Ahh, I've been out of the country for the past two months. Jet lag is a terrible, terrible thing. It's 4 am and I can't sleep, either. BUT…I do have an update! I hope everyone's having a good, restful summer. I know I'm enjoying my break from class/obligations.

A very, very, indescribably huge, THANK YOU to everyone who has reviewed/e-mailed me about this story. Thanks for taking the time to read his, and taking the time to drop me a line. I appreciate it so much.

All right, more pesky notes and babbling at the end. For now, on with the story!

Little Collisions - Chapter 9 - I Woke Up, and…

by: Pav

Kaoru opened one eye sleepily, and took a look at the red digits flashing furiously at her in harmony with a monotonous buzz. '9 o' clock already?' she thought to herself, turning the alarm off. She stretched hugely, planning to linger a few minutes longer, having not slept too well the night before.

Suddenly, she shot up in her bed, sitting with all senses alert. An aromatic scent insidiously made its way into her room, clearing the sleep from her brain. 'Coffee? Really good smelling coffee?' Kaoru was baffled. Such a scent had never before existed in her apartment.

Wondering what alternate universe she fell into, Kaoru stepped into her slippers and padded out of the bedroom.

Reaching the entrance of the living room, she stopped short. Standing in her kitchen and holding a pot of the nectar of gods was Himura Kenshin.

Kenshin heard quiet steps coming from the bedroom, and turned to the direction of the sound. He took in the sight of her rumpled cotton pajamas, hair falling from a messy ponytail, and ridiculous slippers.

He smiled inwardly upon noticing Kaoru's slippers. How many doctors with fiery dispositions owned Homer Simpson slippers, with the character's mouth being the opening in which you put your feet? "Good morning, Kaoru. Coffee?" the lawyer toasted her with the pot of coffee in his hand.

Kaoru could only stand there, as the night before came back to her in a storm of thought. What happened after Kenshin caught up with her after the hasty exit from dinner…

-The night before-

Kenshin held her for a long moment. She felt safe and warm, despite the emotional tumult that was threatening to tear her apart. She felt as if the whole world had whittled down until it was just Kaoru being held in strong arms.

It then occurred to Kaoru that she had once felt this same kind of security and comfortable warmth before. With Aoshi.


The memories came pouring through, breaking the lock it had taken her so long to barricade her feelings with. The emotional deluge was too much. Kaoru let out a choked sob and clutched at the arms holding her, not caring they were Kenshin's.

Kenshin reflexively tightened his grip on Kaoru upon hearing the broken sound coming from her. He had witnessed enough emotional displays in the courtroom to know when someone was hurting, and hurting deep.

Dropping a comforting kiss on the top of her head, he murmured to her softly. "Kaoru…" he trailed off, hoping she would understand his concern for her without needing seemingly trite words of comfort.

At the sound of his voice, Kaoru struggled and swallowed back her pain and tilted her head up, allowing her to take in Kenshin's face. She looked at him as if seeing him in a new light. "That's the first time you've ever called by my first name alone," she speculated with wonder.

Kenshin's breath seemed to back up in his chest, trapped. His only intent in chasing after her from Megumi's house had been to check on her, make sure she would be okay through whatever emotional demons had snuck up on her tonight.

But now, her face was tipped up at him, dusky blue eyes large and unable to hide anything in this moment. She was still in his arms, her hands gripping the sleeves of his pea coat. His voice came out deeper and huskier than intended, "I suppose it is the first time. Fancy that." He commanded himself to keep his tone light, prevent the tone of the situation from changing. 'You're just making sure she'll be okay.' Over and over in his head like a mantra, anything to keep him from focusing on how soft and approachable Kaoru was in this moment.

Something unidentifiable moved through Kaoru, causing all doubt and worry to fall away, if for just this one moment. The only thing here and now was Kenshin, holding her with such care. Kenshin, the man who had been rude to her the first time they collided ten years ago. Kenshin, who had thought to offer her a sunny daffodil a week ago. She inhaled deeply, her mind now clear of everything save for one purpose.

Kenshin's eyes widened as he felt her hand move from his arm to the nape of his neck. He could read clearly the intent reflected in her eyes. She was going to kiss him. Even as he felt himself respond and move forward to meet her kiss, rationale screamed through his mind. 'She's upset, she's not thinking! You can't do this, it's not right.'

Their noses bumped into each other's.

Kaoru let out a laugh, a laugh that worked its way into Kenshin's system and cleared his mind clean as glass. "Let's try that again," she smiled at him with a tempting look that somehow managed to be guileless and coy all at once.

