Ziggy's Corner: Okay, because I believe that it is going to be in December when I next update, I decided to give an extra treat to my anxious Cooper fans with some Christmas tales and poems! This is my first, a poem, based on of course that classic Christmas poem (LOL how many times can one person say POEM!), Twas a Night Before Christmas. I hope you enjoy it!
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Saloon,
Not a creature was stirring, except a very sly raccoon.
The clues were all hung on the mantle with care, just to hope that Sly would be there.
The guards were all woozy and warped from their beer, while vision of girls and money
were near.
And Carmelita in her jacket and her shock pistol in her lap,
Had just settled down for a long winters trap.
When up on the roof, there arose such a clatter,
Carmelita sprang from her car to see what was the matter!
Up the wall she flew like a flash,
Tore down an antennae and right into the trash!
The clouds of acid and the foul smelling fog,
Blocked her night vision, all she heard was a fat hog!
When what she finally spied when the fog was quite clear,
But a tiny van and three beings not even close to reindeer!
With a smiling young raccoon with a smirk and a cane,
She knew in an instant that raccoon had caused her to burst another vein.
As quick as clouds he slipped through the bar,
Then as slow as a shadow he disappeared from the light of the northern star.
As Carmelita rushed to the building and was turning around,
Toward the chimney the thief came with a bound.
He was dressed all in blue, from his head to his toe,
With a massive big pack, with stolen good right in tow.
He opened his package, and what a surprise!
The bag was filled with toys of all size!
His eyes how they twinkled, his cheeks quite merry,
And to her he winked and worked as he chewed on a cherry.
He held his cane tight, going right to work, placing a toy for each girl and each boy.
It was then that she realized that the saloon was no more,
But a house for homeless children, sheltering them from the world's horror.
He chuckled and winked, and tapped his cane up, above her head,
And she looked and blinked, and what she saw felt her with dread.
A mistletoe was hung, right high above,
And with a leap he flew to her like a pure white dove.
With a smirk of his lips he lifted her from her feet,
And stole a kiss, and slipped away after dropping off the last of treat.
He sprang to his van, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all drove like the down of a thistle.
But she heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
"Merry Christmas to all, and to Inspector Fox, a good night!"
She threw her head back, and screamed out loud and long,
"I'll get you Cooper, one day you'll sing a new song."
Okay, I know it's a little goofy, but I kind of like it. This is a one shot poem, so let me know how you all like this first gift of mine! It will probably be submitted a little after Christmas Day, but I hope to have it in before the 6th of January, as that is one day after the Christmas season actually ends. December 25-January 5, the twelve days of Christmas, it was actually celebrated like that in medieval times, a tasty tidbit for you trivia fans.