Author has written 39 stories for Danny Phantom, Batman Beyond, CSI, Misc. Books, Harry Potter, Lois and Clark, Doctor Who, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, StarTrek: The Original Series, Superman, CSI: Miami, and StarTrek: Enterprise. Announcements and Stories Update February 2013 I have been on hiatus for a long time, getting other things done in real life. I do still write, but they just aren't making it from my computer to y'all's. My Other Profiles AKA Other Places I Visit: My secondary Fanfiction.Net profile. Various Comments: I’m going to warn you now, this is a long profile. If you don’t like it, please scroll to the bottom now or select the hide profile button at the top. I’m also a fanatic for crossover/AU stories, so there will be some of those as well. I do have some original stories too. I accept flames under one condition: no cussing. I do not cuss myself and I consider people who swear constantly to have a limited vocabulary. I also do not read nor write slash stories. I do not like them, nor will I ever like them. I try to update my profile often, but if I don’t, I blame college. And yes, Alucard's Vampiress is totally nuts. And caffeine does not help her at all. Also, if you see any "dead links" in my profile, feel free to let me know. Thanks. Extra bit: What's my Wand? MY LINKS Adopted Plotbunnies can be found here. OTHER LINKS Like reading or writing the scripts of your favorite TV shows, or even both? This is the place for you! They're always looking for more transcribers!: Remember when Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman was cancelled? A group of people took it upon themselves to keep the spirit alive!: STAR TREK SITES End of Star Trek making you feel down? Get a life! A Trek Life! This comic strip presents a 21st century trekkie struggling to keep Star Trek alive in the most unusual ways! Visit the primary Star Trek site!: Expand your knowledge of the Star Trek universe at the secondary hub of all five shows: HARRY POTTER SITES Want to visit JK's official site, but can't remember how? Here you go!: Explore the ultimate Harry Potter site, one of JK's favorites: DANNY PHANTOM SITES Danny Phantom's Phreak Site with DP comic books! Thanks to Frodo01228 for the link!: http:///phantomphans01/ Firefury's Danny Phantom Website is now up and running!: DOCTOR WHO SITES Curious about the man who played the Tenth Doctor on Doctor Who? Well, wonder no more! A molto bene site run by David Tennant!: Welcome to Outpost Gallifrey, the Doctor Who News Site!: The Official Doctor Who site in the UK! (Some material only accessible in UK): http:///doctorwho/ MY STORIES: Please read the following before proceeding. The original version is J.K. Rowlings’s, but this one is mine. Read on, stranger, but take heed Don’t say you weren’t warned. I am very jealous when it comes to my stories. If you wish to put this poem in your profile, COMPLETE STORIES 25 Ways to Prank Severus Snape – Harry Potter – complete with 7 chapters WORK IN PROGRESS In Plain Sight – Harry Potter – Summary: AU Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts. Or has he? Between an imposter walking the halls, a DADA teacher with more books than brains, and a spate of mysterious petrifications, can Chris keep his secret identity intact? Now in Year 2.Features a Manipulative!SomewhatEvil!Dumbledore. Pairings in progress: D/Hr, H/? Paused Pending Decision Making. Don't take. Gingershots – Doctor Who – Summary: The Doctor wants ginger hair. So, how to get it? (A/N: Will be about three 'shots total. Won't take too long.) 25 More Ways to Prank Snape – Harry Potter – Summary: The Weasley twins return for their second year and now that Severus Snape is out of St. Mungo's, it's time for round two... An English Werewolf in America II: There Will Be Blood (WT) – Harry Potter and CSI: Miami – Summary: The Lupin family returns to Miami, Fl, seven years later. But while they are there, Warren Wilkins breaks out of jail. And for his revenge, he plans on taking what is dearest to his enemies: their children. Life After Death II: Checkmate – Doctor Who and Star Trek: DS9 – Summary: AU after "Midnight." For DS9, sometime in S7. After the events on Midnight, the Doctor plans to take Donna to see the planet Risa. But the TARDIS is diverted to DS9, where the war against the Dominion is taking a turn for the worst when it turns out that the Founders are answering to a higher authority, one that the Doctor is well familiar with. And to top it off, it may be possible for him to reunite with Rose without ripping the universes apart. (A/N: My answer to 4.11-4.13, cause the endings sucked. And Daleks are overused.) MY C2s I have two C2s, one of which deals with Time Travel, Alternate Universes, Pre-and-Post Canon, and Crossover Stories. The other is the Lupin-Tonks Files, which deals with the Harry Potter characters of those names. I am always looking for more people, but before you ask me about joining, please read my guidelines. That way, I don't have to explain everything more than once, which, surprise, surprise, is actually quite annoying. THE LAST WORD If you had a story in my favorites and it's gone, don't be offended. I try to keep my favorites unburdened with complete stories. If you have two stories in my favorites, and one is complete, and the other incomplete, the complete one will be deleted. If have not updated your story within a certain amout of time, usually a year, I take your story off my favs and put it on my alerts only. If you bump your story up to M-rated or slash, that story will be removed within 24 hours of noticement. The Doctor: There's an old Earth saying, Captain. A phrase of great power and wisdom. Doctor Who: The End of Time |
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