Chapter 5: Father's Legacy

(Opening A/N: Well guys, it seems that the original Father might be dead, but it seems that someone happens to be ruling the same assassin training ground and bringing in more young orphan boys to become assassins but there is a secret about the same place that Naruto and his friends were trained and becoming assassins, but it seems that someone close to them is keeping the work of Father alive, and Naruto's going to get to the bottom and avenge both Helen and their unborn daughter, and he's going to use all of his skills to make sure that no one else suffers the same fate as the four friends did, now let's get to the action shall we?)

Naruto got out of the SS as he had his P30L in hand with the intent to use it, he then leaned in as he was about to see if Kiba was going to just stay in the car.

"Yo Kiba, you coming or what?" Naruto asked, and Kiba pulled out a Kimber M1911A1 Colt .45 as he cocked it making sure that it was ready to use, he also had a .50 caliber Desert Eagle as a more personal weapon since Naruto carries around a semi automatic Glock 18 for when he wants to get personal.

Kiba got out of the car as they both saw that the building was going to be guarded so they needed to make sure that the enemy wasn't going to call for backup, so Naruto found a call box so he decided to cut off all calls going in and out of the facility.

As soon as the call box was out of commission, the engineer who's in charge of making sure that the lines were still in tact, as soon as he came through the gate Naruto placed a single bullet right through the skull of the man as his corpse dropped to the ground.

The gate was left open which gave both Naruto and Kiba an entrance to the facility which gave both a blast from the past, but so much has changed since the last time both assassins have been here, there were a lot of guards between them and Father, Naruto found a building marked "Armory" so, Naruto and Kiba decided to grab some better guns, Naruto grabbed an M4A1 carbine assault rifle with an ACOG tactical scope along with high powered suppressor whereas Kiba grabbed a Heckler and Koch MP5K submachine gun with a red dot sight and a high powered silencer, as soon as they grabbed enough ammo for their new guns, they both headed into the facility.

Naruto still remembered where Father's office was since he was the one who sent Father to the hereafter when he placed a bullet right into the man's skull, but then, there was someone watching over them, he knew that Naruto and Kiba have returned to settle an old score with the guy.

"Tell all members to prepare for what is to come, the people of my past have come to settle a score with me." Said the figure in the window.

Then the siren began to alert every armed guard to head for their battlestations, as Naruto and Kiba got to cover before a hail of bullets, then a couple of guards came to Naruto and Kiba's location as the two assassins popped out from their cover then they began to come out, grab their human shields, then advanced right towards the assassin duo, Naruto and Kiba then grabbed the guards as they began to use their human shields.

Naruto and Kiba both began to move closer as they knew that the man known as father and the killer of both Helen along with Naruto's unborn daughter was waiting for them and Naruto wanted some justice for what had happened to him.

Naruto and Kiba both began to shoot the guards that stood in their way as the bullets ripped through the guards as their bodies dropped to the ground, then they both twisted the necks of their human shields as they joined their comrades in death.

Just then a familiar face came out armed with an HK416 carbine assault rifle along with more armed men as they had their guns trained on the duo of assassins.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in? Naruto Wick and Kiba Inuzuka, looks like Father's going to enjoy seeing your faces again. Now follow me and I'll be sure that father can forgive you for all the things you've done." Sauske said as he began to lead the duo to the office where the successor of the mentor was waiting for them as the armed guards as they kept their guns trained on them as they holstered their weapons then had their hands raised into the air, one guard tried to slam the buttstock of his rifle into Naruto, but thanks to Naruto's veteran assassin skills, he grabs the rifle, declips the gun, slams the clip into the guy's throat making him choke and gasp for air as Naruto then tossed the gun aside, Sauske smirked as he knew that he also contained the skills and abilities of the late John Wick.

"Not bad Naruto, but I wouldn't expect anything more from Naruto Uzumaki." Sauske said, and Naruto punched him right in the face as the guards began to surround Naruto as they had their guns trained on him.

"Just to let you know, Naruto Uzumaki is dead, I'm Naruto Wick now." Naruto said as he corrected Sauske.

Just then they were escorted to Father's office, and Naruto could remember killing the first father in cold blood and now it seemed that someone who was supposed to be dead has taken on the role of recruiting new assassins since he was the blood son of the mentor who trained all the boys who took them under his teachings.

"So the infamous Naruto Wick has come to undo all that we have done, and thus you have come to kill me haven't you?" The father said as he was getting out of his seat, the man then pulled out a .50 caliber Desert Eagle as he points it at one of the guards and squeezes the trigger shooting the guy in the head showing his dominance.

"I cannot stand insubordination, and now for both you, Naruto Wick and Kiba Inuzuka, you shall be joining that guard as well." Father said as he pointed the gun at Naruto, but Bashed the back of his skull against the face of the captor as it caused his nose to be busted and bleeding along with having blood coming out of his mouth as well, he then grabs the USP .45 sidearm as he fires two semi automatic rounds through the guard's head he then shoots Kiba's captor as Kiba did the same with the other guards placing rounds into their skulls as well giving him a bigger kill count than Naruto.

