Disclaimer: Same as the last, I have no claim to Sly or the other characters made by Sucker Punch. The only ones I have a claim to are the ones which you won't recognize
Angels and Demons
This is some of the most fun I've had in ages. Thought Sly as he looked at the rain pouring down his window at the French Interpol office. His office. And on top of that, he had a dinner date with Carmelita after he got off work. He sighed, and began to work on the necessary evil of paperwork. It is amazing, he thought, how many criminals Carmelita and I have taken down since the fiasco at the Cooper Vault. It's amazing how big Interpol's database is, Bentley could even learn something from their information gathering techniques.
Sly felt an stab of guilt as he remembered the friends he had left when he had joined the other side of the law. He had dug up some info on his friends recently. Bentley and Penelope were, to the best of his knowledge, still together. Murray was racing for fun and was getting several headlines, even in Paris. Wondering what his friends were doing now, Sly berated himself for becoming distracted. Getting back to work he filled out some report on his and Carmelita's last case, a very grisly murder in Nice. It had become a game of cat and mouse when the murderer had discovered Sly and Carmelita and they were forced to take him in by force. The murderer was still recuperating from Carmelita's shock pistol. As Sly finished the report, the rain beat down on the windows of his office.
Not far away, another person was looking into the rain-filled sky. He was a tall gray wolf with an acrobat's form. Drawing a sword with a red blade from the sheath on his back he thought Time to get to work.
"Hello Ringtail," came a soft voice from across the office. Sly looked up and found Carmelita looking at him from the doorway.
"Have you finished already?" asked Sly.
"Yeah, what about you?"she responded.
"Just finished. So I do believe that I have something to do. Let's see what was it? Oh yes," he said as he kissed her passionately, "that was it. Let's go my love."
Sly and Carmelita left Interpol and took the metro to Carmelita's favorite restaurant. Sly was especially anxious as today was the day he planned on proposing to Carmelita. As they entered the restaurant, they were shown to their table by a stocky ferret. Sly and Carmelita ordered and after finishing their food, Sly asked " Do you remember when we first met?"
"Yeah, we had just left officer training school and were assigned to work together. That was about two years before your accident," lied Carmelita. She hated lying to Sly but she knew it was preferable to having him return to his previous life of crime.
"Carmelita, there was something I've been wanting to ask you for a while now," said Sly looking right into her eyes.
"What do you want to ask?" inquired Carmelita, hoping he wouldn't ask about his past as it had been hard enough to get the rest of Interpol to accept Sly.
"First I need to tell you something. The first time we met was when I "helped" you on a case here in Paris at an opera house. I let you catch me and then escaped, thanks to a janitor, and stopped a stage manager from making off with the Diva Diamond. I then sent it back, along with the crook and my calling card."
"How..." started Carmelita.
"I remember everything. I never had amnesia. I used that as an excuse to be able to join your side of the law. I gave up my life as a thief that day."
"But why didn't you just turn yourself in?"
"Because with your skills you would have had me locked behind bars in seconds and I couldn't easily romance you from inside a jail cell. Plus, I would only have gotten one phone call I could have used to contact you. I wanted to be with you Carmelita. I know I shouldn't have lied, but it was the only way to be able to get close to you without being shot at."
"You've been lying to me the whole time?"
"Only about not remembering the past, everything else I've said was true. Carmelita, I choose to tell you because you deserve to know the truth before I ask you my next question."
"What is it Ringtail?" asked Carmelita suspiciously, reaching for her shock pistol.
"This might not be the perfect time but...will you marry me?" asked Sly kneeling down and opening a black velvet box which held the most beautiful ring Carmelita had ever seen. Carmelita looked at the ring mistrustfully. "I bought it, the only crime was the store owner's prices," assured Sly. The ring was gold with a huge diamond with two smaller sapphires next to it on either side.
For a few seconds Carmelita was silent. Then she asked "Will you keep working for Interpol if I say no?"
"Yeah, it's gotten to be a kind of habit," sighed Sly. He knew he must have blown it somehow and she was trying to let him down easily. He sighed inwardly. He had been so close and he'd blown it. The one true love of his life and he'd botched his proposal. Maybe he should have waited to tell her about remembering until after he'd proposed.
"Then yes, I will," admitted Carmelita. Sly was so surprised, he was actually speechless. Carmelita leaned forward and kissed him. They stayed there for what felt like an eternity, then broke apart after what definitely felt like not long enough.
"I love you Carmelita."
"I love you too Ringtail."
Outside the restaurant, a hawk in a black trench coat with a briefcase climbed to the top of the building directly opposite the restaurant. Using the fire escape, he moved unnoticed in the downpour. At the top , he opened his briefcase and removed an object that could have been a telescope, if telescopes had triggers. Arming the sniper rifle, he waited, watching the entrance to the restaurant. He was one of the best and was paid accordingly. He knew his orders by heart, kill Sly Cooper and Carmelita Fox.