AUTHOR'S NOTE - I have no idea as to where this idea came from, but it is just something my rather random brain cooked up while bored.
One day, Castiel walked down an otherwise deserted corridor in a cheesy motel, while humming a pretty tune. He stopped outside a closed door wondering what all the commotion was about coming from inside, before he burst in, saying - "I wonder what all this commotion is, coming from in here?"
"Somebody's stolen all the donuts!" Dean Winchester said, staring down at a woefully empty plate and he looked as though he had tears in his eyes.
Castiel struck an angelic pose before saying to Dean - "Never fear, Castiel's here to save the day!"
Without warning, he took off his shirt, revealing a cotton vest with a Super-Castiel logo on it, before removing his pants to reveal a matching pair of Super-Castiel boxer shorts.
He struck a heroic pose before saying - "I'll get your donuts back, Dean! For I am Super-Castiel!"
He strode purposefully out the room, flicking his angelic wings dramatically as he went.
"Dude, you're awesome!" Dean shouted after him.
Castiel strode down the corridor, before bumping into Sam Winchester, who was eating a slice of pepperoni pizza with some obvious enjoyment. Castiel knocked the pizza from Sam's shocked fingers before Sam could do anything to stop him.
"Castiel!! What the hell are you doing, dude? Why are you wearing nothing but a vest and your boxers huh? I was eating that pizza you know!!" Sam complained loudly.
"I'm not Castiel!! I am Super-Castiel and I am searching for donuts!" Castiel announced, striking another manly pose in front of Sam.
Sam didn't look impressed.
"Didn't have to knock my pizza from my hand!! It was PIZZA dude, not donuts!" Sam pointed out, with a scowl.
"Oh, yeah, sorry Sam, just got a little carried away, then," Castiel said, before bending to retrieve the pizza from the ground, dusting it off carefully before giving it back to the younger Winchester.
"Thank you, Castiel for you have truly saved my pizza's life!" Sam said, snarkily, before continuing on his way, chomping happily on his pizza.
"Guess it's not Sam with the grabby hands of doom then! My job here is not yet finished!" Castiel said to himself. "Which leaves me only one person - Bobby!"
Castiel strode through the motel corridors, only finding Bobby when he eventually looked in the toilets. Bobby was sitting in a basin, looking guilty with sugar smeared round his mouth, while chewing voraciously on a mouthful of donut.
"Wasn't me! I didn't steal the donuts!" Bobby said immediately upon Castiel's arrival.
"Riiiight!" Castiel said, unimpressed, before picking up a large donut crumb from Bobby's t-shirt and raising an eyebrow.
Bobby just smiled guiltily but said nothing.
"Bobby Singer, you have grabby hands of doom, I tell you and I hereby charge you with daylight donut robbery and greivious mental harm to Dean Winchester. Plus you made me knock Sam's pizza to the ground for no apparent reason. For this, you have to buy all of us three boxes of donuts each in every single city we stop in on this hunt, but - BUT - only if you do not any more yourself. Do this or face the wrath of the mighty Super-Castiel!" Castiel told Bobby sternly. "Do this or I will smite you if you do not comply!"
"Why do I have to listen to you?" Bobby asked, pouting hugely up at the taller man.
"Because I am Super-Castiel and I am made of all kinds of awesome! Now do it, or face my mighty smite-y skills!" Castiel told him, before striding from the room, leaving Bobby no choice but to follow him, still covered in sugary donut remnants.
Bobby made good on what Castiel had ordered him to do, because he did not want to be accosted by a half-naked angel again, even though the sight had been quite marvelously heroic!