In a manor house, in a large city in the North, five girls sat, having a sleep over. There was laughter, and joking, and pillow fights, and gossip. There they sat, helping each other with a school paper. They're names were and still are, Katara, Toph, Ty Lee, Yue, and Jin.
Two of the girls were quiet skilled in bending the elements. Water and earth, Katara and Toph Bei Fong.
"So what do you think of Aang, today? Ty Lee teased Katara with an elbow. "He was pretty cute in dancing class." The other girl blushed and turned away.
"I suppose," she muttered.
"Aww, don't go claming up on us," Yue said. She smiled, besides the Bei Fong, her's was the largest and most powerful family in the town. Her house was nearly three stories tall, and all around it, grew white pines. The white haired girl sat on her bed, her legs swaying back and forth. "I knew you got into an argument with him, the day before last. But you really like him."
"So, what's your favorite thing about him?" Jin asked.
"None of your business," Katara snapped. She crossed her arms, her light blue school girl uniform ruffling a bit.
"Hey, I have an idea," Ty Lee giggled. She cart wheeled at the idea, her golden eyes ablaze with fun. "Let's play another game. It's a sort of truth or dare game. I'll use what I learned in school last week," she said with a laugh.
"You mean that thing where you can paralyze someone with a few touches?" Jin asked. She wiggled a bit, her eyes flickering to the floor. "I'm not so sure. Besides how is that a game?"
"You didn't let me finish, silly," Ty Lee scolded. "Anyway… what the four of us who aren't paralyzed will do will tickle the other girl, and try and make her tell us something she likes about her boyfriend."
"Tickling? Are you serious?" Katara asked, raising and eyebrow. "Aren't we a little to old for that kind of thing?"
"You scared?" Yue asked with a smile.
"Who knew the Sugar Queen would be a 'fraidy cat?" Toph teased.
"I'm not scared. Its just juvenile, that's all."
"I thought we were juveniles," Ty Lee giggled.
"Listen to Perky over there," Toph laughed. "She's the expert."
Ty Lee narrowed her eyes, but giggled anyway. "Good thing you're blind, Toph. You wouldn't have liked all the tongues pointed at you."
The milky eyed girl turned her head, and smirked. "Don't try to lie at me, girl."
"So, what happens in this game, Ty Lee?" Jin asked.
"Weren't you listening? The one girl gets tickled silly unless she says something nice about her boyfriend. I'll use my skills so she can't fight back or hurt one of us or herself. And I'll turn on my timer. If she doesn't break before thirty minutes, she wins."
Katara's bright blue eyes widened. "Wait, you want to tickle us for thirty minutes?"
"Well not nonstop silly," the pink wearing girl sighed. "You get a few seconds break to catch your breath of course."
"Sounds kind of fun," Jin asked.
"I don't mind. I'd like to see how long Sugar Queen could last," Toph laughed.
"I'd like to see how long you'd last, Toph," Yue giggled.
"That's way too easy, Princess," the younger girl said, blowing her off with a wave of the hand. "I won't break at all."
"Oh, is that so?" Katara asked, eying the other girl's bare feet. Toph never liked wearing shoes unless she had too. Her being an earth bender, she liked to feel the earth beneath her soles.
Katara buckled up and looked at Ty Lee. "Okay, we'll play your game. But you have to go first."
Ty Lee stared with blank eyes, and then giggled. "Okay, I don't have a problem with it. I love getting tickled, and my six sisters and I have a blast!" She walked over to a clock, and fixed the time. Then walking to Yue's bed, she plopped down, removing her shoes and socks. Finally she pulled up her shirt a bit, showing off her cute lil tummy. She was already sleeveless, so no problem there. With a few quick touches of her hands and fingers, she flopped backwards.
"So go ahead, and do your worst," she said with a wink.
The other four girls turned waited for a few seconds, and with bright smiles surrounded her. "So, what's your favorite thing about Haru?" Jin asked, standing above the other girl's head."
"Nuh huh you can't get me to tell just by asking like that, silly!" she said with a smile.
