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![]() Author has written 14 stories for Bleach, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Doctor Who, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Star Trek: 2009, Negima! Magister Negi Magi/魔法先生ネギま!, and Supernatural. Hey! Look! What is that up there? Is it... a poll? Ooh! Why not vote? Oh, yeah! Voting is awesome! What are you waiting for? Vote! :D Disclaimer: It doesn't matter how much I'd love to, but I just don't own anything I write about on this website. They belong to their respective owners, companies, creators, etc... And if anyone here is feeling particularly bored/creative, this is a really awesome competition to enter: http://www.fictionpress.info/forum/FanBBS_Competition_Forum/4808/# I love it. You should, too. Also, my LJ is here, should you wish to look: http:/// I'm currently taking part in the Angst_Bingo challenge. Important Notice: All of these stories are 'complete'. If you wish to write a continuation, please let me know and give me credit where credit is due. Moi! So! You read this far, I'll take that to mean you want to know more about me! I read. A lot. My favourite book series is Discworld- the reason I'm reluctant to write fanfics for it? I can't possibly match the standard of Pratchett's work! And I love Diana Wynne Jones' work so, so much. Also, Garth Nix is fantastic. I'm religious, but I'm not psychotic. As in, I'm a Christian, but I don't agree with conversion and overly-enthusiastic evangelism, but I do agree with equality for everybody, regardless of religion or sexuality or any of that other stuff that doesn't really matter. I like science (Especially psychology! Also, sub-atomic physics is interesting, but I'm too dumb to understand most of it.) and am one of those strange religious people who have no problem with science- I see them as different parts of a jigsaw. One being 'how', the other 'why'. And, because I am English, I love Doctor Who. My friends and I have conversations that go as: "Rory! :)", "OMGWTFRORY!!! D:" "Doctor... lol :P" and "OMGWTFRORY! :DDDD" You'll understand if you've seen the fifth series of the reboot. Also, I LOVE tea. Do not disrespect the cuppa. (How did that come last? I'm British! WTH?!) Fanfics! Well. Writer's block. Again. What else can I say? It may have something to do with the fact that my computer finally died so I'm using a different one without my files. Started yet another new fanfic, How to be a Hero. I'm quite pleased with it so far. Reviews! I like reviews, but if you have a personal problem with something I write about, then please don't read or review. If you want to have a discussion over personal preferences, then that is just awesome, but I would really rather just read critique about how to improve my writing- stuff you thought I did well/could have done more interestingly or whatever other comments you have. Conversations and discussions can be made in PMs Also, I LOVE reviewers! Even if you're not all positive, reviews are awesome. Course, flames aren't awesome, but constructive critisicm is. What I like to read (or review) Interesting, twisty plots. Unusual pairings. Believable characterisation. Good English. Patient pacing. Common pairings... with a twist! AU fics. Especially well done, completely out-of-the-box AU fics. Fun, tongue-in-cheek humour. Clever crack/parody. Realistic stories. (As in, I could imagine it happening and nothing is too out of place- eg, a curtain-fic where the characters are acting like themselves and any problems they face aren't superficial, OTT or pointless.) I'm into both seriously dark and subtly hilarious fic, but both must be done well. Mood-whiplash-endings-of-twistiness. When it's made clear that an author really knows their subject matter. What I don't like to read (or review) Bad English (unless it's a second language or if the writer is dyslexic, there is no excuse.). Cliched plots and pairings with nothing different about them. Too fast or too slow pacing. Badly-done AUs. Plotless fics of any kind. Tasteless jokes. Over-exaggeration. Anybody's views shoved in my face and down my throat. Unrealistic stories. (Unless it is intentional. In which case it's awesome. And hilarious.) Pairings! (Like, seriously. I swear down.) I will read almost any pairing. As long as it's not icky. Like pedophilia or something just as ew. I like slash and