
"And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh…"

Genesis 2:23

"…she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat."

Genesis 3:6

He's not quite sure just what it is he feels. Horrified, possibly and there's a deep, crushing something he's never felt before and a voice in his head that's telling him to run, now! Run because you really don't want to do this. Yet his feet refuse to listen.

She stands before him, smiling softly, juices staining her lips red and the crushing feeling intensifies. His throat tightens and he tries to swallow and can't and that's never happened before. She's disobeyed and he can only hear the voice (you do NOT want to do this!) and the dreaded warning (thou shalt surely die) and he can't stand it. The thought of losing her has left his mind in shambles and he can't bear to think of life without her. He doesn't want to go back to the existence before her. Back when he could feel something was missing and he wasn't quite sure what. Then Elohim created her and gave her to him. He finally was not alone, that fundament part of him that had always been missing was filled. Everything was perfect and complete. This was never supposed to happen.

He wants to ask her just what she thinks she has done, ask her why but that hardly matters. She will die when Elohim comes tonight, he is sure of it, and she stands holding out the fruit wanting him to join her. He sees only two choices; he does not want either one. But Elohim will come soon and the thought makes his throat tighten and his stomach clench hard. He looks at her gentle eyes and soft smile and decides. The first bite is strangely sweet.