Well after playing the game I've finally got a grasp on what needs to be done. That being said some stuff has changed on what I've planned originally except for a few things. I'll just let you know beforehand, there will be character deaths. If you are not fond of that I advise for you to stop reading now.
With that said let us begin.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Final Fantasy XV, or Final Fantasy VII and other media elements used in this story.
"In the beginning there was only darkness, but then the gentle and kind Mwynn brought forth light into existence. That light is what brought dispelled the eternal darkness and brought forth life. It is that light which must be protected. It is that light which you embody, and for that reason you must rise to bring balance to a world that only knows darkness. But you've already realized this haven't you, O King of Light?" ~?
Rise of the King: Naruto Lucis Caelum
Chapter 4: Reflections of a Shattered Mirror
How do you begin to explain death? How does one describe the natural occurrence that happens to everyone and everything that has a soul? Is it a means to an end? Is it just a natural thing for the cycle to continue on normally? How does one truly explain that which is death itself? For that matter, what happens when one denies death's cold touch? What about those people? Whom are they? How and why should they refuse death? What makes them different from the rest of mankind?
The Elemental Nations, the singular super continent on a single lone planet, a seemingly small insignificant star among a ocean of others, knew death all too well. Death loomed over the planet like a veil, it was the pitch darkness that would come to take them in the moments they least expected it or knew it was coming and either embraced it or tried to allude it's grasp. Death was all encompassing, it came in and out without even an iota of it's existence being registered.
The Elemental Nations was a single world that had come to know death all too well. It had been the end all and be all of the endless cycle humans of the planet came to after chasing after their own desires or dreams. Those that were too ambitious started wars causing the genocide and slaughter of immeasurable lives on all sides. Those too absorbed in their greed and lust would enact their power to expand their influence which would result in the destruction of entire nations and states leading to poverty which led to anger, then hatred, then violence, and then ultimately they would meet the end of the line which is death.
However, while there have been many cases of people dying in hundreds of thousands of different ways and rarer still to those that have alluded to death itself. What happens when something not in the system happens. A hiccup in the natural order that went against the very balance of all creation itself?
What do you do when someone tells you that you've died?
In any of the circumstances of when you die there isn't gonna be someone on the other side to tell you that you've died. You just lay down, close your eyes and breathe your last for the last time; that's all there is to it. When you've been diagnosed with an incurable disease doctors will tell you of you an estimated amount of time you have left; that's what can happen. However, when you die, it is common belief by many that when you die you just surrender your body to the earth and your soul goes to be judged by the Court of the Gods.
That was the common belief, and even more religious folk suggested that those of judged worthy by the Gods would be reincarnated into a new life in a different time. Many Buddhists monks and Shinto Priests and Priestesses all shared that one common belief that your soul belonged to the Heavenly realm from whence it originated, and when the mortal vessel the soul inhabited died out the soul would return to the specific deity that soul came from. That ideal for normal every day citizens is what kept some going in spite of the chaotic world they live in. If they just stayed loyal and faithful to their Gods then they would be blessed with a better life.
Shinobi on the other hand had a bit of a different outlook on death and the afterlife. To be a shinobi was to essentially walk hand in hand with death of every moment of your life. The moment you swore your life to that of a Kage or take up a headband for a village meant your life would always be in danger. No matter how secure you may think you are you still lived among others that were essentially glorified mercenaries that wouldn't hesitate to kill the other if the reason was good enough.
Shinobi were cynical in that regard. They viewed life as fickle and fleeting. They take lives without a moments hesitation. Life was as sacred to them as to the weight of ryo that they could be bought off of. Nothing was truly sacred to these people nor to the Kage's they served. If they were paid enough or if it proved to be a big beneficial boon to their village then they would happily slaughter an entire village of innocents or destabilize an entire nation or state for that extra bit of territory and money. If contracted by a daimyo then they were obligated to do anything to earn that Lords favor, and if it meant having to kill the offspring of the previous lord so that the current lord could remain in power than they would strangle the child with it's own mother's intestines if they were so inclined.
Regular everyday citizens even viewed shinobi as more monstrous than the very bijuu themselves. They were beings of darkness, nocturnal monsters at night that hide in the flesh of a mortal by day.
But then what happens when a shinobi denies death even when one is already truly dead? Some would theorize that they would come back as an Oni or a demon of darkness. Perhaps they would be swallowed up by their own regret or sins and become something akin to an abomination. No one truly knew because it hadn't ever happened before.
However, in this particular case, what if it wasn't just any shinobi, but a young man whose very soul denied the authority of death? A young man whose very being was ordained before the time of his conception to save the world from a living nightmare, but his death destroyed that predestined path before him?
Creation begins to unwind. The stage that was set begins to fall apart. The chessboard splinters and the pieces fall into disarray.
And as chaos is unraveled unto the war-torn star, an emergence of a singular light will pierce through that veil of darkness. That single light will shine like a star among a lonesome black night. It would be majestic and terrifying in it's splendor. It would a light not to be ignored. It's existence brought forth the anger and wrath of the darkness to kneel before it, and all those who stood to oppose it would bear witness to it's absolute authority.
"...Thou Providence...shall commence."
"Screw. You."
That was the first words that came out of Naruto when he heard this strange looking old guy suddenly tell him that he was dead. Who in the world did that? Who was that stupid? Perhaps he was being a bit too calm with this, but for the life of him, or whatever else there was left of him, Naruto just didn't care at the moment.
The old guy who called himself Asura stood there with his slack jaw at Naruto's response. His mouth tried to make words, but nothing came out and Naruto just stared at him like he was just a creepy old dude.
"E-excuse you?" the man responded, surprise and bewilderment painting his features.
Naruto narrowed his eyes before crossing his arms. An annoyed expression crossing his whiskered visage.
"I said screw you old man. I don't know what your game is, but to say I'm dead? I'm Uzumaki Naruto and I'm not gonna die till I become Hokage, you got that?!" he proclaimed to the man who just stood there staring at him his mouth agape for a few moments until he blinked and his slight surprise instantly vanished into a facade of indifference.
For a moment nothing was said between the two, Asura and Naruto were stuck with their deadlock staring with one another, firm brown orbs met defiant yet equally strong blue eyes. That is until something occurred within the confines of which Naruto stood upon. Words spilled forth from Asura's mouth in a way that had a strange effect on the being that was Uzumaki Naruto. In that single realm where everything and nothing mattered the words Asura spoke caused a ripple that shattered all false pretenses the existence that Uzumaki Naruto had conjured for himself.
"You and I both know that is a lie. A fabrication of what you want people too see so that they don't see what lay underneath." he said causing Naruto's eyes to widen. Not only because of what the man said, but at the very depths of his soul he knew this man was merely speaking the truth.
