![]() Author has written 75 stories for Witch Hunter Robin, Xenosaga, Final Fantasy I-VI, Final Fantasy VIII, Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi, Inside, Sly Cooper, Avatar: Last Airbender, Danny Phantom, Dark Crystal, Cowboy Bebop, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Final Fantasy X-2, Fullmetal Alchemist, Gundam Seed, Robotech/Macross, EverQuest, Sherlock Holmes, IGPX, Marvel, Shakespeare, Star Wars, The Santa Clause, Misc. Books, He-Man, Alvin and the chipmunks, Digimon/Pokemon, Grand Theft Auto, and Spectrobes. For those awaiting new updates please be patient with me, and my writer's block. I also have many things goin on in my off line life, as well as responcibilties to other areas of the web. BUT when I do update, and who knows when, i'll be putting stufff up by at least christmas A MidWinter's Romance Both Know your stars series and look forward to seeing Star Wars: Shadows of the Sith, a sequal to Anakins Decicision, and a Santa Clause story. What is the ruin of peace? The major obstacle to peace? It is the Ego. Think about this, what causes wars? Lust for power, for gain, for land, for revenge. All of these are self centered. What causes family striff? Again Ego. In fact all seven deadly sins come from one sourse. Ego. Lust, Gluttony, Pride, Envy, Wrath, Slothfulness, and Avarice. All seven are the result of thinking of one's self. A birthday gift for Heiduska, also Known as one of the best little sisters around! A Sister's Love You were there to hold my hand, when I fell to the ground in sorrow, You were there, to hold me tight as I thought I lost it all. You were there to give me strength, when weakness clouded my mind. You are the light of my being, You are the strength in my wings, You are the best friend a guy could ever have. I love ya sis, just as you love me, and nothing shall ever change that. Happy seventeenth birthday Heidi! Love your big bro! Name: Shaun Color of hair: Red Age: 37 this coming March. Year of birth: 1975 Sign: Pisces Chinese sign: Don't really know, some say bunny others say cat, but since the soy sauce at the Chinese resturant says bunny, I guess it's bunny. Though I really love cats! I AM A GUY! Just for your info! Personal quote for people who don't like what i have to say: Why don't you take your tinfoil covered tubes.. and stick them up your nose. Cookie galore to those who can know where that quote came from. I've been a fanfiction writer for a long time, longer than I can remember, starting with Transformer stories with my friends at school in the 1980's. I became a member of a transformer club and wrote stories for them. I was adopted, born into abusive parents, and am slighty disabled though i don't use a wheelchair. My first real publishing came from , with my xenosaga fic, Long ago, which can be found here now. At the moment I'm Avatar obessed so that adn Sly cooper fics are what you are going to see from me. Yes i'll be working on Xenosaga stuff too. I have so many characters of my own, its impossible to tell you all about them, but i think i like Nyoko from Sly Cooper fics, and Admiral Daeva from my Avatar fic, Flames of hatred the best. Xombie has returned for a second season at last. Go to or http:///projects/epiclevel/xombie-death-warmed-over to learn more about the second season, the first season, and incentives and fun stuff everywhere. Let us help the second season rise! Does religion encourage hatred? Yes if done in the wrong hands. By fanatics who do not follow through with the words and actions, and only give lip service. Then it can be evil. And wrong. Should religion be banned? No. Look at the Soviet Union, at Nazi Germany. More people died for the sake of a goddless nation last century than those who died for opposing religion. Tolerance is what is needed not bans. Hatred can be found in the atheistic too, don't forget Elton John. And while I disagree with his opinions that religion should be banned, and I personnally would die than give up my faith, or go to jail rather than abandon it, I still say the man rocks out loud. Thank You. Here is a fun sites too: yes i put some of my stories on DA so if ya see them under a different name, one that rymes with starts with a Z and has a saints name in it too, do not worry tis me and not a thief. Once again, yes I am placing pieces of work here, on Deviantart. So no worries if you see any of my pieces from here, there! |
Community: | Humor of the Nose Hair! |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo |