by himself, a hand on his chin as he was lost in thought. He glanced down, jumping back a bit when he saw Yuno.

"You startled me man, next time say something." he replied.

"Sorry, names Yuno...you're Leon Kuwata right? That kid that every baseball team is drooling over?"

"Pretty much yeah...I'm really good at baseball, never really went to practice either." He replied.

"He didn't go to practice? He must be really good if he's that confident."

"You must be wondering why I didn't go right? It just didn't bother...I mean I'm that good already. I did all of that practice shit in Middle school and our coach did that too. To be honest with you, I don't want to really care for the sport, I want to be a rock star."

"A...rock star?" Yuno asked curiously. Leon nodded, his spikes shaking a bit as he did.

"Music is where it's at for me. I used my Ultimate Baseball Star talent to get into Hope's Peak Academy, but I'm going to switch later on. Hey, do you think Sayaka will give me pointers? She is the Ultimate Pop Sensation." he said, glancing at the blue haired girl speaking with Makoto.

"Who's Sayaka?" I asked curiously. Leon started sputtering, his eyes widened in shock and surprise.

"You don't know who Sayaka Maizono is? She's like the most popular starlet this side of Japan. She's been on the rise recently and has already released three major albums. She was going on tour when the scout for Hope's Peak asked her to come here. Come on man, you've got to be fucking with me."

"Sorry man, I truly don't know anything about her...I've been...out of the country a lot...yeah. Archery tournaments and all, I have to do a lot of traveling, so I don't really focus on music."

"Well shit, I'm sorry to hear that...you've been missing out. I got some music on my phone and my MP3 player, so maybe we can listen to some later." Leon said.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind hanging out later on. It was nice meeting you, I got some other people to introduce myself too." he said.

"Nice meeting you too Yuno, try not to insult Sayaka with your lack of knowledge." he said, a smirk on his face.

Yuno sighed, rolling his eyes.

The last group of people he had yet to talk to was standing near the far side of the gym, near the doors. He actually recognized Makoto among the small group of three. Standing next to him was a blue haired girl, wearing what he could only describe as a sailor outfit. She was wearing a button down white shirt, with a light blue ascot. She wore a matching pleated skirt, with black shoes and white socks.

Standing next to them was a shy looking girl, who was biting her bottom lip, eyes closed tightly. She was messing with the bandages around her left wrist, and Yuno briefly wondered if she had hurt herself. She was wearing a light pink shirt, with a matching lavender skirt. She was also wearing a pair of white socks and matching white shoes. He noticed she was wearing some bandages around her right leg, tightly fastened with silver clips. Her long purple hair seemed to be cut at awkward angles, almost like someone took a pair of scissors to it. He noticed she was wearing a white apron, with a red cross on it. He also noticed a few things sticking out of the pockets, the most prominent being a green stethoscope, and a pack of band aids. She opened her eyes, letting out a small eep and backing away from him.

"Don't hurt me." she said.

"Whoa...chill out girl, I'm not going to hurt you." he said, trying to calm her down a bit, though this didn't so much.

"Don't worry about her. Seems like she's a little skittish in nature." Makoto said.

"I can see that." he said.

"Good to talk to you again, how are you doing? Remember anything about yourself?" he asked. Yuno's eyes widened a bit, and quickly narrowed.

"How did you figure that out?" he asked firmly.

"I-I heard you in the hall so I figured it was amnesia or something." he said, growing frightful. Yuno sighed, shaking his head.

"Well, I can't hide it forever. It's true, I don't remember much about myself, other than what I did this morning in the front gates, what's happening now, my name and the fact that I have an older sister. Everything else is a blank." he said.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Must be pretty tough on ya huh?"

"A little bit. Say, I never told you my title right?" he asked.

"Now that you mention it, no you didn't." Makoto said.

"Well, I'm the Ultimate Archer. I got scouted by this school at around the same time I was scouted by the Olympics to join their Archery team, I declined of course." he said.

"Wow, the Olympics, that's pretty neat."

"Yeah, its the only major thing I remember. Perhaps I should have accepted, then I wouldn't be in this mess." he said, glancing away from the brown haired teen.

He caught the stern gaze of another student.

