The Secret Origins of Softon

Ziggy's Corner: This is my second Bo story, and this one is a one shot. I hope you all like it!

The Bo-BoBo Theater is Grandfully Proud, but Sorrowfully Shamed to bring you the true origins of one of the greatest heroes who ever lived in the Bo-BoBo Universe, Softon.

"Wait, how can you be proud and shamed at the same time!" Beauty wailed, sitting on her seat in the front row of the show.

"Quiet," Don Patch snarled.

"Seriously," Poppa Rocks growled.

"Wait, Poppa Rocks, and Don Patch are the same guy, what's going on here!" the pink haired cutie cried.

"It's another Vanguard Ziggy production," Bo-BoBo said, placing his finger to his lips as the movie started.

It began like any ordinary day, with lots of rain and storm clouds dancing the Macerana when a cute little puppy with no home, no food, and no brains walked into the middle of the street.

"Man I'm hungry," he complained. Looking down at his paws, he decided to open his mouth and eat the huge steak meal in front of the plate in the fancy French restaurant, where he met his future wife.

"I love you," he said, dreamily staring into her blue eyes.

"I love you too," she said, looking at him. "But it will never work out between us," she cried. "I'm going to be an athletic competitor, and you're getting adopted by Harvey the Hippo."

A hippo picked up the poor dejected doggie, who then preceded to cry, then as he cried, a huge piece of poop dropped from his butt, and fell to the ground.

"Mama," the poop cried, don't leave me!"

"I'm sorry," the female dog said as the hippo carried her away, "but I'm off to be a soap actress."

The piece of doogy poo lay there for weeks, making friends with bugs, who built condos in him, plants and other such things. Then on his eighteenth birthday the piece of doggie poo got up and stretched his muscles, looking at his friends.

"I'm bored," Softon said. "I'm off to make my way in this world.

It just so happened that Softon came across a crying stinking baby, who he took to Poo Poo City, and then got a job with the hair hunt troops."

"Hey you, with the poop for head, you wanna work for us, shaving people's heads, and then one day join forces with some yellow froed freak who'll kick our butts, to bring freedom to the world?" the recruitment officer asked with a smile.

"Sure, why not?" Softon said.

And that as they say is that, Softon went on to have a happy life, a wonderful wife, and fifty really stinky kids. THE END.


"You're thinking of me," the pink headed Softon said, arms cross, sitting next to her. "That was the story of my twentieth cousin, fifty nine times removed. His name is Softon too."

"Only he works for the MANGA, not the Anime," Jelly Jiggler said.

"THEN WHAT'S YOUR ORIGON!" Gasser shrieked, pointing to the pink Softon.

"Same all the way through, except my mom was an ice cream faucet."

"AN ICE CREAM FAUCET!" Beauty asked. She turned see if Gasser was just as confused, but saw him making out with Suzu. "WHAT THE HECK!"

And so ends our story ladies and gentlemen, good night and good luck.

Okay, how was this story? As good as my series? I hope so. Anyway, review, review, review! Later!