Here's another Doctor Who fanfic! I'm a bit obsessed with these at the moment, you'll have to forgive me!
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who, or any of the characters. Or Matt Smith (sniff). Oh, well. A girl can dream.
The Doctor was in the TARDIS control room. He wasn't actually flying the ship at the moment, but was instead fixing something complicated-looking and sharp beneath the console. He hummed happily to himself, and swung gently on the little seat he was suspended on.
Amy's scream echoed through the corridors of the TARDIS. Immediately, the Doctor leapt off his swing and ran through the door and down the corridor towards Amy's room. He flung open the door and looked around wildly, his manic hair flying in all directions. At last, his gaze came to rest on Amy, who was staring, horrified, at her mirror.
"Amy! What's happened?"
"There's a – there's a-"
Amy pointed to the mirror, and the Doctor followed her finger to her reflection's forehead. There, right in the middle, was a huge spot.
"You're joking."
The Doctor closed his eyes and shook his head.
"You were screaming about a spot?"
"Would you care to tell me why the spot is the reason for scaring me half to death?"
"Why! Why! That – that thing" – she pointed to her forehead, a look of disgust on her face – "has completely dominated my entire face!"
The Doctor almost laughed, but decided not to when remembered what had happened when Martha had had one. She had slapped him for saying he couldn't see it.
He went and stood behind her, and squinted into the mirror. He honestly couldn't see why she was so het up about something so trivial, but he decided not to voice his opinion as it would probably earn him, perhaps not a slap, but something just as bad. So he just smiled at her, and focused on the rest of the reflection instead, trying to find something to distract her from. Suddenly, he froze.
"Amy, do you trust me?"
"Yes?" she replied, confused by his apparently random question.
"Then do exactly as I say, and don't move."
"What? Why?" she said, twisting her head round to see him.
"No! Stay exactly where you are."
"Doctor, what's going on?" Amy was beginning to feel a little scared. Still, at least she could blink, unlike last time he'd told her to stay still.
"Amy, I am so sorry. So, so sorry. I need you to look into that reflection, and tell me what's wrong."
Feeling more than a little scared now, Amy's eyes scanned the room in the reflection.
"What is it? Doctor, there's no difference!"
"Yes there is. Don't look round, but you know that door right behind you? The one that's closed?"
Amy located it in the mirror, and replied in the affirmative.
"Amy, I didn't shut that door. That door is still open."
"What? I don't understand what you're - "
And the suddenly Amy saw what she'd been missing.
"Oh no."
"Yes," the Doctor said, still staring at the reflection of the door. "That door is definitely open. So how is that possible?"
The door in the reflection was closed.
Hope you liked it! Chapter 2 will be up soon, please review! :)