Amber Eyes
They're so warm and yet cold
Unfeeling, yet alive
Humming just beneath the surface
Is power
Beyond your knowledge
Beyond your
You cannot imagine
This kind of power
Don't be fooled by their apathy
Flickers beneath the surface
Give away secrets
That were not meant to be given away
More secrets wait
In the glimmers of yellow
Yellow of the suns harmonious
rays of glory
and life
and generous nature.
And glimmers of the orange
of brashness
and confidence
And terrible terrible
terrible Pride
Pride you cannot even begin to fathom the depths of.
Pride so deep
Orange so vibrant
It can never be broken
And occasional streaks of red brown
the color of clay
Sublimely calm
The only way the pale daffodil yellows and the
chill autumn leaves
can come together
With the sublime swirls of deep and empty wells
and secrets secrets
secrets almost as deep
Secrets almost as deep.
Almost as deep as the gold that covers them
The gold that plaits them, that weaves them
The gold that hums just below the surface
Full of power and Pride
you cannot even imagine
Do not be fooled