![]() Author has written 79 stories for StarTrek: The Next Generation, Pretender, StarTrek: The Original Series, StarTrek: Voyager, Laurie R. King, Peter Wimsey, Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, StarTrek: Other, Charles Dickens, Bible, Criminal Minds, Harry Potter, Inseparable, 2007, Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes, Firefly, Shakespeare, Mission: Impossible, Person of Interest, Lost, Hogan's Heroes, Misc. Books, Fringe, Invisible Man, Misc. Movies, Hobbit, The Prisoner, Andy Griffith Show, A Little Princess, George Smiley series, Miss Marple Stories, and Warehouse 13. I am a reader and a writer, first and foremost. I have been writing fiction since I was eight, twenty-four years, the majority of which has been historical fiction and science fiction. Now I mostly write science fiction with strong theological and psychological themes. Presently I have a series of books I hope to have published within a couple of years (Haiza Tyri, my nom de plume, is one of the characters from one of the books). I have been writing fan fiction since before I knew what fan fiction was. As a child I wrote a Sherlock Holmes story and a Scarlet Pimpernel story; as a teenager I wrote Star Trek stories; in college I wrote Middle-earth stories; now I am writing Pretender stories, Dickens stories, and Sherlock stories (and, to my faint horror, Harry Potter stories). I have found that writing fiction about something I am intensely interested in is an excellent way to process it. In other news, I am female, a native of Montana, 35 years old, a missionary, a science fiction geek, an amateur theologian, and an ongoing student. I have recently graduated with my Master of Divinity, but I want to get more degrees in any number of other things, such as psychology, English, literature, cross-cultural studies, church history, and linguistics. My other interests include cooking, ice skating, photography, travel, history, classical music, and yet more reading. I am a Christian, and while I will do some awful things to my characters in the course of the natural development of the story and their character, I will not write slash or sex-scenes, and my language will remain clean. Primarily I write about redemption, reconciliation, and restoration. Because I believe that's what everyone is really looking for. |