Naruto and Kiba then point their guns at Father with the intent to kill him, and he kept his gun trained on Naruto, but if he shot and killed Naruto, then he would be killed by Kiba but Naruto decided to do the best thing possible, he grabs Father and snaps his gun holding arm as soon as it made an audible snap that's when Kiba decided to make a move, he then points his weapon at Father as Kiba then squeezes the trigger and kills the leader of the assassin orphanage that the boys grew up in.

"Now we settle this once and for all Sauske." Naruto said as he grabbed Father's Desert Eagle and points it right at Sauske, but his need for revenge was not in him to kill Sauske so he lowers the gun, knowing that he has nothing against him.

"Change of heart?" Sasuke asked, and Naruto remembered that he didn't have any qualms with Sauske and he decided to bury the hatchet with the guy.

"My only target was Father, he was the one who was responsible for killing my wife, and our unborn daughter, my quarrel isn't with you anymore, but do me a favor, leave while you still can, and don't ever let me catch wind of you, because if you do, then I won't be as merciful." Naruto sneered as Sauske then turned his back on Naruto and left.

"Are you sure that it's such a good idea to let someone like that go?" Kiba asked, and Naruto nodded that it was for the best.

"Our fight is with Father, I have no quarrel with Sauske, and even if I killed him, then it won't bring back my daughter or my wife, I'd just be an empty shallow person." Naruto said, and he then tucks the .50 caliber in the back of his pants keeping it as a trophy, then Kiba decided to grab some gasoline and a lighter dousing the corpses in the flammable substance, lights the lighter and tosses it onto the gasoline soaked corpses causing them to burn up.

"Where are you going now?" Kiba asked, and Naruto knew of only one place he could go to, and that was The Continental.

"I'm going to the Continental, I need to get some stuff sorted out." Naruto said and with that he got into his car and drove off while Kiba knew that there was a chance that the assassin of old might be coming back…

[To Be Continued…]

(A/N: Sorry for not updating as of late, I've been dealing with work, a new house, and I also got Christmas right around the corner, so I might be busy there as well, and I'd like to clear up a few things...

First off: I totally have to agree with krishnashiki when they say this: "It's not a criticism. Its cyber bullying. If you want to be a critic then, do your job and provide why you don't like the story. If you are saying things like 'Oh you just writing things to stroke your ego' and shit like that, you are just being an asshole, not a critic. Besides, I think you need a life dude.' And if you ask me there's more than one person saying it, so yeah you all need to get a life outside the internet because it's becoming more and more toxic with SJWs and NPCs pushing agendas.

Second: Naruto is still Naruto in fact John did the same thing that Granny Chiyo did with Garra when she used her reanimation jutsu on him to bring him back to life, so that myth is totally debunked.

Third: Kiba wasn't responsible for Helen's death, he was there to inform Naruto about who gave the man made illness to Helen causing their child to die in the womb along with causing Helen's death. Kiba had to show Naruto that someone poisoned Helen using the virus and killed them leading them back to Father.

Fourth: I haven't used any OCs in the previous chapters those were actual movie characters, the only OC I had was Father.

Fifth: Someone asked me to bring in more Naruto characters, since they could add more flair to the story.

Sixth: I'm going to mix some of the original first movie along with a few side projects on the side to make this story better, I'll admit I'm not Stephen King or Ernest Hemmingway, I just write for the fun of it along with expressing myself, I'll admit I'm not a perfect writer, I do skimp out on the details because when it comes to action stuff, you focus on the fast paced action material instead of the plot of things, even though that's a major no-no, but I tend to skimp out on it.

And lastly: I'm not trying to come down on people, if you really want to just tell me to go kill myself or tell me to go take my anime and shove it up my ass, then seriously get the fuck off the internet! I can't stand people who just get off by harassing people by telling them to go kill themselves, not that I'm saying it's happened in this story, I had one person troll me six times who goes by the pen name BlackRacerx just tell me those things in my John Wick Of Roanapur Chapter 2 along with Kick Ass Academia telling me that along with calling me a bunch of racial slurs (See the reviews under those two stories), and that's what really ticks me off, trust me I had taken a long enough break from this and I needed to get out of the toxicity of all this slander, also I will be doing more canon stuff like the red circle shootout along with Naruto saying he's back as an assassin to Viggo, also the reason why I had Naruto spare Sauske, was to show that deep down, he was still human and knew forgiveness, plus I just needed to get back into the swing of things.

But all in all, I'm going to leave it right there, feel free to leave a review, fave, follow, idea for a future chapter, etc. And with that being said, and until the next chapter, this is the master of chaos the commander of the legion of corpses BloodyDemon666 signing off!)