"That's...that's not true!" he replied strongly though. He denied it, but it didn't even faze the man due to the hesitation in the boys voice.
Asura continued unfazed from Naruto's reply, "You played the part of a joker, a trickster to make other people acknowledge your existence. You play jokes on people and yourself so people will laugh even if it's at you. However, as you and I stand here today, I will say this now. As Uzumaki Naruto, you died with a life of nothing, but masks and deception. You hid in the shadows, hiding who you were, the Naruto that was born on that night." his word were firm and unrelenting as they caused Naruto's eyes to widen more and more.
"After that night you put up a mask to hide what you were. The night Mikoto was hurt trying to protect you. When she was put into a coma due to her injuries and the mental and emotional scarring done to Sasuko changed you, Naruto. You can try to deny it all you want, but you can't deny it to me, for I was there and I saw what you turned into to protect them." he continued, his words were like swords piercing into Naruto's body.
The blonde was shaking at this point, the bangs of his unkempt spiky gold hair shadowing his eyes which betrayed his own surging emotions on the matter.
"S-shut up..."
Asura wasn't even close to being done as he strolled around Naruto's quivering form. "The Naruto I saw had become a cold, yet firm entity. He couldn't even be called human nor was he a monster either. No, the Naruto I saw that day was like...like a sword. You stood before the adversity of such overwhelming odds with an air of supreme authority. You were cold, firm, yet majestic like that of a well made blade. Your words brought them all to kneel before you, and in the end it was you who decided their fates that night." He said causing Naruto to shake even more, but Asura ignored this in favor of berating the blonde.
"Naruto...you killed them. In the scenario of which you were about to lose the only bond of love you had you threw aside all caution to the wind and let loose your most base instinctual desire to protect take over. You remember don't you? You killed them naught with the chakra of the Kyuubi, but..."
It was in that moment something occurred. A phenomena within a phenomena itself. Where death was all too encompassing, where reality was all too real, an object that did not and should not exist was given life.
"O King my King~, let thee Light awaken thou monarch from the eternal dream, and let thine light banish thee darkness away." Words echoed within the realm of which Naruto and Asura stood upon, but both seemed to be unaware of it.
Asura's eyes narrowed when he felt the sudden change in atmosphere. His berating of the blond stopped in favor of watching the said blond and what he saw inwardly made him smile.
Naruto's trembling just stopped and through the bangs of his hair a single blue stared at Asura with naught more than a passive emotion of fleeting annoyance. However, unlike his usual deep blue eyes that people would comment were like twin pools of the deep blue sea. This time his eyes had taken on an ethereal glow. It was like being stared upon by the eyes of something not of this world, an origin that belonged to something incredibly alien, and what Asura saw in those ethereal glowing orbs of azure was many things. Things that brought a shiver to his whole existence.
Absolute Authority.
Power Unrivaled.
An existence that defied reality.
A soul that stood defiant in the face of the Gods.
It was an existence fit to rise above the chaos...
...and rule in the Light.
'Ah...it seems he has finally awakened.' Asura thought to himself with grim acceptance before he saw the impossible become possible.
It was like the shattering of a thousand mirrors took place around the immobile Naruto. Shards of glass circled around Naruto until a single phantasmal shape began to appear in a translucent shade of blue. It was hard to make out until it began to take form, life was breathed into it's vessel did it take true form.
It was a simple katana at first glance, but then as it spun to life and the blade was somehow drawn from it's sheathe without the aid of the blond himself Asura became more aware of the blades design. The scabbard was pitch black, made out of some form of lacquered wood with ornate designs going down to the bottom of the scabbard. Tied around the top end of the scabbard itself was a golden sageo tied around it. The blade itself was incredibly sharp, even to Asura who wasn't all that much of an expert with weapons could tell how sharp that blade was. It was unnatural even due to the blueish tint coming off the edge of the blade. It was almost like it was cutting through the wind, molecules, atoms and even distorting reality itself. The handle was wrapped in black and white material while the guard was an oval shape while inscribed onto the guard was octagonal.
Asura didn't have any further time to marvel at the blade though because as soon as it took form it and the scabbard flashed into Naruto's hands.
And what happened next shocked the youngest son of the Rikudo Sennin.
There wasn't an iota of what came next, no sound, no scent, no shift in the wind, or even in a change in stance from the blonde.
Naruto just vanished, no he warped, his body moved so fast his form distorted from the reality, space, and time of where they stood leaving only a phantom of where he had been.
Then he felt it, more like thousands of times felt it, the blade of the katana slashing, stabbing, cutting, eviscerating his body faster than he could possibly perceive. It happened all so fast, faster than he catch. Even though he didn't have a physical body, the attacks were still inflicted upon his soul. Still he'd bet all the ryo he once had his older brother Indra wouldn't have been able to see what happened.
'Hiiiieeehhh~' Asura wailed within his mind when he felt the cold edge of the blade slide onto his neck. His eyes trailed down to the blade, he dare not take a breath, before looking to the wielder of said blade, and what he saw made him pale considerably.
Those ethereal azure orbs were staring straight at him now. Fully taking in his existence unlike before when he wasn't even serious about him. However, now was an entirely different story. Naruto's face was void of any emotion, but his eyes radiated a tempered glare that displayed his full awareness of Asura. Shards of that strange power swirled around the blond before ethereal blue swords formed around Asura from all sides.
"You have my attention now, spirit."
'Scary! scary! scary! scary! scary!scary!scary!scary!'
Honestly. This was the most terrifying thing Asura had ever seen and he had bore witness to Indra's perfect Susanoo. His father's power to reshape the planet and even the destructive power of the Bijuu themselves. However, this was entirely different. It wasn't about the factor of power being displayed, it was the mere existence of this thing called Naruto. Of whom was his direct descendant had turned out to be much more than just another poor victim of a bloody brother feud from centuries past.
Being stared down by those ethereal blue orbs with those swirling iridescent shards spinning around the blonde. The realm of darkness around them and the colored suns behind the blonde only added to the overall terror Asura felt when he looked upon the one who bore all this.
'Even though he's only scratching the surface, there is so much power in this boy...what is this child?' he thought before he finally calmed himself so that he could speak. Better not make the boy wait lest he actually find a way to harm him.
"Seeing as you've woken up I think it's my turn for explanations, eh?" he said only to flinch when the edge of the blade mystically started to glow an ethereal azure. Looking to the blonde Asura swallowed the lump in his throat when he saw the passive gaze the boy was giving him.
"You can start by telling me who you are, Asura."
