My name is Zane Truesdale. I'm 15 years old. Heck, I don't know why I'm telling you this. I'm just outside the signup building for duel academy. My former trainer is the counselor of this school. Just six years ago I obtained by trusted partner, Cyber End Dragon from him. Well him is Master Sheppard. I obtained the card in the Himalayas, the highest mountain range in the world. The Roof of the World. It's a strange place for someone like me who came Japan to train for duel monsters there. I spent my time on Everest training hard, it paid off as I added new things to my deck of cyber dragons. Together, we won many tournaments in the past five years. Some call me a child prodigy, others call me crazy insane. But I call myself one who only looks for new challenges.
I reached the front desk and told the lady my name. "Zane Truesdale, I'm here for the entrance exams." The woman seemed speechless. I tried my best not to look exasperated but patiently waited for the lady's reply. "I have orders from Counselor Sheppard that you are to be automatically placed in Obelisk Blue. Our highest rank, Mr. Truesdale." I lifted an eyebrow. "No thank you, I wish to participate in the entrance exams." The lady looked confused but accepted. She handed me a ticket, 21. "When they call you name, Mr. Truesdale just proceed down to the Arenas below and an instructor will test you on your dueling skills, first though go to you left to the testing room for your written test, here's a pass." I accepted the pass and turned to the examination room until I saw someone running towards the door. The door was of the finest glass and that person didn't seem to know that. I wanted to warn him but unfortunately he already collided with the glass. The woman and I flinched at the sickening thud. The women seemed to be frozen with surprise. I sighed and opened the door and checked on the boy. He was probably by age and he had long dark hair. His face was turning red and he seemed to be seeing stars. He opened his mouth in a stupid grin. "Yuh, Lexi thish for you and I hipe yuh really unjoi it…" He kept on blabbering. I tried my best not to roll my eyes.
"Are you alright?" I asked him after shaking him a little. He snapped out of it and sat right up and in result his head banged hard against mine. I said nothing but he, "Ouch! Oh sorry, dude. I was rushing a bit and I guess I don't know what hit me." I pointed to the half-open door. "Oh," was what he said. I helped him up. The brunette introduced himself, "My name's Atticus Rhodes, what's yours?" I was about to tell him my real name but I remembered my past experiences. "I'm Kay… er Smithfield." Atticus cast me a weird look. "Oh uh nice name, so Kayer are you here for the entrance exams too?" I put on a fake smile and said yes. "Yeah, I'm just about to take the written exam. See you later." I gave him a small wave as I rushed to the testing room.
The exam was a piece of cake. I didn't really expect it to be that easy I mean it was a placement exam. Maybe I'll face harder tests later and this was just to give me a false sense of security. I made my way to the dueling rooms. The duels were mildly interesting. I saw Atticus and Atticus saw me. He waved at me to come over and I did. He introduced me to a bunch of girls who seemed to think that both Atticus and me were eye candy or something. "Hey girls, this is Kayer Smithfield. Kayer meet my fan club." I wasn't amused.
"…You have a fan club?" Atticus slapped me on the back. "Yup! Always had one all the way from grade school!" The girls bashed their eyelashes at me. I wanted to retch but resisted the impulse. The loud speaker went on. "Number 22 please attend duel arena C in five minutes." Atticus checked his ticket. "That's me! See you!" He waved before rushing down the steps. I cast him a pleading look not to leave me with these fan girls.
It was a great duel. Atticus had a strange choice of cards but he beat his opponent in just a short amount of turns. Girls seemed to melt before them as they cheered for his victory and hoped for his attention. Atticus seemed to like the stardom and always winked, causing the girls to faint. This guy was very interesting. "Number 21, please proceed to Arena A!" I walked down the stairs and onto one of the fields. It reminded me of the tournaments I entered. Well then before I knew it people were shouting my name.
"OMG IT'S ZANE TRUESDALE I SAW HIM FIRST, I SAW HIM FIRST!!!" Girls seemed to want to jump off the railings just to get at me. I didn't dare glance at Atticus. I cursed at the public's stupidity. I wanted to scream for them to shut the hell up but instead I sighed faced my examiner and activated my disk. This was going to a challenge.
"Cyber End Dragon, Finish him off!" I obliterated the last of my opponent's life points one turn later. I almost grew deaf with all the cheering. I turned of my disk and made my way back dodging fan girls on my way. I finally found Atticus. I had no idea why I wanted to find him. Maybe I wanted to apologize. I was just about to say something before he started to scream over me like everyone else but he only had a strange grin on his face that struck me dumb. "So you're really Zane Truesdale huh? Well you do have a talent of fooling someone!" He slapped me on the back but I appreciated how he kept those rabid fan girls away from me. He actually seemed to understand me.
I've made my first true friend.
We waited in line for our uniforms and test results. I scored the highest score possible in both written and dueling exams. It didn't surprise me much. Atticus's score was a couple hundred lower than mine but he was still considered advanced. It seemed that we two were the ones with the highest freshmen scores. And as our 'reward' we received two Obelisk uniforms that had reverse colors. Atticus was modeling in front of the changing mirror while I waited already changed on a bench reading a newspaper. Finally when he was satisfied with how he looked we both boarded the planes to Duel Academy.
We both were given first-class seats. It would be a long flight so I pulled out me deck. I browsed through my deck. Atticus saw me. "Hey, neat card you got there. We got to duel each other sometime."
"I agree." I looked at my three Cyber Dragons. They had won me many duels and helped me through tough situations. We were forever bonded. They were my Aibou
Dear Cyber Dragon
New Story! Have you ever wondered what happened the moment Zane and Atticus met? There first year at DA? Well that's what my story's for. Now reviews are highly appreciated on a new stories' first chapter. I need your opinions and what do you think about this?