'To hell with what's not right.' That was Kenshin's final thought as he took in the sight of Kaoru's face tipped towards his in invitation. He leaned in again, angling so they wouldn't bump noses this time.

Their lips met in the barest of kisses, his brushing experimentally against hers gently. Warmth moved through Kenshin as he kept the touch light, and somewhere in the back of his mind it occurred to him that he had never experienced this kind of hazy pleasure, quiet yet completely electrifying in its own sense.

 They stayed that way for a moment, tenuously locked in a kiss which beckoned more exploration down an unknown path, before Kenshin broke contact and pulled back slightly. He looked at her face, finding her darkened eyes betrayed nothing of what it was she was thinking or feeling.

It was with regret that Kenshin broke off that butterfly of a kiss. The intensity with which he wanted to kiss her again, more thoroughly this time, was almost overwhelming. However, even a lawyer couldn't put aside his convictions away forever. Kenshin wanted her, but under circumstances where she would be free of any feeling save for ones tied to him and not her past.

He sighed, and dropped his head so his forehead was touching Kaoru's. He still held her lightly.

She said nothing, but thoughts began to listlessly parade through her brain.

Kenshin didn't want her.

Once again, she fell short.

Once again…

She cleared her throat and pulled away from Kenshin, surprised when he only pulled her back. "Look, if you want to forget this happened, that's fine; it's probably for the best. If you don't want--"

Kenshin shook her ever so slightly, impatience creeping into his voice as he interrupted her. "No, I don't want to forget about this. And yes, I want to see where this goes, but now is not the time. Look at me, Kaoru," he grasped her chin in his hand so she'd have to meet his insistent eyes. "Kaoru, I want to get to know you, and hell, I just want you period, but not like this. Not when you're upset and--"

"Emotionally unstable?" this time Kaoru cut him off wryly. "I assure you Kenshin, I'm quite sound of mind right now. But yes, I am upset, so thanks for the chivalry. Besides, it's probably better this way, I don't have the time nor inclination for idiots or men in general." She tossed her words in his face, wishing for their usual banter to return so she wouldn't have to accept the intimate moment which had passed between them. She successfully pulled out of his arms this time, and started walking towards her apartment.

Kenshin fell into stride beside her, and forced himself to throw her a cocky grin, also unwilling to get into an awkward moment with her just right now. "Oh Dr. Kamiya, how I'll enjoy changing your mind." She met his grin with a grim "go to hell" smile, secretly glad they were back on more familiar territory in handling one another.

Kenshin walked Kaoru to her apartment, and the pair were relatively silent during the trip save for an occasional light round of repartee.

Reaching the door of the building, Kaoru turned to Kenshin, the lightheartedness leaving her eyes, and replaced by the sad and heaviness which had been instigated by the incident at the Sagaras' home.

"Kenshin," she began hesitantly, not knowing exactly what it was she was asking. "Would you mind staying with me...tonight?"

Kenshin put a light and friendly smile on his face, figuring he could handle the situation well by being a friend. "Got a couch I could crash on?"

Kaoru nodded, relieved that she hadn't gotten herself into a messier situation, and took out the key to her apartment. "I even have a floor which would do your hard head some good."

And now the man she had invited to spend the night on her couch was standing in the kitchen, pot of coffee in hand. Kaoru swallowed lightly, not sure how to approach Kenshin, considering everything that had happened last night.

Luckily, Kenshin had spent half the night restlessly pondering how to handle her, and wasn't about to fumble now.

"Take a seat and have some coffee. It makes waking up a whole lot easier," he spoke easily, gesturing to the coffee pot in hand.

Kaoru was relieved by his tone, but at the same time uncomfortable knowing what transpired the night before. And now Kenshin was standing in her kitchen.

The same Kenshin she initiated a kiss and thus weirdness with.

Kaoru's relief was rapidly losing to consternation and a desire to crawl into a hole…away from Kenshin. "Um, I appreciate the gesture. I, uh--also appreciate you staying here last night. Um, ano…speaking of last night--" Kaoru's words tumbled forth messily. What was she even trying to say?

'What is she trying to say?' It didn't take much of Kenshin's brain power to know this was leading to awkward territory very quickly. Before Kaoru could let out one more jumbled phrase, he spoke up, "You're cute when you're flustered, you know that?" He shot her a wide grin, anticipating her reaction.

'Lord, when did I start looking forward to her getting mad at me?' Kenshin chose to ignore analyzing his newfound idiosyncrasy.