When the higher echelon of Konohagakure's political leadership mentioned the "auditorium" some would believe it to be the room in the Shinobi Academy used to address it's students and faculty. However, what many didn't know was that what they meant by auditorium, they meant of something else entirely. A secret known to rare few, and rarer still to those whose loyalty couldn't be put to question.
The auditorium of the Konoha Shinobi Academy wasn't actually considered apart of the Academy building itself. During the building of the village itself, it had been Uchiha Madara who proposed the idea of an auditorium to be built between the Academy and the Hokage Tower. Only it was built 20 feet underground and the only way to enter it was from a hidden entrance from the Hokage Tower. The auditorium was built from Madara's idea as the true shelter for both Konoha's citizens and shinobi in case of total annihilation from war. It was made just in case, and it acted as the perfect shelter as well for the Hokage Monument "shelter" was merely a decoy just because nearly everyone who'd ever fought against Konoha knew they would send their citizens to the Monument to hide.
But then that in itself was a horrible idea because it would only take a few good Doton users to simply destabilize the mountain or a few well placed explosive tags could completely destroy the mountain itself.
It was for that reason the auditorium was built, fueled by Madara's idea and the surprising aid from Uzumaki Mito they were able to build and fortify the auditorium into a shelter to house the entire village should it ever come down to it. The "auditorium" was in reality an expansive underground channel of chambers that spanned nearly every square inch beneath Konoha's foundations. Used for times of impending war, or kami forbid the annihilation of Konoha, then its purpose would be utilized.
If there ever came a point to where the auditorium was compromised through either the entrance being found or an inside mole let other villages know then there were security measures put in place to stem the panic. There were underground tunnels connection to the underground shelter that led far out from Konoha itself and nearing the borders of Hi no Kuni. Pathways and tunnels all connected in a way to distort enemy pursuers while allowing everyone enough time to flee.
However, over the years it was also used by the Sandaime Hokage as a means to speak directly to his shinobi forces. To instill into them the motivation they would need in times of war. It was this place he used to speak to those went into the Second and Third Shinobi World War. To inspire them and give them the motivation when going into war. It was better this way then too simply relay his words to respective Jonin's to give to their chunin and genin comrades/students.
It was for that reason Hiruzen stood inside the main chamber. His eyes looking down upon the entire chunin and genin shinobi he had that were within Konoha's walls. He saw some chattering with their friends and teammates while others were looking at him expectantly with their respective Jonin sensei's and captains. The chamber they were in was the central hub for mostly the citizens that would be stationed in times of a village wide invasion. However, with the current situation Konoha was in he felt it was time he addressed the next generation of Konoha's military force directly so that they were truly aware of what was happening.
Though as he stared at them he couldn't help the smallest jerk at his heart when he didn't see the spiky blonde whom had become his own grandson in all, but blood.
'But in his condition it's a miracle he's even alive right now. Tsunade had better be here by tomorrow or so help me I'll make do on my threat.' Hiruzen coldly thought to himself. As much as he cared for Tsunade, her past actions had left little to be desired, and he had done enough for her. He had been lenient on her due to both her little brother Nawaki and lover Dan dying in war, and let her leave the village to grieve. However, it had been years since than and Konoha needed her, and whether she liked it or not she will come back into active service again even if he had to pull her ass through the gates of Konoha himself.
Because he could, he had done it before when she was a rowdy teenager.
Taking his mind off that matter he looked to the crowd, and flared a little bit of chakra.
The effect was immediate, the entire crowd of shinobi instantly went silent as their attention swiftly went to their leader. Decades of being Hokage, Squad Leader, Anbu Captain and War General had made Hiruzen completely immune to the attention he received and simply stared back at his shinobi with a stern expression.
"I'm sure you are all wondering why you've been called here today. As you all are no doubt aware of, there was a recent incident a couple of hours ago within the Forest of Death during the chunin exams. None of us are sure what happened in there as information is sketchy at best, but since that incident something has occurred in our world that I was afraid wouldn't happen again, at least for another couple of years." He said before looking over his forces. This was it, this was where he would essentially shatter their dreams of being a shinobi of Konoha. This would be where he would essentially tell them all he would be sending them off too war. Not with just Shinobi though, as recent intel put it, it would be a war on all fronts.
A War of the Great Lords.
A War of the Elements.
Something that hadn't occurred since ancient times far before the Warring Clans period. It went as far back to the fabled time of the Rikudo Sennin's time some would say.
The reason for the length of time between than and now was because of the difference in scale. A war with Shinobi usually involved the warring major countries own shinobi villages and just a few minor countries that would be inevitably drawn into the conflict. In terms of scale with the world itself, it was pretty small all things considered.
However a War of the Great Lords was a whole other different type of war. It didn't just involve a few countries, if the tales were true than a war of that scale would swallow up the entire world. No country would be left unscathed, Daimyo's of the major countries would amass their armies in the millions, pulling up century old documents dating back to the founding of the Shinobi villages to contract them to aid in the war. Mercenaries would be on the rise due to the potential world wide conflict bringing back the Industry of War.
Samurai, Shinobi and Mercenary alike would all be fighting in this war. A true World War that would encompass the entire continent.
And he was about to send these kids, children in every regard, to fight in such a War.
'Kami I hate my job.' Hiruzen cursed before deciding to continue.
"12 hours ago right after the incident we have been getting recent reports from our sources in the field. This information has led to drastic measures needed to be taken as of late. As we speak, Konoha had been put under Yellow alert and all foreign shinobi have been ordered to leave our village within 24 hours lest they be considered POW's. All citizens within Konoha have been ordered to close shop and return home until said otherwise. All available Konoha Jonin and ANBU have been directed into the proper protocols. Which leads to why I have had your Jonin Captain or Sensei's lead you here, I am here to inform you of something that will ultimately change your lives forever." he said preparing himself for the inevitable.
"As of now until the unforeseeable future, Konoha as a whole has been contracted by Ryoske-sama, the Lord Daimyo of Hi no Kuni for an upcoming conflict with the other nations. As of this moment, Konoha has been enlisted into a World War of the Great Lords." he said and went silent as he gauged the reactions of his shinobi for a moment, and least to say he wasn't disappointed.
Faces went into shock, confusion and some in terror at such a notion. Some not understanding what that meant while others were trying not to hyperventilate after realizing what kind of terror that notion really was. The Jonin were excellent in keeping their composure and even some seasoned Chunin had remained stone faced. However the newest of the chunin and rest of the genin were not as composed not that he could blame them.
Panic began to settle in as chatter erupted among them, and among them Hiruzen gazed over to the newest batch of Genin, and for a moment he felt his heart ache yet he remained stalwart. This was his duty as their leader and while he saw their apprehension, confusion and some outright horror at such a thing, he had a duty to uphold.
