

Everything came to a sudden stop, the music, the dancers, and all conversation, everything just stopped as the entire Venusian delegation began to emit a warm golden light that seemed to come from the very depths of their souls.

They moved as one towards their Queen, the indescribably beautiful woman crafted of sunstone and gold with rare peach roses decorating her up swept hair and the bodice of her classical Hellenic gown.

The Queen's body came to life in a exotic wave and sway before she threw her arms wide, her head lulling back on it's neck in sensual display of submission as the Realm of Love was real for all those in attendance allowing them to bear witness to rarest of all of eros's most treasured of events. Soulmate and true love found as two hearts were made one.

The universe shuddered as the chorus was picked up by the Priestesses of Mars while Eros continued her pagan dance. The spirits of Aine and Aphrodite were joined in the Venusian body sending her into a wild ecstasy of a Pentecost as she cavorted and writhed as if a fire was under her skin. Those present could only watch in rapturous awe and fear as she made her away across the crowded ball until she came up a heavily draped terrace that overlooked the magnificent gardens.

Light and magic filled the room as the sensual sounds of the nearly orgasmic Venusian delegation added their swelling voices to the rhythm created by their Queen's movements. Startled and frighten by these strange aliens, the terran nobility could only stared wide-eyed and slack-jawed as the panting golden woman sudden dropped to her knees.

Her entire upper body was pressed low to the floor, her long golden hair fell forward braced on the left and right by her elegant bronze arms with their gold and citrine armbands and bracelets and resting in her up-turned hands was a crown of myrtle, presented to the lovers hidden in the shadows.

In the cultures of Venus and Terra, a myrtle was a symbol of love and immortality: Immortal love. True love in it's purest form and this mystical crown lay at the feet of the terrace where the newly crowned King of Terra was holding the beautiful little Princess of Silver Millennium in a very intimate embrace.

The prostrate Queen of Venus and holy her blessing lay ignored along with all the others who stared openly at the pair who were yet to show that they acknowledged the events that had just occurred. No, Endymion was not ready to part from his love.

The long war was finally over and Cosmos had been victorious.

When the Senshi dared to approach her they saw Cosmos standing over the body of Chaos laying face down in the grass, dead and defeated.

Cosmos held Chaos's star crystal in her hands only a moment before she released a small amount of her power into the crystal thus destroying it, and by a subsequent action, Chaos.

Her sister would finally know peace.

Slowly, almost regretfully, the Princess of Silver Millennium pulled away from the King. Her eyes drifted open as if she was awaking from a long dream as the small smile on her lips seemed to suggest. The look on her sweet face was enough to tempt Endymion and make him forget their game.

If only she would look at him like that always.

Before his eyes, Endymion watched his sons fade from existent. For a moment, his heart leap to his throat and his thoughts immediately turned to his Princess.

Had Serena fallen?

Why did the barrier come down?

And he wondered how they could fight the Accursed One now that his champion was gone. Yet before he could sound the alarm, Xanthe appeared.

The water Senshi immediately threw herself into her old mentor's arms, a happy cry on her lips as she declared Cosmos' victory. Shocked and more than bit awed, Artemis could only gape stupidly at the entrance to Elysium as the five warriors returned to this realm at the back of the small warrior that had saved them all.

Cosmos looked tried, she was holding her right arm to her chest, and she was bleeding from several cuts to her side.

She didn't allow anyone to assist her, she said that she had to see her mother, and there was little they could do to stop her.

When Endy moved in her path, to offer her his arm or anything, the look she shot him was enough to make the blood freeze in his veins.

Silently, without a word, Cosmos hobbled past him. His brother dared to ask her if she were alright.

She bit out a terse 'I'm fine' before she entered the palace.

It was then Endymion realized that she knew.

Serena, his Princess, she knew everything and…

Their Princess was one hell of actress, Apollo would give Cosmos that.

The rulers of the universe learned far too late the duplicity done to them and their Empire. Endymion and his court had played them false and now they were standing here smiling at the little bastard as he reaped his stolen awards. It took all his strength not to spit at bastard's feet or declare war on the impertinent Princeling.

Endymion and Helios could hang for all he cared, for as long as there was a Queen on Silver Millennium, Uranus would never bow to Terra.

Apollo met Persephone's gaze from across the room. They shared a meaningful look before Umino joined the Queen of Saturn and they watched their Princess move to take the crown from Eros. Umino smiled softly as he watched his friend and his King both touch the ornament before it disappeared in sparkling baubles of light and magic. The two lovers accepted the blessing of the gods and smiled happily at each other.

Nike swallowed against the bile rising her throat as she watched this farce being played out, beside her Athena Diana was glaring daggers at the terran upstart. Endymion believed that he won in his game, that his betrayal of the Silver Millennium would go unanswered and his claim on her throne without challenge. He would rue his arrogance.

Endymion believe that Senshi were weak. He had been contemptuous of them, scoffing at their power and their might. He thought they would cower before him and his father and blindly accept his thief of their kingdom and be dogs fawning at his feet without a word once they learned the truth. Such bold daring and foul-hate of them and their worlds made them loathed that they ever considered making egomanic their overlord sickened them all.

Endymion and his council seemed not understand why or how Ananke managed to weaken them when they were lived on Terra and since they had only fought their own, Terra did not comprehend their true might, the diligence that drove them in battle, or the sheer ferocity that made them the efficient killing tools of the Silver Alliance.

All of this had been awaken once the blinders had been removed from their eyes and now that they were Alphas, the limits that were even on their parents were nothing to them.

Silver Millennium would regain her honour and Endymion would bow before his rightful master like the dog he was and Bellona wanted to be one with her foot on his neck when begged forgiveness from their Queen.

A cruel smile graced Bellona's lips as she Xanthe shared a small salute.

"All hail, the Queen," Xanthe murmured.

"Long live Silver Millennium," Bella responded.

Serena meet Endy's gaze, a soft blush infused her lovely face before she bundled away by her attendants. Before she was swept out the ballroom and away from Endy Serena managed to cast a lingering glance at her soul's mate a final time and then she was gone.

And for that brief moment, he had held all that he desired in his hands and it all had been perfect.

Reality of course was another matter. With a weary sigh, Endymion looked out into the sea of people and met the sharp gaze of the Senshi.

If they wanted a fight then he was a ready opponent. Terra would not bow down to Silver Millennium and if it meant an intergalactic war for him to claim this star system as his own, then the Senshi will find him more than equal towards the task.

He could feel his Generals move to his side, ready and willing to defend him and his claim, even against those they loved. Endymion vowed that he would break each of those treacherous bitches, claim their worlds as spoils and then hand them over to his generals and make them kings yet he would make Silver Millennium heel.

For his world, for his future, for his love, Endymion would break Silver Millennium and her Senshi.

So let them come.

It was time the Senshi learned what real power looked like.

Dark navy blue eyes shifted so a soft amethyst as cruel smile twisted the young King's lips.

He was so looking forward to this.


This is the send of the series. Once I finish the Four Kings and my untitled Sailor Moon fic, I am hanging up my Sailor Moon fandom hat. It's been fun while I was here and I hope you all have enjoyed this.

Later kids.