She seemed to be around his age, perhaps slightly older than him. She had long lavender colored hair, almost the same shade as his own. She was wearing a violet blazer, with a white button down shirt underneath. She wore a violet pleated skirt, along with matching leather boots. She had a tie secured around her neck, bearing a few designs on them, one of them being an eagle in flight, slightly above the school's crest. She had a small strand of braided her next to her left ear, held up by a thin black ribbon. The small hair tie at the end of the strand had a small glittering butterfly on it. They looked at each other for a solid three seconds, before she walked off, probably to look around some more. He felt a hand on his shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Something wrong?" Makoto asked. Yuno shook his head.

"That girl...nevermind." he said, shaking his head.

"Um...well since you just told me your title, I may as well share mine. I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student." he said.

"Ultimate Lucky Student? The academy is letting people in on the pretense of luck?" he asked.

"Supposedly, it's a real talent. Not to me though, I seem to have bad luck all the time. I mean, look at my current dilemma." he deadpanned. Yuno placed a hand under his chin, narrowing his eyes.

"The fact that Hope's Peak would let someone in on the pretense of luck is something unlike them. Have they lost their edge or? Nah, there has to be something. But seriously, something as superstitious as luck?"

He felt someone looking at him and looked up, meeting eyes with the blue haired girl from before. He was about to say something when she beat him to the punch.

"I think luck is a pretty silly thing myself. Although, I say that because I'm rather unlucky. Well, I did win the prize at one of those claw machines when I was six." she said, glancing at the ceiling.

"How did you know that?" he asked, getting the girls attention. She gave him a serious look.

"Because, I'm Psychic."


"Kidding. Just kidding." she said, sticking her tongue out at him. He let out a breath, shaking his head.

"Jeez, I thought you were being serious there for a second. I thought all my darkest secrets were suddenly exposed." he said, although he had amnesia, so he didn't exactly have secrets to hide.

"Hehe, it's a joke between friends. My name is Sayaka Maizono, I'm the Ultimate Pop Sensation." she said.

"She's a big idol right now. Funny thing is, we actually went to the same Junior High School. What are the odds we would meet here right?" Makoto asked.

"Must be that Ultimate Luck you possess." Yuno said giving him a playful wink. He let out a laugh.

"If only, have you heard any of her music?" he asked.

"Um...sorry...I don't remember if I did or not. Don't take it as an insult or anything. I'm sure your music is lovely." he said. The girl shook her head, waving her hands before her.

"No no, I caught that last bit where you said you had amnesia, so I don't blame you. It must be hard on you right?" she asked.

"Eh, I don't let it bother me. I mean, it is rather taxing on my mind, being unable to recognized anything about myself, other than the information I seem to have. It is a little awkward when I think about it...such specific information too." he said, a frown on his face.

"Well, amnesia seems to work in various ways. Sometimes, very important things about a person are the things that are forgotten, other times, its a lot of insignificant details. Sometimes its a mixture of both, with only information relating to your current situation stays present." the purple haired girl said, rather firmly. Yuno looked at her curiously, and upon realizing the attention she called to herself, she seemed to take a step back.

"I'm sorry. I hijacked your conversation...if you'd like you can hit me, or spit in my face." she said.

"What the fuck?" Yuno snapped, seemingly scaring her.

"Don't hit me." she said, raising her arms up in defense.

"We're not going to hurt you. He was just surprised, we weren't expecting you to be so knowledgeable." Sayaka said, easing the girl a bit.

"W-well...I-I am the Ultimate Nurse." she said softly.

"The Ultimate Nurse huh? That explains the bandages then. My name is Yunosuke Nagahama, the Ultimate Archer...nice to meet you."

"I uh...my name is Mikan Tsumiki. Is...is it okay if I remember your name?" she asked.

"Sure...how would we address each other if you didn't? Though if it's easier, call me Yuno." he said.

"O-okay. Y-you know...I thought of 5,000 different topics for after introductions." she said.

"5,000...that's a little too much don't you think?" Yuno thought to himself.

"We can talk about anything. Don't worry about it." he said, flashing her a bright smile.

"Oh um...from the bottom of my heart, I hope we grow to be great friends." she said brightly. He didn't know why, but Yuno found himself smiling wider when he heard this.