het, but I'm rather picky about femmeslash. Maybe that's 'cause I'm a girl. As long as the pairing is done well, or is believable, I'll try reading it. Although I prefer twisted, angsty relationships that aren't really canon. And sometimes timey-wimey selfcest, although I'm not into graphicness. Eg... D.Gray-Man, Earl/Allen or Earl/14th or even Allen/14th. Doctor Who, Dark!Onesided!Rory/Doctor. Bleach, Ginjo/Ichigo, Ginjo/Tsukishima, onesided!Byakuya/Renji, Urahara/Mayuri, Ulquihime, Grimmquiorra or Gin/Aizen. The World Ends With You, Week 1!Shiki/Eri. Ace Attorney, Diegodot. Supernatural, Yellow-Eyes/John (even YED!John/Dean or Sam.) Hetalia: Er, take your pick of a huge variety of historical events. And then write a fic about it. You get the picture. I thrive from angst. It's probably not healthy. I do like more canon/normal pairings too, though!- Doctor Who, Amy/Rory. Bleach, Ichihime, IchiRuki, GinRan, Byakuya/Hisana, Urahara/Yoruichi. Harry Potter: Sirius/Remus, Remus/Tonks. Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Tsuna/Gokudera, Tsuna/Kyoko, Tsuna/Enma. Hetalia, GerIta, GrePan, AusHun, FlyingMintBunny/HerrSchtick, HerrSchtick/Germany/Italy, Wales/NewZealand. Like, practically canon pairings. And then there's the ones that are truly epic and lovely... but getting them together needs AU. Bleach, Shunsui/Starrk, Kensei/Hisagi. Harry Potter, Severus/Lily Ttly srs epileptic trees I subscribe to: Hetalia: Prussia is now the Internet, and Holy Rome is now Germany. Doctor Who: Rory is now the DW version of Kenny. Soon his deaths will become even more frequent and increase dramatically in their idiocy, preventability, hilarity and general weirdness. Eventually, he'll just wake up the morning after dying, in his bed in the TARDIS, good as new, wondering what the hell happened yesterday. Bleach: Shuu-chan's power is to be a Mary-Sue! (hey, wait a second...) So, having read this far, have some general stuff about what's happening with my stories. COMPLETE: Danger of Divination All Angst_Bingo entries for 2011 Stupid Maes! (I am fully aware of the mistakes in this, so let's just say it's an extremely intelligent AU, honest, swear down, totally did do the research, OK. So did not write that before watching the episode/reading the chapter.) Thank You 77 (Soon to be rewritten or something) League Of Evil Robin Hood (And England, a-walkin' through the forest...) (A possibility of sequels including other UK/Irish folk heroes. Probably the Fianna and King Arthur, suggestions welcome but be sure you know lots of the suggested tales because I'll milk ya for every last detail!) Dying Illogical ON HIATUS (AKA, I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER WHERE I WAS GOING) Help Walk a Mile in 24 Hours Cero De Numero Brainiac: Bleach Abuse I DON'T EVEN KNOW (AKA, MY MUSE IS MISSING): Hop, Skip, Jump Change Your Mind (tenatively writing a second chapter) Just A Place To Stay DEFINATELY UPDATED ONE DAY IN THE FUTURE: Notes On Love (also tentatively writing a second chapter) Out Harder Than It Looks And some possible stories. If there's one in particular that takes your fancy, PM me and I'll see what I can do. AUs: Bleach: 'Normal' AU- a look at life in the Kurosaki household with twins Yuzu and Karin, and their older brothers... one of whom is returning home after his long-term hospitalisation. OCs: D.Gray-Man: Series of standalone stories focusing on OC exorcists and their various situations, relationships, their views of the Order and life in general. Sort of an alternate look at events? Fullmetal Alchemist: I remember starting a story like this a while back and deleting this, but oh well... A maybe-AU in which the Elric Brothers are missing, and a ragtag bunch of misfit soldiers and state alchemists have been charged with finding them. In other words, a slight parody playing 'spot the trope'. Other: Discworld, focused on Moist von Lipwig and mental illness. A crazy mishmash between the book and the Sky adaption. (I like both, but prefer the book. The terrible script and acting in Sky is rather endearing... so bad it's good, perhaps?) Sherlock Holmes (Unsure of which adaption) Watson is increasingly worried about Holmes' drug habits. Really weird conversations happen. The power of friendship may or may not prevail. Alternatively, a Victorian-verse story where the pair (or maybe just one) are falsely accused of sodomy. DRAMA! |