Timmy Turner's godparents were sitting outside the school in the form of cats. They were waiting for Timmy to come out.
An eleven year old boy ran out.
"Tootie alert, hide me!" Timmy said to his godparents.
Cosmo quickly turns himself into a bush, which Timmy hides behind.
A little girl by the name of Tootie ran up to the bush.
"Timmy! Where are you?" her shrill voice asked.
No answer.
Still no answer.
"Why doesn't he like me?" Tootie wailed as she ran away crying.
When the coast was clear Cosmo and Wanda turned back into fairies.
"You know Timmy I don't think you're being fair to Tootie." Wanda said. "Sure she comes on a little strong but she's really sweet."
"Why would I be nice to Tootie? She's practically the most unpopular person in the school. Even the math dweebs are more popular than her." Timmy tried to reason.
"But you were so nice to Tootie in the past." Wanda said. "You gave her your Crimson Chin doll."
"That's because I didn't want it." said Timmy getting annoyed. "It would have been a waste to just throw it away. Besides I like Trixie Tang."
"It's always about Trixie isn't it sport." Wanda said.
"Give Timmy a break. Trixie's the most popular kid in school." Cosmo said.
"She's also the most beautiful." Timmy said dreamily.
"You know Timmy, there is more to dating than just looks." Wanda said. "There's .."
"Personality, intelligence, respect." Timmy mimicked in her voice.
"You know sport Trixie doesn't like you." Wanda said.
"She will soon enough." Timmy said. "Cosmo, I wish I had cool clothes again."
"Oh no, here we go again." Wanda groaned.
"You got it." Cosmo said cheerfully.
He raised his wand and it made the bogus noise.
"You don't got it." Cosmo said just as cheerfully.
"Hey what gives?" Timmy asked.
"Remember how you almost lost us that time when you wished to be popular?" Wanda asked.
"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" Timmy replied.
"The Fairy Council probably prevented you from making those wishes you made so the same thing wouldn't happen again." Wanda said.
"That tanks." Timmy said stomping his foot. "Come on guys let's go home before Tootie comes back."
His godparents raise their wands and they poof home.
Timmy flops on his bed and starts to doze off.
"Well lamb chop we have a bit of time to ourselves. What do you want to do?" Comso asked.
"Let's go fishing." Wanda said.
"You got it." he poofed the two away.
Meanwhile at Tootie's house
Tootie ran in the door sobbing.
"Alright brat shut up!" Vicky yelled.
"Why doesn't he like me?" Tootie wailed.
"It's because you're a stupid little brat. No go do my chores!" Vicky said.
Tootie had to obey.
"I have an idea. I'm going to get rid of that brat so I can be in peace once again." Vicky said evilly. "I know just how to do it."
She pulled out her cellphone.
At the North Pole
"Ok it's your turn." Wanda said to Cosmo.
"Ok." Cosmo replied.
He turned into a fish and jumped into the hole in the ice. Wanda took her fishing rod and put it in the water.
"You can't catch me." Cosmo said.
Wanda took her fishing rod and hooked Cosmo.
"Oh man, you got me." Cosmo pouted.
"I'm sure Timmy has woken up by now. We'd better go back." said Wanda.
Cosmo agreed and they both poofed back.
They entered the room and found Timmy playing a hand held video game.
"What took you guys so long?" asked Timmy.
"Sorry sport." Wanda apologized.
"It's ok." Timmy said. "Hey let's get extreme!!!"
Wanda groaned.
Six hours later
"That was do much fun you guys." Timmy said.
"Yeah six hours of shooting yourself out of a cannon does seem fun." Wanda said.
"Well I'm gonna head to bed." Timmy said.
"Ok goodnight." the two fairies said.
Back at Tootie's house
"Yeah Todd listen I need you to kidnap my sister." Vicky said into her phone.
"Sure. What do I do with her?" he asked.
"Whatever you want." Vicky replied.
She ended the call.
Update will come soon.