Disclaimer: I do not own the Chipmunks or Chipettes!
The story is much better than the summary. I couldn't fit everything I wanted to say onto it.
This story is strictly rated TEEN because some events are for teenaged-eyes only.
Just as a note, this story is told from Brittany's POV and she's telling it as a memory. Be sure to read carefully!
Chapter 1: Introduction
August 24th. That's when it happened. That's when everything in my life that I had ever dreamed of or ever hoped of becoming possible became impossible. They say that it's better to have loved and lost...but I wish that I had never loved at all.
It all started only two months before. My junior year of high school was over. It was nearing the end of June, and yet again like every other summer vacation, me and my two sisters were stuck at home, only to constantly snack on food and sit on our butts watching TV. Luckily Eleanor, my youngest sister, was quite the cook and baker. The summer gave her plenty of time to work on her culinary skills and improve recipes. Me and Jeanette, my other sister, were the ones who always had to test everything out to make sure it was perfect.
I'm a very picky person. If one tint of salt or sugar was missing, I'd complain. I can't help myself though. It's who I am.
Eleanor always took the bad news in a good way though. She was happy to have me around, mostly because Jeanette would enjoy just about anything that Eleanor whipped together, whether it was missing things or not.
That's what I love about Jeanette.
If she had a different opinion than someone, a bad opinion, she wouldn't be able to say it. She's too nice.
They both have grown up so much. It almost makes me want to cry. But, I know I shouldn't be talking because I probably grew up most out of all three of us.
Eleanor used to be the short, chubby blonde of the group. 7 years passed and now she's as tall as me! ... Well, almost. Her figure has definitely changed though. Her baby fat has been replaced with a cute curvy body. Jeanette sprouted even more. She's almost a head taller than me now. Her clumsy feet that would never listen to her have been tamed. Infact, Jeanette has become one of the greatest dancers I've ever seen.
And then there was me. Brittany Miller. The girl who always had to have her way. Of course, I still act like that sometimes but not as much as I used to. I've even learned to actually listen to and appreciate other peoples' feelings, although mine are still a tad more important.
It was a warm, dark night. The three of us sat on the couch watching TV as we usually do. Suddenly, on the television screen, came those three popular singers who we'd always hear on the radio and just about everywhere we went. 'The Chipmunks' they called themselves. I'm not going to lie. I was extremely jealous of them. Jeanette, Eleanor and I are rather talented singers too. How come some boy chipmunk band got to be famous?
It was like Jeanette could read my mind. "Well, they do seem pretty talented. They can play instruments too."
I only rolled my eyes at this. What did she know anyway?
...Although, I had to admit that the lead singer and guitarist was a cutie. He was the one with his name all over everything.
Alvin Seville.
Something about him just hit me hard in the heart area. I never acted like a fangirl though. I'd never dare. He probably had too many of those anyways.
"It'd be cool to meet them." Eleanor said, a smile on her face as she stared at the smaller boy dressed in green who was behind a drum set. Jeanette nodded in agreement. I just shrugged. Maybe. Truthfully, what I wanted more than anything was to meet them. Possibly get help from them so we can have our own claim to fame!
Oh well. I doubted the idea.
I could tell that Jeanie was holding up some feeling on the inside of her, ready to blurt them out any second. Both me and Elly knew that she wouldn't.
"What's on your mind, Jeanette?" I asked, a smile on my face. It was always best to comfort her when she was going to ... 'explode' with an idea.
Jeanette took a deep breath in. Surprisingly, a softer voice came out of her than expected. "We need to get out the house this summer, no matter what it takes."
I absolutely loved the idea. I hated always being trapped away too. That's when Eleanor gave me and Jeanette the surprise of our lives.
"I'm sort of ... already doing something."
We gasped. I got mad and crossed my arms across my chest. How dare she do something without me and Jeanette! But, she continued...
"You know how serious I'm getting with my cooking lately, guys. So I chatted it over with Miss Miller-" Miss Miller is our caretaker. She adopted us when we were younger. "-and she agreed to let me go away to a cooking and baking sleep-away camp starting in August, lasting the whole month."
I had no idea that they had such things. I actually started to think that she was lying, but it wasn't like Eleanor to lie about something so stupid. "Oh?"
"Yeah. Personally, I think it'll be a blast! Meeting other people who love cooking and baking like me, getting to create new recipes, everything! It's my dream, Brittany. You know that."
I'd never want to steer Eleanor away from what she loved. I completely understood and nodded to her so she knew that.
But that still left me and Jeanette down in the dumps, even more than before. No Eleanor for an entire month? We definitely needed to think of something.- And that's where it hit me hard like a ton of bricks. I knew exactly what we needed. Just like Eleanor, we needed a month away from the house, but not at some camp.
"Hey Jeanette..." I started, a some what suspicious grin on my face, "What do you think about renting a summer home up in the mountains or somewhere in the woods. Just you and me! Sister bonding time, you know?"
Jeanette seemed to get uneasy. It made me wonder what was on her mind; if she was thinking that spending an entire month alone with me would be hell. "I don't know, Brittany. I always get scared so easily. Wouldn't that be sort of dangerous?"
"For Pete's sake, Jeanette! We're 17! And besides, it'd be a nice little house." I couldn't help but get upset. Maybe Jeanette hadn't grown up as much as I thought. "It's not like we'd be renting out some wooden cabin in the middle of no where."
I could tell she put some deep thought into it, because when she answered, she sounded very confident. "Alright. Let's do it."
That made me grin widely from ear to ear. Finally after so long, all three of us were going to be doing something exciting- well, at least two of us.
I was so overjoyed, infact, that I rushed to my room to grab my laptop and start our search for the perfect summer house. On my way up I ran into Miss Miller.
"Why in such a hurry, young lady?" She asked. There was somewhat of a concern in her eyes. I knew that it was now or never to ask her permission. After all, she'd have to drive us and probably pay off most of the house cost.
"Uh...I have a question to ask."
"Go ahead, sweetheart. What is it?"
"You know how Eleanor is going away to cooking camp at the end of this summer?" My voice started cracking, full of nervousness.
"Well, me and Jeanette...we wanted to get out of the house too. Do you think it'd be alright if we ... rented a summer home for all of August to stay by ourselves?" The words rolled out of me like a mouse running from a cat. The thing that struck me the most was a sudden silence filling the hallway and the feeling that Miss Miller didn't trust me or Jeanette to be alone at this age.
"...Just as long as it's not too far from home."
The biggest load was lifted off my chest as I cheered, jumping up to squeeze Miss Miller closely. She only laughed as she hugged me back. I think she knew how much we hated being stuck at home. I hope she's alright for a month by herself, though.
I had almost completely forgotten about my laptop, but suddenly remembered, grabbing it off my bed and rushing back downstairs. I told Jeanette the good news, and she cheered also. Eleanor seemed upset though. The three of us were always together, no matter what... and suddenly, we'd be split apart.
"Don't worry, Elly. You're going to have an amazing time at camp." I knew that she knew it too, but she hesitantly nodded in agreement.
Eek, the feelings that me and Jeanette felt at that moment were crazy! We were so excited, so thrilled, so ... exhilarated! I sort of hated the idea of being out in the dirty and muddy world called mother nature, but like I told Jeanette, we'd be in a house.
And so the search began. I started out on google, searching for websites that might contain some decent information.
I told myself how amazing the summer was going to be. I was soon to discover how wrong I actually was.
END Chapter 1
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