"So, where exactly is this headmaster at? When the hell is the Ceremony supposed to begin?" Mondo shouted, glancing at the podium.

"That is a very good question. If this is all their going to do then I would rather go home, the time of the esteemed Byakuya Togami is very valuable." the Ultimate Affluent Progeny said.

"I don't like social interaction." came the reply of the young woman next to him.

She stood a few inches shorter than he did. She was wearing a violet colored shirt, and a very long skirt, that reached to her ankles. She wore matching black shoes. Her long violet hair was braided into two long braids. She had round glasses, and was shaking uncontrollably. Yuno recognized her as Touko Fukawa, the Ultimate Writing Prodigy. The girl had avoided him earlier, but it seemed she couldn't avoid conversation now.

"Yes, I would much rather start classes. Standing around here and not learning anything is bad, we need to embrace the enriching virtues of high school." Kiyotaka said.

"Oh boy, that sounds exciting." Bryce said, in a sarcastic manner, though this seemed to fly over the Moral Compass's head.

"It should be, learning is very welcome in a school environment." he replied.

"Excuse me, can you all hear me? Mic check one two...I know all of you can hear me now."

As the grating voice boomed through the speakers, everyones attention was turned toward the podium in the center of the stage. They were expecting a man, in a sharply pressed suit, with an assistant next to him or something, but instead, what they got was something much different. Appearing from out of nowhere, was a small black and white bear. It hopped up onto the podium, startling everyone in the room. It's colors seemed to split it directly in half, the left being white, and the right being black. It's mouth turned into a sharp toothy grin on the right side. It also had a vibrant red eye, which resembled a camera lens of sorts. He rose its stubby arms into the air, a smile on its face.

"Hello and welcome one and all to Hope's Peak Academy. I am your headmaster, Monokuma. Contrary to popular belief, I am not a teddy bear, I am just Monokuma." he said proudly.

"Uh...what the hell is this?" Mondo asked. The bear tilted its head, glaring at the biker.

"This is your Entrance Ceremony. I am here to welcome you to your new lives at the worlds most prestigious academies. I hope everything so far is to your liking."

"Like hell it is. Look at all the shutters, the goddamn metal plates, the fuck is the meaning of all that?" Bryce asked, glaring daggers at the bear.

"Oh yeah, that is to ensure none of you will leave campus. It's part of the new semester here. Let's just say, that all of you are here because you all are the worlds uprising hope. You need to be protected, and so, you will all start your new lives here in Hope's Peak Academy. For how long you'll be staying here you might ask? Well...that is actually indefinite." he said

"Indefinite?" Nick asked firmly.

"Okay...alright. You've had your fun, we've all had a laugh and what not...why don't you cut the theatrics and get the camera crew in here. This is a joke...a big fat lazy joke that no one but you finds funny." Leon said, getting the bears attention.

"This isn't a joke spiky. From here on out, leaving campus is absolutely forbidden. From now on all of you will live a communal lifestyle here within the academy. So make sure you all start building those relationships, they are important things after all. I wanna see tykes running around, you know...maybe." he said, waving the statement off.

"You know, for a bear you have a fucked up sense of humor." Yuno said, crossing his arms.

"I already said I wasn't a bear. I am Monokuma, your headmaster." he snapped, glaring at the violet haired archer.

"You can't hold us here against our will, it's unfair, unjust and totally illegal. You have no right." Hina said, pointing at the bear.

"Hmm...that is true...but who am I to stop you from getting your so deserved freedom. If you want to leave, then you can go ahead...but that's only possible if you follow the Graduation Clause." he said.

"The what?" Celeste asked curiously. She was playing with a small strand of hair between her fingers.

"Well, its quite simple really. Those of you who want to graduate can do so, by committing good old fashioned murder." he said, jumping off the podium to the wooden floor of the gym.

All of the students looked at the bear flabbergasted. Was this for real. Sweat started dripping down Yuno's forehead, but he was too in shock to think of wiping it off.

"That's right, if any of you want to taste the sweet out doors, you'll have to kill someone. Stabbing, shooting, bludgeoning, poisoning, burning, drowning, choking, know any magic or hexes? Then curses work too. Anything you can think of, be as creative as you want. Those who successfully do it, will be free from the academy to live their normal boring lives."