It was as his sensei told him.
"Listen Saru, to be Hokage is to be a beacon, a symbol of hope that your people can look to for guidance. They look to me in times of strife and despair. As Hokage, it is my duty to inspire and lead them and when times are darkest as Hokage we should always lead by example. They serve us and in return the Hokage should always provide them with a semblance of hope that tomorrow will be better."
'Sensei always was pretty good with words.' Hiruzen thought with a nostalgic smile before he looked upon his shinobi and with a surging fire he spoke. His voice booming over the panicked chatter of his shinobi.
"However! As Hokage I want to insure to each and every one of you that while the future may be bleak now, we will persevere! Let me remind you all of one very important lesson. A lesson that all of us should keep in our hearts and always remember when we feel like we're going to fall. We are the shinobi of Konohagakure, each of us all have different dreams and desires, but the moment you were born under the great tree of Konoha we inherited the will of our founders and ancestors. The Will of Fire burns brightly in all of us. It is what sustains us as a people, it is through that will that we are all family, we are all connected and for the next generation to live in a better and brighter future it is us who must endure this world war, and we will do so happily if only for the generations to come! We. Are. Konoha. Shinobi!" h words carried so much weight that it lifted the spirits of his shinobi and predictably what followed eased the guilt in Hiruzen's heart.
''YAAAAAH!" the road from the crowd was so loud, so strong it seemed to cause the whole auditorium to tremble from their passion. Their loyalty unquestioned and adoration for their Hokage was unbreakable. Their approval echoed through the whole auditorium.
...And it made Hiruzen truly feel like he had entered the depths of true despair.
Because as pretty and heartfelt he had made his words appear to be. No matter how much he meant what he said. There was no doubt to him or to those that remained stone faced through the whole thing that more than half of these shinobi would be experiencing their first true war. A war that would be encompassing the whole world. It would be a war of the world itself. A war where the realm of possibility would be put to question everyday. It wouldn't be just something concerning shinobi this time, but the Daimyo's, Samurai, and more than likely mercenaries as well.
'Then there is the jinchūriki of the other villages to worry about. With Naruto's current condition it's very unlikely he will be able to fend off the other jinchūriki, that is if he ever wakes up.' he thought grimly.
His visit with the doctors working on Naruto along with his team had been...terrifying for him as both the Hokage and as the man who had come to take in Naruto as his own adopted Grandfather. From what they could tell so far, Naruto's current condition was nothing like they'd ever seen before. Not even the Genin Rock Lee's condition could come close to what Naruto was in.
Essentially, after whatever happen in that Forest led to Naruto going into what the doctors suggested was a comatose state. They hadn't figured out what happened yet, but whatever occurred had been so intense, so traumatic that is had somehow broke Naruto's connection to the world as a living being. Worse still, as time progressed, his entire chakra network along with Naruto's incredibly huge amount of chakra simply began to vanish. His network had completely disappeared from his body and there wasn't even an ounce of Naruto's chakra in his body.
It was like staring at a empty human, a vessel without a soul, and it honestly scared Hiruzen.
Yet what scared him even more was the fact that the seal Minato used to seal the Kyuubi within Naruto on the day of his birth. The very same seal empowered by the God of Death itself.
Was gone.
Which meant only one thing to Hiruzen.
The Kyuubi was free.
The Shiki Fūjin was the jutsu Minato used to seal the Kyuubi that night 13 years ago. It was a Kinjutsu forbidden to ever be used unless in the most desperate of circumstances. However, once used Minato was able to seal the Kyuubi within Naruto at the cost of his and Kushina's life. That was the seal, and the only way for it to disappear is for Naruto to have died in the living world whereupon his soul would ascend to the Heavenly Realm to be judged, or that's how the tales go.
However, the strange thing was, while the seal was gone and with it most likely the Kyuubi. And with Naruto's entire chakra network and chakra gone should have truly and utterly killed him. He should be nothing more than a cold corpse on the hospital bed.
If so then why was the boy still alive?
It went against everything they had ever known about the connection between the human body and chakra. Without chakra the human could not survive, that was just a rudimentary fact of life. Everyone had chakra, to the strongest shinobi in the world to the tiniest little bug. Everything that lived had chakra and to not have it was just akin to be dead. Chakra was their life force, and without it than you should not be alive. That was the planetary law of this world, and to break that law was akin to being seen as something not right. A mistake, a failure in nearly every sense.
Yet, in spite of all this, in spite of losing the Kyuubi and his chakra, Naruto was still alive. He was breathing normally, his brain activity was normal if a bit higher than average and his body performed it's rudimentary functions under the state it was in.
Giving the smallest of mental sighs Hiruzen thought to himself in bemusement. 'Even now when you're not here you still accomplish to give me a headache, my boy.'
Knowing that his thoughts had drifted for longer than he wished the aged Hokage took one more glance to his shinobi, and with a grim expression coming upon his face he spoke.
"With that said, I wish for you all to begin preparations. As of this moment Konoha has entered into total martial law and with it I am ordering you all to begin training. Train as hard as you can, push yourself above and beyond the point your body can take, and go beyond even that. Because soon, very soon we will all be jumping directly into the fire of war." he voice was stern for a moment causing many to become a bit nervous.
...Before he offered his grandfatherly smiled that he was locally known for. "Now, you are all dismissed. Jonins are to take their students back to their respective homes tonight and chunin are to do the same. Tonight I want you all to get a good nights sleep, spend time with your family because for tomorrow, Konoha prepares for war."
The sun had finally settled and the dusk of the midnight sky showed overhead for the world too see and to be mesmerized by the illumination of the full moon hanging high among the sea of stars. It was a seemingly peaceful night, one would even say it was the perfect definition of "The Calm before the Storm".
For it was too peaceful and that rattled the nerves of one particular young woman more than she'd care to admit. The female in question had dealt with enough hardship in her life to know that a night like this was probably the worst possible experience to have because it meant that tomorrow and many days forward would be a true living hell.
At least that was what life had taught Uchiha Sasuko in her short 12 years of living.
After the audience with the Hokage was over all the shinobi were sent back home to reflect and relax. Advised by their aged leader to spend time with their loved ones, to relish in the time they would have tonight. For tomorrow would be the start of their preparation, their training for a war none of them were truly prepared for, especially one of this magnitude.
Among these shinobi was Sasuko; while she was led away with Sakura by Kakashi he took them both home, but instead of taking her back to the district she simply asked to stay at the hospital room Naruto was given after his extensive procedure. Seeing as their was nothing they could do, literally seeing as he had no chakra or even a network to work with, they had to place him in the hospital until Tsunade came back. Personally, she didn't care who this Tsunade was, she may be a sennin, but if she couldn't do something for Naruto than she was nothing to her. No one else mattered to her at this point than two people in this village, and if the greatest medic in the world couldn't save them then that woman was of no use or of importance to her.
