Alex knew that there was only one thing to do, and that was to find Monokuma and kill him.
There were more soldiers of despair coming for the group, and Alex had his gun at the ready to make sure that no one was going to die on his watch.
Factory Of The Damned
May 25, 20XX
Abandoned factory.
As far as Alex and his group knew, there were only three students remaining. A mechanic with shark like teeth, a crazed kid thinking himself cursed and wanting the rule the world, and a big talking chef with a strange hairdo. All of these people are what awaited for Alex inside of the factory.
At a gateway stood three paths. One was to the main assembly station of the factory, the other had plants growing on the side of it and the other said, 'kitchen' on the top. The main pathway to the main room was locked, so the other guys would have the keys to it.
"Alright, whatve we got?" Kyosuke said.
"Left patch has jungle foliage, and sounds of animals. Probably a giant indoor preserve. But the other one on the right, you can obviously smell something good cookin." Juzo said. "Most likely two of the remnants are in each one."
"With the keys, I bet. So, wich one do we choose first? Animals, or… the kitchen?" Fuyuhiko siad.
The marine checked his visor on the right path.
Analysing scent components…
Traces of vegetables, raw meat and…..human blood.
"Are you saying Hanamura's ACTUALLY cooking… people?" Mikan asked quivering at the thought.
The vizor sprang up the kids identity.
Teruteru Hanamura
The Ultimate Cook
Student Record: Excellent chef, perverted, comes from a diner.
Alex walked towards the right path and readied himself as he entered undeterred. A speaker then came on.
"Oh, who do we have here? Some soldier lookin for a hot meal? Well, dinner isn't quite ready yet, but stick around and I'm sure we can make you something." a voice said as knives were tossed at Alex.
Almost as if in slow motion they came at him as the rest ducked for cover, but Alex used his rifle to quick burst each one out of the air, shattering them. He then moved on and quickly evaded two tenderizer hammers that tried to sandwich him by rolling forward. It was to be triggered when someone would walk between them.
"Uh… how are we supposed to get through THAT?" Mahiru asked.
Alex signalled them to hold back as he continued alone before a door opened. Walking out of it were starving people in rags.
"Aw, looks like our other customers waited long enough. Maybe I should give them a treat. I heard soldier taste just like chicken." the voice said.
Bastard. He wasnt cooking for any one, but depriving them. This was his despair strategy. He would cook meals, yes, but never give them out. The thought of hunger induced despair.
Alex had no time to waste and thought up something. He couldn't find Teruteru, who was the source of the voice, he could be any where. But he had another idea…
He dashed down the corridors until he found what he was looking for. A fire trap. He then marked it and then circled around to find another door. This was named "meat storage".
That gave him an idea.
He grabbed the stuff he could carry and went back to the fire trap.
"Hey… what d;you think youre doin with those?!" Teruteru said.
Alex smirked under his face mask and tossed the meats into the center of the fire trap, roasting them to a good perfection. As they stopped, he could hear Teruteru shake with fear.
"No… you idiot! DO you have any idea what youve done?!" Teruteru asked with fear.
Alex knew exactly what he did. He just counted down.
Akane burst through the walls with hunger in her eyes. "Give me that meat!"
Took the bait. Time to unleash the beast.
Alex then ran into the fire trap and grabbed the stuff, running around the death maze.
"Hey, knock it off! You're wasting good quality meat!" Teruteru shouted.
That was the idea.
"Wait… dont tell me youre using that to…?!"
Alex tossed the meat out and Akane grabbed it with her mouth. He then barged into the storage room while she was busy and grabbed more raw stuff, dashing into the flame trap again and scattering it all over the maze.
"Aw, nuts…" Teruteru said as the maze burned down and spread to a curtain, when burned down revealed the chef himself in his kitchen.
Alex dashed to him and snagged his face, purifying him.
What was the lesson learned by Alex today?
Never underestimate the combination of Meat, flames, and an always hungry carnivore.
