Poll: Which female would your choice be to romantically match up to Anakin Skywalker (based off of pairings I've seen here and elsewhere)? Vote Now!
Author has written 40 stories for Star Wars, Jedi Apprentice, Lord of the Rings, Batman, Young Justice, Chronicles of Narnia, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Waking the Dead, Hobbit, Star Wars Rebels, Avengers, Gravity Falls, Misc. Movies, Doctor Strange, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Sonic the Hedgehog. Hi. You are reading the bio of JediAniUnduli. I have graduated from college! I'm free! Free! I will be doing my best to update my stories. I write because no one else writes the stories I want. That being said, I need to stop taking on so many projects... Here are some facts about me: - I am a Christian. Yes, a Christian. Please do NOT stereotype me with any Christian denomination anywhere! I won't appreciate the effort. The reason? I am a part of the body of Christ, along with other fellow believers. Each denomination has something good and something bad about it. If you care to know more, please PM me. I'd be happy to respond. I'm also Pro-Life. Anyways, I follow God's Word (especially about the part keeping thoughts on "whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable... excellent or praiseworthy" Phil 4:8) and believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior because of GRACE (God's Riches At Christ's Expense). There. - I do not appreciate slash/yaoi/yuri/incest. Ever. It is disgusting. Period. I have friends who like it and write it. I love them. I do not love their reading/writing. It is weird. Seriously. Just think about it, and see if you're not disgusted by merely thinking about it. Also, it ruins the characters, especially when they're from Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Narnia, etc. Plus, why is it almost almost the guys? Can't you just let them be friends? What is it about males that our culture decides they're either gay or just barely friends? - I do not read most M-rated stories. You can write them, but unless given a good reason I won't read them. - I love writing. Can't you tell? Also drawing, reading, swimming, hiking, and a bunch of stuff. - I love making my own choices. Thanks, Founding Fathers! - I have a very important person in my life. Her name is Mrs. H. She has encouraged me to write and draw and keep doing both, no matter how bad I might have been and still am. She has been a great mentor to me, and I am deeply in her debt. Also, thanks to JediLuminaraUnduli for being my master. She has put up with reading all the dumb stories from which I've dragged to her and back. - I thank God my Father for helping through the valley time and again, and also for dragging me back from the Edge time after time. He's been there for me so many times that I've lost track. He's so cool like that. I can't wait until He comes back! - I hate misspelled words. Period. They bug me. Dude, if you couldn't bother to at least analyze your stuff once before you post it, at least get a BETA READER!!! I will be more than happy to help newcomers and misspellers alike out (trust me, I'm not as scary as I sound!). - I will occasionally post updates at the bottom just so you all know I'm still alive and everything. :-D Well, that's about the end of that. Moving on... Books I love: - Hangman's Curse (they totally killed it when they made the movie) & Nightmare Acadamy Music I love: - Antti Martikainen music I've been working on posting more frequently. That being said, my work schedule is often infrequent, and I tend to forget to check my mailbox. I will get to you, I promise! Take care and keep writing. May the Force be with you, Ani |
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