Finch was evil.

Really, John didn't know why it had taken him so long to come to this realization. His past should have certainly given him plenty of expertise in recognizing evil when confronted with it. And Harold was proving to be evil with a capital E.

There had been quite a nasty fallout when the "assets" had finally learned of each others involvement in their cases. They had been outraged and out for blood-John's blood. Finch, sitting smugly in a cloud of unspoken "I told you so" had dryly suggested a series of team building exercises to sooth their ruffled feathers and rebuild a sense of camaraderie. (John really should have suspected some sort of retaliation over his snooping into Finch's personal life, but unfortunately he hadn't had his epiphany over Finch's evilness yet.)

And Finch was apparently also a sadist. A sadist with strange mental powers of persuasion. How else could John explain Finch's ability to con Carter, Fusco, and himself into a game of Twister? The mind boggled. And how this was supposed to promote harmony and group unity John didn't know. The only person's mood being improved by the activity was Finch, who took great delight in spinning and calling out each new torturous position.

Although this game might not have been so bad if it wasn't Fusco's ass in John's faceā€¦.