At least the Sandaime had the courtesy to place Naruto in the PoP or Personnel of Priority floor of the building so that only those authorized by the Hokage were allowed to enter. A place that was just as secure for the one operating room in the Hokage Tower Naruto was in moments prior to his movement. The security was, as Kakashi put it, was pretty tight due to the number of restrictions put in place. ANBU personally trained by the Soutaicho of the ANBU were personally stationed here, but were never seen unless they wanted to be seen.
...Which would be the last thing you ever saw, or that's how the rumors went.
Thankfully there was another on this floor that allowed her to be registered for this floor otherwise she'd be forbidden from coming to this floor. Though when Kakashi brought her here he made sure if she really wanted to be here, but she had made it clear there was no where else she wanted to be. Because after all, she was only following the advice of her Hokage.
"Spend time with your family."
"Tsk...the only family I have left is you two."
Uchiha Sasuko wasn't usually a young woman to give in to her own emotions over matters of a personal or of an affectionate nature. The only times she had ever let emotion take hold of her had been a couple of times. One had been the hatred she held for her older brother Itachi after he had slaughtered nearly the entire clan. The second had been when she was still very young and much more prone to being attached to her mothers leg most of the time. She had been timid, shy to an extent that she could have been just like Hinata in that regard.
Then there was the third time when she had ever let herself fall into her own emotions, and that was for the young man she was looking at now. Her coal orbs took in the sight of her third teammate with what looked to be a mask of indifference, but inwardly was a whole other matter entirely.
Emotions ran wild within her, half of her just wanted to leave right now so she could stave off the nightmares that she was sure would be coming back. Especially now that Naruto was in this condition. However, the other half of her just wanted to climb into his bed and cuddle up to him and hold him like they did as children. Just to make sure he was safe and by proxy she was too. That had been a quirk her mother had found to be incredibly adorable when they were young as it was something Sasuko seemingly adopted over the time she and her mother spent with Naruto back then.
Yet she couldn't help herself.
Every time he was absent she felt the world was just that much bleaker, more darker than it should be. It only really started when they were children, but since that night it had been made abundantly clear that Sasuko had developed a sort of trauma that could only be eased when Naruto was around. His presence was akin to that of the sun, bright, intense and illuminating. A natural phenomena that seemed to banish the darkness and chase away those nightmarish monsters that plagued her as a child.
That was the crux of the issue as well. Naruto and Sasuko's relationship was...difficult for some to understand and others to even contemplate. To begin with, when they first met had been when Mikoto had taken her to the local orphanage when she was only 3. She hadn't known why at the time, something to do with internal problems within the clan and her mothers very vocal opposition which sometimes led to arguments between her and her father Fugaku. It was only later did she understand that her mother had essentially cut all ties with the Clan besides her and Itachi. She put in a divorce agreement with Fugaku and in a legal battle over custody had won Sasuko while Itachi had chosen to stay with the Clan for reasons unknown to her.
Then right after that her mother had used funds kept in her savings to buy them an apartment in the more residential district of Konoha. It was within the village and far away from the Clan Compound which allowed Sasuko to see what Konoha was really like on the inside. Although, at the time, it did lead to her becoming more timid and shy as the environment around had changed drastically from what she was used too.
But then everything changed when her mother took her to the local orphanage the next day. The day when she first met the spiky blonde haired blue eyed boy named Uzumaki Naruto.
The boy who would become her adopted brother.
Hyper-active didn't do him justice. When she first met him it was like the sun and moon in contrast. She was timid and shy while he had been outgoing and energetic. When she first saw him he had pulled her along to go and play regardless of the neutral stares or glares he received. Though that seemed to stop instantly when her mother made her presence known to them.
Apparently, Naruto was the son of a woman who had been her mothers best friend when they were young which had been why she had adopted Naruto since he had lost his parents. How that happened she didn't know, but she was happy to have him all the same cause it meant she had someone to play with.
'Now that I think about it maybe that's why Kaa-san cut ties with the clan.'
When Mikoto decided to adopt him, regardless of those that tried to stop her Naruto had been...very quiet. So quiet even that it disturbed her. He had simply stopped and stared at her mother for the longest moment. His eyes had lost a bit of light and seemed to actually look at Mikoto for the first time. Taking in her appearance, her smile, her voice. Yet his stare went deeper than that, it was like he been staring straight through her mortal body and into her very soul just too see what kind of person she was.
...Then he had smiled, and what a smile that had been. It was probably the biggest and brightest grin she had ever seen Naruto make before jumping into Mikoto's arms.
That had been the first time she had ever seen Naruto cry.
It was the first time she had ever seen him so happy.
Then it all came crashing down on the night of his sixth birthday.
They had come for him, to hurt him, to try and kill him.
Blood was shed, a horrific blood curdling scream tore through the festive night sky and a deep roar ripped it's way across the village.
Then what followed was something that had left Sasuko in a state of mental and emotional trauma for days on end afterwards.
There was so much death.
Shards of glass tore through the night sky, reflecting the full moon.
A single sword flew, a slash that seemed to go tear through the fabric of reality itself.
A plethora of blood was shed, soaking the ground, the trees, and the very air itself.
The smell of copper filled the air as bodies were literally reduced to nothing but a blood red mist.
A boy stood alone amid the field of slaughter, ethereal blue glowing eyes stared at her and her mother with naught more than the truest form of love that the boy could comprehend.
That had been the last thing she remembered before blacking out.
The next time she woke up had been in a hospital bed 4 days after the incident. The first thing she saw had been the face of the saddened face of the Sandaime Hokage. He had explained to her, what little her young mind could understand back then, that a group of insurgents had planned an organized attack on Naruto that night. It had been something they had been unprepared for, and he and his ANBU had been too late to stop what had occurred.
Her mother had been put into a coma due to the injuries she suffered.
She was taken in by her father due to her mother state.
And Naruto...
Naruto was taken into the Hokage's care and was kept as far away from her as humanly possible. The only time she saw him next had been when she entered the Academy. Even then she was kept away from him under strict orders by her father Fugaku. Ironically enough, it wasn't until Itachi had slaughtered the clan leaving only her and Mikoto alive that she was free to come back into contact with Naruto.
And yet...
'Nice to meet ya, I'm Uzumaki Naruto!'
He didn't remember her. He didn't remember the time they spent together as children. Given, she was under the genjutsu her mother placed on her long ago, and she had changed in appearance from what she had been in the past, but she figured it would be obvious. Yet it was like the first time Naruto had ever met her. Which in turn changed her somewhat, emotions trickled out of her cold exterior in the form of cold annoyance to the blonde since he didn't even know who she was.
