12 year old Wendy Courdney thought that this summer was going to be as boring as it was last time, she didn't know how wrong she was.

During the summer she was working at the Mystery Shack with her best friend, Soos who was like the handyman of the Shack. Her pudgy friend started working at the Shack when Stan hired him as some sort of unpaid apprentice, of course Soos loved working at the Shack especially because he saw Stan as a father figure. While Soos usually repaired things Wendy usually was sweeping the floors or cleaning the merchandise. The one who was at the cash register was Stan's great niece Mabel.

Mabel was a very energetic and almost always optimistic person. She came to Gravity Falls every summer, she has been coming to Gravity Falls every summer for almost 12 years, Mabel was now at least 35 years old. But she still sometimes acted like a child. She was, strange, in Wendy's book and probably everybody else's book too. Stan watched his great niece very closely whenever she was at the cash register, he was afraid she would start giving people free merchandise like she did at one point before.

Wendy also thought that it was pure coincidence that the Mystery Shack opened 12 years ago. Wendy knew that 12 years ago that Mabel had started to come to Gravity Falls and that she had gave Stan the idea for the Mystery Shack, Wendy had asked Mabel what inspired her to think of something like the Mystery Shack. Wendy didn't exactly get a straight answer.

" Well my Grunkle Stan wanted to make money and I had nowhere else to be so he and I decided to make a tourist attraction. Of course the Shack was supposed to have more glitter but Stan decided to throw that idea out of the window, literally! I mean, Grunkle Stan literally through my box of glitter out of the window. " Mabel had answered causally.

" So the whole Shack was inspired for you and Stan's need for money? " Wendy had said, not totally believing that could be the full answer.

" Exactly! Now I have to bedazzle my pet pig, Waddles Jr. " Mabel said before running off to find her pet pig.

Wendy was snapped out of her thoughts when Stan walked in with a pile of signs in his arms. He burped holding his stomach while throwing away an empty soda can into the trash can.

" One of you guys have put these signs in the creepy part of the forest. " Stan said before burping again.

" Not it! " Mabel and Wendy said at the same time.

" Also not it. " Soos said while he was fixing a screw in one of the shelves.

" Get back to work Soos. " Stan ordered before looking at Mabel and Wendy. " Hmm who to choose... Wendy you go and hang these signs in the spooky part of the forest before the lost hikers arrive. And Mabel make sure all of the phones are hidden. Those lost hikers will buy anything if we promise to let them use the phone. "

Wendy opened her mouth to protest," Do I have to? The forest is a creepy place and- " She didn't get to finish before Stan picked her up and shoved her out of the door.

" Get your butt outta here kid, remember time is money and I don't need you wasting it." Stan said before slamming the door closed. Wendy rolled her eyes before making her way to the forest.

She busied herself driving nails into trees and hanging signs not noticing how much time had passed. All she did was put the nail into the tree and hang a sign, she felt like a robot. It wasn't until she heard a metal clang did she stop suddenly. She hit the tree again with her hammer hearing the metal clang again? She stepped back to look at the tree and saw it was the same tree that always creeped her out whenever she was in the forest. The tree just seemed- out of place.

Wendy dragged her hand acrossed the bark of the tree feeling dust. That's not normal, Wendy thought as she felt a small indent in the bark. She pulled at making a panel open up to reveal a console of sorts. The console was obviously old and had cobwebs all over it, Wendy played with the switches and jumped in surprise at the sound of something sliding. Gompers who was chewing at some grass ran away at the sudden movement of the ground.

" What the? " Wendy whispered before heading towards the panel.

A panel slid opened and revealed a journal. Wendy walked over to it and grabbed the journal before laying it on the ground, she blew the dust and webs off of the leather bound journal.

The journal had a golden Big Dipper on it with a number 3 under it. Wendy opened the book to read it.

The first page read- Property Of... Unfortunately the rest of the page was scribbled over.

Wendy turned the page to see an entry she read it out loud, " It's hard to believe it's been 4 years since I've been studying the strange and wonderful secrets of Gravity Falls Oregon.

Wendy decided to see what exactly was in the book. As she turned each page it confused her even more.

Floating Eyeballs.

Giant Vampire Bats.


Cursed Door.

" What is all this? " Wendy asked out loud to know one in particular. She turned another page and began reading, " Unfortunately my suspicions have been confirmed, I'm being watched. I must hide this book before He finds it. Remember - in Gravity Falls there is no one you can trust. "

Wendy closed the book softly saying, " No one you can trust. "

" Sup dude! " Came a voice from behind Wendy startling her. She hastily hid the book behind her to see Soos sitting on the log.

" Are you reading some sort of comic book thing? " Soos asked excitedly looking at Wendy.

" It's nothing. " Wendy said eyes darting back and forth. Soos looked confused at his best friend's refusal to reveal what book she was reading.

