Author has written 5 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, and Gundam Wing/AC. Author Notes: EDIT 19/12/19 Hello. It's been awhile since I've updated this. A good friend convinced me to air my grievances here instead of doing what I was going to do. I'll get to the point here: I am on the verge of taking this story down. My life is extremely busy and many events over the years have resulted in almost killing my enthusiasm for writing. I have recently regained it but the many reviews I've gotten for my latest chapter complaining about the amount of time that has passed (even from new readers) are genuinely irritating me. I write when I'm inspired to. I write when I have the time. I write because I WANT to write. I am not a professional writer and I am not on anyone's schedule. I have not finished a single story and that's mostly because I refuse to write just for writing sake. The complaining about time makes me feel like you all want me to write for the sake of writing so as to please you. Fuck what's happening in my life as long as your curiosity on what happens next is satisfied. If you see absolutely nothing wrong with that then please unfollow this story. Please. You are ruining the little enthusiasm I have regained. That's the first issue. The second one: if you dislike a particular character from the books please do not leave a review on my story complaining about me using that character in my story. Go away. Seriously. Stop being so ridiculous. You are only one of many. Stop behaving so entitled. Third: There are crossovers in this story. I'm not trying to hide it. These crossovers are explained within the story. It is one planet and reiryoku manifested in many different ways in the various areas of the world. NBIA strength is in their teaching people from all around the world how to manifest reiryoku in the various ways. Whilst I have obvious Naruto elements in this story I have barely scratched the surface of the Naruto world. I mentioned a few people by name, used Clan as the aristocracy level of the reiryoku world and maybe used all of one authentic jutsu from the manga. I think I mentioned Anbu once. My version of the Clan is completely different from the Naruto version. They contain Magical Houses for one. You can be invited to join without marrying in. The social and hierarchical structure is completely different. As of now I have three naruto characters that are major characters. Everything else is made up. Everything. If you are a true Naruto fan you will spot the Naruto elements but you will also realise that this is no Harry goes to Konoha to become a ninja whoopie! story. Let's calm down people. Same thing with spotting the Forgotten Realm elements. Truthfully, besides the places names I made everything else up. Everything. Including the language and history. Chill people. Like Siriusly. Fourth: If you have genuine constructive criticism please don't just leave a review. Please also message me. I welcome constructive criticism and I also welcome suggestions. Like I said previously I am not a professional writer. A good example is the fact that this story is riddled with grammar mistakes (I caught many in my re-read and will be doing a major edit at some point in the future). I enjoy talking about the different directions a story can take with my readers. Sometimes it's nice speaking to someone who's as excited as you about something you created. Once again thanks for still being interested in my little idea even after so much time. I cannot promise fast updates especially now that I'm working from 8am to 12am every day but I can say I have planned the entire story out. I am currently writing the next chapter. It is very slow for obvious reasons because well I-I-I need sleep! Shocking I know but we all have our weaknesses. A quick note on the world being built within New Blood International Academy. You might see a bit of crossover into other shows/books. This is because in this story all these events are happening on one planet which have been subdivided into different regions whose abilities have manifested in a variety of ways. The story gives a theory on why this is so. However, everyone on the planet is using planetary reiryoku. So for instance there is a mention of mutants in the US in one of the chapters. Shinobi are also heavily referenced. If you're good you'll catch quite a bit of references actually. It's been quite amusing to see people catching the Naruto references but mostly missing everything else. When you do catch them though remember that at the heart of all these abilities including magic is planetary reiryoku. That'll really make you understand why Voldemort has managed to earn himself such a massive amount of global anger. It'll also make you understand why NBIA is on a completely different level from most schools in the world that mostly focus on teaching their region's abilities. What New Blood is really doing is taking people from around the world and teaching them how to use reiryoku in all the various ways that exist. This is the main reason why NBIA graduates are so sought after by the Clans and why Clan members are located worldwide from all walks of life. Thank you all for reading this and for reading New Blood International Academy. It's been a pleasure reading your reviews and they motivate me to continue writing. Saw this on Vaneria Potter's profile and quite agreed with it so added it to mine: Girls see ya :) |
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