"Just trying to be fair, girl," Yue said. "Get her!"
The four's hands went all over. Like tiny missles all over Ty Lee. Jin tickled her neck, and shoulders, Katara worked on her knees. Toph attacked her feet, and Yue attacked her ribs.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA," Ty Lee shrieked. She'd wiggled had she not paralyzed herself. The girl was insanely ticklish, there wasn't a spot that couldn't make her laugh. "HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE HAHAHAHAH, OHOH YOYU GUYS ARE GOOD, BUT NO HOHHOHOHHO DICE!"
Jin tickled a few more minutes, and then darted her hands to Ty lee's armpits, spider dancing them in the center. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, KKKK AHAHAHA, HEHEHEHEHEHE," the other girl giggled.
"You aren't doing a very good job holding it in," Toph said as she stroked the other girl's soles. She bent the toes back and scribbled between her toes.
She was laughing so loud, the girls quickly stopped when they heard a servant approach and asked them what was going on. They told him no, and away he went.
"Well there's one break for you Ty Lee," Katara winked. "Feel like telling us?"
"No!" she panted.
"You sure?" Jin asked.
"Yes!" came another panted answer.
Katara helped Toph with the girl's feet. Jin switched tactics and began twirling her fingers around and around Ty Lee's hallows. Yue rasberried her ribs and belly. Once she discovered how hard the other girl laughed, she tried that again, and an evil spark filled her eyes.
"Pretty sensitive here, huh?" she asked, tracing a finger across the perky girl's belly.
Ty Lee squealed and giggled, "Yehehehehehehehes," she laughed. She closed her eyes and laughed, her face growing red. She longed to see the clock, but she couldn't even turn her head. Katara occasionally would announce the time.
For eight minutes, and two more breaks, the girls eventually huddled up and with sly smiles approached and gave her one last ultimatum. Her body dripped with sweat, and she panted more and more. But it was too much fun. She shook her head, even though she knew deep down they'd break her. Oh well, I don't really mind saying so much kind things about Haru. But they still have to break me!
The four approached, and with speed lightning, their eight hands shout out, and began tickling her stomach at one. Ty Lee exploded in hysterical laughter. She begged them to stop, especially when a finger or two twirled in her navel. But they only kept up.
"You know what you have to say to make it stop," Yue said.
"What's your favorite thing about Haru?" Toph asked, using her thumb in her navel.
"Tell us, or we will make you sorry," Katara giggled.
"You know you want to tell us," Jin teased. Her hands darted from belly to ribs to side and back again, occasionally stopping at her pits.
Seven minutes passed, before the beat red faced girl managed to screech out numerous times in rapid succession, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHARU IS A GOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOD SIHIHIHIHIHIHIHINGER! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHOP ALREADY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
The other girls pulled away, as the perky girl caught her breath. It took her nearly ten minutes before she had calmed down. Looking at the clock, she saw se had held out for not quiet twenty minutes. She told Katara step by step how to undo the paralysis, and sat up.
"I didn't know that Haru could sing," Yue said.
"Yeah, and he is an awesome writer too. He writes such nice songs for me!" she said, still panting a bit, her face a wide grin. Her hair had come undone, flowing over her shoulders like a chocolate cascade.
"We didn't go overboard, did we?" Jin asked.
"Nah, one of my sisters does much worse," Ty Lee giggled. "Once she made me pee myself. And she held me down for an hour!" She flexed her muscles and stretched getting off the bed. "We may have to find some way to get the sound blocked so we don't get into trouble though."
Yue thought for a moment, and took some stuffed pillows and a few stuffed animals, and placed them by the door. "That should block the sound from coming out a bit more," she said.
"I think it might be a good idea for the servant to come up and see what's going on, so we can take a break," Jin suggested.
"Busty," Ty Lee said with a smirk, "you worry too much."
"Don't clam me that," Jin whimpered, covering her chest with her arms.
"Don't be such a worry wart then," the other girl said with a shrug.
"So who should go next?" Katara asked.