" You really not gonna tell me, dude? " Soos looked surprised at the most. Wendy looked back to the book in her arms to see Gompers chewing on it slightly.

" Let's talk somewhere more private. "

Once they got back to the Mystery Shack, Wendy and Soos hurriedly walked through the Employees Only door. Soos sat on the chair while Wendy told him what she had found.

" Stan was telling me that I was just being paranoid but according to this book Gravity Falls has some sort of secret dark side. " Wendy said pacing back and forth before showing Soos the book.

" That's like amazing dude! I've always thought that the mailman was a werewolf, I guess I'm like right or something dude. " Soos said rocking back and forth on the arm of the chair.

" And check this out, the writing just stops like the author of the book just mysteriously disappeared. " Wendy said going through the book again. She stopped when she heard the doorbell ring. " Who's that? "

" Oh yeah I forgot to tell you dude, I found a new friend. " Soos informed Wendy before opening the door to let his new found friend in.

" Wait so you're telling me that you found a new friend in the half hour I've been gone? " Wendy repeated.

Wendy looked at the book again before she heard someone footsteps. She quickly hid the book under her legs and pulled out a magazine from a pile below her.

" Watcha looking at? " Mabel asked while Waddles Jr. followed.

" Uh, just reading- a catalog for pig clothes? " Wendy looked closely at the magazine. The magazine must've been Mabel's, Stan definitely wouldn't of had something like this.

" That's my favorite one. " Mabel said her sweater glittering in the light.

A teenager wearing a dark hoodie and a tree branch in his hair walked in, well not exactly walked in more like stumbled.

" Hey dudes meet my new friend. " Soos said moving aside so his new friend could stand next to him. Wendy narrowed her eyes at th sight.

" Sup. " The teenager raised a hand in greetings.

" Hey. " Wendy greeted raising a hand in greetings as well.

" Hello! Suspicious looking guy that I will pay no more thought to. Bye forever! " Mabel said before skipping out of the Shack and into the golf cart.

" We met at the cemetery, dudes. " Soos patted his friend in the back.

" So what's your name? "

The teen's eyes darted back and forth, " Uhh, normal- man! "

" I'm pretty sure he means Norman dudes. "

Wendy noticed the strange red substance on Norman's cheek. " Are you bleeding, Norman? " She pointed at the dripping liquid.

" It's jam. "

" Huh huh! I love jam! Looks like we have something in common dude! " Soos said before punching Norman playfully on the shoulder.

" Do you want to go play? Or something? " Norman asked.

Soos said, " Yes. " Before running out of the door. Norman moved to walked away but slammed into the wall before actually making it out the Shack. Wendy sighed before heading to the attic. She sat at the window before opening the journal.

" Known for their pale skin and bad attitudes these creatures are often mistaken for- teenagers! Beware Gravity Falls' nefarious... " Realization hit Wendy before she screamed, " Zombie! "

Downstairs in the bathroom Stan was fixing his tie when he heard Wendy's scream. He furrowed his eyebrows, " What was that? Cronbie? What's a cronbie? That's not even word, you're losing your mind Stan. "

Wendy pressed her face against the window as she watched Norman stumble his way towards Soos.

" Oh no Soos! " Wendy pounded her fist against the window hoping desperately to gain her friend's attention. She watched in horror as Norman got closer and closer to Soos. But all of the sudden Norman stopped and Soos jumped on his back.

" Piggy back ride! " Soos declared while Norman stumbled under his weight.

" Hmm. Is my Soos' friend really a zombie or am I nuts? Evidence. Evidence is what I need. " Wendy said before grabbing a camera.

So when Wendy secretly watched Soos and Norman play together, well let's say that Wendy really didn't get anything. But Wendy wasn't gonna give up so the moment Soos walked back ingot the Mystery Shack Wendy confronted him.

" Soos we've gotta talk. " Wendy dragged her friend into a room before closing the door. " We've gotta talk about Norman. "

" Isn't he great? He gave me a piggy ride and waffles and a bunch of stuff, dude. " Soos said grinning.

Wendy waved her hand in exasperation, " No, listen Soos Norman is not what he seems. " She pulled the journal out.

" Oh you think he's like a vampire or something? I'm mean that would be so cool dude. " Soos said already imagining Norman as a vampire.

" No think again, shabam! " Wendy held the journal out. It was the picture abo" maybut gnomes. Soos shrieked. " Oh no wait. " Wemdy flipped through the pages. " Shabam! "

" A zombie, really dude? That's not funny, dude. " Soos frowned and crossed his arms.

" No, I'm not being funny. It all adds up the bleeding, the limp. He never blinks! Did you notice that? " Wendy started to pace around the room.

" Maybe he blinks when you're blinking. " A voice said from the door. Wendy jumped and hid the Journal before whoever was talking didn't see it. Mabel walked in with a grin on her face. " Wait what're guys talking about? "

" Nothing Mabel. " Wendy turned to Soos. " But don't you remember. Trust no one! " Wendy whispered into Soos' ear.