Which had been the main reason for how she treated him in the academy, but over time that annoyance grew to become a source of endearment as time progressed. Reason being was due to the time they spent with one another in the academy reminded her of the times they played as children. Though Naruto and 'Sasuke' played the part of rivals in the academy; it was more of a facade to hide the truth.
The truth being that Naruto and Sasuko had reunited, even if it was under rather precarious circumstances.
'Now that I think about it, why didn't Naruto remember me? He was put into Hokage-sama's care after that incident and that was the last I saw or heard of him for the next few years.' the thou7ght gnawed at her more than she cared to admit. And the more she thought about it, the more she was scared of finding out the answer.
Did he suffer a trauma as well that resulted in a memory loss?
Did the Hokage do something to him to forget all that happened?
...or was it because Naruto actually forgot them?
She narrowed her eyes, regardless of what the issue may have been didn't matter now. Looking at the blond she ran her hand through his spiky gold hair and for the first time in what felt like years smiled.
"It doesn't matter anymore. You're here and I'm here, and this time I don't intend to lose you again. You and Kaa-san are all I have left..." she admitted in silence before laying her head on the bed, her eyes staring at the blond who had once been her adopted brother. The peaceful expression on his face reminding her of better and more peaceful times. Before there innocence was destroyed by a cruel world, where cruelty hadn't separated them, and where the hatred of others nearly took him away from her forever.
Taking one of his hands in hers her smile deepened before she closed her eyes.
"Wake up soon, Naruto."
Unfortunately, this would be one wish, one desire that could not be fulfilled.
'Under the eternal dusk, only when the elemental star is engulfed in darkness will the King of Light awaken to destroy the cruel and corrupt from this star.'
Standing amid the realm of darkness and stars, beneath the glow of the suns above them, Naruto stood there staring at the man whom called himself Asura. His ethereal blue eyes staring straight into the spirit of the man. His expression though was a mask of indifference, but on the inside he was thinking about all that he had learned. To find out the tales of the Rikudo Sennin was true was one thing, but to find out that Asura was the youngest son of the man and that he was in fact a transmigrant of Asura's spirit was a whole other matter entirely. Finding out that there was a blood feud between both Indra and Asura that was so strong it transcended time and their spirits were reincarnated into the vessels most suitable for their power was just a whole other matter.
Which come to find out, his wayward adopted sister and best friend at that, Uchiha Sasuko, was the transmigrant for Indra's power.
'This would explain the monsters Suko-chan saw and experienced as a child. It was the damnable Curse in her blood and spirit carried over by Indra.' Naruto thought with a mental scowl. Though his anger surged over that fact he soon let it go for more important matters.
He remained quiet and listened until Asura was done. Analyzing all that he had been told, breaking down everything he heard to understand and to comprehend everything so that he had full grasp of the context of the situation.
Then Asura spoke once more, culminating all he said in a address to the blond.
"You may deny everything I say here, but in your heart you know I speak of the truth. I am, but one of the many reflections of yourself. Thus I have seen all that you are, can, and will become. Before anything else, you need to rid yourself of all misconceptions of your own reality before you can move on with your life. You know this, don't you?" he said to his descendant who simply closed his eyes for a moment in perceived thought.
"I long ago realized that my own formulated misconceptions of a false narrative would lead me down a path of failure. I never needed you to tell me this, but I believe in what you said all the same. I chose to hide what I am, and this strange power not only for my sake, but for the sake of those I love. I wasn't ready, and I still don't think I am. I don't know what happened to me that night, but it changed me in a way I still haven't come to understand which was why I hid behind the mask of a fool, of a joker so that everyone wouldn't see the what lay underneath." he admitted making Asura smile at the blondes words.
'Well at least he made it through the first step of accepting it.'
But then Naruto opened his eyes once more and the glow in his eyes seemed to become sharper, like the edge of a sharpened blade ready to strike. "However, that does not mean I will simply fall in line like those before me have in this pitiful and pathetic blood feud between you and Indra. My life is my own, Mikoto-kaa-san and Sasuko-chan are all that I have so I'd sooner rip you and Indra out of our bodies and cast you out before we ever started that rivalry again." his words came out strong and fierce. He glared straight at Asura, and for a moment the spirit couldn't help the shiver that ran down his spine.
He knew, somehow or someway, this boy would make due on that threat and he wasn't all that keen on such an end.
But on that matter...
Giving a chuckle Asura waved his hand causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow in confusion.
"Believe me Naruto, I'm more tired of that feud then you can possibly believe. It's lasted for so long that I've grown tired of it. However, that is not why I am here Naruto." he said making Naruto frown.
"What do you mean by that?"
Asura simply smiled sadly as he gazed from Naruto to the floating suns behind him. "While it is true you are my transmigrant, you are much more than that. The reason I've appeared before you now is because, you really did die in that Forest, but your soul is stuck here in in-between the living world and the Heavenly Realm. Something occurred between the moment of when you encountered that Kusa Kunoichi and when you woke up prematurely to safe your teammates." he said causing Naruto frown to deepen.
"Yeah, that's right you never did elaborate on that. All I can remember was waking up among of green sea, but then memories of my past life as Cloud Strife began to meld into my own. I talked with Aerith, but after that...I could feel my friends were danger, and I..I had to wake up. I had to protect them." Naruto spoke causing Asura's smile to grow grim, but he was proud of the boy nonetheless.
"And that's where the problem lies Naruto. When you and your past life as Cloud merged it occurred under circumstances that should have happened much earlier. However, an outside element conflicted with this, I do not know his name, but it was an older man possibly as old as your Sandaime Hokage. I do not know his name, but this is what he looked like." he said before conjuring a mental image of what had happened that night of his birth. Revealing an old man covered in a set of white and black robes while he held himself up with a cane, guarded on all sides by strangely masked ANBU. He stood over Naruto's crib in the hospital and his lone eye stared down at the infant blond before placing a seal directly over the seal for the Kyuubi.
Upon seeing this Naruto's scowl only deepened, but there wasn't an ounce of the anger Asura would have expected, but something else was there. It was tempered resolve of a young man that was ready and willing to go above and beyond to do what needed to be done.
"Whoever he is. I. Will. Kill. Him."
Asura didn't know if he should have been intimidated by that look in Naruto's ethereal blue eyes or that he should feel happy that the boy was finally starting to come into his own.
''I've no doubt you will, but that's not important right now. What is important though is what's happening to you at this very moment." he said gaining Naruto's attention.
"What do you mean?"
