Author has written 27 stories for Digimon, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Hellsing. Name: RW Grimm Gender: female Age: 17 Educational status: Senior Chinese Zodiac: Snake Astrological Sign: Gemini My page My livejournal page Progress Darkness: Just updated, will write again as soon as I get out of my slump, which should be once I get back home and regain feeling in my butt. Now That's What I Call Royai Volume 2: I'll update it the same time I update Darkness The EdWin Episodes: I'll update it the same time that I update Darkness Blood Red Lust: I've gotten The Devine Comedy back, and will start working on another chapter next weekend when I should have some free time to sit at my computer and work. Family: I'll be working on revisions over my Thanksgiving Break; I'm not sure when I'll finish. |