Grabbing the first key off Teru teru and dragging him back to sleep in the center rrom, alex and the group went into the other open room, himself wondering where all that meat went.
They came out into an open jungle preserve.
"What exactly are we gonna find here?" Juzo asked.
Lighting flashed in the distance, pointing to a large temple of sorts as someone was on top of it.
"I'm gonna give you guys one guess as to whos up there…" Fuyuhiko said.
"Mortals! You dare enter the domain of Tanaka the Forbidden One and a bringer of doom and despair? That you have truly come to die."
Alex then checked his visor
Gundham Tanaka
The Ultimate Animal Breeder
Student Record: Believed to be cursed, has control over animals, has four hamsters in his scarf he calls the Four Devas of Destruction.
Yup, this guy was a real nut.
"You harbor a soldier among you, I see. One that proves worthy to walk into the fires of hell like me. I relish the challenge." Gundham said.
"Gundham, we only came to get you outta this, we can help you!" Kyosuke said.
"No one can help a soul that is cursed. The only ones who understand are my four devas...and my beasts!" Gundham said as lion, tigers and bears came out of the jungle as they approached the group.
"We're surrounded." Peko said.
"Could you be more blunt?" Juzo asked.
"Only one way outta this, charge!" Nekomaru said as they ran straight at the temple with Alex in the lead as he punched his way through an actual tiger to the temple.
"Did you see that? He punched a TIGER! How awesome is that?" Ibuki said.
"Foul soldier. I call upon the basilisks." Gundham said as large pythons surrounded GUndham's legs.
"Watch out, he's gettin serious." Akane asid as they made him rise up.
"Attack!" Gundam said as one struck, trying to eat him whole as Alex gazed into its eyes, and then the snake stopped inches from his face, frozen.
Gundham gasped. " can he stare down such a vicious and predatory beast?"
Alex veered out from the frozen snake and ran up the temple as he dashed to Gundam.
"Wh...what are you…?!" Gundham asked in fear as Alex got in close and with a right cross punch, slugged him straight in the face and knocked him unconscious.
"Hey! I always wanted to do that to him!" Nekomaru said.
Alex purified Gundham after this and picked him up just as the factory shook.
"What's going on?" Sonia asked.
"You think you can just waltz in and mess with our factory?" a voice said over the intercom. "Well, guess I gotta break out the big guns."
The group quickly ran out of the building just the factory fell apart with a gigantic Monokuma in its place.
"Well, I see I can get you this time." a voice said as a shark toothed guy in a jumpsuit walked out.
Alex checked his visor.
Kazuichi Soda
The Ultimate Mechanic
Student Record: Good with machines, loves Sonia, hates Nagito
"Now, I will make you all die at the hands of my Mega Monokuma!" Kazuichi said.
"Oh, crap." Fuyuhiko said.
(Cue: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance OST - Collective Consciousness)
"I'll crush you!" Kazuichi said as the mech started to move.
"Everybody, run!" Juzo said as they bolted with the mech following.
"We all gotta work together to get outta this one!" Fuyuhiko said. "Damn, if only Nagito were here!"
"Hey, youre right! When those two are together, they dont really hit off!" Mahiru said.
"So, where the hell is he though?" Ibuki asked.
"How should I know?!" Mahiru said.
"Ha! You're depending on luck? What a bunch of idiots. Time to die with the Mega Monokuma Punch!" Kazuichi said as it pulled an arm back.
"Incoming!" Ibuki said.
Before it could even hit, something large was falling toward the bear. It was a large bomb that made direct contact with the mech, making it explode.
"What the…" Kazuichi said looking up to see a helicopter and out of its door stood a boy with white hair and a chubby guy dressing like Alex.
"Yeah...we're back." the white haired boy said.
"Nagito!" the students said as Alex paid no attention to his impostor, but Nagito, who had the mechanical arm.