"I am not flustered!" Kaoru sputtered, redness rising to her cheeks. She began to contemplate the best way to safely disengage Kenshin's hand from the coffee and throw him out of her apartment and onto his pointy head.

Why did she even try to explain about last night, she didn't own him any explanation. 'Because there is nothing to explain, last night was just a fluke.' Kaoru silently told herself, ignoring a little voice inside annoyingly insisting Kaoru take a 15 minute break from wallowing in denial.

'Forget about last night.' she told herself one more time, resolving to return things the way they were before Kenshin comforted her and made her have wonky impulses…like kissing him.

"Kenshin, thank you for looking out for me last night. I'm sure I've wasted enough of your time, so…" Kaoru forced her voice to frost up and sound detached, hoping he'd do the courteous thing and leave her so she could sulk in solitude.

Kenshin carefully set the pot of coffee down, and met Kaoru's mutinous eyes levelly, "Look, I'm not trying to irritate you," he smiled at the sound of her smirk, and continued. "Okay, so I'm only partly trying to irritate you, but seriously…I think if we move past the squabbling, you and I could be the most brilliant of friends." He flashed Kaoru his most charming smile, hoping to ease her from wanting him to leave.

Kaoru told herself his smile had no magnetic powers whatsoever, and decided her next words were because she was an adult, and adults compromised and made truces…when they didn't feel like throwing a tantrum. "All right Kenshin, would you like to have breakfast with me?"


"Great, you're cooking. My fridge is pretty well stocked with breakfast ingredients, which is pretty shocking if I may say so myself." Kaoru pulled mugs from the cupboard, anticipating her first caffeine rush of the morning. She poured Kenshin and herself a cup, breathing in the coffee's aroma deeply. "Mm…"

Kenshin looked at her with part amusement, part consternation. "Hmm, do you usually invite people for food and have them cook the meal? What if I'm terrible at cooking and--"

Kaoru slanted him a lazy look, "You should be grateful I'm not cooking. Let's just say you could make a case Megumi and I am not related by the difference in our cooking skills, or my lack thereof. I cut up people neater than I do food, so unless you want to die by mysterious omelet poisoning, you're cooking."

"Well I guess you're just lucky that I can cook, then."

An hour later, after a laughter filled preparation and consumption of a delicious meal, Kaoru leaned back in her chair and regarded Kenshin with satisfaction. "You can cook, I'm pleasantly surprised."

Kenshin grinned at his morning companion, figuring a full stomach wouldn't be too reluctant to go along with a certain plan he had hatched halfway through their meal. "And now it's your turn to pleasantly surprise me, wouldn't you say?"

Kaoru arose and started to clear the dishes from the table, precariously balancing them on top of each other and hoping she wouldn't have a not-so-unusual klutz attack on the way to the sink. "I suppose so. What did you have in mind?"  She shot him a sparkling look from her eyes and a coy grin gracing her mouth, adding a slight suggestive tone to her words.

The words no sooner left her mouth before Kaoru wished she could shovel them back in. 'Wait wait wait, that was just slightly flirtatious there. Remember the original plan! Kenshin: Buffoon. You: Mockerer of said buffoon, or at the very least, simple friend of the buffoon!' Kaoru shook her head mentally and promised herself she'd keep herself, and Kenshin, on safe ground from here on out. Making a beeline for the sink, she walked away from Kenshin.

She piled the dishes into the dishwasher, furiously planning how to go about pretending last night didn't happen.

Furiously planning how to deal with Kenshin.

Kaoru closed the door to the dishwasher, and forced her mind to shut up. She would take it all in stride, she figured. Resolved to keep things light, she decided to retrieve the remaining of the breakfast dishes and give Kenshin nothing more than friendly conversation. 'Maybe a friendly insult here and there' she smiled inwardly.

Turning on her heel to head back into the dining room for the rest of the dishes, Kaoru unexpectedly bumped into a solid, warm body. The small gasp of surprise she let out strangled itself as her breath caught in her throat.

Kenshin had quietly entered the kitchen and now stood in Kaoru's path. All thought and resolve fled her mind as he reached out to her and gently cupped her elbows with his hands, and drew her to him.

Kaoru's system gave a small jerk as she slid a look at him and registered how close they were. Any words Kaoru might have said turned to dust on her tongue as she looked into his eyes, wondrously trying to glean the indescribable meaning she found in them.

She hazily thought how she had never noticed until now that amber flecks lit throughout Kenshin's wonderfully odd purple eyes. "What are you doing?" Kaoru managed to question softly, caught between her meandering thoughts incited by Kenshin's fingers lightly stroking her arms and the reality of the man standing in front of her.