At this Asura sighed as he scratched his head for a moment. "You see, when the old man did that it basically halted the merge of both you and Clouds soul and thus the longer Clouds soul was stuck in limbo made his soul more and more sensitive to the Lifestream that connects both this world and the world of Gaia. When the Kusa Kunoichi attacked you and erased whatever seal was on you at the moment had the effect of not only instantly merging your soul with Clouds it always had the effect of having the entire lifestream pushed through your body." upon seeing Naruto's confusion at that he began to elaborate.
"Hm let me explain it this way." Aura held out his left hand and instantly a swirling ball of chakra formed within the palm of his hand. Once Naruto saw it he was amazed by how the whole thing was stable with how the chakra was moving in so many directions at once.
"Now imagine Clouds soul as this little orb and this..." he conjured another in his right, but this it was much bigger, but had less chakra on the inside. "..This part is your soul. So when Clouds soul was kept in stasis over time his soul began to converge with the lifestream in a way that he and it were starting to become one in essence. So much so that Clouds soul began to destabilize since he alone couldn't withhold all that power." he said and as a means to explain further the small blue orb that represented Clouds soul instantly began to grow three times the size of the other orb. Yet it only kept growing and growing and growing...
Until it began to move erratically in too many different directions and just when Naruto thought it was just about to burst Asura explained something that caught his attention.
"Just when his soul was about to burst, that Kusa Kunoichi destroyed whatever was stopping the merge, and while in the process of giving you that hickey she also caused this to essentially happen." and without another word Asura slammed the two orbs together. What occurred next wasn't a shockwave or even an explosion of power. Instead, what happened was that Clouds much larger soul was instantly absorbed into Naruto's causing the merge, but than Naruto's soul also began to change and grow in size.
It soon became so large the orb lifted up all on it's own and it floated up to the suns above them where it floated above the central sun to where it began to change into a gold color only now it was becoming intermixed with other colors. Then he saw the power within Naruto's soul began to act up before it essentially broke off from the soul and formed into another sun entirely of it's own with the only link being the tendril he saw now.
"W-w-what was that?" he asked, bewilderment all over his face, but Asura simply sighed.
"Think of it this way, the Lifestream is essentially the energy of life upon which connects both the planet Gaia and this planet. Although it's influence is much stronger on Gaia it's link was here also, but the Lifestream is still a fundamental energy the likes of which only chakra can relate to. Chakra on this planet is essentially our version of the Lifestream. Chakra is our very lifeforce, so when the Lifestream was slammed through the merging and into your body it conflicted, violently mind you, with your own chakra and network as a whole. This resulted in the power of the lifestream breaking off into a form of power in your body, but in result it completely destroyed your chakra network, it absorbed your chakra and converted it all into the lifestream." he said to the blond whose eyes had widened a bit by the information he was given.
While he was surprised that his chakra was gone and his entire network at that he still had a question that plagued him.
"Then what happened to the Kyuubi?" he asked to which Asura at this moment frowned as well.
"That...I don't know. I can't sense his presence in you any longer, but there is still a lingering attachment that links you both, but beyond that I cannot say for certain." and that was the truth. Kyuubi and the rest of the bijuu were his siblings in a way and while he couldn't have been there for them when he died he still felt they were his responsibility.
''I see, then is that how I died? From what I remember from the academy anyone who suffers from chakra exhaustion can go into an extreme case of exhaustion to an outright coma. But if my network and chakra are gone than would that be how I died?" he asked Asura who simply looked at the blond before shaking his head.
"No, while it did bring you close to death it wasn't the deciding factor for killing you. What you don't seem to understand is the matter of the soul itself. You see Naruto, what you underwent wasn't a reincarnation, but a fusion of souls that was simply meant to be. Two halves of the same coin that were born separately. The soul is a powerful thing, but it is also very frail and when they are shaken up to much they can be distorted and destroyed. And believe me when I say that a soul that's destroyed is a fate worse than death." his grim expression was all Naruto really needed to know how serious such a situation was.
Which was why he was a bit thankful to the Kusa Kunoichi.
"Then what happened? Don't leave out a single detail." he asked his spiritual ancestor. Asura for his part looked to Naruto before taking a glance up to the suns above them.
"To put it simply, your soul couldn't handle such a drastic event all at once and it was...damaged. You need only look up to see that for yourself." he pointing up to the suns above them causing Naruto's eyes to widen once he fully registered what Asura said then he looked up to the suns above them.
"...You can not be serious."
"Oh, I'm as serious as I can be. Your soul was barely able to keep itself together. You see that big ole sun right there dead center of the others?" a nod "Yeah that's your soul and you may not be able to see it from here, but the damage was quite extensive. So much so that it "temporarily" vanished from existence. So, in essence Uzumaki Naruto no longer exists meaning you as a person do not exist in both the living world nor that of the realm of the dead. The only reason people in your world remember you is because you are still alive in essence alone." he explained causing Naruto to frown before he looked at the other suns around what appeared to be his soul.
"Okay, that's a bit confusing, but I can roll with that. However, what's with the suns surrounding my soul? What do they represent?" he said causing Asura to frown himself.
"I'm not entirely sure myself, but if I had to wager they represent an aspect of your own power. The cyan soul seems to represent the Lifestream, but the wings on it confuses me, the gold sun with the black markings represents my power, the third iridescent one seems to somehow represent your link to Kurama due to the nine tails, but for what it means I don't know. The monochrome one with the chains around it are a complete mystery to me." he said before being interrupted by the blonde.
"Wait, who is Kurama?" he asked, perplexed at the name. Asura simply blinked before giving a sheepish chuckle.
"Ah that's right, Kurama is the true name of the Kyuubi, he, like the rest of the bijuu, were given names by my father when he split the Shinju's power into nine pieces. Although don't tell him I gave his name away he goes all tsundere over that little matter." he said with a teasing grin causing a twitch to form in Naruto's brow.
The fact Asura admitted that the great and all powerful walking natural disaster acted like a tsundere when it came to his name was very hard to believe.
'Then again a lot of stuff has happened to me that people would find hard to believe.' Naruto thought with a frown.
That said Asura's expression turned to stone as he continued. "I will say this for certain, your soul in the middle seems to represent the power you currently wield. It's a power unlike anything I've ever seen, and the only link we have to that is the sword you hold right now." he said to which the blonds frown deepened before looking down at the sheathed katana in his hand.
"That may be, but in all honesty I don't know myself. The only thing I do remember was this power awakened the night I thought I lost Mikoto-kaa-san and Sasuko-chan. I never really experimented with it and simply followed my instincts, but this sword on the other hand is a different matter." he said gripping the katana in hand.
At this Asura's curiosity was peaked, "How so?"