"Please, you cannot force something such as murder upon us. This is all a farce." Byakuya scoffed.

"Well, make sure your esteemed ears get a listen to this. This is all 100% real." he said.

"Oh really? You think so?" Mondo said, getting down to the bear's level. Monokuma smirked, widening its grin.

"Course I do, and there's nothing you can do about it Pompadour." he said. Mondo grit his teeth, his hand grasping the bears neck rather tightly. He lifted him up effortlessly. Monokuma squirmed in his grasp.

"What if I rip you to shreds? You'd have to let me out then."

"Stop, serious harm to the headmaster is strictly forbidden." Monokuma shouted, before falling limp. Its eye started to blink, a low beep emanating from its insides.

"Not so tough now eh little punk?" Mondo said, feeling superior about the situation. The beeping and blinking started increasing, becoming louder and louder.

"Get rid of it, now!" the violet haired girl said, glaring at Mondo.

"Don't tell me what to do." he said.

"Throw it, it's a bomb!" she cried out, worry etched on her face. Hearing the word bomb, the Ultimate Biker was quick to get rid of it. The small bear exploded, flaming shreds slowly falling to the ground, a small plume of smoke and sulfur filled the air.

"Holy shit." Mondo muttered, completely unaware of the fact that if that had blown up in his hand, he would be dead, along with the rest of the people next to him.

"Well, that was a doozy...and it would have been bad." Monokuma suddenly said, reappearing on top of the podium. A sharp scream from Mikan confirmed that none of them were hallucinating the entire thing.

"Well, I suppose I can let that one slide, seeing as you didn't know the rules, but now that you do, you better think twice about it. Well, I think I've said everything I wanted to say. So if you all truly want to leave, then you'll have to kill someone, and do it really well, lazy murders aren't entertaining. That concludes the official Entrance Ceremony and Orientation. I hope you all enjoy your time here at Hope's Peak Academy, the fire doors and emergency exits are to your sides...oh wait, they've been welded shut. Upupupupupu!"

With that, the bear took it's leave. The seventeen students were left there speechless, trying to comprehend just what the fuck had taken place before them. The tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife. Yuno swallowed hard, lifting a shaky hand to wipe the sweat off his brow. He looked next to him, seeing Mikan was in tears, small muffled cries being held back by her hands.

"This isn't real...this can't be happening." Leon muttered, enough for a few people too hear it.

"Well believe it asshole. We're all trapped in here with nowhere to go and nothing to do. You best get used to it." Bryce said.

"Hey, no need to be an asshole about it." Mondo shot back, earning a scoff from the architect. Kiyotaka grit his teeth, sweat dripping from his face.

"A task as senseless as killing...who would have thought?" he said.

"Don't worry guys, we have to be hopeful. Soon enough someone is bound to notice we're missing. It's only been an hour sure, but there is no one someone would drive by here and not notice the metal plating on the windows." Nick said optimistically.

"We don't even know if this is Hope's Peak Academy. We could very well be somewhere else." Junko called out.

"Like they would actually waste time painting the goddamn emblem on the gymnasium floor. This is the academy, no doubt about it...the layout is the same as the blueprints I saw in some of the official documents from the school. I should have fucking printed them out...damn it." Bryce said, stomping his foot.

"Oh, before I forget..here are your student identification devices, promptly named eHandbooks. You'll be needing them during your time here." Monokuma said, appearing out of nowhere pushing a small cart with several small boxes on them.

"These things are virtually indestructible. Torch them, drop them in the toilet, want to play catch with them? Go ahead, they can take a beating! I encourage you all to look through the apps, play with your virtual pets, seeing as you'll most likely not see your real pets ever again. Upupupupupu!"

"Jeez, it's like picking at an old wound with this one." Yuno said, glaring at the spot where the bear had been.

He saw everyone carefully move toward the cart. Sighing to himself, he decided to do the same, searching for his name. Finally finding it, he grabbed his box, pulling it apart. Inside was a small rectangular device, almost looking like a high tech phone. Upon pressing the side button, it was able to turn on. His name briefly flashed, before it went to the home screen, displaying the current time, but not the date. When he went to the main home screen, he noticed that there were only a few apps on it.