Nagito Komaeda
The Ultimate Lucky Student
Student Record: Pessimistic, insane, one time suspension
He then looked at the person next to him.
The Ultimate Impostor
Student Record: ?
"That stupid son of a…!" Kazuichi siad before Alex purified him. At long last, the 77th class was reunited.
"Finally. Its all over." Sonia said.
"Not yet. There are still tons of remnants in the city. Whaddya say you guys give us a hand?" Kyosuke asked.
"How could we say no?" Fuyuhiko said.
'We'll give this country a complete overhaul and get rid of any trace of despair!" Kazuichi said.
"Why stop there? We could spread our hope all over the world." Nagito said.
"Can we just start with our home?" Mahiru asked.
"Sure." Nagito said.
"Okay guys, ready… break!" Akane said.
The students put their hands in the middle before spreading out all over the city.
Ultimate impostor was first in line, helping Kyosuke with some soldier remnants while impersonating him and his sword skills.
"Have you come to mock me, remnant? Why do you help me?" Kyosuke asked.
"All we seek is atonement." UI said.
As soldiers formed a block before Alex, Nagito kicked a piece of rubble that caused a chain reaction, taking out the large blockade with rubble.
Alex gave him a thumbs up. He then ran to where Peko was fighting a discus man with a kendo sword, and joined in. He distracted him with his shot gun as Peko dealt the final blow and somehow ripped his shirt.
"Nice job, Peko." Fuyuhiko said approaching her. "A bamboo sword suits you better than a real one."
"I was thinking that too." Peko said.
Alex nodded and moved his way to a helicoptor launch pad where Gundham faced against a man with a falcon.
"Those who hear the utterance of my name will not survive." Gundham said. "For my name is...Gundham Tanaka!" he shouted as the falcon flew to his side as Gundham took out his hamsters. "Shutter and perish!"
Alex decided to move on and assisted Nekomaru in battling some robots.
"Youre right on time, kid. Lets break some tin cans!" Neko said ripping ones head of while Alex blasted another.
Nekomaru took notice of another approaching on. "Hey, kid! Behind you!"
"I got this! Minimaru Troops!" Kazuichi said nearby as miniature Nekomaru's attached to it before exploding. "Ha! How was that, Miss Sonia?" he asked Sonia who ignored him. "Aw man."
"That was very well done." Sonia said.
Kazuichi perked up after hearing that and grinned. "You bet it was!"
Alex then proceeded inward and saw some knife thrower slash fire spitter and immediately combatted him. Looking back while fighting him, he saw Akane skidding around a far corner.
"Hey. Hanamura, meat me!" Akane said.
"Coming up!" Teruteru said tossing meat up as she ate it and the knives the remnant wa throwing, The remnant breathed fire at them both, but alect blocked it with his body not even getting a burn, while akane did it with twin meat sticks.
"Cooked right...UP!" she shouted sending the guy flying.
Alex signaled them both and saw Hiyoko getting cornered by some freaky nail artist.
"Not a step closer!" Hiyoko said.
Before she could get slashed, something stuck in the nail person as she fell with Mikan holding a large syringe. "So sorry." Mikan said.
"Geez, it took you long enough." Hiyoko said. As Mikan shuddered, Alex shrugged trying to say "and…?".
"But thanks anyway." Hiyoko said as Mikan cried.
As Alex progressed, he saw a large concert going on as Ibuki rocked out on her guitar making them cover their ears except for a sniper. Before they could take a shot, Mahiru blinded them with a camera flash and then removed the headphones as they fell. Mahiru approached Ibuki as they high fived.
Alex then traced the source of all of Monokuma's transmissions to a single solidity core with in the destroyed factory. The others were with him to as inside, he was scared.
"Uh...h-hey guys, I didnt really, mean to do all that stuff to ya, it was Junkos idea, really!" Monokuma said.
"Think we believe you? Youre her creation." Kazuichi said.
"Okay, so maybe its a bit bad but…" Monokuma said seeing Alex walk up to him. "I cant believe you!"
