![]() Author has written 11 stories for Person of Interest, Star Wars, Numb3rs, and Pokémon. Been a while since I've updated this... well, times are changing, likes are changing... let's do a new profile! What to say about me... I love writing, and I've been coming up with stories since I was a little girl. I've been writing fan fiction since I knew how to write (and before I knew it was called "fan fiction"!). There's nothing like exploring all the possibilities... I'm just now getting the courage to publish some of my fan fiction here. I figure I may as well; not like I'm going to be trying to sell any of it! I don't understand why some of the fandoms I have most identified with have such disparaging names. The collective fandom of Numb3rs was called "NumNuts"... now the Person of Interest fans are called "Irrelevants". Exactly what part of loving great shows makes me an irrelevant numb-nut? I love Star Wars; I hate that George Lucas "sold out". I will watch the new Star Wars movies with great trepidation. I will ALWAYS consider the Expanded Universe to be canon, regardless of what Disney has to say about it! Now on to the new stuff...! I miss Person of Interest. Terribly. CBS sucks for killing it. I'm not as active in the POI fandom as I used to be, but I still love the show, its characters, and everything about it... that will never change. I'm on to some more new obsessions. I've always loved Pokemon, but now I'm exploring the fascinating world of Pokemon fangames. So far, I am playing (at different stages in gameplay) Pokemon Insurgence, Pokemon Reborn, and my personal favorite: Pokemon Uranium. In fact, Pokemon Uranium is so good that its inspiring my muses in different ways -- including fic! Can't wait to get started posting some of it here (though I do wish FFNet wouldn't clump it in with the rest of the Pokemon stories, they get lost in the shuffle so easily that way...) I'm sure there's much more that could be said about me, but I guess it will have to come at a later date... My Favorite Fandoms: Star Wars Person of Interest Numb3rs Twilight Pokémon Plenty more, but I won't bore everyone with them all... My Favorite Characters: Harold Finch (Person of Interest) Charlie Eppes (Numb3rs) Luke Skywalker (Star Wars) Again, so many more than I could possibly list... My OTPs: Harold/Grace (Person of Interest) Charlie/Amita (Numb3rs) Luke/Mara (Star Wars... again, I don't care if Disney will claim that Mara Jade never existed; they are wrong!) |