Reviews for Within the Chamber she Lies
Khatix chapter 19 . 1/5
The solution to the Umbridge problem is easy, KILL THE BITCH!
PrincessKerenityVegeta chapter 1 . 6/12/2018
this story was amazing one I will more than likely read over and over again.
angeleyes7084 chapter 26 . 2/15/2017
loved it
shadowhuntersdiva chapter 26 . 6/5/2016
though i wish there was a sequel
shadowhuntersdiva chapter 26 . 6/5/2016
i 100% loved ALL of the chapters and the story in general
JanusGodOfPossibilities chapter 3 . 8/9/2015
Excellent chapter. 2,000/10

Why would she be in danger if they wouldn't even know how she was born? Its not like they were there that day, so how would they even know? If it's such a problem just say they found her one day when she was younger and raised her and also had her as their apprentice.
Tzarista chapter 26 . 11/19/2014
interesting story
sailormoonserenity99 chapter 26 . 10/25/2014
This story is wonderful
Moonlight Cosmic Angel chapter 26 . 11/22/2013
It was a great read loved the ending you should do a sequel about how they are after going home
Guest chapter 26 . 7/28/2013
Best bloody story I have ever read
MagicalMistake chapter 26 . 11/12/2012
Why did it have to end?
Tsuki Doriimaa chapter 26 . 1/10/2011
Awesome story! _ Really, truly enjoyed reading it!
Tenshi-Chikyuu chapter 26 . 6/22/2010
GREAT STORY. The only problem I saw was that I wanted to get to see Serenity fly her broom, I bet it would have been faster than Harry's Firebolt...
WingedEagle chapter 1 . 12/17/2009

Just read the Within the Chamber She Lies Story, was good, just wanted to point out/ask a few things. Firstly, what does this do for the story, especially as it's opening paragraph(s):


Neo-Queen Serenity and her court lived a full and happy life until it is finally time for Lady Serenity to take the throne with Helios at her side. The day of the crowning, Chaos appears once more to shatter the queen’s life.

Serenity retaliates with force, protecting the others with a powerful shield against their will. She fights Chaos with all she has, all along thinking about her days of freedom when she was Sailor Moon, when she could freely roam the city as she pleased.

With one last goodbye smile towards her king, daughter and senshi, she uses the Ginzuishou to banish Chaos once again but in the process Chaos unleashes a deadly attack and shatters the Crystal. The 2 most powerful beings in this universe disappeared without a trace this fateful day, leaving a once more peaceful world behind.

Of course, everyone is devastated but they are all now wondering; she was supposed to become Cosmos after her reign as Neo-Queen Serenity… What happened for her fate to change, and what will happen to her now? It even left Pluto baffled."

And later (i forget where) you mentioned about something abnormal in her blood, but you never mentioned it again... It's just, like you throw clues at the reader that are irrelevant. Might want to watch that.

Found the story overall good, little too fast/unbelievable with the relationship, estrangment of Ron/Hermione and Umbridge's demise though...

But still, one of the better stories out there.

Also, I love your the world without me story, look fowatds to its completion.

keep up the good work.
Chelly18 chapter 26 . 6/29/2009
wow what a story. This is the first sailor moon/ Harry Potter fic i've ever read. It was interesting and I enjoyed it. Good job :P
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