Alex charged forward as multiple death traps flung at him, dodging every single one.
"You were put through all of our despair inducing traps, and you think you can…" Monokuma said before Alex knocked off its head. "You….suck." he said before deactivating.
Alex stared at the head. Monokuma was going to ask if hed ever be killed. To that, he said the words that everyone in the room would only hear from him ever that one time…
"You cant kill me…" Alex said smashing on the head as the screen went black.
A lot of people were staring at the screen.
"So…" Vector said. "Think that'd make a good movie? We did a lot of good filming."
"Wow. That was incredible." Kazuichi said. "We looked like real heroes on screen."
"It was just something to promote you guys. The 77th class back from the brink of despair. SHow the world Hope's Peak's ideals aint dead, Y'know?" Vector said.
"I'll admit, that was pretty fun to act as ourselves." Sonia said.
"Yeah. So who'd ya get to play that soldier guy?" Ibuki asked.
"Eh, just some guy I picked from a vacant lot somewhere." Vector said.
"He was the one getting roasted, shot at and fighting us? He wasnt even human, who was he exactly?" Hiyoko asked.
"I dunno, bit that guy had moves. Never told me his name. All he said was...just someone passing through." Vector said. "I wanted to invite him to the premiere, but he was already gone when I got there."
"Dont know who that was, but we may see him again if he's passing through." Mahiru said.
"Maybe. I just hope this film does good in major theaters across the worlds with me raking in 80 percent of the profit." Vector said.
"Hold on, how come you get 80 percent? We acted in that film!" Hiyoko said.
"I'm the director. Plus it was in the fine print of your contracts. Gotta read the fine print." Vector said.
"I did." Nagito said. "You wrote it very small so we couldn't see it."
"Well its still legal." Vector said.
"Hell with that, lets get him!" Akane said as they started to gang up on him.
"You'll never take me alive!" Vector said trying to run through the screen only to get hurt. "What? Oh right. The back of this is solid concrete." he said before they grabbed him and dragged him out the door. "Guess this means no sequel!" he shouted.
As they were dragging him off Nagito came up to hope as he was drinking a glas of water.
"Ugh, I'm surrounded by greedy idiots." Hope said.
"Not all of us are greedy." Nagito said. "Ibuki didnt even want the money. Besides, they were more peeved at being tricked by a crocodile than the actual money."
"I dont see you beating up on him. Youre more laid back." Hope said.
"I have plenty of money already. I wouldn't even know what to do with that much." Nagito said.
"Still, this movie was to symbolize you and your classmates are still alive and spreading the message with me. And whoever that guy playing Alex was… I hope we meet him." Hope said.
"Maybe we will someday." Nagito said.
At the edge of a nearby city, the guy that had played Alex was marching off to leave town before looking back. "I admit, it was fun to do something like that for the people. But, I prefer to keep moving on. After one needs someone as broken as me hanging around too long." he said showing two different colored eyes. "No one needs me."
User of the Mimic Style
An Actual Mimic who wishes to help people as well as act. Known as an amazing impostor.
So… you can rise back up from despair and take your life back. And with the 77th class saved, their story continues into the future. FOr its not Hope or Despair that guides them, but what remains in the future….
Wanna see more of the show based to this story? Then check out Danganronpa the Animation, Danganronpa 3 Side Future and Despair and even Danganronpa 3 Side Hope. I got hooked on it via a good friend of mine, and this series is so good, I expect all you readers out there will be hooked too.
Keep Hoping guys!
Hope the Victor
Hi. For those of you who don't know, my name is Jexi the Hunter. You might know me from the Dimensional Heroes series. Anyway, Danganronpa is a pretty heart pounding and exciting series to check out. It has you guessing what comes next and doesn't spoil any major plotpoints. So, check out the animes or even look at the games. I hope you all enjoy it as much as we did.
Keep on reading!
Jexi the Hunter