Sighing Naruto brought the blade up between them before it floated by Naruto's will. "On that night, this katana seemingly appeared the same time I awakened this power. I know not how or why this happened, but at the time I simply didn't care. I had a weapon, and I used it with the truest intent to kill and protect. Beyond that I know nothing more." it was obvious to Asura that this somehow frustrated the blonde, and he couldn't really blame him either.
There was just so many mysteries building up around him and so little time to figure them all out.
'Well no better time than the present'
"Well, does it have a name?" he asked causing Naruto to blink, the intensity in his ethereal blue eyes lessening somewhat before he frowned as he looked at the blade.
"I...I don't think-"
Suddenly, words began to echo within his mind. A voice without a true sound spoke. Words of power spilled forth, but there was no embodiment of the voice itself.
He could feel it now. Thrumming with power, it was calling out to him. His eyes rested on the katana before he reached out once again and grasped the sheathed weapon. His hand gripping firmly around the wooden sheathe, his fingers tingled in a slight numbness that brought a thrill of delight up and down his spine as the words became clearer and clearer.
He had completely ignored Asura's existence entirely at this point. His fixation was completely on the katana at this point. Although it wasn't the same for Asura who was watching what was happening with a concerned frown, but he said nothing and chose to instead observe until he felt he was needed.
Naruto had taken the katana and those shards of glass seemingly appeared from nowhere before they began to spin around him. They went faster and faster as the glow in Naruto's ethereal blue eyes seemed to glow brighter and brighter before he spoke.
"This katana's name is..."
Asura flinched as the realm around seemed to echo with pure power. Such unbridled power that it chilled the air and caused the very fabric of space and time quiver into distortions in on themselves.
"...Yamato, The Blade of Tradition and Power."
Okay, if Asura had a physical body, he would literally be shitting bricks at that moment. Not because of the fact of the swords name, but it was the way Naruto said it and the expression on his face as he did so. It had been positively cold, yet there was an underlying passion of endearment for the blade itself that he couldn't understand. It also didn't help the fact that the entire realm itself seemed to react as well as it had seemed to quiver at the mention of it and the essence coming off the blade and off Naruto was of an unorthodox feeling. The atmosphere was nothing like that of a evil entity or even of a dark creature by any stretch of the word.
It had simply been a cold, yet firm settlement. Like the fine flattened part of a blade. It was fierce, yet majestic in its brilliance, like that of a true blue blood royal whose mere presence would part the very sea just so it wouldn't dare touch such a being. The atmosphere had been commanding, yet splendidly warm, like that of a campfire or the embrace of a mother or father. Yet underneath all that, beneath all the tempting and dangerous feelings Asura felt from all that was an underlying persona.
A persona whose authority would never be questioned. Whose authority would part the skies and cause the Gods to kneel. Whose aura would send the very dregs of hell back in fright. Whose presence would banish the darkness of their corrupted world.
There was no words at this point. All the words Asura could say at that moment were stuck in his throat as he gazed upon the young man before him.
This moment lasted for a few moments before Naruto seemed to get a hold of himself as he finally sheathed the blade and let it fade away into a phantasmal bright blue. As it vanished Naruto cast his gaze to the silent Asura, the ethereal glow in his eyes ever prominent, now more than ever before.
"Now that we got that out of the way, perhaps you can start telling me how I can start fixing my soul?" his question asked, his eyes peered into Asura's own for the longest moment before the man regained his composure and sighed.
"Well, you see, to fix the kind of damage done to your soul is gonna take a lot of work. In fact, it'll take more than just me to aid you in this which is why I think he will be a better person to aid you in this endeavor." he said causing Naruto to frown.
"He means me, my boy."
'What the hell?!' reflexes took hold over his own caution and he re-summoned Yamato and began to draw it as he swerved around to attack the person behind him.
"Now now, we shall have none of that. I am only here to help you, Naruto."
Naruto heard the voice of an older man, but he was too amazed at what he had just seen. Before he could follow up on his instinct a ethereal hand latched itself on the pommel of Yamato stopping Naruto from drawing the katana from it's sheathe. The movement had been so quick, so fast that he hadn't even noticed it happen until it was too late. Soon his eyes finally registered the hand and followed it up to the arm and to the face of the person who had stopped him.
The man he saw was dressed in robes similar to that of Asura though they seemed more prominent, . He was a tall man and was rather pale-skinned, but his flesh seemed so sunken that he seemed more like a corpse than anything else. His hair was a rusty red mess of spikes that fell to his shoulder-blades. On his left side he had a braid of his hair going down the side of his face up until it reached his chin. He also sported a goatee similar to old man Hiruzen's, but this goatee was ridiculously long. Like the damn thing tapered down to the mans waist and then some. He had purple eyes that had a six ringed ripple pattern over the eyes. He also had another eye, as strange as that was, on his forehead that was like his other eyes, but it was red and had 9 toma overlapping the ripple patterns.
...Oh he also had two horn protrusions sticking out from his forehead.
The old man smiled, his very wrinkled visage crinkling in a simmered delight as he looked upon the blonde with nigh, but a sense of both contentment and pride.
"It's good to finally meet you Naruto. No doubt my son here has already mentioned me, but let me properly introduce myself, my name is Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo or as the rest the world knows me as, the Rikudō Sennin."
Naruto could only speak the words that appeared at the forefront of his mind when he saw the man who stopped him.
"Man you're old, like really really really old, tte'bayo."
At that moment two things happened.
Asura's expression cracked before he broke out laughing in hysterics.
Hagoromo's expression cracked ever so slightly, allowing a slight grin to spread across his face.
"Humorous, but nonetheless expected of you. Now I believe we have matters to discuss, one of which being the Reforging of your Soul, yes?" he asked, but the way he said quickly silenced Asura's chuckles and Naruto instinctively straightened at the tone used, but he didn't shy away from the gaze.
No he matched Hagoromo's stare with one of equal intensity and fervor.
"You are correct."
At this Hagoromo nodded his head before he reached out with his hand and in a swirl of black a shakujo battle staff formed. Then with a slight tap on the "ground" or "floor" a ripple effect occurred within the realm.
"Very well, let us begin."
Long chapter. Think of it as a early Christmas present for you all. And yes it is the same Yamato from Devil May Cry, the 4th one to be exact.
Now I wanted to go more in-depth with what was going on so I did. Hopefully you enjoyed it, if not then too bad.
If you have any questions send me a PM or in a review and I'll get to it when I have the time.
Also I'm thinking of, in the very distant future, of making a Final Fantasy XV crossover with RWBY. Just an idea I'm playing with, but nothing I'll work on until this story is done, but what your opinions on this? Let me know.
Until then,