The first one was the student profile, which as he assumed was his own profile, along with that of the other students, for some reason or another their data was fully blank, aside from their names and profile pictures. The next app was a map, which only displayed things on the first floor of the academy, it seemed as if the other pages of the map were blocked, seeing as it was most likely inaccessible, he didn't pay it much thought.

The third app on the home screen, was of course the Virtual Pet. It was quite simple. The handbook also worked as a pedometer, so if you wanted to raise your own pet, then you would have to walk around for it to grow and level up. He assumed if he didn't take care of it, it would die.

The final app was something called Truth Bullets, whatever function that served, he didn't know. He looked back in the box, seeing that it came with a fairly long wall charger. He grabbed it from the box, stuffing it in his pocket. The last thing that he pulled from the box was a rectangular looking key chain, holding a single key on it. When he looked at it, he saw Y. Nagahama written on it, along with a room number.

"Must be my room key." he muttered quietly.

He noticed the paint was chipping a bit, as if it had been done hastily, but he wasn't able to scratch any of it off. Instead he just shoved the key in his pocket, making a mental note to check it out later. He noticed Mikan hadn't retrieved hers yet, so thinking on doing her a favor, he grabbed the box with her name on it and walked over to where she was still standing. She seemed to be a little better, though tears still steamed down her face.

"Um...here." he said quietly. She looked at the box dumbly for a few seconds before taking it from his hands, uttering the tiniest of thank yous.

"So...what are we going to do?" the purple haired girl said, glancing at everyone in the room.

"What do you mean what are we going to do?" Leon asked. She looked at him, her calm face startling him a bit.

"The way I see it, we have to options. Number one, we live this communal life, or number two...we kill to graduate." she said.

"Living here for the rest of my life isn't...possible for me." Celeste said, looking very worried.

"Well, what else are we supposed to do? You heard the damn bear, you want out, someone needs to get axed." Bryce said.

"Excuse me, when did I allow you to talk to me like I am common filth?" the black haired girl countered.

"Well, you are acting like a bitch right now." the architect replied.

"Hey, will you stop being such a fucking dick head and respect her? Jesus Christ!" Yuno shouted, gaining everyone's attention. Makoto gave a firm nod, looking at everyone too.

"He's right. Now is not the time for arguments, we have to work together and find out a way out of this place."

"Well, we can't just walk around all willy nilly, we have to check out the school regulations first." Celeste said, regaining everyone's attention.

"Yes, let us review the regulations for living in this school environment." Kiyotaka shouted, turning on his student identification.

"I swear, if I hear something else about a school environment, I am going to do something in this school environment that isn't welcome in any school environment." Yuno muttered dryly, earning a giggle from Sayaka who had been standing next to him. He flipped to the regulations, pulling them up.

"Rule Number 1: Students will live a peaceful communal life within the school grounds. Leaving campus is strictly forbidden.

Rule Number 2: Nighttime is the period between 10PM and 7AM. During this time, certain places will be off limits, so do exert caution. Water will also be shutdown during this time.

Rule Number 3: Sleeping anywhere but your assigned dormitories will be considered sleeping in class and you will be punished accordingly.

Rule Number 4: with exceptions to certain places, you are free to explore the academy at your leisure.

Rule Number 5: Harm to Headmaster Monokuma is strictly forbidden, as is destruction of surveillance cameras.

Rule Number 6: If a student commits murder and becomes a blackened, he or she must not be found.

Rule Number 7: Additional rules may be added at the Headmaster's discretion."

Once he had finished reading them, he realized everyone had been looking at him. he blushed a bit, not realizing he had been reading them out loud. Mondo grit his teeth.

"The hell is this crap? Am I seriously being forced to follow this bogus rules?" he snapped.

"Well, you can go ahead and walk around the school like you own the place, until you break one of them. Personally, I want to see what happens when someone does break one." Celeste said with a smile on her face.

"You are a cruel mistress aren't you?" Yuno said, glancing at the gambler who just gave him a smile.

"These rules are stupid...I can't let them control me." Mondo said.

"Well, it's either that or you die." Junko said.

"Listen, my brother always told me that if a man makes a promise he has to honor it."

"So what?" the Fashionista asked curiously.

"Well, I made a lot of promises that I had to keep, that's so what." he replied, crossing his arms.