Kenshin spoke equally as softly, enjoying the smooth feel of her skin under his fingers, "I think I have the perfect idea of what you should do since I cooked you that fantastic breakfast." He watched her eyes blur ever so slightly as he skimmed his fingers gently up her arms.

"Oh." While Kaoru usually never seemed to have a loss of words handy when dealing with Kenshin, she now found herself unable to say, or think, much of anything.

Kaoru couldn't bring herself to break the gaze Kenshin had locked her in, nonetheless pull away from his slight hold on her. Somewhere in her mind she admitted she wasn't sure she even wanted to pull away. Unconsciously she swayed ever so slightly closer to Kenshin.

The red haired lawyer had planned to ask Kaoru to spend the day with him in leisure. Perhaps catch a movie, dinner, walk in the park…

But now, Kaoru was so close to him with unintentional invitation in her large, gorgeous blue eyes, Kenshin couldn't think past the one thing he so badly wanted to do every time they argued, laughed, or were just around one another. He gently pulled Kaoru even closer, slightly tightening his grip on her arms. Kenshin swallowed hard and hesitated a moment, waiting to see if she would pull out of his arms.

Kaoru just continued to watch him intently from underneath long lashes. Her tongue darted out to lick her lower lip unconsciously, whether it be from nervousness or anticipation.

Kenshin sucked in a breath at the sight of her moist lips, and his hesitation was easily crushed. He caught Kaoru's chin in his long fingers and tilted her face towards his.

Kaoru dizzily brought up her hands to Kenshin's shoulders. She didn't know who made the first move forwards, but it didn't matter as their lips finally met. Kaoru could only close her eyes and absorb every sensation as Kenshin's lips moved against hers in a firm yet gentle onslaught that was beyond words.

Kaoru had been kissed before, certainly. But the experience had never been so…empowering over every cell in her body. Tingles shot warmly through her body to the very bottom of her toes. The world fell away as the kiss trapped Kaoru in a glorious sensation of bright and moving colors behind her closed lids. Something warm sparked in her chest, as she absorbed the feel of Kenshin's lips moving warmly over hers.

Kenshin was equally as caught in the utterly sweet pleasure of their kiss. His hand moved from her waist to her hair, pulling her even closer to deepen the kiss. Somewhere in his mind it vaguely occurred to him that since Hiko had adopted him and given him a life, he had not truly wanted for anything. But now, he felt that he had found something he wanted to the point where it almost seemed vital to his being.

Kenshin very reluctantly and slowly broke the kiss. Like the night before, he kept his forehead on hers. But this time, he kept her firmly in his arms, ensuring Kaoru wouldn't be able to pull away, and she would know she was exactly where he wanted her to be.

"Kaoru, come and spend the day with me." He spoke quietly, but with an edgy tone colored with the urgency he felt with wanting to be with her.

Thoughts spun in Kaoru's head, still lost in what had just transpired between her and Kenshin. His violet eyes were gazing at her so intensely, as if she was the sole pinpoint of his focus and there was nothing else. Something pulled at her within, something that left her with a sense of longing she hadn't expected to feel ever again.

All medical logic and impracticality aside, Kaoru could have sworn her heart was in her throat. She opened her mouth to speak, but found she could only nod wordlessly.

Kenshin felt indescribable relief and joy at hearing her consent. He gave her a crooked but wide grin, "Let's go to the zoo and see the monkeys."

Kaoru could only open her mouth in that moment and laugh.

And as the mood around them lightened, Kenshin kissed her lightly on the nose. "And no smart ass comments from you about me and the monkeys."

This time, Kaoru did more than laugh. "Whatever, buffoon-head." With that, she gently disentangled herself from Kenshin's arms and headed to her room. "I'll go get my coat," she called from over her shoulder.

Kenshin watched her walk out of the kitchen. He leaned against the countertop and let out a sigh of contemplation and worry he had shielded from her.

What did he want from Kaoru? From the beginning it had been insults and banter. But last night, he found himself tangled with her on a ground he was far from sure-footed on.

As Kaoru's footsteps could be heard coming out of her bedroom, Kenshin pushed all thoughts from his head, and decided that while the tomorrow was hazy at best, today would be theirs to simply enjoy.

And perhaps, he could figure out what he wanted for himself.

A/N: Hmm, Kaoru and Aoshi? What happened there? Ahh, I haven't been to the zoo in years.

Here's the 38462937420th thank you to anyone who is reading this. My gratitude if you drop me a review =)

Here's to getting the next chapter out-
