Reviews for Priorities
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16
sami1010220 chapter 1 . 4/18
So goooooooooood.
Fangirl17 chapter 1 . 4/14
This was so beautiful! Well done! I wish there was more, but I can accept where it ended. Thanks for writing!
lolopptt chapter 1 . 1/30
I don’t remember if I originally reviewed this when I first read it but I am now with my second reading. Always amazing. So delicious and soft and sexy
Guest chapter 1 . 12/30/2019
Hot and Emotional...I totally enjoyed reading this and wish it wasn't a one shot! You did an amazing job writing this story!
Daikon chapter 1 . 12/14/2019
“He was researching how to make her come fifty ways to Friday like the fucking nerd he was, and it was working.” may seriously be one of my favorite sentences you’ve ever written. It manages to be hilarious while still perfectly capturing Usagi and Mamoru’s personalities and feelings about the mess that they’ve gotten themselves into and how badly they want each other.
MyIndy13 chapter 1 . 12/6/2019
I personally LOVE your mixture of manga and the 90’s anime! There are things I love about eachthings you seem to marry together so well.

And well, you know how much I love your renditions of Mamoru. This take is a new particular favorite; transparent and vulnerable, unsure. Yet, he’s agitatedly desperate for her and almost erratically possessive. I’m just in love with how you characterize him, “all softness.”

Yet, that’s what makes him such a strong character too, right? He’s soft, yet his strength often comes in how he supports her. His trust in her and her abilities is so strong, he “considered the best thing he could do mid-battle was to turn around and go get her to battle instead, pajama clad and all.” He’s strong enough to let her be stronger... I love it!
SMSara85 chapter 1 . 11/12/2019
Wow! That was sooooo good?! The feels evoked in this one! The longing with which they come together? While there is so much that I appreciate about anime, manga Mamoru is definitely my favourite. I loved, loved, LOVED reading him like this. It’s like you took the perfect mesh of anime and Manga and created this story that we all wanted to read and added the adult aspect to it that, let’s be honest, we all want to read about too. This was so aptly named, because Mamoru changed his priorities and his obsession with the crystal for her! I think that was one thing I appreciated about manga too. That the search for the crystal was a bit less of an obsession than it was in anime. And, it was fitting that Usagi, memory-less, besotted and in love, slightly less mature, would make these decisions in these circumstances. This was a really amazing slightly AU universe. And I could drown in this one too. I swear I could. This is for sure one of my faves!
Krys7 chapter 1 . 10/29/2019
Beautifully written and a wonderful read. It gave me all the feels whilst being steamy and sexy. I loved it.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/20/2019
What a fantastic read and a heartachingly emotional ending
VIPNerd chapter 1 . 9/10/2019
I need a second chapter or a sequel
gettinyinggywithit chapter 1 . 8/6/2019
Love this interpretation of the early years. I grew up on the show, not the manga, and as an adult I love seeing the darker/sexier side of the Sailor Moon universe. Gorgeous.
Roza Dragomir Belikova chapter 1 . 7/31/2019
I love your story, it is so good. The open ending of the story is something that I love having in the stories I read. You on some level understand this, and I love you for it (platonicily). Because you could even write a sequel, or expand on it, or let your audience go wild on their own. I prefer the first 2 options, but the last always ends up happening for me anyways. Mostly do to creative difference, but I always like to read how an author such as your self would end any story like this one. Will you please write more on this story?! If you don't, then I totally understand. But I would like to read how YOU would en this wonderful story.
JH chapter 1 . 7/22/2019
I try to avoid lemons, but this was posted in a Facebook group and was just too lovely to not read in one sitting. I love how you explained their relationship in such a way that made them actually loving each other from the get go. How you made him so open with her, etc. Totally worth the read. So sweet and tender and fierce.
Oreo596 chapter 1 . 7/22/2019
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