Author has written 19 stories for Misc. Games, Pokémon, Mechwarrior/Battletech, Digimon, and StarTrek: Other.
I'm 16 and a big military expert/scholar. I go to Irvington High School in California with my wonderful girlfriend May, and I hope to be at least a part-time professional author some day, as well as a psychologist. I play computer games frequently and i dabble in the genres of flight sims, tank sims, good first person shooters, and, in a special category all its own, Rune. My favorite game, by far, is Battlefield 1942, and you can find me as -]D2D[-FeNriR. It's been about 3 years since I last wrote something on here, so I just come back periodically to check reviews and take a walk down memory lane by scrolling through my earlier works. I like action or humor quickly and don't have the patience for 100 pages of character development, but a good story must also have depth and intrigue. If you liked my writing, my darker side is at http:/// I warned you.