" Well you can trust me, dude. " Soos said smiling at Wendy.

" He's gonna eat your brain! " Wendy shook Soos before he shoved her off.

" You know I think? I think you're jelly I mean jealous. You can't handle me having another friend so you're trying to scare me away. Yeah well I'm just going to see Norman now how do you like that dude? " Soos slammed the door in Wendy's face.

" Well I feel awkward. I'm just gonna go. " Mabel scooted out of the room before Wendy could process a word. Wendy defeated walked over to the chair in the living room and took the camera out.

" Maybe I'm just being a bit paranoid. " Wendy watched the footage again. " There's probably nothing to worry about. "

Mabel didn't know what to think when Wendy suddenly came running at her. Mabel was just about to drive the golf cart when Wendy told her with great urgency that, " I need to borrow the golf cart to save Soos from a zombie! " Mabel only smiled and threw the keys at Weny who caught them in surprise.

" Okay but before you go here. " She handed Wendy a shovel. " This is for it he's a zombie. " She then handed her a bat. " This is for if Norman is just a normal guy. "

" Uh, thanks? " Wendy said before driving off.

" Don't hit anyone! " Mabel yelled at Wendy. " Ah kids these days, always making friends with zombies. " She walked away going to help Stan with the tourist.

Wendy didn't know what to think when she saw a bunch of gnomes tackling her chubby friend to the ground.

" Gnomes? Wow I was way off. " It wasn't until she remembered that she was supposed to be saving her friend. " Hey let go of him! " One of the gnomes, the leader turned around.

" Oh hey, yeah this is just a big misunderstanding. You see, we were using you friend so we can get close to that beautiful girl Mabel. You see we need a queen and Mabel is a perfect candidate. Oh yeah the names Jeff. " The gnome said.

Wendy glared at all the gnomes before suddenly she hit Jeff with the shovel in her hands. He went flying with a screech, Wendy ran over Soos who was tied down and severed the ropes.

" Come on! " Wendy could already hear Jeff screaming at them. Soos ran towards golf cart before seeing something brown on the ground. He ran and picked it up before jumping into the golf cart. Wendy pushed the pedal hard making the wheels screech but they were already heading out of the forest.

Soos looked at the brown item in his hands. It was a hat. The hat was brown with a lighter brown section at the front with a dark star in the middle of it. Soos noticed how old the hat actually was.

" Hurry up dude! " Soos said when he saw they weren't going as fast as they could.

Mabel put Waddles Jr onto the floor as she noticed how dusty the floor had gotten. She picked up the broom before she started to sweep wondering how Wendy was doing at saving her friend.

Mabel remembered when her first pig, Waddles, died. She was so depressed and sad that she didn't come out of her room for weeks. The only time she came out was for Waddles' funeral. Waddles' grave was actually behind the Mystery Shack right under a pine tree. It wasn't until one fateful day when Mabel looked out of the window of her room to see a baby pig wandering around.

After that she adopted the baby pig naming him Waddles Jr. Once Mabel was done sweeping the floor she heard Stan tell her to check the money at the cashier. After a few minutes she heard the door open. Wendy and Soos walked in looking battered and dirty.

" Whoa what did that zombie do to you guys? " Mabel asked raising a brow at the two kids.

" It actually wasn't a zombie but a bunch of gnomes. But we took care of them, by the way the leaf blower is broken now. " Wendy informed the older women. Wendy was all of the sudden tired. She just wanted to lay down.

" Yeah and I found this cool hat in the forest, dude. But I guess you can have it dude. " Soos said tossing the hat he found in the forest. Mabel's eyes widened as she caught the hat. Wendy watched as Mabel looked at the hat.

" Oh thanks. " Mabel said before looking at the kids again. " Hey why don't you guys stay here for the night. You guys look really tired after fighting those gnomes. "

" Thanks Mabel you're the best. " Wendy said before hurrying through the employees only door. Soos soon followed after his best friend.

Once the kids were gone Mabel grabbed the hat in trembling hands. Tears were at her eyes as she looked at the old hat in her hands. She let out a shaky breath before wiping the tears from her eyes. She let out a weary sigh.

Wendy was about to sleep but decided to put her own entry into the Journal. She wrote:

" This journal told me that in Gravity Falls there's no one you can trust, but when they fight hundreds of gnomes by your side you know you can trust them. "

Wendy smiled as her friend turned the light off. As Soos began climbing into the bed she said, " Goodnight. "

" Night dude. "

Wendy snuggled into her pillow thinking of all the mysteries and secrets in Gravity Falls.

Downstairs Mabel was walking towards the vending the machine with a lamp in her hands. She pushed the buttons on the vending machine watching it as it slid open. She glanced around making sure no one was there before shutting the vending machine closed.