"I..didn't understand that, but if that's your way of saying you are going to adhere to the rules, then that's good." Celeste said, a small smile gracing her lips. Mondo looked away from her, most likely thinking of a rebuttal.

"It's still a worrying matter to approach." Yuno said.

"Well, for now we have to find a way out right? So let's explore the school." Leon said.

"Yes, we have to secure provisions, enough food and water for all of us, as well as some sleeping quarters." Kiyotaka said firmly.

"Yes, there are seventeen of us, so we can split up into three groups of four and one group of five. That way we can all watch each others backs." Hina said.

"No thank you, I'll go at it alone." Byakuya said, making everyone gasp.

"Hey, I don't know why you think of yourself so high and mighty but you have to cut the shit." Bryce said, standing before the Affluent Progeny, who could only scoff.

"Why would I put myself in a situation where I could potentially get hurt?" he asked.

"Going at it in groups is safer." he said.

"For you maybe. But I can already surmise that someone is planning murder. Putting myself in a group of strangers is begging to get killed, I'm sure it didn't take that many brain cells to figure it out." he said.

"Why you!"

"You are just to much of a thoughtless pleb to fully think things through. We have been placed on a chess board where all of our moves will decide the outcome of the game. I am but one piece, but I intend to make it out alive. You heard the what the bear said, or else you wouldn't have grown fearful when he proposed the Graduation Clause." he said. Everyone seized up a bit, to further confirm his suspicions. He turned toward the door, glancing at everyone with a firm glare.

"I am simply doing what's best for me."

"Oh yeah, you think so?" Mondo said, standing in front of the suit wearing young man.

"Out of my way Plankton, you are blocking the way."

"What did you call me?" Mondo shouted, earning a smirk from the blond.

"Plankton, a small insignificant life form that only serves as food for other creatures. An insignificant life form such as yourself."

"Guys please, this is not the time for arguments." Yuno said, stepping in front of Byakuya, holding the teen back from throwing a fist.

"Yuno is right, have to work together to get out of this." Makoto said.

"Excuse me? Did I give you permission to lay a hand on the expensive suit of the esteemed Byakuya Togami?" the rich boy asked, retching his hand free from Yuno's grasp. This in turn caused his eHandbook to be flung out of his hand, flying across the room and hitting the floor with a dull thud.

"The esteemed Byakuya Togami is a fucking douche bag." Yuno said firmly.

He started walking over to where his eHandbook had landed. However, he heard Mondo shout something, follow by a scream and a loud thud, turning around, he saw a passed out Makoto on the ground, with Sayaka and Mikan kneeling next to him, already checking him over. Yuno grit his teeth.

"What the fuck dude?" he shouted.

"You killed him." Touko shouted, pointing at the biker. He scoffed.

"I didn't kill him. If I had killed him, he wouldn't be breathing." he said.

"You guys are all fucking savages, Jesus. No wonder murder is okay in this academy, none of us will make it to the end of the month at this rate." he said, kneeling over Makoto.

"Whatever, while you plebeians stand around here cowering and pleading to save your measly lives, I will be looking for a way out of this place." Byakuya said, taking his leave. Yuno shook his head with disgust, but instead decided to worry about his friend.

"Is he okay?" he asked. Mikan nodded, glancing into his eyes.

"He's just passed out. He'll need some ice for the bruise but other than that he's okay." she said.

"Well, we can't exactly leave him here. I may as well take him to his room." he said, grasping the teenager's arm. He effortlessly lifted him up, placing him onto his back.

"Hey, I didn't mean to hit him you know. I start shouting and throwing punches when I'm stressed out...sorry." Mondo said. Yuno shook his head, glancing at the passed out boy on his back.

"I don't need that apology, he does. You can give to him when he wakes up." he said. With that, he left the gymnasium.

However, he couldn't help but start thinking about the entire situation. Monokuma...he had given told them that their lives were now confined to this academy. There was nothing they could do, if they wanted to leave, they had to kill. The school that was supposed to create blinding hope, was now turned into the murder academy of despair.

It was worrying to say the least, but there was nothing he could do about it. The fact he was missing his memories, reared back into the forefront of his mind, but he decided it would be better if no one knew about his amnesia, and when Makoto awoke, he would talk with him, Sayaka and Mikan, so that they would keep that secret a secret.

