Title: To Face the Day

Author: HarmonyMarguerite

Rating: PG, fairly G, but I over rate.

Summary: He rolls over, and stares at his face in the water. He smiles. "Hello! I'm… I'm… I'm somebody. I know I am, and when I know who I am, I'll let you know."

NOTE: A small character study as I would like to get into writing more on this fandom… I don't think I've quite got it yet, but it's a nice start. Comments and helpful criticisms are always welcome.

Disclaimer: Well, it's not mine, I'll tell you that much.

Something stirs in the forest, an animal waking, chattering of birds, ominous footsteps in the distance. Something. He wakes, necessity has made him a light sleeper… for some reason he cannot recall at the moment.

He rolls over, and stares at his face in the water. He smiles. "Hello! I'm… I'm… I'm somebody. I know I am, and when I know who I am, I'll let you know." The face looking at him doesn't reply, merely looks back with a smile. "Oh!" He says after a moment. "That's me isn't it? I look so… so…" but the sunlight glints off metal in his head and the thought is lost.

He scrubs at his face with the water, a voice in the back of his mind waking and screaming to remember, that he's still here, and isn't that a very interesting bird? Very… red. He knew the name… at one time… perhaps. Maybe animal classification wasn't really a study of his.

And he did study once, he muses. Half thoughts of books, dusty, delicate pages turning while sitting… somewhere. Somewhere very nice. Those where happy thoughts, rambling at the back of his mind, occasionally surfacing like a wispy dream. He smiles, turning his head a little and catching sight of a face.

"Oh, hello! I'm… Glitch! Yes, because sometimes my…" He frowns. The face looking at him has a zipper bisecting his head. "Ah. Me again." He points at his reflection. "Glitch. My name is Glitch." After a moment, he repeats it. Things worth remember bare repeating, so as one won't forget, you see.

He moves back to sit under a tree, caught by the rising suns. He thinks he never really paid attention to them before, or maybe he did and he just forgot. Either way, nothing is as beautiful as watching the suns rise. It will never be this beautiful again, he's sure of it.

"Hi, I'm Glitch." He says to a passing four-legged thing. It ignores him and continues on its way.

Still, reaffirmation, he thinks. I am. I am somebody, somebody with a name, and that makes me real.

He has a vague notion that he can't stay here. There's… something… no, someone. Someone will find him and… do something very bad. It's a feeling, and with no reason not to, he gets up and starts to walk.

Ah, face, meet leaves. So nice to see you again. These… trees, he recalls. The trees are out to get him. Perhaps that's why he needs to move?

Footsteps sound in the distance, faint sounds of a military. And he recalls it in a rush. Always running from Azkadellia, from people who stare at him in horror, from… from… just running. He's lost purpose, he thinks.

He staggers to his feet again, glaring at the tree root that caused his tumble, and turned, staggering off into the woods.

"I'm Glitch." He says to himself. "I was somebody… Once. I'm not anymore… they took out my brain, for some reason I can't remember. But don't worry, Glitch, we'll get them back."

And there's purpose in that. Finding his brain. It's enough, for now, enough to keep him going. And as the suns rise over the O.Z., that's really all he needs.