"When I came here to this academy, I had nothing but good thoughts about my new semester. I wanted to be one of the best students in the academy, even if I wasn't academically inclined. Now that I was here, in Hope's Peak Academy, it was nothing like I expected. We had to kill in order to leave, or live here the rest of our lives. Such a daunting thought...it was enough to drive me insane...drive me to despair. But I knew, I knew that somehow, some way, we would all get out of this, I would make sure of that."

Prologue End

To be Continued...

Surviving Students 17


Junko smiled to herself as she peeked at the screen. Everything was going smoothly with her little game. But now she had to take care of the thorn in her side. She had been trailing the three for awhile now, a smirk on her face as she listened in to their conversation. They had finally arrived at an open clearing, a place that was in the middle of the city. It was a rather familiar park, with a beautiful Mermaid statue. She knew it would make the perfect scene. She snapped her fingers, the screech of Despairites filling her ears as her Upperclassmen all stopped. It wasn't long until they were surrounded.

It started to rain as the girl walked out into the open street, two Despairites holding umbrellas so she wouldn't get wet. She shook her head, hands at her hips.

"You three really do disappoint me. I wouldn't have known about your back stabbing betrayal if you hadn't come to the school." She said.

"Fuck you! We sent you a message bitch, and it seems you took the bait just as we wanted too." Daisuke said, a smirk on his face.

"Oh really? Did you honestly think that? I know that you tweaked the book and used it on all of the Despairites in town. You made it so none of them listened to me, but the thing about Despair is that it works in amazing ways. I made multiple copies of your little book...that way I wouldn't run the risk of you doing that." she said, flashing the book to him.

"What...no that can't be possible." he said, clutching his bag strap tightly.

"Oh but it is...you see that's the thing about books. They can have multiple sequels. I mimicked your writing style and was able to replicate it, writing multiple sequels. Personally the second one is better than the first...and now I'll be able to read it to you!" she said, opening the lid. Daisuke reached behind his back, tossing a smoke grenade to the ground.

"Run!" he shouted, pushing Sonia and Hiyoko through the crowd of Despairites. The two girls burst forward, running for their lives as the Despair driven humans raced after them.

"The truck is nearby, we have to make it!" Sonia said, reaching for the keys inside her bra.

"This was a stupid idea, we shouldn't have come here!" Hiyoko added.

"Just go, I'll distract them." Daisuke said, pulling out his leather bound book. He pulled himself to a stop, staring at the incoming gave of Despairites.

"Daisuke no! We can't loose you again!" Hiyoko cried.

"I said go, you two are the only ones who can lead the Remnants of Hope, I will follow you shortly." he said. Sonia took a hold of her arm, pulling her along.

"He'll be fine alright, we will see him again." she said. Hiyoko nodded, blowing a kiss to Daisuke, turning around and racing after her girlfriend. The two of them finally made it to their transport, a large tank that they had salvaged from the army.

Daisuke was instantly surrounded by the Despairites. He didn't care, as he started reading the book in his hands. All of them started twitching, their helmets malfunctioning a bit with each and every word. A loud gunshot filled the air, causing Daisuke to drop to the ground, clutching his leg. His hands were drenched in pink, as he tried to stop the bleeding. He tried standing up, only to fall back down on the ground. He looked up again, seeing the smile on Junko's face as she held the gun above his head.

"Bummer, looks like this is the end of the line for you...oh how I would have loved to put you through an execution." she said.

"I hope that you remember me, in your dying hour...because I will never stop hunting you down. So go ahead and do it, you bitch...I'll be waiting for you on the other side." he said, pressing his forehead to the barrel.

"If you say so." she replied, pulling the trigger without remorse. The Ultimate Story Teller fell back to the ground, blood seeping from the hole in his head. Junko sighed, groaning as she turned around.

"Man, you were my favorite one of the bunch...oh well, looks like I'll have to appease myself with Hisashi. He's already making things interesting." she said, walking away. The Despairites dispersed, leaving behind the body of the Ultimate Story Teller, the edge of the bullet peeking slightly out of his skin.

"Heh, dumb bitch...I guess I got lucky...thanks Nagito, for being in the area." Daisuke thought, as he fell into unconsciousness.